DataGridView Not Allowing Integers / Doubles And Strings In Same Column
Jul 14, 2011
I am using an oleDb connection to connect to an excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) file and load the information into a datagridview. From there I hope to have it edited by a person and programmatically at runtime. However, I noticed that when I import a file that has integers in a column, it will not import any of the string values in that column. Also, It will not allow me to manually enter strings into that column at runtime - it results in an error stating: [Code]
View 16 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
Some codes here on how could I validate my datagridview? I mean, a certain column on my datagridview should accept integers only, otherwise, it will return a messagebox. Kindly include on which event it should be posted.
View 17 Replies
Nov 22, 2010
The following works:
string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" + str_excelFileOnLocalMachineInReports + ";";
connectionString += "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [pFACTData$];");
But as soon as I change any of the numbers to doubles (e.g. 23.32457) I get a crash (it doesnt crash on the insert, it crashes on the next one:)The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field name: '23#2345'. Make sure you have typed the name correctly, and try the operation again.
View 2 Replies
Mar 24, 2011
How do I only allow integers to be entered when coding for a calculator in Visual Basic 2008 while allowing real numbers to be displayed as the result of a calculation?I thought I had come up with the solution but I think I may have made a mistake in my coding...
Public Class Form1
Private Sub GroupBox1_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GroupBox1.Enter
End Sub
View 4 Replies
Aug 13, 2009
I am working on a UDP Client/Server, and currently i have them sending back and forth strings, which i convert to bytes, and then open the bytes to read. I want to now send an Object instead of those strings, which includes multiple unsigned integers and strings.
View 39 Replies
Jul 14, 2011
I wonder, whats the proper, accepted way to convert doubles to strings? I've heard cstr(blah) is wrong (despite it working perfectly OK for me....), what is the proper way to do this say if I want to display the value of a double in a textbox (along with 'the answer is' or somesuch)?
View 1 Replies
Jan 8, 2009
i've to declare two constant arrays one bidemensional of strings the other bidimensional of Doubles?
View 10 Replies
Feb 10, 2011
I suspect there is something wrong in my application, specifically in a part where I have to compare a couple strings and a couple integers.
I do something like this:
If myString = myOtherString Then
do something
End If
And the same thing for integers.
However, for some reason, it is not returning true... also, I heard somewhere there were more proper ways to compare strings and integers.
View 1 Replies
Apr 6, 2009
I'm trying to split an inputted string (txtStart.text) into separate integers. The split function works fine for me, but I can't figure out how to store the each part of the array... This is my current code that I based on an example from MSDN library:
Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click
End Sub[code]......
View 27 Replies
Jul 10, 2010
if i have 2 textboxes and i want to do subtraction with textbox1 and textbox2.
The value inside textbox1 is "5 12 30 8 2"
The value inside textbox2 is "7 9 14 8 3"
May i know what can i do so that the result will be "-2 3 16 0 -1"???
View 9 Replies
Jan 16, 2011
I suspect there is something wrong in my application, specifically in a part where I have to compare a couple strings and a couple integers.
However, for some reason, it is not returning true... also, I heard somewhere there were more proper ways to compare strings and integers.
View 1 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
Originally i wanted to ask if it's faster to sort Integers than Strings.But i have answered this question myself and i'm suprised of the big difference.Why is sorting and BinarySearch Integers as much faster compared to Strings?
The (VB.Net) Test with 1.000.000 Int32/Strings:
Private Function CheckIntBinarySearch() As TimeSpan
Dim watch As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
Dim rnd As New Random(Date.Now.Millisecond)
Dim intCol1 As New List(Of Int32)
Consider having large collections of "String-Integers"("1","2","3",...). Would it even be better to parse them to integers before sorting and searching them? What is the cost of parsing Strings to integers?
View 5 Replies
Feb 9, 2009
I have a "if This > That then" statement, that doesn't seem to work, as it triggers regardless that "This" is smaller than "that". Does it matter that these variables are marked as strings vs integers?
