Delay Program Without Freezing?

Oct 8, 2010

how do I delay my program without freezing? I am sure there is another way to do this without timer.PHP uses sleep(). What do VB use?I tried some Delay or Sleep function but don't seem to work..

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VS 2008 : Delay Function Without Freezing Up The Program?

Aug 16, 2009

im looking for a way to have my program wait a certain amount of seconds before it goes on to the next command, ive tried the sleep command but that freezes up my program and i cannot let that happen, ive heard of using timers as a delay but i don't really know how to do that.

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Put Delay Without Freezing Form

Jun 12, 2009

put delay in without freezing form

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.net - Leaving Time Delay - Freezing The UI

Apr 9, 2011

this is urgent. i have a form in which i need to give timedelay of 3 seconds before each line executes. But when i try system.threading.thread.sleep its freezing the UI and furthermore all delays are executing as one single delay. that is


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Time Delay - Make GUI Program To Delay Before The Next Command

Dec 21, 2009

I know that time delays have been covered before around almost everywhere. however a method that forgoes forcing the GUI to become temporarily non-responsive, is all but a myth, or at least to my findings. i have the need for a GUI program to delay before the next command, however using the current method, detailed following, it causes the desired effect however it dose make it much less polished as when you click anything else on the GUI it goes un-responsive for the directed time. [Code] make a sub called say Tdelay( milseconds as integer) and have it run a loop as many times as the milseconds variable indicates and each time making the thread delay for 1 milsecond and then update the GUI/form in some way, then re-loop.

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My Program Keeps Freezing

May 20, 2011

My program keeps freezing. Here is my [code]...

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Loading Pictures Without Freezing Program?

Feb 24, 2011

So I have a bookmark function setup, and this is another functions that loads the appropriate website icon to the listview option that it goes with.

Public Sub getBookPic()
On Error Resume Next


View 21 Replies

VS 2005 Exception Freezing Program

Jul 27, 2009

I have a form with binding sources and a method for saving the data.[code]I was testing to see what would happen if the operator tried entering duplicate data in the primary key field. They exception occurred as I expected but the program gets stuck at that point. The exception messagebox just keep redisplaying when you click OK. I'm fairly new to .Net, but this code is how the help files show updating a TableAdapter using the "Try/Catch".

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Prevent The Program From Freezing While Downloading The Data?

Mar 9, 2011

My program becomes unresponsive when I download Data using WebClient.OpenRead(). What can I do to prevent the program from freezing while downloading the Data?

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Program Is Freezing While Sending Webrequest And Getting Webresponse?

Sep 16, 2009

i am trying to read website content and selecting some sites from list which contains keyword.But my program is freezing while sending webrequest and getting webresponse.Here is my code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim stream As System.IO.Stream[code]......

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 : Pass Time Without Freezing Program?

Apr 18, 2010

I would like to make my program do nothing for a few milliseconds.

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Web Scraping - Http Request In Program Freezing?

Sep 15, 2011

I have just made a program were i enter a proxy list then my software views a url over and over using the proxys . I was using a web browser in side the program but worked out slow.So i now have changed the code to htpp request. But now when i run the program it goes up by 2 the views then frezzes .Here is my code

rivate Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If ListBox1.Items.Count = 1 Then


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Set Or Create A Delay For The Program

Jan 26, 2010

how to set or create a delay for the program i have created. i'm using a barcode reader to deteck the libraryidno, it shows prompts when i just typed the characters in the textbox but if i use the barcode reader it doesn't prompt any message box because of the fast response of the system..


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VS 2008 - Getting Delay In Data Appearing When Opening Program

Dec 20, 2010

I am puzzled by a delay in my data appearing (sql sever) when I open my program. (this can be around 5 to 6 seconds). If I open it a second time it appears instantly, have I done something wrong, or not done something. I have connect to a MS access database that connection is instant always.

