Dock / Hide Borderless Form?

Jul 5, 2010

Dock/Hide Borderless Form?

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Making A Program Dock - Hide / Show

Apr 7, 2010

Alright, so what I'm looking to do is make a dock or some other thing that I can hide/show for programs. Kind of like a shortcut holder. how to approach the issue. I'm thinking maybe I could make a new button based on some settings in the VB thing, but that seems rather inconvenient. I was also wondering if anybody knew how to get the icons from shortcuts or the rest to use those as display pictures. "Victory is difficult to see beyond the devestation incurred in its pursuit."

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Drawing On A Borderless Form

Dec 5, 2011

1)Interestingly, if I try to draw on a Form with formborderstyle = none, no drawing appears.On a form, with borders; no problem

2)If I draw from wihin a paint event, i can draw on both.However, the paint event has its own issues, most irritatingly the fact that it doesn't draw immedately, but only after going all the way back through a whole chain of calls.anyway that I can draw directly on a borderless form?

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How To Make Form Transparent (Borderless)

Jun 8, 2011

How to make A Form in Transparent without Making Its Contents Transparent..! Actually I mean I make a border less form which I want as Transparent and in that Form I added little animation picture. And I want this animation picture visible. But what is happening here is wen I am setting the Form opacity to 10% both Picture n form are getting Transparent. I only want form transparent and not the Picture.

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How To Print Borderless Form / Scrollbar

Apr 7, 2012

Would you like to print a form, without borders. I've tried several things but what I can only see in the picture. Also would like to put a scroll bar on the form to work in an A4 format.

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VB 2010 Make A Borderless Form?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a borderless form. I chose a dark red color as a backcolor and as a transparency key. I made my own dragable title bar, my own close, minimize, maximize and restore buttons and all that stuff. BUT, in order to imitate the Microsoft Windows' style perfectly, I tried to copy that outer glow that Microsoft has:I had to add an outer glow to my form in Photoshop and save it as .PNG. Here's what happened:The dark red became darker under the influence of my outer glow, and it was not considered a dark red anymore. How can I get rid of that?

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VS 2008 - Moving Borderless Form

Sep 21, 2009

I already got the move part, that's easy, what I'm having trouble with is when I click on the form and try to move it, it shifts a little, that is really annoying, I just want it to be smooth. I want it to be as if I'm moving the form from the title bar. [Code]

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Move Dynamic Borderless Form Via PictureBox?

May 7, 2012

From the dynamic form I added. I realized that I can't get a gif animation to run in the form's background. So I thought I'd give it a try by embeding a picturebox on the dynamic form, but it's not working hence why I'm here.

So on my main form (Form1) I have 2 buttons, openfiledialog, and a picturebox. When you click button1 you browse for the an image to display in the picturebox, and when you press button2 as you can see from the code below. It'll open a new form, but what I want is to have the picturebox displayed over the whole form, but also play the gif animation I selected from my main form via Form1 onto the dynamically embeded one, but in the picturebox. Now I can't use it as BackgroundImage so I'm using it as just an Image, but my problem now is I'm unable to move each borderless form, and am unable to close each as well.[code]....

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Move Dynamically Embedded Borderless Form?

May 7, 2012

As you can see from the code provided below as well as the title, that I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to move this dynamically embeded borderless form in VB.NET.

Private Sub AddWidget_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddWidget.Click
Dim WidgetForm As Form
WidgetForm = New Form()
WidgetForm.ShowInTaskbar = False


I've done this method (code below) a couple times in the past, and it always seems to work for moving a form, but I'm unsure on how to apply this for the dynamically embeded form.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
drag = True
mousex = Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X - Me.Left


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Show Close Button On A Borderless Form

Sep 14, 2011

I have the need to have a close button on a borderless form but I'm unable to find a way to display the win7 close button this way? Is it avalible in any way? (I dont wan't to do it the ugly, ugly, ugly way, IE do a screenshot and use that as a bitmap on a button)

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Transparent Background Color Borderless Form

Aug 11, 2010

in Main form is transparent and I added big picture box to hold background image. Then I added transparent panel to this form but now i can see my desktop trough that form. I don't wanna c my desktop or other windows. How can I avoid this without changing panel background color? coz I want same image as my panel bg too.

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VB 2010 Make The Form Transparent And BorderLess

Dec 10, 2011

I have a little "designing" problem in VB 2010. So, I made a cool abstract background for my application in Photoshop. And I wanted to make the form transparent and BorderLess. But, in order to imitate Windows, I also had to put in a very small black outer glow. So, I made the BackColor in a DarkGreen, then the same for the TranksparencyKey. BUT, because of the outer glow, now it looks like this:


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Borderless MDI Child Form Border Flashes When Opened

Mar 22, 2010

I have a series of MDI child forms I page through to present learning material, all of which are borderless and framed within a main interface form. Each form has its FormBorderStyle set to None, and the form's Text property is blank. I am loading each fom on demand, rather than setting up a stack and pushing one to the front, as this is simpler for me with my limited programming experience.The problem is that as each form is opened/shown, the border briefly flashes in the centre of the ParentForm before docking in the top left corner as programmed. I have even tried coding the Form's Load event to make sure the border is set to None, as shown below:[code]This makes sure there is not a brief delay between the old form closing and the new one showing.

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Dock Form Into Another?

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to get my VB6 app to "dock" inside my form. I currently am using this [code]...

