Disabling VScrollbar But Keeping It Totally Visible

Nov 29, 2009

I'm currently working on an application that detects a color on a defined area on the screen and together with a panel that displays the color I show the values in a label and represent them with a vscrollbar. (The goal of the project is to output the color of the computer screen via an usb to dmx interface to create an ambilight effect) Now I don't want the user to be able to move the scrollbars up and down so I figured disabling them would do the trick but then the little square you click on to scroll it up and down isn't visible anymore.
Vscrolbars enabled:
Vscrolbars disabled:

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Disabling A Button And Keeping It Disabled?

Jan 25, 2010

im wondering if it is possible at all to bisable a button after it being clicked because i have no idea on where to start on doing this. I only know how to get it to disable for the one session but when the program is run again it is enabled again. Is there any way to just keep it disabled because it nly ever needs to be clicked once.

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Keeping Form Visible While Switching To Another Program?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a program that shows a small form appearing at the top of the right hand corner of the screen. When I switch to another opened program, the form disappears. How can I keep this form visible when I switch to another program? I set the TopMost property to true but it doesn't work.

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

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Excel AddIn - Keeping Windows Form Always Visible While Within Excel

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade an Excel VBA workbook to a VSTO Excel Add-in in VB.NET using VS 2010. In the original (i.e.- VBA) version I have a modeless UserForm (called frmMain) that floats on top and is visible at all times while the user is still within the Excel application, but is not visible if the user moves to another window outside of Excel.

For example, within Excel the user can click on any worksheet tab, select any cell, etc. and the UserForm is still visible. This is exactly how I'd like it. The problem is, that in the new VSTO add-in, I can not get the Windows form to mimic this same behavior. I use frmMain.Show() to show the form as a modeless form, but the moment the user clicks an Excel worksheet (i.e.- activates a worksheet) the form becomes hidden behind the worksheet.


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Use VscrollBar And HorizontalScrollBar?

Oct 5, 2010

how to use VscrollBar and HorizontalScrollBar in vb.net 2005

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Using A Vscrollbar In A Groupbox?

Apr 16, 2009

Can a vscrollbar be used in a groupbox. I have a group box with lots of items in it, but my program window is not long enough to diplay all of it. I wan to tuse the scroll bar in the groupbox.

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Asp.net - Is Forms Authentication Totally Necessary

Aug 18, 2011

I'm writing an internal web application right now (with ASP.Net Web Forms), and it presents an odd problem. I have to be able to impersonate the currently logged in windows user, and execute a command based on their Windows Authentication to log in.. AND ... if they don't have Windows Authentication set up in the application I have to use to log them in, I have to be able to accept a user name and password. I also have to write the application in .Net 4.0, and secure it as much as possible. I got this to work by NOT utilizing Windows Authentication or Forms Authentication in the web.config, and instead setting session variables to guard against user accessing pages in the web app other that the log in. I did this by creating an oddly name session variable with a value based on their user name (windows auth or not), and then a secret session variable. The secret variable is in the web.config as a 256bit encrypted string, in which I decrypt, and set as the session secret. In order for the page to load, the first session variable can't be blank, and the second variable has to equal the decrypted key value... if the variables don't pass inspection, it redirects them to the login page. I set this up on every page, generic handler, and webservice method in the web app. I make the session timeout after a few minutes of no activity, and on log out, I set all session variables to nothing, and expire all cookies. (I also disable all cache).

My question is... Does this offer comparable security to that of Forms authentication? I have always used Forms authentication, but can't use it here. If I did, the users would have to reconfigure settings in IIS and in he web.config to toggle login procedures (From my knowledge, you can't use both Forms authentication, and windows authentication to manage the security of your pages and other web resources). With the method described above, I can accomplish the best of both worlds, but am curious about the security of my methods. Is there anything else I can implement here to assure the utmost security other that using forms authentication? Is it possible to accomplish the same level of security of Forms authentication without using it?

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Do VScrollBar And HScrollBar Controls Have A Known Value Bug

Dec 22, 2010

Do the VScrollBar and HScrollBar controls have a known Value bug?I'm using VB10. While testing some code I used a Horizontal Scroll Bar to change a value on the fly, I thought my code had some bad math in it until I discovered that when the bar is scrolled to the very far right the Value was not equal to its Maximum value setting like it is in VB6, the same happens for the Vertical scroll bar control, set the maximum to 100 the Value will only go up to 91, set max to 200 and value only goes to 191, etc.