View 12 Replies

Making A Messenger - Program A Slight Delay In The Computer's Answer?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm working on a project where I make a automatic messenger from VBnet. I want to program a simple one that responds to certain words or phrases. However, I only know the rough basics of If...Then commands. I have a lot of problems:

1. How do I make it so the messages typed in the box actually goes up into the script box when I press send?

2. How do I program a slight delay in the computer's answer?

3. How do I set a name to the computer and to me?

4. How do I make the script goes into scrolling when it runs out of space.

5. If possible, when I type an equation in the box, can I program the computer to solve it and display the answer? I'm a beginner so I don't really know the overall organization of this project. However, I would like it to remain as simple as possible.

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 Setting A Delay - Allow Another Form To Load After My Program Display's

Feb 28, 2010

I need a way to allow another form to load after my program display's an introduction cut-scene without loading the form in the middle of the cut-scene. Sort of like a delay.

View 2 Replies

Get Program To "Sleep", Without Freezing It?

Oct 31, 2009

Is there another way to get your program to "Sleep", without freezing it?

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.net - Loading GIF Freezing Sometimes?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm trying to use a loading overlay on top of a Windows form that adds a 50% opaque layer on top of a windows form with a loading GIF, while it does what it needs to do in a background thread. The overlay is a windows form that I'm drawing in the onPaint event.

The loading overlay works fine on multiple different form loads, but fails to work properly when summoned to ensure patience during a 30 second upload process (That Prints a Word Document to PDF, then uploads that PDF to a SQL Server). This upload collects some data from the form, puts it into an Object, then operates entirely on a background thread. The loading overlay will appear, show the first frame loading GIF, then just freeze. The onPaint is getting fired and the image frame is being updated, but it isn't visible

Constructor sets the form to be UserPainted:

Sub New()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.Opaque, True)
End Sub


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FileSystemWatcher Freezing GUI?

May 25, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher monitoring a folder, and when many files are cut and pasted into the folder, the GUI freezes, as the 'Changed' event is fired over and over. Any way to deal with this?

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My SetWindowPos Freezing

Jun 10, 2010

The application is freezing on SetWindowsPos,

Sub AOnTop(frmID As Form, OnTop As Long)[code]...

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Forms :: While Loop Without Freezing?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm a VB.Net newbie, and would like to write a small app that runs a While loop to check a DNS domain name, and exits once the domain has been registered.

I found code at How to Get Host Name and IP Address in VB.Net - .Net Articles & Samples to resolve the hostname and handle the "No such host is known" error if it still hasn't been registered, but I have a couple of issues:

1. How to make sure the GUI is correctly displayed even though there's an endless While loop? Should I use some kind of asynchronous call so that the window doesn't freeze?

2. I'd like the app to mimize to the icon bar, and have its window title display some status information ("Still waiting/Registered!") so that I can simply move the mouse over it and know whether the domain has finally been registered or not.

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Forms Freezing On .show()

Mar 6, 2012

I have an application that does not load a main form. My start up object is Sub Main. I am not using the application framework. I have several classes that handle different parts of the program.

objAlerts is the main one being used for this issue I am having.

This is how they are referenced in the main program class.


This is the unfinished objAlert


My issue is that the windows (alert.Show) open in a frozen state where the mouse pointer displays the hoursglass and the window does not respond. The windows show in the list of objects no problem.

Is there a special way that I should be opening these? I can open windows on the main class no problem.

I read that <form>.invoke(alert) might work, but there is no invoke on the main class according to VB.

I am thinking this might be a threading issue, but I don't know how to fix it because this is the first program that I have made using a Sub Main instead of a form.

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IDE :: Dropdowns And Scrollbars Freezing?

Jul 30, 2009

I have MDI parent and child windows that were working fine but now clicking on a dropdown doesn't do anything, also scrollbars cannot be moved. Other controls are still ok, buttons and other links are still working. I should also note that if I change the child to load in a separate window all the controls work again.

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IE Freezing While Accessing ActiveX?