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Dock Another Form Next To The Original

May 16, 2011

This is a big idea and I'm unsure of how easy or difficult this really is. I do not know how I would get this even started. What I am trying to accomplish is "docking" so to speak, a sub form into the original. Basically, there are 2 forms open, but one is like a helper so to speak. This concept is not new as many programs use it. An example is a program widely used call Teamviewer. If you use Teamviewer, open the "Partner List" Pane at the bottom to see exactly what I am talking about. Basically, it opens a new form that is next to it.


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Hide/Show Items - Possible To Hide A Group Of Text Boxes From View In A Form

May 5, 2012

I'm curious if it is possible to hide a group of text boxes from view in a form until a particular condition is met, and to have a custom set of text boxes for that condition. To give an example; I want radio buttons offering choices for a manner of searching records, the user selects one and then a specific set of text boxes are displayed for the user to utilize, if a different option is chosen a different set of text boxes will be shown. Is this something that can be done?

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Dock A Separate Process In Form?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm just wondering if there is any way to dock a separate process in my form? For example, Firefox.

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How To Embed Dock Third Party EXE Into Panel/form?

Oct 21, 2011

I need to write application in which I can embed (Dock) third party exe into panel witch I done partially with following


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VS 2008 Form And Controls Resize Using Anchor/Dock

Mar 7, 2010

From this forum I saw some discussions about form/controls resizing issue with different resolution screen setting. Most suggestions are using Anchor/Dock. My application's form has 10 group boxes and some buttons. In each group box there are 5 Text boxes and other more controls. I tried anchor and dock but couldn't make it work. My questions are -

1, How to re-size form and all individual controls as well?

2, If anchor/Dock are suggested, do i have to use both of them or just one? it seems to me there is no big difference between them.

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Dock A Form Into The MDIParent Form?

Sep 2, 2010

how can i dock a form into the MDIParent form?

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Dock Form At The Bottom Of Another Form?

May 28, 2012

I have made two forms lets say form1 and form2 and i want form2 to be shown at the bottom of form1 always even when i move form1 and i want it to be visible only when mouse is moving.

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Set MDI Child Form To Start In Specific Position? (Or Dock In Panel)

Dec 6, 2009

How can I make my MDI child form to load in a specific position in the parent form? Or preferably, how can I make the child form Dock Inside a Panel in the parent form?

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Interface And Graphics :: Dock Or Anchor Controls So That They Resize Themselves Accordingly When Form Is Resized

Feb 12, 2011

we all know how to dock or anchor controls so that they resize themselves accordingly when a form is resized. It works fine till we have rows of controls on left and right size of the form. But what if have three columns (Columns as in visual sense. I'm not talking about any column control containing other controls) of controls? For example a form having a bunch of controls in the left side, a bunch in the middle and a bunch in the right. There may be a few more bunches in the middle. Now while resizing the form, I want the controls to resize accordingly as well as change their positions to make space for the previous bunch of controls that are resizing.I mean, while the user increases the form size horizontally, the controls of the second bunch should resize and at the same time they should move right because the controls of the first bunch are increasing horizontally too. When the user decreases the form size horizontally the same thing should occur in the reverse order.I can manage it somehow using nested splitcontainers but that's too cumbersome. I would like to know if there's some better way to achieve it, like setting some property etc.?

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Get A Button On Form A To Open Form B And Then Close (not Hide) Form A When Clicked?

Jun 12, 2009

get a button on form A to open form B and then close (not hide) form A when clicked?Background: I am coding a VSTO application for Excel in VB2008.

Private Sub FormAButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FormAButton.Click
Dim FormB As New FormB


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VS 2008 - Mdi Form - Startup Form For My Program - Hide The Treeview

Jul 2, 2009

I am using 2008 i have been using a mdi form which is the startup form for my prog. and i have a main menu on that form. now i would like to shift to tree view as my client has asked for it. whenever a node is selected i can select the form corresponding for that particular code. everything is fine till here. but when the form is loaded the tree view is coming on top of the form the tree view is docked in a pannel. now i have tried everything treemenu.sendtoback and the say the form to b called is taxtypemaster then taxtypemaster.bringtofront but still the tree view is coming over the form

I have tried the following :

Dim mMenuSelected As String = e.Node.Name
Select Case e.Node.Name


Even the visible doesnt work as it seems after the .show it makes the tree view visible again. how do i hide the treeview pls. someone guide me at the earliest. i feel it is not the prob. of treeview but something to do with the mdi form am i right ?

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Hiding The Child Form Also Hide The Parent Form?

Aug 16, 2010

I have three forms: A, B and C. Upon a button being clicked, A displays B. Similarly, B displays C. Both using the ShowDialog() method.

However when I use the Hide() method (inside a Button Click event) on form C to close it, form B also closes. Why would this be? As far as I can see, it shouldn't be doing this. I certainly didn't write any code to tell it to do that.


UPDATE: I am an idiot. DialogResult was set to Cancel on the button as I'd copy+pasted it from the existing Close button and not realised that property was set

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How To Create Borderless Forms

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to make a borderless form so I set the "Form Border Style" property to "None". So then I ran it and could not move it around. How do I overcome this? Btw I already made the close button and etc.

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Smooth Borderless Resize ?

Nov 20, 2010

I am working on making a borderless form resize, but every time you move the mouse while resizing, it starts blinking until you are done. Is there a smoother borderless resize?

Here is the code I have right now

Dim CurLocation, AppLocation As New Point(0, 0)

Private Sub Sync()
CurLocation = Cursor.Position
AppLocation = Me.Size


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Creating A New Form On A Old Form , Then Hide & Show Them?

Dec 5, 2010

I have two forms , and I want write a code like ( &

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VS 2008 Form Show Form Hide?

Sep 28, 2009

Private Sub HideShowTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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