Date - Unable To Calculate Datediff Correctly?

Feb 11, 2012

I'm trying to get an If statement to check is the date picked from a datetimepicker is at least 3 days prior to the current date, I can get it to calculate the difference however if I chose a date that 4 days prior to the current date (i.e the result being -4), the else statement doesnt this something to do with the result being a negative value? I did try to assign the DateDiff result to a variable defined as a short and then used this variable in the If statement, but still get the same issue. Option Strict isn't showing any issues.


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DateDiff Not Working Correctly When The Date Has Time Specified In AM/PM?

Jul 22, 2009

I found very wiered behaviour for DateDiff. or any other kind to date difference methods avalibale when Date has AM/PM specified in it.

Cl.LunchStartTime =
"2009/7/13 12:10:00 AM"
Cl.LunchEndTime =


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Unable To Read Time Date Correctly?

Feb 19, 2012

I am reading a CSV file using OLEDB command in VB.Net

Everything is working fine. the only problem is that one of my columns has time value in a format "07:53.8"

When i read this value using dr.item(1), it reads the string into a date "01/25/2012".It gives me the same value in dr.item(0)

I am not able to read the correct value as shown in the CSV file.

following is the code

For I As Integer = 0 To 2
dr = dt.Rows(I)


View 7 Replies - Handle DateDiff If One Date Is Blank?

Oct 5, 2010

How can we handle the case where one date is blank in DateDiff method? Example:

DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, CType(txt61_2.Text, Date), CType(txt21_2.Text, Date))

In above statement fields txt61_2.Textor txt21_2.Text may be empty then take it has 0

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Returning The Exact Date Difference Without Using DateDiff?

Jan 19, 2012

I need to return the exact difference between two dates in the form of a string. If the dates are 01-FEB-2012 and 01-FEB-2014, the function should return "2 years" If the dates are 01-FEB-2012 and 01-MAR-2014, the function should return "25 months". If the difference is not in exact years or months, it should return the difference in days. I do not want to use DateDiff from the Visual Basic namespace so the code is portable to C#.

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Date Method - Calculate The Number Of Years For My Calculate Age Event Handler

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to calculate the number of years for my calculate age event handler, however i am apparently missing a method or whatnot because im trying to calculate the age , can anyone suggest help on this. I need to subtract years to get my age but when i try the birthdate.Subtract (currentDate) method i get an error about not able to convert from LONG?

So below is what I have.

Private Sub btnCalculateAge_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateAge.Click
Dim currentDate As Date
Dim BirthDate As Date
Dim Age As Long


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Cannot Get Some Fields To Calculate Correctly?

Mar 29, 2010

For some reason I can not get some fields to calculate correctly. It seems anything I enter over 24 in the Pay Rate field it throws it spits out the exact numbers I am trying to multiply. The FWT (0.2), FICA(0.08),and State fields (0.25) respectively.


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VS 2008 - Datediff - Program That Will Count Down The Hours To A Specific Date

Jul 30, 2010

I want to make a little program that will count down the hours to a specific date. I.E. "Hours until: ##/##/##"

Like they do for new year and other big events in the world or whatever but I'm having big problems. I don't know how to use datediff to compare the difference in hours from 1 date to the next.

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Errors When Calculating - Doesn't Calculate Anything Correctly ?

Sep 9, 2009

I am making this program for a school assignment but it has errors when calculating

Private Sub frmReceipt_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'When this form is loaded, assign the date to the date label & start the timer
lblDate.Text = Date.Now


So if counter finishes, execute the following code

If counter > 4 And km >= 1 And kmcashset = 0 Then 'If there is still kms to calculate 'And kmcashset = 0
kmcashholder = kmcash
km = km / 5


And if I add counter = 0 and km = 0 at the end of that "If counter > 4 And km >= 1 And kmcashset = 0" Then it doesn't calculate anything correctly. I supply it with 9 for Distance and it returns 4 for excessdistance which is correct but returns 7 for excessdistancecharge when it should be 4! When I supply 23 for Distance it returns 18 for excessdistance and 11 for excess distance charge which is correct. (???)

Excessweightcharge calculates correctly.

I think it may be the way I'm implementing it, through the use of AND or maybe it's because it's in timer tick?

-Minimum charge of $5 which covers 10 kgs for the first 5 kms only
-Each kg over 10 kgs incurs a charge of $0.50
-Distances over 5 kms incur an additional charge of $1 per km up to 10 kms
-For deliveries over 10 kms, the extra distance should be rounded up to the nearest 5 kms and charged at $2 for each extra 5 km block.

