Deleting Item From Both Access DB And ListView?
Jul 25, 2009
Im having some trouble figuring out how I should delete these items. I want it to delete the one I have selected in the listview and delete the corresponding item in the DB. Ive tried various combination's and this is the latest one I have:
So where am I messing up? I keep getting errors no work done but when I close the form2 and open it back up no DB items show up in the Listview. But I close my project, and open it back up and they're back. All while never changing in the DB.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a list view control on one of my forms in my program.If i click on a selected item and click on the delete button it gets removed. But i want it so that if i havent got an item selected i click on delete i get a message box telling the user to select an item to delete.
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May 14, 2012
I have an ini File which I use as an "index" of jar files. The Jars are declared in it like:
Name of the jar=c:Path
So when my application starts, the ini file gets loaded in a list view. I have a delete button, with which I want to delete the jars from the list view and the ini file. It must be possible to delete multi choiced jar references. so I thought to do it with for each, so that every selected item get searched in the ini and deleted. The Error is, that the String (is correct, I tested it with a messagebox) get analysed - Unknown escape sequence R (The error is between the ** **)
My Code:
Private Sub jarDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles jarDelete.Click
If Me.ListView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
For Each item As ListViewItem In ListView1.SelectedItems
Dim GanzeZeile As String = ListView1.SelectedItems.ToString
[Code] ......
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Mar 7, 2012
How to add and view in the listview the saved item in ms access?
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Nov 11, 2011
Here's my delete button
If MsgBox("You sure?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Wait..") = MsgBoxResult.No Then : Exit Sub : End If
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open("select * from Rami where Name like '" & Me.Text & "'", cn, 2, 3)
I get that error when I try to delete:Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
View 7 Replies
Dec 2, 2008
This is what I currently have but it's not deleting the items, just showing a message
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim strTitle As String = ""
View 8 Replies
Dec 24, 2009
I've been working on a little sidebar project for fun about a casino. It may have a couple of card games like, war and eventually 5 card draw. I haven't begun any card programming yet because I'm on a screen that shows players.
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a List of an object, set to DataSource of a BindingSource, set to DataSource of a DataGridView. Then I added a DataGridViewButtonColumn which I want a click to remove that record from the collection. So I simply call collection. RemoveAt (e.rowIndex) from the DataGridView CellClick event. However this produces an IndexOutOfRange Exception; "1 does not have a value"..
So is happening here? I have maybe a vague idea, but would like to understand exactly which events are failing etc.. and what do i need to do to perform this action properly?
EDIT: This seems not to happen if I use a BindingList.. But when using a List, I get this problem..
View 1 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
What im trying to do is display my details in a listbox then the one that is selected frm the listbox is displayed in the textboxes and when delete button is clicked it is flagged at deleted??? This is what should happen!!:@
I kow there is definitely a problem with this piece of code im setting the index and length to constant numbers so if a different name is clicked it does not work!! is there another way to set this to allow for any length or index position??
CustomerIDTextBox.Text = DisplayCustomersListBox.Text.Substring(0, 4)
SurnameTextBox.Text = DisplayCustomersListBox.Text.Substring(5, 7)
ForenameTextBox.Text = DisplayCustomersListBox.Text.Substring(12, 10)
View 5 Replies
May 19, 2009
Ok, so I have a listview on one form, and when a button is pressed it opens up a new form with the contents of the selected listview item and it's subitems in a series of textboxes. The user can then change the data in the textboxes and either press save to make the changes or cancel to close the window. What command would I use to change the selected listview item and subitems to whatever is in the boxes?
this is the code that populates the boxes:
Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim appeditcontents As String = main.passlist.SelectedItems(0).ToString
View 1 Replies
May 28, 2010
I'm a beginner, and this is an assignment - I have a form with a menu strip and a listview.I also have a separate class that handles everything.When there is data in the listview, and one row is selected, I need to be able to remove that row when delete is clicked in the menu strip.The code I need to use for the delete is below. Currently it's just sitting in the class, and I don't know how to use it.
Public Sub Delete(ByVal item As employee)
If IndexOf(item) >= 0 Then '"IndexOf" looks for item, returns -1 for not found
View 4 Replies
Jan 12, 2012
removing Listbox item from checked Listview item.The code I tried just errors out.
Private Sub ListView1_ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCheck
If (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Unchecked) Then
ElseIf (e.CurrentValue = CheckState.Checked) Then
View 2 Replies
Feb 12, 2010
I have a media browser program I am building. I am trying to use drag/drop so a user can drag media tracks from one listview to another listview and then use the second list view as a playlist in windows media player com object. Reading at MSDN I have found out that there is no built in support for item re-ordering with the listview control. I have listview1 working correctly but when I try to reorder items in listview2, the dragged item ends up at the end of the list. So basically I need to get the item insertion index corrected. I have tried more than 10 times to get this code right.
Here is my code which includes a form with two listview's.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ListView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag, _
View 2 Replies
Mar 21, 2010
Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?
Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?
View 13 Replies
Apr 18, 2012
My program takes a checkboxed item and depending on the serial number that is present on the item on the invoice, subtracts one from the amount list I have the following in a listview on a details page which I added with the following code:
Item - Low Socks(pink)
Serial # - 34-75-860
Price - 5.89
Amount - 12
Right now it doesn't look like it does anything. I have tried changing my index's on my subitems to 1 and 3 instead of 0 and 2 but i figured because they are subitems that they need to be subitem index 0 and subitem index 2 since there is one item and three subitems to that one item.
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Jun 9, 2011
i have a listview with few records im able to delete the records from the listview but after deleting the record the listview is not getting refreshed [Code]
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Jan 23, 2012
I am trying to delete an item from a text file based on if an item appears in a listbox but keep getting an error " Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." The line it is returning the error on is the the first IF statement of the below text.