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How To Close A Form Totally

Apr 30, 2009

Imagine i have two form frmOne & frmTwo when i load my application , frmOne load , than there a button to go frmTwo , upon clicking the button ,frmOne doesnt hide or close when in the code i put ( me.close) also tried (me.hide) upon button click

Than From frmTWO , there a button to go back frmONE( i use the code frmOne.ShowDialog() )i click it throw a error saying :

"Additional information: Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before calling showDialog. than i tried to set visible to false before .showdialog still got error saying :

"Additional information: Form showDialog tried to set an ineligible form as its owner. Forms cannot own themselves or their owners."y is this so , is there any other way to close a frm etc etc ?

What i trying to achieve is : when i choose to go frmTwo , frmOne muz close , than from frmTwo if i wan go to frmOne ,Frmtwo muz close

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Totally Clear A Picture Box?

Feb 26, 2012

i m creating a key logger in vb 2008 for my home computer that can send keys records & screen shoots at my E-mail. It has a textbox, 3 buttons, a picturebox and some timers,

actually the process is that in every 3 minutes button1 take a screen shoot (at 2.90 minutes) OK, then button2 save it in "C:/mydir/hidden folder/" (at 2.95 minutes) then button3 send it via Email as a attachment (at 3.00 minutes), its work
fine in first round or first 3 minutes.

but in Repeating Process or in 2nd round or after 3 minutes it give error that means image is in use, I want to break the link between image and my program (key logger) there for my keylogger can delete or REPLACE old Screen Shoot With New On.

and the process repeat again & again, and send Screen Shoots With NO error.

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Use VScrollBar Control With Richtextbox?

Jan 9, 2010

I was checking out the internet to get some information on VScrollBar control in VB.NET, however I can't find any useful information on what I am trying to do, as I have never worked with VScrollBar before.

What I am trying to do is use a VScrollBar control to handle scrolling of two Richtextboxes (i.e. synchronized scrolling) because each line of richtextbox1 is associated with the corresponding line of richtextbox2.

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Scrollbar :: VScrollBar, Reverse Functionality?

Nov 29, 2011

I'm looking to reverse the functionality of a VScrollBar in VB.NET - I would like the number to increase when the up button is pressed and decrease when the down button is pressed.I'm surprised that this issue isn't more commonly represented online, but I could find nothing online about making a VScrollBar work the way I want it to in VB.NET. Apparently in VB 6.0, you were able to flip the Min and Max values and this achieved what I desire to do, but they removed that feature in VB.NET

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VS 2008 - How To Get VScrollBar For Form Size

Jul 10, 2009

I want to make a working ScrollBar for my form size. Why this doesn't work?
VScrollBar1.Value = Form1.Size

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Forms :: VScrollbar Scrolls With Left/Right Arrows?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a fairly simple VScrollbar problem: the Scroll event triggers when ANY arrow key is pushed, including left and right... I need it to trigger only when up/down arrow keys are pushed (which, I hope, is the default behaviour).

Essentially all I do is declare a VScroll As System.Windows.Form.VScrollBar and later I have a Private Sub VScrollBar_Scroll (...) Handles VScroll.Scroll that manages the event.

I noticed also that the left/right arrow scrolling is by a smaller increment than the up/down scrolling. All of this seems to happen in a very "black box" kind of way, I can't find any way of determining what should trigger the scroll event.

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How To Operate Menu Items Totally Through Keyboard

Dec 22, 2010

How to operate menu items through keyboard....

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Big Panel Visible And Not Visible Based On Selections Made By User

Jan 28, 2009

I've got a panel - that's in a group box. All of this - with lots of other textboxes on labels - is in another panel (the big panel).I make the big panel visible and not visible based on selections made by the user.This small panel - that's in the group box. I cannot seem to make it appear.Even if I leave it VISIBLE at design time - the objects in it will not appear.Is there some kind of nesting problem that I'm not aware of!

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Making Menu Item Visible Or Not Visible In Master Page

Jan 25, 2011

I have five menu items that i have created as a user control and placed on the master page. Now i want one of the menu items to be visible only for particular user role and not visible for others. Here is what I did. Its not working though.


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.net - Set Tabcontrol Border Totally Invisible Similar To The FormBorderstyle = None

Aug 23, 2011

I have a TabControl placed on Form. which is a VB.net windows application. I want to set tabcontrol border totally invisible similar to the formBorderstyle = none I am unable to find any settings for the tabControl to remove the visible border.

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Jumping Between Forms - Making A Form Visible And Not Visible

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having an odd problem when making a form visible and not visible and it not continuing to function. Here is what I have happening. I have a main form (frmMain) that is an MDIParent. On this form I have a menu to open a second form (frmCalculate) and populate a listview from Items in the database.

