Detect Collision For A Game In Program?

Aug 5, 2010

How to detect collision for a game in ( i using picturebox for every thing ).

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Game Programming :: Detect A Collision With The Edge Of A Form

Oct 2, 2009

I am currently investigating vb gaming and have set up a test project to move an object; it moves fine. The problem is that when it reaches the edge of the form it continues to move and eventually leaves the form entirely. So my question is how do i work out if my object has touched the edge of the form?

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Game Programming - Detect The Collision Of NPC's That Load Onto 2d Tile Map From Text File

Jun 25, 2009

I have a question about collision, yes my 2d tile rpg's map collision works just fine, but im having trouble with the collision with my npc's. At the start of the game it loads all the map data from a text file. well it also loads the location and other stuff about the npc's onto the map from a text file. how do i detect the collision of the npc's that were loaded from the text file, i could do collision with hardcoded npc's but i want to avoid hardcoding the game content into the game engine. RESTATING MY QUESTION: How do i detect the collision of NPC's that i load onto my 2d tile map from text file?

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Detect Collision Between A Graphics Object And Picture Object In Program?

Oct 20, 2011

I am making a lunar lander game that randomizes the terrain for each new game, so each game is different. For my game, I am creating a graphics object that draws a closed curve for the terrain of the game. I am trying to then detect if a picture object collides with the graphics object.[code]...

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Detect A Collision In A Maze?

Apr 4, 2012

I'm building a maze application in visual basic. The game relies on two variables, X and Y which are integers. There's a timer which basically invalidates the whole form for a redraw. Now my question is, that there are various squares and rectangles dotted around the form. How would I create a handler, or something as such to detect if the square that the form draws is touching these objects?[code]...

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Game Programming :: Collision Detection For Tile RPG

Feb 25, 2012

I'm trying ot make a top down rpg, or pokemon like game, but I can't find any proper tutorials for collision detection. I have found one, but when I did it it doesn't seem to work properly, and I get errors everytime I go to the edge of the form. What I can do to make good collision detection for walls?

HTML Code:
Public Class Form1
Public Level1 As New clsLevel()
Public Dude As New clsSprite(Level1)
Dim CanWalk As Boolean = True
[Code] ......

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Game Programming :: DirectX Collision Detection?

Aug 11, 2010

I have loaded two mesh's from .x files onto the screen, a map and a sprite. The sprite moves around, but because they aren't colliding the sprite goes straight through the mountains, and straight over the undulations. I have looked for a way to find the co-ordinates of a particular spot on the mesh, as I figured by finding the X and Z co-ordinates of the sprite, I could just set his Y co-ordinate to be the same as the map, and he would 'stick' to the ground... however I don't know if this is possible, and I haven't found it yet.

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Game Programming :: Multiple Platform Collision Detection

Jan 12, 2010

Lately I have been making a platformer game, just to experiment and see how it would work, and after making two very basic levels I realized that it would take a lot of code to include several or more platforms.


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Game Programming :: VB2008 - Space Invader Collision Detection?

Dec 28, 2010

i've looked up several tutorials on what i should do to create a collision detection, but im not too positive on how to function my ideas and convert them to code.Basically, i'm creating a space invaders like-game that is 2D Mario-themed (sprites used).I am using a panel for my enemies and Mario is being controlled by the movement of arrow keys and space button shoots.The problem is I can not make my bullets collide with the enemies to make them disappear. This piece of code is what i've got so far with the collision detection :

' Collision occurs whenever the pctShoot(podoboo) hits any of the enemy
' When blnTrue, both pctShoot and the enemy disappear


While I'm at it, i have another question in concern; but this is not really related to collision but:How do you make an object move down automatically using a timer but make it appear randomly?Like any space invader game, the enemies are shooting back at the hero to make it appear more challenging right?(using Visual Basic 2008)

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Possible To Detect Number On Game?

Jun 30, 2010

I would like to create macro. I have some questions is something possible and so on. First thing is it possible to detect number on game? example: this line : Your next dig's number is 8327, type /dig 8327 to dig.I need to get that dig number and then it need to type F6 and type /dig number and enter.Its must do it every 30 sec.Is this possible to create one ? and anyone have ideas how to create on if it is possible.

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VS 2010 Game Multi-Client - Program That Enables A Game To Have More Than One Instance Running

Nov 18, 2011

I want to make a program that enables a game to have more than one instance running, where it would otherwise be unable to be done. How should I go about this? A sandbox? Hack?

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Game Programming :: Pig Dice Game - When Program Runs - Never Goes To Computer's Turn And Does Not Update Users Score Either

Apr 18, 2012

On programming assignment without having any real experience in vb. I guess I don't understand subroutines that well. When the program runs it never goes to the computer's turn and does not update the users score either. This assignment is already in but would like to know what is going wrong. Using VB 2010, and this is windows application.

Public Class Form1
Dim Myturn As Integer
Dim Computerturn As Integer


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Game Programming :: Object Detect By Cursor

Oct 13, 2008

(Visual Studio 2008 - Visual Basic 2008 - 3.5 .Net Framework) I have few objects on my form and i would to like scan objects' names by my cursor. I wish to get name of object, which is under my cursor. (only one object is under cursor, and form)..

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Game Programming :: Object Detect By Cursor?

Jun 7, 2011

I have few objects on my form and i would to like scan objects' names by my cursor. Bad english, so again: I wish to get name of object, which is under my cursor. (only one object is under cursor, and form)

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Show Program Front Of The Game While Playing A Game

Nov 7, 2011

I want to make program that shows info in game while playing. Problem is that I have no idea how to do it. I tryed some methods, but unsuccessfully. So does anyone has idea how to make it ?