Apr 4, 2009

Lets discuss about those created active x which got created in VB6 and not working in Vista.Here i will let you know my problem,no idea wheather we need to upgrade any runtime file in VB6 or in vista?

I have done an ActiveX to get client MAC address as its major part and runs over is successfully running in Win2000, Win2003, WinXp and even with IE7 with previously mentioned Window versions.

This ActiveX was developed in VB 6.0.

This ActiveX gets installed atomatically through a cab file, whenever the application was accessed first time.

this cab file work fine in WinXP but when we try to run this cab file in vista IE get hang

Now, we have to support it with IE7 over Vista.

let me know what should I do to make it compatible with IE7 and Vista. I am using Vista Business right now.

When the application was accessed through IE7 for the first time, ActiveX installation dialog appeared. I pressed the Install button but then IE7 threw an error message that "Internet Explorer has stopped working". After that each time, whenever the application was accessed IE7 threw the same error message.

Cab file i made in VB6 using internet and deploy package wizard,along with cab file we will get one HTM file also to get Object id and code base along with version,even if we try to open this HTM file then also IE get hang.

I tested by manually registering the ocx, also turned off the Protected Mode and enabled my ActiveX through Manage Ad-on as well, but to no avail.

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Infinite Loop - TCP Freezing With .NET?

Aug 12, 2009

I made a game in VB .Net that uses tcp and sends messages back and forth.What is happening is, every so often, the message cannot be sent quickly enough, so then the TCPObj.connect() method goes into a loop, until it reaches the timeout and then spits out an error. Most of the time though, it never gets to the error, my application just freezes, and then comes back after TCPObj.connect() succeeds. How can I make the connect() method do application.doevents while it's trying to connect? Basically, I dont want it to freeze up my whole application. Since tcp.connect() is a .NET method, I can't go in and add application.doevents.

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Pause Without Freezing The Application

Dec 23, 2011

I have a loop and within that loop I'm running a Dispatcher Timer.[code]Basically what I want is to show each item in the items list pausing after each on for 5 seconds. I want to show elapsed time in a label and after the elapsed time hits 5 seconds show the next item. This is not possible using the Thred.Sleep method, because it just freezes my application for 5 seconds, and shows the next item without ever updating the label with elapsed time.So what to use instead of Thread.Sleep to not freeze the application and update the label with elapsed time?

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Stop Forms From Freezing?

Aug 21, 2010

Is there a way to stop or minimize forms and dialogue boxes from freezing? they seem to take up a lot of memory when loading to the point that they some times look transparent for a few seconds.

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VS 2008 - BackGroundWorker Freezing My App Up?

Mar 8, 2012

I was messing around with the listview Control first,, And when i got it working i thought what's this backgroundworker thing,,so i read up on what info MS had on the MSDN page..and slapped it in here..and i thought i had it working ok until i tried to move my project application to the side to reply to a instant message i got..and then i noticed that it froze up .and looked like it was using alot of system resources,But wait let me back up just a bit.originally i was trying it with a fairly small number of items, and then i seen on here where someone had posted a rather large index for testing his app with,,and while trying to load that list that's when the issue was noticed i don't really plan on loading a list as big as that test index was but, I would still like to know why the program did what it did using the code below.I'm not really asking for it to be too altered, i kinda like all the controls i have in it the moment,, and the way it loaded as well.


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VS 2010 - System.Net Freezing GUI

Dec 10, 2010

I wrote a program that visits each link in a listbox and then parses some data from the HTML. [Code] It works fine for 100 or so items, but when I load a big list (2000 items), the GUI seems to freeze. How should I fix this?

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ActiveX Blocking Functions Freezing The UI

Aug 27, 2010

Is there a way to include an ActiveX to VB .NET project without adding it to a form?

If I add it to the form and call a function on it that blocks, the UI is unresponsive until the function returns. Even if I am making the call in a different thread.

I was able to compile the code when I did not include it via the form, but got this error once I called a function on it.

Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))

How could I make the UI responsive when the ActiveX functions are blocking?

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