DropdownList - Placing Database Fields On Form

Jun 1, 2010

I have been placing my database fields (details view) on a form but for some reason they are all appearing as text boxes with the exception of date fields. Why are none of them showing as drop down lists?

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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Asp.net - Get The Cascading Dropdownlist To Work In A Gridview Edittemplate Fields?

Sep 14, 2011

Error is ddlgvRooms' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.Parameter name: value

I read a lot of people having issues with this particular problem but non of the fixes have worked for my case.I have tried a few different things such as setting appenddatabounditems="true" also tried to set in the itemcollection a default null value.Most of the forums post on this that I read were from a couple years ago im hoping they fixed this bug already and I am just overlooking something.I am trying to get my cascading dropdownlist to work in a gridview edittemplate fields. I created these in my detailsview on insert everything works great.

MySetup Basically I have a webmethod that has 2 functions getRooms and getJacks that are supposed to grab the data from the 2 datasets that I have created.The Datasets get their data from a couple of SQLSTOREDPROCEDURES.My aspx page dropdownlist and AjaxCDDL looks like this

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlgvRooms" runat="server"
SelectedValue='<%# Bind("intRoom") %>'>


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Copy Fields In Form To Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a problem trying to copy 3 fields on a form to a database. The reason I cannot seem to do it is that the last field asks how many copies you want to save in a combo box. So lets say the user selects 3 I need to be able to copy three sets of the same data to the database.

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Created The Database And Bound The Fields To A Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I am an experienced programmer but am new to VB. To start, I am trying to create a simple database program. (My ultimate goal is writing a comprehensive database program in 6-8 months)I have created the database and bound the fields to a form.

But what I want to be able to do is add a field to the database and then also bind that new field to a textbox on the form.The new field appears on the list in the Server Explorer window (on my left) but not in the data sources window (on my right.) The data sources windows has a "refresh" option but that does not help.When I manually add a textbox and try going to DataBindings in the property window the new database field is not listed.

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Search Form With Different Fields To Access Database

Jan 21, 2012

I have finished my database using Dreamweaver ASP VBScript and Access, the only thing left is to create the searching system. My search form works fine when posting just one filed. The results page Recordset goes as follows.


I need 7 different fields on my search form, this what I did but it doesn't work.


Name: MMColParam
Type: Text
Value: Request.Form("Ref")
Default value: 1

Name: MMColParam
Type: Text
Value: Request.Form("New_resale")
Default value: 1

"Price" is a special one because this is a list menu with different amounts, like 50.000, 70.000, 90.000, and so one. The idea is to make this list menu post to the result page, only to display records under or equal to the given value. less or equal > than 50.000 or 70.000, etc.

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[VS 2010 + MS Access 2k3] INSERT INTO Do Not Render Form Fields In The Database

Apr 18, 2012

I use this code to insert datab from my VB.Net form into my MS Access 2003:


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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Create A Program That Connects To A Database And Shows Table Fields In Listview In Windows Form?

Mar 12, 2010

i am trying to create a program that connects to a database and shows table fields in listview in windows form i manage to do that but i want now to have a button to take the total of a column in a list box ,lets say from the column "money"?

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Simple Looping - Create Multiple Form Fields For Each Entry In Underlying Database Table

Nov 24, 2009

I am trying to create a form which will be fed by an underlying database to create multiple form fields for each entry in an underlying database table. This is for a program to monitor patients under anesthesia, and prior to surgery, the doctor will choose which monitors they will be using. Then, on the actual monitor screen which will pop up every X minutes, there will be a text box and a check box for each chosen monitor. I am relatively new to VB, so I have tried to illustrate what I am needing but using the logic that I know from my previous life in PHP.

I am using DevExpress's layout control to place the form fields, so that is the code in the middle of the first loop (on_load), and I know that part works, I just need to know how to name the fields and then recover those fields and commit the values to the database. (the text boxes are added to the database, the check boxes are used to determine if an entry is made for that monitor- i.e. at the end of surgery if a monitor is turned off). I know that my syntax for naming the fields is no where close to correct, and it probably would not work in PHP, but I remember doing something like this in a PHP application I built long ago. [Code]

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Placing A Form Above Desktop, But Below All Other Windows?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm new at the forums but not to .net development. I'm trying to make an application, which stays above the Dektop level but ALWAYS below any opened window. This application cannot be minimized, it has to be visible as a desktop background (just for getting you the main idea). As I was reading, I found that the way to make the form not to minimize is by using the WndProc function, and intercepting the Minimize message. My question is.. which of all the available messages is the correct for this case?.

