Using A Vscrollbar In A Groupbox?

Apr 16, 2009

Can a vscrollbar be used in a groupbox. I have a group box with lots of items in it, but my program window is not long enough to diplay all of it. I wan to tuse the scroll bar in the groupbox.

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

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Groupbox Items - Store Minimum 20 Linklabels In A Groupbox?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a sort of problem when i try to add some linklabels in my groupbox. I used this


I can only add 4 linklabels no matter how big is the groupbox, i tried autoscroll but nothing. How can i do to store minimum 20 linklabels in a groupbox? Here is the whole code i used:

Imports System.Net
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Forms[code]....

Is there any way, maybe with a specific reference to put a control that records what plays wmp activex and to save somewhere on your computer?

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Group Box On Top - Second Groupbox Does Not Appear And Is Directly Behind The First Groupbox

Jun 22, 2010

Here using VB .Net 2008. I seem to be having trouble getting group boxes to appear when I click a radio button.

For example:


This indeed brings up the first radio button however I have other groupboxes underneath which with the same code will not appear when the radio button is checked.



The second groupbox does not appear and is directly behind the first groupbox. The Top code doesn't seem to be working either.

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Use VscrollBar And HorizontalScrollBar?

Oct 5, 2010

how to use VscrollBar and HorizontalScrollBar in 2005

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Do VScrollBar And HScrollBar Controls Have A Known Value Bug

Dec 22, 2010

Do the VScrollBar and HScrollBar controls have a known Value bug?I'm using VB10. While testing some code I used a Horizontal Scroll Bar to change a value on the fly, I thought my code had some bad math in it until I discovered that when the bar is scrolled to the very far right the Value was not equal to its Maximum value setting like it is in VB6, the same happens for the Vertical scroll bar control, set the maximum to 100 the Value will only go up to 91, set max to 200 and value only goes to 191, etc.

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Use VScrollBar Control With Richtextbox?

Jan 9, 2010

I was checking out the internet to get some information on VScrollBar control in VB.NET, however I can't find any useful information on what I am trying to do, as I have never worked with VScrollBar before.

What I am trying to do is use a VScrollBar control to handle scrolling of two Richtextboxes (i.e. synchronized scrolling) because each line of richtextbox1 is associated with the corresponding line of richtextbox2.

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Scrollbar :: VScrollBar, Reverse Functionality?

Nov 29, 2011

I'm looking to reverse the functionality of a VScrollBar in VB.NET - I would like the number to increase when the up button is pressed and decrease when the down button is pressed.I'm surprised that this issue isn't more commonly represented online, but I could find nothing online about making a VScrollBar work the way I want it to in VB.NET. Apparently in VB 6.0, you were able to flip the Min and Max values and this achieved what I desire to do, but they removed that feature in VB.NET

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VS 2008 - How To Get VScrollBar For Form Size

Jul 10, 2009

I want to make a working ScrollBar for my form size. Why this doesn't work?
VScrollBar1.Value = Form1.Size

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Disabling VScrollbar But Keeping It Totally Visible

Nov 29, 2009

I'm currently working on an application that detects a color on a defined area on the screen and together with a panel that displays the color I show the values in a label and represent them with a vscrollbar. (The goal of the project is to output the color of the computer screen via an usb to dmx interface to create an ambilight effect) Now I don't want the user to be able to move the scrollbars up and down so I figured disabling them would do the trick but then the little square you click on to scroll it up and down isn't visible anymore.
Vscrolbars enabled:
Vscrolbars disabled:

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Forms :: VScrollbar Scrolls With Left/Right Arrows?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a fairly simple VScrollbar problem: the Scroll event triggers when ANY arrow key is pushed, including left and right... I need it to trigger only when up/down arrow keys are pushed (which, I hope, is the default behaviour).

Essentially all I do is declare a VScroll As System.Windows.Form.VScrollBar and later I have a Private Sub VScrollBar_Scroll (...) Handles VScroll.Scroll that manages the event.

I noticed also that the left/right arrow scrolling is by a smaller increment than the up/down scrolling. All of this seems to happen in a very "black box" kind of way, I can't find any way of determining what should trigger the scroll event.

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Can Make Label Automatically Detect Items Going In And Create A Vscrollbar

Jun 4, 2011

I have a program that outputs a series of items onto a form--an "invoice" if you would like. The problem is, when the user enters in more items than the invoice's size can handle the rest just disappears into the mysterious realm down at the bottom. Is there a way where I can make the label automatically detect items going in and create a vscrollbar or something similar so that it can accommodate it's size?

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.net - Group RadioButtons Without A GroupBox In .NET?

Aug 26, 2010

I want to group RadioButtons, but I don't want to use the visible control GroupBox. Is there something like the Java ButtonGroup in VB.NET?

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Add 16 Radio Buttons To A Groupbox?

Oct 26, 2009

I have a need to add 16 radio buttons to a groupbox but I want to be able to select 2 radiobuttons per groupbox. (2 vertical columns of 8 radio buttons each) The radiobuttons are created dynamically and each set of eight have different names to distinguish them. Do I really have to create 2 groupboxes and put each set of 8 in each groupbox and put those groupboxes into my parent groupbox? Is that it with radio buttons...if they are all in 1 groupbox then there is no way to select more than one at once?

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Center The Caption Of A GroupBox?

May 20, 2011

I'm using VB with VSPRO2010 I have a groupbox with its caption on the top right . I would like to place the caption on the top center.

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Changing Size Of A Groupbox?

