Display Large Varying Table In A Windows Form?

Mar 31, 2010

I need to display 3 columns and a varying amount of rows (typically around 50) in a windows form, kinda like excel. The data will likely be longer than the window, so a scroll bar will have to come into play somewhere.

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Forms :: Display 2 Table Records In Two Datagridviews In Windows Form?

Aug 30, 2011

why cant i display my 2 table records in two datagridviews in windows form? it only display the records of table 1 to the 2 datagrid views


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Varying Quantity And Moving Data From One Table To Another

Nov 21, 2011

Currently I have two tables in a Database (Temp, Main), currently I have four fields in Temp(ID, Qty, LastDate, AddRem), and Three in Main, (ID, Qty, LastDate). I have the program set up to enter in all the information minus AddRem into Temp, then my thought was to either tag the item to remove, or add to the Main table. I'm assuming this could be done by import then update, however every avenue I've attempted has been meet with Exception errors.For the add/remove field it is linked to a Combo Box, which brings me to my other question, how would you link a specific field to say hey if it's this option then add, and if's the other remove?

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Varying Display Results Based On Selected Device Class

Mar 15, 2012

I wanted to get your feedback on a design/coding issue. I have a treeview which represents the device tree in device manager. I also have two listviews which display information about the currently selected device on the treeview. I'm only concerned with the first listview at this point. The information displayed in the listview varies depending on the selected device. I'm using the node index to track which device class and device is selected and I pass this into the device class Display method. I hate the idea of a big Select Case statement. Then there is also the dynamic nature of the device tree to consider.

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Scrollable Display Of Extremely Large Image On A Form

Aug 11, 2009

I am an experienced programmer but mainly in 4GLs and assembly. Relatively new to VB programming, especially GUI applications. On a form I need to create an area that will be used to display *extremely* large TIFF images. typical image size would be 2000 pixels by 100,000 pixels. Typically I will NOT want to display the entire image at once, so the area will need to have scroll bars and/or other methods to scroll/pan around the image.

I have read about and tinkered with the bitmap and picturebox objects, including some threads about several different ways to implement scrollbars. However, I see that the picturebox size is limited to 32K pixels in both dimensions. I suppose that I might be able to copy various portions of the bitmap to the picturebox depending on scroll position, but that seems potentially quite slow and cumbersome. Can an expert developer who is experienced with these types of issues regarding the following:

1. Can bitmap objects be used effectively with TIFF images of the size I am working with?

2. an approach that should produce reasonable scrolling performance for these extremely large images without excessive coding effort?

3. For an image that exceeds the picturebox size when displayed at 1:1 scale, is the picturebox capable of displaying a reduced size version of such an image without lots of code, and if so, how?

4. Many (most?) graphics display objects count on all of their display data being stored in memory rather than on disk. Would that be true of a TIFF image loaded into a bitmap object and displayed via a picturebox? If so, the amount of RAM required in order to buffer the entire image in memory could be a potential problem for images of this size. Is there an advisable way to have the picturebox or other display object only load portions of the image into memory on an as needed basis, and purge them once they are no longer required? Are there any built in objects/methods/properties or is there any sample code to show how to do this?

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Add A Master Table To A Dataset Where The Detail Table Is Already Linked To A Windows Form?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a large form that is set up from master-detail datasets in Visual Studio 2008.I havene master table with a large amount of detail tables. Several of the detail tables also have detail tables linked.Now I need to add a master table that sits on top of my existing master table making it a detail table.

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Display Different Windows Form In One Main Windows Form?

Aug 15, 2010

I had created a windows forms application in vb.net. It contained several windows. Now the users of that application are telling me to display all in one main form. They want to see all the details in one form. I had implemented MDI but they want something like tabs. On different tabs different forms should be displayed. How shall I implement this.

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Display League Table In A Form?

Apr 3, 2012

I am linking a VB program to an Access database which contains team information and match results. I need to caluclate total points (based on queries) and display a league table in VB.

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Display Name Form Database Table?

May 25, 2009

i have combobox to display name form database table..but it is not showing in ascending order..how do i do that?

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Display Userid From The User Table On The Welcome Form?

Oct 1, 2009

I have developed an Access database and would like to display userid from the user table on the welcome form.

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Use A Treeview To Display Information In A Separate Table On The Same Form?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm just starting out at vb.net but have done programming before. i am trying to use a treeview to display information in a seperate table on the same form dependant on which nod of the tree is clicked. Secondly is it possible to import the information from an excel spreadsheet or does the information have to come from an access table.


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Create A Table In Windows Form Application?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to create a table in my windows form application using VB.Net.

The table's rows and collumns are filled dynamically based on a selection in a drop down list. Each row in that table would have 2 textboxes, 1 combobox, 2 checkboxes, and 1 button.