View 8 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
How would I create a list of elements in VB.NET, save it to a .dat file, and make Ruby re-create such list (as an array) with such elements (they will be strings, booleans and integers)?
View 2 Replies
Jun 6, 2011
How do I declare that my column 4 should accept integers only?
View 1 Replies
May 20, 2009
i need to do a macro. this is what my excel looks like
1 2 3 4
seq1 name name seq2
abcde vv1 abcdddd
abcxy vv2 abcdlmn
View 1 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
I have a datagridview that has three columns. All three fields are unique fields in the Access table that the datagridview reads from in order to make sure that an entire record is unique. I have a form where a user can add a new record. Upon opening the form, two of the three fields have data automatically entered, leaving one field for the user to enter information. The field that the user needs to enter information in is put in edit mode. The problem I am having is that I have a Cancel button if the user does not want to enter a new record and wants to close the form. I tried using the following line of code to remove the current record that has information in two of the three fields before closing the form:
View 9 Replies
May 6, 2010
how to convert an array of strings to an array of integers? I want to convert a string array with 77, all string numbers, to an integer array?
View 1 Replies
May 3, 2012
I have a DataGridView that I am adding rows to manually. After adding rows & then sorting the cells seem to be sorted by string, E.g.
I have multiple columns with numbers available, is it possible to sort by Integer?
View 1 Replies
Mar 20, 2010
I tried coding for an application that will display the positive integers, negative integers and zero entered in a inputBox. for some reason it keeps crashing is my code. paging all visual basic professionals. [code]
View 6 Replies
May 14, 2009
I have a DataGridView that has some columns with dates. It binds to an in-memory Datatable which gets loaded from an string array of data passed back from the backend Some of the rows returned have nulls for the date columns. Solution 1: If I define the Date column in the DataTable as "string" I can easily convert those nulls to empty strings and display it in the grid as empty strings (desired results). However, if the user clicks on the date column header to sort by date, it doesn't order the rows as you want. You get a purely string sort order. Not acceptable
View 2 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?
View 27 Replies
Feb 2, 2012
Basically I have and array of integers that vary in size. I need to compare each number to each other number and display which number is repeated. For example:
Dim ints() As Integer = {1,2,2,5,4,6}
The number that shows up more than once is 2.
How can I run through the array and compare each integer with the numbers in the array. I tried a for loop but it didn't return the value I was looking for.
View 3 Replies
Oct 16, 2009
Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?
View 2 Replies
Feb 24, 2010
Add persistence to multible DataGridView in terms of Hide/Show column and column width
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Feb 13, 2012
It seems that on clicking datagridview column header, the column will be automatically sorted based on the column type. I have a column showing some numbers. If column type is string, it sorts "1","20","3" into "1","20","3". If column type is double, it sorts into "1","3","20" which is the result that I want. However, there might be some erros in the numbers and error messages(text) will show in the cell instead of numbers. So I cannot set the column type as double. I want to ignore these error messages and sort all the numbers. How can I do this?
Also, I need to add some background colors to different rows in datagridview. So in the column header click event, I call the bkgColor Sub to achieve this. My question is that how can I override the sorting method in this event?
Private Sub DataGridView1_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.ColumnHeaderMouseClick
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Feb 27, 2009
i have a datagridview with three columns. i set the first column to visible=false, so the user can only see two columns.when the user presses the tab key in the first visible column -- column(1), i want to ignore column(2) so that the user only tabs through the rows in column(1)i can't get it to work. it will always tabs through the rows in column(2) even if i use the column name.
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Mar 25, 2011
I want to disable column in datagridview so the column will not receive focus,
when user press tab to move from cell to cell this column will be skipped and the focus move to the next cell or column.
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Jul 8, 2010
In my window application i have taken one combobox field with its collection as "amc", "war" etc. Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war". I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.
View 1 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
in my window application i have taken one combobox column with its collection as "amc", "war" etc.Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war".
I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.
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