Dim Lines As new List(Of String) (IO.File.ReadAllLines("Carl.txt"))
For i As Integer = 0 To Lines.Count -1
If Lines(i).Contains (listBox1.text) Then
End If
IO.File.WriteAllLines("carl.txt", Lines.ToArray)
End If
View 1 Replies
Jul 24, 2009
I have made an employee list and linked it to an Access database. The initial problem I was having is that in my program I had to link their ID's and names so if you click on an employee in the listbox, his or her's ID would automatically display in the textbox below. Since I did not know how to do so, I decided to make an array and store the ID and names separately while the listbox is being compiled. And so, the form became linked and adding became easy to code.But my problem came in deleting an employee. When deleting the name should be removed from the list, but this is where the order of the arrays messed me up. How do you maintain the order of the array? Here is the code I used. I dimmed 'count' as an integer and it is responsible for keeping that order.[code]You will see Staff_CodeTextBoxes etc. and info_Staff_CodeTextBoxes. etc.These text boxes (not visible to the user) are responsible for holding the data while the array takes the data from it, or adds it's own data to it.
View 4 Replies
Jul 3, 2009
How can I delete a row from an SQL database based on what item is selected in a listbox?
The listbox is populated by the database, I bound it to the data source.
I tried this code but get an error:vb
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim myCriteria As String = CStr(ListBox1.SelectedItem) Dim deleteStr As String deleteStr = "DELETE customText WHERE userText = 'myCriteria' " End Sub
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Mar 12, 2009
i want to format listview head of listview textalign = center and item of listview textalign = right
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Jun 14, 2008
I need help on improving the performance of a program I wrote some time back. This is the main performance issue of the program below. Basically I need to look through some data that is displayed to a user in a list view and determine if the data is a duplicate of any other data in the list. If it is I need to delete the duplicate before my program continues.The below code does the job just fine, however the list view of data has approximately 30,000 rows of data. Hence looping this list 30,000 to the power 30,000 times makes the program very slow. Note subItem(4) in the data is the "unique" identifier that I later discovered was not so unique....
This was a work around function implemented in the code back when I wrote it (not meant to be permanent). I know that listView is not Ideal to store this much to store the data in a more efficient manner or improve the performance of the Search and Delete [code].....
View 10 Replies
Jul 8, 2009
We are working on an 2.0 web app that emails users an ical to save to their outlook 2003 calendar. We noticed none of the code to update or delete an item seem to work even though the ical 2.0 spec supports it. We are curious if Outlook 2003 just ignores this?Does Outlook 2007 act differently?We have situations where an event may change or be cancelled which fires off an email notification but the updated ical just adds a new event, it nevers deletes and or moves the original.
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Jun 16, 2012
I have designed a form which contains a listview(to see the list records) and textboxes (used for adding or updating).an already save record into table using this
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO student_info_tbl VALUES('" & txtUserId.Text & "','" & txtFirstName.Text & "','" & txtMiddleName.Text & "','" & txtLastName.Text _
View 5 Replies
Dec 16, 2009
I have a listview with 4 colunms
Private Sub process()
Dim datenow As String = ITEM HERE
Dim name As String = subitem1 here
I dont know how to get each (row) id call it even though its a colunm and add the item and its 3 sub items to my variables.
View 9 Replies
Jul 16, 2009
when i had 3 text box then i did the following code and it worked for me also:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con As OleDbConnection
in the above code ,depending on the textbox3.text,i performed all the deletion,so it was easy now i have got a three of combo box and three text box....... i filled the combo box with the database i want to perform deletion depending upon the selected items of any one of the three combo box........i cant get the logic of the where portion in the delete syntax.....
View 4 Replies
Mar 4, 2010
I'm trying to delete a record from my access db using code and am getting an error message.My code is as follows:
Dim mDataPath As String = Application.StartupPath
Dim strSelectedItem As String = DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Cells(0).Value
View 3 Replies
Oct 27, 2009
I have a form with a treeview and a listview. The treeview lists the folders on your system and listview shows the files in the selected folder, similar to windows explorer. I have a delete button for deleting files.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lv1.SelectedItems.Count - 1
Dim csi As CShItem = lv1.SelectedItems(i).Tag
When deleting multiple files a confirmation message box pops up for each file selected. I would like to have it come up once and ask 'Are you sure you want to send these 'x' files to the recycle bin?' where 'x' is the number of files selected.
View 3 Replies
Jul 29, 2010
I have 3 forms, one frmMain - main form, second is frmUserType- childform, and the last frmCreateUserType. In the main form I have a menu item to open my frmUserType, In this form I have a button to open another form which is my frmCreateUserType, In this form I have a button to add records then update the listview in frmUserType. The problem is the listview will not access with my add button control in frmCreateUserType. I tried not to used mdiparent declaration for my frmMain and frmUserType as children and it works, so meaning that the problem is showing my frmUserType as childform?I am using 2008
Code to open my second form (frmUserType)
Code for my add button to update the listview in frmUserType
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Mar 15, 2012
I have this problem : Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.... the button used to delete record in my project is button6 at the end of the code
My code :
Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
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Oct 31, 2011
I have been charged with porting a VB6 project into VB.NET. In vb6, if you were in a class separate to a particular variable, you could access that variable easily:
Public Class Foo
Public k As Integer
End Class
Public Class Bar
k = 12
End Class
In VB.NET, my understanding is that before you can use a variable in another class, you must declare a new instance of it:
Dim foobar As New Foo
This would be fine, but I have to access these variables from different classes and every time I declare a new instance, it wipes all old values from the variables, which I need. I tried using Inherits statements but they presented many problems.
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