I am aware of DataGridView and TableLayoutPanel -DataGridView - I do not like the appearance so I don't want to use it...Also it is not very flexible with checkboxes and buttons

TableLayoutPanel - Will involve many lines of code. Also handling the checkbox and button click events is not very flexible

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Db Table - Create A Windows Form Application

May 9, 2010

Do i create a windows form application or which one do i choose? Here is the instructions. For this assignment, you will create a Visual Basic.NET application to manage personal assets. A screen shot of the desired UI is shown in the following image. You can also download a running example of the completed project and the required database, ITP400_IP2_A.mdb. be aware the example program does not necessarily demonstrate all of the functional requirements, and it is intended only as an example. You are responsible for meeting the listed requirements. Please refer to the following information for the complete requirements.


* Fields in tblAssets (These are in the database table and should be displayed on the screen.)
o fldAssetID, long integer, primary key
o fldAssetName, string
o fldDescription, string
o fldDateAcquired, datetime
o fldCost, single

* Perform the appropriate steps to create a connection to the sample database. Be sure to select the option to copy the database to your project so it will be automatically included in the project.
* Perform the appropriate steps to display the detail view of the fields on your form. Be sure to include a functional BindingNavigator on your form.
* Do not allow the user to resize the form.
* Format the Cost field as currency.
* Add a standard pull-down menu to the program with the following structure:
o File (Save, Exit)
o Navigate (First Record, Previous Record, Next Record, Last Record)

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Display Some Values From Service Into A Windows Form?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm looking for an example of a service application with an user interface.

I've currently a project with a service. Now I want to display some values from that service into a windows form.

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How To Add Rectangle Shape To Windows Form And Display It

Aug 3, 2011

I created a rectangle shape and tried to show it at my form like this
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Public Class frmBoard
Dim baseDice As RectangleShape
Private Sub frmBoard_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
baseDice.CornerRadius = 5
[Code] .....

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How To Display Time In Windows Form Application

Jan 10, 2011

i am using MS access as my database and VB.net(2008) as my programming.my table has four columns.my table name is myRecordtbl and the columns are ,myid, myname, starttime and endtime.now i know how can i insert into table. but i got hard how to display times then i can choose to insert into my table.the time should be in the form of Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM or PM with up and down arrow.then when i select the time and hit ADD, it should insert into my table.

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VS 2010 Display An Image In Windows Form?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm using VB 2010, accessing a MS Access database. I have constructed a simple Windows Form returning data from the db, one field of which has a reference to an image I'm trying to display together with the data from each individual record.

I have a field with a product number, that matches the jpg file name (ie, the product number 5505 matches an image that I want to display, namely 5505.jpg). I've even created a new field in the db called 'Image', that contains the full name 5505.jpg.

So, I've connected to the db with an OleDbAdapter, and all the data fields are displayed via bound textboxes. I've been able to display a single 'set' image with a PictureBox, but I'm not sure how the make the connection between the returned data (txtSearchImage which is, say, '5505.jpg'), and getting the Windows Form to display this.

Am I on the right track using a PictureBox? I've tried binding this via the PictureBox properties to the relevant data field, but (obviously) it doesn't make the connection to the image file on my hard drive.

Here's my code so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnSearchKits_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearchKits.Click
' The following line passes the value the user enter for state


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Add Controls Dynamically And Display Information In Them On Windows Form?

Oct 4, 2009

Just like an array in a group box or a frame as i used in vb6.

If there are 5 customers details then when i load the form it will add (PictureBox, Label and a listbox) for each customer dynamically and display them with their information. Moreover, if i add 6th Customer information in the database then next time i load the form it should display his/her information as well. I did this in VB6 sometimes back but need a start to do in .net

Private Sub LoadCustomerInformation()
Dim Qry As String
Dim RS As New Recordset


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Display Data In The List Box From The Query In Windows Form

Jan 24, 2012

It's simple question. I am confused since I am new to vb.net and windows form. I would like to display combining of one column (lastname+firstname) in the list box control from the query. My code display something.


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Get VB Windows Form Application To Display SQL PRINT Statement?

Jan 12, 2011

I've been working of a Visual Basic Windows Form in Visual Studio 2010 as my first little VB project. It's a form which runs a stored procedure on SQL. I have this all working, however, the stored procedure has a PRINT statement execute if a duplicate is found and stops. What I'd like to do is have this PRINT statement display on the Windows form MessageLabel (label) or have a "successful" message displayed if there is no SQL print statement.


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TreeView Control To Display Data In Windows Form

Mar 12, 2010

I'd like to use a TreeView control to display database data in a windows form with VB2008. All the information what I found is related to a website design, but I'm working on a database program (sql2005), where I'd like the user to see the structure what he/she make up with a TreeView like control. Just something like that when you explore your hard disk. How can I do that?