Sep 26, 2009

okay well I want to be able to change the size of my Groupbox when I check my check box. I have tried this code and it did not work

If Checkbox7.checked = true then Groupbox1.size = (309, 446)

I don't get why this wont work, I tried others to but I cant get it to work.

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Clearing All Textboxes In GroupBox?

Oct 5, 2011

I want to clear all of the text boxes in a groupbox without hard coding them all. I tried the following snippet, but it also clears all of the form labels which I would like to keep.
For Each TextBox In GroupBox1.Controls
TextBox.Text = ""

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Dynamic Groupbox And Checkbox

Jul 1, 2010

i am creating dynamic Groupbox and at a time i am creating checkbox in the groupbox. it`s working properly.How can "refer" or "call" the Dynamic Groupbox and Dynamic Checkbox.Clearly , If i am creating 10 GB`s and within GB`s for each GB i am creating two checkboxes OK.Now i want to use the checkboxes some other purpose. so how can i write syntax for that...?

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Find Checkbox In Groupbox?

Oct 5, 2011

I has some checkbox created in a window form groupbox. May i know how can i find all the checkbox whether they are checked in the groupbox?

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctrl.Name <> checkBox.Name And (TypeOf ctrl Is CheckBox) Then
If ctrl.Name.Substring(0, 3) = "ADJ" Then


I am using the above codes to find the checkbox, but it seems like not able to find the checkbox that are created in the groupbox.

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Focus To A Control In Groupbox?

Jun 19, 2009

from my main form i'm giving focus to a control dynamically to calling form for example i have 3 child form, child1, child2, child3 form main form before i call the form i give the focus to a control which is set on some condition


and when i call child1.controls(cntrlname).focus() it throws the error. any idea how i can give focus using above code to one of my control in groupbox.

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GroupBox Refuses To Be Visible?

Jan 23, 2012

In my card game program, I have used 4 main GroupBoxes to act as dialogue boxes. Some contain additional GroupBoxes to house such things as RadioButtons, TextBoxes and CheckBoxes.Software places them when and where needed, so I usually move them apart in the Design screen to keep them all visible at once. However, with each new GroupBox I added to the program, their behaviour became increasingly vexing.In the design window, they are not allowed to overlap, or they will either partially or completely disappear. When they disappear, I have to find them with the Properties Viewer (when selected, the 4 sizing blocks appear and I can tease the drag symbol to appear).Worse, when my program is running, a GroupBox left in the Design mode in an "unfavoured location" (for lack of a better term) will refuse to appear when called.

I have single stepped past the code that positions the GroupBox and makes it visible and I have noted that the top and left positions are correct, but when I let the mouse hover over the word 'Visible' in the line "GroupBox1.Visible = True" the popup reports it as False.There is nothing I can do at run-time to make the GroupBox appear. I must return to the Design window and try moving it to a more favourable location.

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Groupbox Text Alignment?

Oct 14, 2009

The groupbox text is set to TopLeft position if "RightToLeft" property to "No", and to TopRight position if "RightToLeft" property to "Yes". But if I want the text to be set in center, how to do that?

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Groupbox Title Tooltip

Apr 28, 2009

I'd like to display a tooltip when the user mouses over a groupbox's title. (ONLY the title, not the box itself)

I'd also like it to move as you move your mouse as well, like Javascript tooltips on many websites.

What would be the best way to do this?

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Hide All Controls In A Groupbox?

Oct 24, 2010

Is it possible to hide all controls in a groupbox using code?

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How To Make A Groupbox Transparent In VB

Mar 12, 2009

The question pretty much says it all, I've tried setting the backcolour to transparent in the properties section, but it didnt seem to work. I have a picture behind the groupbox that I need to show through it. Is there a specific way of doing this?

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How To Make GroupBox Visible

May 4, 2012

I'm a beginner at using vb. I'm having a problem with making group boxes visible. I have two buttons: btnLevel1 & btnLevel2. When user clicks btnLevel1 GroupBox3 must be visible and GroupBox4 must be hidden. And when user clicks btnLevel2 GroupBox4 must be visible.


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Looping Through Controls In A Groupbox

Nov 5, 2011

I have recently started to try to convert some of the applications I have written in VBA in excel into stand alone programs. I don't have any formal programming training and I am learning the hard way that VB is really not very close to VBA!! I am trying to change the properties of radio buttons in a groupbox when a certain event occurs. In VBA I used this code:


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Make A Groupbox With Many Checkbox?

Mar 29, 2012

i am using vb2010, i am trying to make a groupbox with many checkbox inside i wane builds a function that will go throw all the checkboxs and return a string with the text of the chechbox(for ex: a pizza add-on where the user check what he wants)i dont wane start writing an if statment for each cheackbox becuse if ill have 1000 of them then it is stuped...

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Radiobutton GroupBox VB 2010?

Jun 6, 2011

I am working on a project that has a groupbox with 4 radiobuttons in it. Since I have it in a groupbox, instead of doing an if statement for each radiobutton, can I do something else that will give me the value of that radiobutton so I can insert it into an sqlcommand line?This form has three groupboxes. the other two groupboxes are just textboxes so I was able to get the value for that and do an insert into statement to put the values in my database.How can I do the same with a groupbox that has these 4

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Resizing Controls In A GroupBox?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a windows form with a groupBox and several controls ( textboxes, checkboxes, one grid, labels ) in the groupBox. I want to make the form resizable , such that the controls would resize themselves when the form is resized instead of overlapping each other.I tried docking and anchoring in several ways, but I am not able to achieve this.

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