Packet weighing 9kms travelling 9 kms
Standard charge for first 5 kms ($5.00)
Weight less than 10 kgs so no extra weight charge
Extra distance charge 9 - 5 kms = 4kms x $1 = ($4)
Total delivery charge = $5 plus $4 = $9

[But my program returns 7 for excess distance charge]

Packet weighing 33kgs travelling 23 kms
Standard charge for the first 5 kms ($5)
Excess weight 33 - 10 kgs = 23kgs x $0.50 ($11.50)
Extra distance (23 - 5kms = 18kms):
18kms ( 5 to 10 kms at $1/km) = ($5)
13kms (18-5)/5 = 3 (rounded up) x $2.00 = ($6)
$5 + $6 = $11
Total delivery charge = $5 plus $11.50 plus $11 = $27.50

[My program calculates everything correctly]

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Exiting Sub - Program Calculate Fibonacci Sequence Which Calculates Numbers Correctly

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to create a program which will calculate the Fibonacci Sequence which calculates the numbers correctly however, there are a few problems.

1. When using a Do While...Loop the program becomes non responsive.

2. Kind of dealing with the program becoming non responsive; I am unable to stop the process by forcing the sub to Exit.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Operation.Text = "Calculating...."
EStop = False


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Unable To Use Auto-complete TextBox Correctly?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a small problem with my AutoComplete Textbox in that it doesn't replace what I type with the item from the drop down list. This is hard to explain so I will start off with the AutoComplete of the combobox and how it works.

If I create a combobox with the following listitems (pay attention to case as this is the actual problem)


Now I can set my AutocompleteSource to ListItems and when I begin typing into a combobox I get a list of matches (Using SuggestAppend)So if I type i (lowercase) I get a list containing Item1 and Item2 with tem1 added and selected for overtyping in my combobox text. Now if I press Tab or Enter, My combobox.text is updated with Item1 with the proper casing from the list even though I typed a lowercase i. This is not how it is working in the textbox. Using the following code:

Dim mySource As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
mySource.AddRange({"Item1", "Item2", "Production1", "ProductionItem2"})
TextBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource = mySource
TextBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
TextBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend

When I begin typing in the textbox, again, the list drops down. And again, when I type a lowercase i, I get a list containing Item1 and Item2 with tem1 filled in to my textbox. Now if I press enter or tab, my textbox is filled with item1 instead of Item1 as it did with the combobox.

My question is:Is there a way to ensure that the text in the textbox matches the actual case of the item in the customsource? I can click the item in the dropdown and it appears in the textbox just fine. But I don't want to force my users to have to do that.

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[2008] Unable To Split The String Correctly?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a string s

dim s as string="";" ; Form1.vb ; Form1 "

I want to split it and get


But if I use


I will get the wrong result because of the first string has a comma.

View 21 Replies

'calculate' Date In Vb2005 With Date (VB 2005)?

Jun 25, 2009

there, im doing a leave management system with vb 2005..and here's my problem -how do i 'find' the expiry date?? eg: from the datetimepicker in my form, if the date i select is 1st january do i type the code to find the expiry date 1 year later (which is 1st january 2010) and display the date in a textbox in my form???

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Date Not Converting Correctly In .net?

Jun 10, 2012

It seems like I keep having problems with dates. I am using the following code:

Dim LocalDateCultureProvider As New CultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.ToString)
Dim CurrentDate As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
ExpiryDate = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", LocalDateCultureProvider)
If DateTime.Compare(ExpiryDate, CurrentDate) < 0 Then
MsgBox("This file has expired.")


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Correctly Converting String To Date

Dec 14, 2011

I have been unable to correctly convert a string to date. The string is read from a text file and placed into a string, below is a snippet of how the text file is read until the date is field is read:
Dim varOrderNo As String
Dim varDate As String
Static Dim currentrow(20) As String
[Code] .....

I have then tried loads of different ways to convert it to a Date so when I then write it to a SQL Database it enters as a date. The string read from the text file is in the format of 13122011. If I don't try to change it to a Date before writing to SQL it doesn't recognise it as a date and sets the field to 01/01/1900. I have tried and searched loads online and everything i try should work but doesn't.

Dim varDateConvert As Date
varDateConvert = CDate(varDate)
varDateConvert = Convert.ToDateTime(varDate)
varDateConvert = DateTime.Parse(varDate)
All of the above cause my program to drop out / crash at the point of the converting.