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DataGridView - Just An INSERT Into A Table (multiple Rows) - VB Windows Form App

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Windows application form. Directly on the form I have a lable ("Customer Names"), a ComboBox (pulling actually names from a database) , and a Buton to add a customer to the database if i choose. Additionally I have ControlTab(3 tabs) that has "fields" and its own Buttons to insert data into a different table. The first 2 tabs have textBoxes, which are completely functional, but the 3rd tab has a "DataGridView"


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Insert Xml Data To Sql Server 2005 Table Using Windows Form?

Jan 23, 2012

I have exported data from a SQL Server table into a XML file and the output looks like this:

Filename = 11190.xml
Table name = LRTest


Now I want to save the above XML file into my SQL Server 2005 table

With the same columns using vb.net windows forms, in every exported xml file there are 100 to 200 records. .

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Display Them As Large As The Screen Will Allow?

Mar 10, 2012

I propose to start a project which will take image files from a folder selected by the user, and display them as large as the screen will allow. I shall start with images that will be in the form 'filename.jgp'.I reckon I'll be able to do most of the coding without too much trouble but before I begin I'd like to know that there is a way of discovering the x and y pixel sizes of a .jpg file so that I when expand, or reduce it I will be able to keep the image in the correct aspect ratio.I'd also like to know if there is a way to rotate an image through 90 either clockwise or anticlockwise, (counterclockwise) for those cases where an image is stored sideways due to the difference between taking photographs either in landscape or portrait mode, or even through 180 I guess for if the camera was totally inverted.

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Constantly Update Current Time Display On A Windows Form?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a windows form where I want the time to constantly be updated. Right now it will take the current time from when the program was started.

For example, if I started the program at 4:30:29 PM that is what it will show the whole time the program runs.I need it to constantly be updated as the seconds tick by. So, If I started the program at 4:30:29 PM and ran it for exactly 5 minutes, the time displayed then should be 4:35:29 PM.The data being taken in and saved needs a time associated with it and the end user also need to know the current time as the program is ran in full-screen. [code]...

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Display Progress Similar To Debug.writeline On Windows Form?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a procedure that loops through the directories/subdirectories on a file server and sets the permissions. Procedure is called on a button click of a form.

I need to display on the form which directory is being processed. Similar to if we use the Debug.writeline which writes to the output in Visual Studio. I tried using a ListBox but it only displays the last one and only displays the last one once processing is done. I want to be able to display each directory name as it is being processed.

Psuedo code as follows:

For each dir in L drive

'display in ListBox dir name

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Display The Square Root Symbol On A Button In A Windows Form?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to display the square root symbol on a button in a windows form. I'm using the unicode U+221A which on windows character map is the root sign. When i enter this in visual basic ensure the font is the same as that in the character map (wasn't sure if that made a difference to the unicode) my button displays the eta sign instead. Any help greatly received.

This is the code i'm using to set my unicode the the buttons text property.

btnSquareRoot.Text = CChar("U+221A")

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Forms :: Automatically Resize A Windows Form To Fit A Smaller Display?

Jul 13, 2009

Is there a way to automatically resize a windows form to fit a smaller display? I created a program on a computer with a 12" display, everything works fine. However, when I load the same program on a computer with a 8" display, I am not able to view all the contents on the windows form. Is there a way to correct this without manually resizing all the contents on the form?

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Asp.net - Get A Windows Form Client To Update Everytime A Access Table On Webserver Changes?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a form with a list that shows information from a database. I want the list the update in run time (or almost real time) every time something changes in the database. These are the three ways I can think of to accomplish this:Set up a timer on the client to check every few seconds: I know how to do this now, but it would involve making and closing a new connection to the database hundreds of times an hour, regardless of whether there was any change Build something sort of like a TCP/IP chat server, and every time a program updates the database it would also send a message to the TCP/IP server, which in turn would send a message to the client's form: I have no idea how to do this right now Create a web service that returns the date and time of when the last time the table was changed, and the client would compare that time to the last time the client updated: I could figure out how to build a web service, but I don't how to do this without making a connection to the database anyway The second option doesn't seem like it would be very reliable, and the first seems like it would consume more resources than necessary. Is there some way to tell the client every time there is a change in the database without making a connection every few seconds, or is it not that big of a deal to make that many connections to a database?

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Display A Windows Form BEFORE "Startup" Form Is Loaded In Program?

Dec 20, 2010

My company's main software package includes a hefty configuration library which loads on startup. This config library includes some mandatory settings which, if not supplied (via command line arguments), cause the entire application to exit.

This has never been an issue for our users, who launch the software via scripts which have the needed command line arguments supplied automatically. But sometimes when debugging our software we developers forget to specify the necessary arguments in Visual Studio's debug options; it's then very annoying to be greeted with the message Config specification invalid -- missing required parameters X, Y, and Z -- shutting down (I'm paraphrasing, of course).[code]...

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