As I click or select items in the listview on frmCalculate the tag is read and data is pulled based on the id stored in that tag and fills in various fields on the form. This works great. However, I also have a context menu attached to the listview that allows me to perform a "what if" scenerio on the items I am calculating. When I select this menu, I hide the frmCalculate and open the frmWhatIf form where I can mess around with values on the item I had hilighted in the listview on frmCalculate. Nothing is pulled from or written back to the database here, all the information is filled in from fields on frmCalculate. It just allows me to look at rising costs and how they will affect my margins.... anyway.

If I then close frmWhatIf, it brings my frmCalculate back by setting its visible propery to true (never closed frmCalculate, just hid it). At this point if I click an item in the listview I get an exception for a null reference. IF however I never hide frmCalculate, I can open and close frmWhatIF without ever having an issue. Why do I lose the functionality to select items just by hiding and unhiding the form? As a test I added two menus to the toolbar on frmMain one called hide and one called show. I then opened frmCalculate with original menu item to populate the listview and selected a few items to test that it was working and then using the hide menu I made the form invisible and the show button to bring it back. This yielded the same exception so without even opening frmWhatIf the problem still occurs.

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Can Make Label Automatically Detect Items Going In And Create A Vscrollbar

Jun 4, 2011

I have a program that outputs a series of items onto a form--an "invoice" if you would like. The problem is, when the user enters in more items than the invoice's size can handle the rest just disappears into the mysterious realm down at the bottom. Is there a way where I can make the label automatically detect items going in and create a vscrollbar or something similar so that it can accommodate it's size?

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Make Several PictureBox Images Randomly Visible = False And Then Back To Visible = True Giving The Appearance Of Flashing Or Blinking Images?

Jun 28, 2010

I have placed several PictureBox Images of different colored dots(which represent lights) on an image of a Christmas Tree. I can make the lights randomly flash using a randomGenerator and a Select case statement. However, the code is very long. There are 67 lights on this tree and the code is 71 pages long. There has to be an easier way to do this. So far I have tried the following with two images of lights just to see if it would work and it does not work:

Dim picLight(2) As
For intX


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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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Load A Class Totally Independent From The Mother Class?

Jul 4, 2009

I have a class that needs to create another class (that inherit from window). This second class build a set of controls in a new open window.

Because the process of building this new second class it quite long

I need to open this new window in a different thread

I am trying to do this with a backgroundworker but as soon as the new class starts to build the interface (textboxes etc) it casts an error saying that the thread must be static

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Single Instance Application Is Checking For A Totally Different Application Being Run?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm writing vb.net code with MS Visual Studio 2005.When running my application I get "foo.exe is already running on this machine".(Even though I'm running faa.exe instead

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Make Form Visible For The First Time From Another Form (form.visible = True)

Aug 18, 2009

Below is the exception code info. when I try to make form visible for the first time from another form then I get an exception code. something like 'a required variable not set'



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Combo Box Not Keeping Value On Tab Out

Dec 9, 2009

How can i get the combo box to keep the value that was partialy keyed in and completed with auto complete.Pressing enter doesn't select the value so when you tab out it keeps the entered auto completed value. The only way to keep the auto complete value is to click on the combo box with the mouse and then tab out of it. I would like some how of being able to tab out of the combo box and it keep the auto completed value that the user has entered so as to save time entering data so no mouse clicks are needed and the data grid view can be tabbed through and all data entered from keyboard.

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Keeping A Record Of Who Logs In?

Mar 31, 2009

I have a program that requires login and I have that part working, but I'd like to be able to tell which user has logged in. There's a database with the user info (ID and password) but I'm not sure how I can have the program record which user has logged in.

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Keeping An Application In Background

Jul 7, 2011

I have developed a very simple application that disables system keyboard commands (ctrl+alt+del, alt+tab, etc), hides the taskbar, hides the desktop, etc.Upon entering a password the user can 'unlock' these options.This is being used with a restaurant POS system so no accidents can happen. However there seems to be one minor issue:In a separate software package (the POS software), at specific times, any application that is running (my locking application) will get focus and end up on top of the POS software.I want my locking software to remain underneath all running applications. Anyway to keep my locking application from gaining focus? I was thinking of maybe adding some line of code to send my locking application into the background whenever it gets focus..

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Keeping An Item In Scope?

Aug 31, 2010

I have been working on a VB app to edit an excel document. I want to keep my excel workbook in scope for the whole app.

For example here is how my program looks now

private sub
open workbook
end sub

private sub
reference workbook
end sub

I want a way to just call my workbook at the top and have all of my subs recognize it. I guess like a global variable or something.


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