I have also tried to format the string to insert the '/' before converting:
txtDate.Text = varDate.Substring(0, 2) & "/" & varDate.Substring(2, 2) & "/" & varDate.Substring(4, 4)
varDateConvert = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text, Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"))

The result for the above is:
From File: 13122011
Substring: 13/12/2011
Convert: 12/13/2011 - Crashes here

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Calculate From Date To Date, MySQL?

Aug 28, 2011

Is there a query that can use to sum up data from date until another date? how to do it in VB.NET.

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.net - Databound DataGridView Not Sorting Date Correctly?

Nov 19, 2010

My DataGridView is not sorting my date column correclty and it doesn't seem to be sorting it by String either. The column is bound to a date property, all is done using the designer.The set which I'm viewing it on is 424 entries long, there should be two entries for each date and they should be next to each other (regardless if sorting by date or string)The last few dozen entries are sorted correctly but the initial entries are not.Initially every second entry at the start is correct. Here is an extract if some of the sorting it does.(The beginning of the sorted grid is on the left, and the end of grid is on the right)

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Setting A DataTable Column To A Date Format To Sort Correctly

Dec 1, 2011

First off a great piece of code [URL] you saved me soooo much time. I am a somewhat newbee to VB2010 and was wondering how would i go about setting lets say setting column(4) to a date format so that i can get it to sort in the correct order.

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 - Calculate The Y Intercept First But Unable To Call Function From Module?

Mar 13, 2011

I have to calculate y = a + Bx or y = mx + b in non engineering form. Anyways I have to calculate the y intercept first and am having trouble calling the function from a module. Here is the module and the second window will be the code from my main form


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How To Calculate Date

Nov 18, 2009

I need to add 3 months to a date so i can calculate when a clients email bundle is out for instance the client registed his bundle on 2009/09/01. I need to be able to add 3 months to this date so it comes out with 2009/12/01 and then compare the dates.

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.net - How To Calculate Time Between 2 Date

Dec 31, 2011

Can someone please help me make this work? I want to do in calculate time between to date like this:

startdate: 2011/12/30
enddate: 2011/12/31

Calculate: ? hour ? minute ? secends

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Calculate A Weekday Of A Given Date?

Nov 23, 2009

how to calculate a weekday of a given date?

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Calculate Date In Program?

May 15, 2010

I have a two maskedtextbox, one textbox named as masktxtdepostdate and , masktxtmaturitydate, txtnoofmonth.

i changed maskedtextbox property as date, in format "YYYY-MM-DD";

now i need to calculate masktxtmaturitydate after entering the values in, masktxtdepostdate and txtnoofmonth.[code]...

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How To Calculate Date Difference

May 31, 2011

I'd like do make a program which returns you how old you are, in years, months, weeks and days. But I didn't get it to compare different times. Input is a string which looks like 01.01.2011 (

My code so far is this:
dim date1 as string = '01.01.2011'
' Today
Dim date2 As Date
date2 = Date.Now
' number of seconds since date1
[Code] .....

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How To Calculate Date Time

Jun 10, 2010

write a code that can calculate the difference between the datetime a article has been published and datetime of this example :this article has been published 4 minutes ago...this article has been published about 2 days ago...

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Calculate Age In Months Given Date Of Birth?

Apr 18, 2011

Example of a function that would return an integer (how many months old) based on a persons age when given the date of birth?

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Calculate Date Difference In SQL Query?

Feb 15, 2012

I need to calculate date difference using flowing query but it does not work. [code]...

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Calculate Differences From One Date To Another With Datetimepicker?

Feb 27, 2012

Im a beginner at visual basic. I did some codes refering to a form in which I need to calculate the differences between my my date of birth to another date. I did a statement which gives me the difference between those in the format of years, but I need to know how I can put the months and days example if my birthdate is 11/26/1991 and I want to calculte how many years, month and days has transcurred until today it would be like 20 years 3 months and 11 days.


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Calculate Expiry Date On DATETIMPICKER?

Feb 11, 2012


how could i make my datetimepicker to compute for the expiry date within 5 years... example date grated is 1/2/2012 and expires on 1/2/2016

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C# - Calculate StartDate When End Date & Back Days Given?

May 5, 2011

I am developing solution where i have to calculate Start Date based on provided End date and Duration (back days) without weekends.

i.e. End Date: 05/5/2011
Back days: 5
Start Date = (05/5/2011) - 5 days (Excludes weekends)
Start Date = 29/04/2011

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