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Detect An Unexpected Shutdown Within A Program And React To It In A VB Program?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm working on a web browser named Hyvar.NET and i'd like to integrate a form of shutdown detection into it.

Currently, it simply uses a tri-option setting to decide how it opens - like this

If My.Settings.LoadLastOnStart = True Then
ElseIf My.Settings.HomeOnStart = True Then


Each variable is appropriately named for its job as you can see.

However, i want to change this to react to correct and incorrect shutdowns - unexpected and user instigated ones for example. I.E: if the settings variable for the detection contained 0x000000, it could indicate a clean exit and continue as normal with a new session, but 0x000001 would indicate an unclean shutdown and present the user with an option of reopening the last session or continueing as normal, like in IE 7/8

Im 100% sure this will require a windows API call

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Detect Keypresses In Program?

May 22, 2009

How do I make VB constantly check for keypresses?[code]...

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Detect Whether A Program Is Open?

Jan 6, 2011

Objective : Time how long a user has been on the internet. I have never delved this deep into Visual Studio. I am suing Visual Basic 2010 Express. Please move it if you need to.

I want to have a program - that will detect running processes. If Internet Explorere EXE or Chrome or FireFox exe or any other browser is installed - as soon as that process starts the timer will appear.

When those processes are closed by the user the timer stops counting. This is possible but i dont know how. But i only want it to time just one internet process because timing them all when they are openend up at different times could cause bugs. Unless on the time form you have 1 timer for IE, 1 for FFox, 1 for Chrome 1 for Opera..

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How Does A Program Detect Programs

Dec 3, 2009

does anyone know how to get my program to scan for a program such as ie then add it to a toolstrip as a button then when i click it it opens ie??I like..... Understandable Answers


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Program Detect If 2 Nodes Have Same Name?

Feb 14, 2010

How can my program detect if 2 nodes have the same name ?

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Background Program To Detect When Regedit Tries To Run?

Sep 3, 2011

I have Windows XP Pro, SP3 on a Dell Dimension 9150 with VB 3.0 and all other Visual Studios up to and including VS2010 Pro.I'm not exactly an expert VB programmer, but I have written several different programs.I would like to write a VB program to run in the background and detect when the program regedit.exe/regedt32.exe tries to run.Once the regedit program tries to run, I would like my background program to pop up a message with three options. Allow, Do Not Allow and Cancel.

The Allow button would allow regedit to run.The Don't Allow button will not allow regedit to run and continue to run in the background. The Cancel button would not allow regedit to run and would cancel the background program.Can this be done?I would explain why I want to do this, but it would take too much of this thread. However, if anybody really needs to know, I will accommodate their request.

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Detect Network Failure In Program?

Sep 29, 2009

How to handle the Network failure error message,and how to simulate it?

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Detect Text Encapsulation In Program?

Oct 29, 2011

In my program I need to make various word replacements but I don't want to replace the word if it's encapsulated[cod]e...

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Detect Whether A Card Is Being Read In Program?

May 31, 2010

How do i actually detect a card is being read by a card reader by using events handler?Like the card reader is connected to the PC using USB, and when a card is flash on the card reader, it will be detected.

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Detect Which Executable Started Your Program?

Jun 13, 2009

I have a custom button in IE8 which starts up my program. Now what I wanted to do, was pass an arguement such as: 'myprogram.exe /ie'

From the IE8 button, and well my program will do rest from there. Now my program adds the button just fine, shows up fine, all that works. But each time i'd add an argument after my application path, IE8 would say it can't find the program. If you want to test this out, goto run, type in gpedit.msc, then 'User Configuration'->'Windows Settings'->'Internet Explorer Maintenance'->'Browser User Interface', and double click on 'Browser Toolbar Customizations'. And in the small window that pops up, is an option for adding custom buttons to IE. I was using this for testing purposes, since it was faster to edit a button here than in my program. When you add a button you choose the executable to link it to. But if you add any arguments after it, IE will simply not be able to find the program. Even if that same command works when you type it from 'run'.

So, now my question is, since apperntly you can't have any arguments in the button, is it possible to detect what executable starts your program? For instance, detect if iexplore.exe started up my program?

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VS 2005 - Function To Detect If The Program Is Being Run On Win 7

May 15, 2009

I have a function designed to detect if the program is being run on Win7. However, when it is run on a Win7 machine, it says it is NOT a Win7 machine. [Code]

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Detect Chinese Character In A String Program?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there a way to detect a Chinese character in a string which is build like this:

dim test as string = "letters 中國的"

Now I want to substring only the Chinese characters. But my code is database driven, so I can't substring it, because the length is always different. So is there a way I can split the string, from the moment I detect a Chinese character?

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Detect Mouse Click On Screen And Run Program?

Oct 27, 2011

How to make program to detect mouse click and run vb script for action?

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Let Automatically Detect Program Where I Install A Software?

Jul 14, 2009

I am linking VB.2008 with a software called R.

Different people may install R in different directories or different versions.e.g. My R dir is C:Program FilesRR-2.9.0

How can I let VB automatically detect it and return the directory path to me?

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Make Program Detect And Dock To A Window?

Feb 10, 2010

Let's say I have only Notepad.exe running. No other items are on my taskbar except "Untitled - Notepad". How do I tell VB that i want it to find notepad and for example, dock itself to the left hand side of the notepad window?

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