P.D.3 (And last one I hope): See, the main reason of this application, is to make some kind of an "Active Desktop" function, which is not supported by Windows XP 64-bit. As XP64 doens't come with Active Desktop to use Web Pages as Desktop backgrounds, my idea is to make an application which loads certain web page and put's it on the desktop background.

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Placing More Than One Form In A Split Container

Jul 16, 2012

I have a project with a number of forms. In Form2, I have a split container. In panel 1, I have a number of radio buttons. What I have not been able to do is use the radio buttons to select a form to be shown in the panel on the right.


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VS 2008 : Placing An ActiveX Control On A Form?

Sep 15, 2009

I have been trying for ages to put an ActiveX control on a windows form for a CCTV camera I am using. I have registered the control with windows, added it as a reference to my VS2008 project and now it appears in the toolbox.When I put the ActiveX control on the form I always get an error saying "Failed to create back buffer surface" The control is added to the form however I can not get it to work and I suspect it has something to do with this error.I have an example project from the developers of the camera that does not have this problem, i.e. I can add the ActiveX control with no problems, however the program is in C++ and I am using VB.Net.Is there anything else I need to do to stop this error from occurring?I am using a CCTV camera from Zavio (F521E). The ActiveX control is called AxVideoView.ocx.

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Placing Cursor In Data Bound DataGridView On Form Load

May 1, 2012

I have searched the web and this site for an answer but have not been able to solve this problem.I am not able to place a flashing cursor in a specified cell of a data bound DataGridView on Form_Load.My test project consists of a single Visual Basic 2008 form with a database created in Microsoft SQL Express 2005 using the Add New Data Source in the Data Sources window.The database has one table consisting of 2 columns.Column 1 being the primary key with Identity Specification set to On.The second column is a VarChar50.The DataGridView was placed on the form by dragging it from the Data Sources window thereby creating the Binding Navigator and the Private_Sub Form_Load code.I have added the code that should put the cursor where I want it.[code]

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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Copy The Textbox Fields Into A New Database And Then Delete This Entry From The Database?

Nov 7, 2009

[code]....I have a dialog that comes up and asks for a reason for declining the business.I don't want the code to move on after not enabling the "me" until the reason has been entered and saved into the database. Also, at that point where it says "I WANT...." I want to copy the textbox fields into a new database and then delete this entry from the database, how can I do that. I am using VS 2008 and SQL.

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Browser Compatible Code To Disable A Dropdownlist When Another Dropdownlist Is Clicked Or A Checkbox Is Checked?

May 26, 2011

I have a window having 2 dropdowmlists(schemename-SN and propertyno-PN) , one chkbox ,one "VIEW" button.SN has options "all" with value=0 and many other options with respctive values.Now,i want the code should behaves as follows:

1.0n window onload, SN must b visible bt PN nt.

2.if i select SN other thn All...the PN shud b visible and if i select "All" ,PN hides.

3.when check box is checked- PN hides,and if it is unchecked- PN visible..

Important:-This whole ddl n chk box are in updatable panel,button is nt in that.I want a browser compatible code so javascript can't b used directly(cz they give problem in mozzila and chrome).Right now, i have done this JavaScript and its is working fine.

function window.onload()


but this code is not browser compatible.here onload,onkeyup and onclick functions are used , but they dont work in other browsers except internet explorer.

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Dropdown - Add A Value To A Dropdownlist Populated From Database

Feb 27, 2010

this is my code -


this shall populate the dropdownlist data, but in the value i need it to pick up the "ID" field from the stored proc. the stored proc sends two parameters, ID and Name. so i populate name, but how do i populate the id in value like this -


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DropDownList With Items Copied From Database

Mar 8, 2010

I have an Web application that retrieves some db info and send it out to an html table. All created on the fly in vb code behind. For every post (row) in the db I also fill puts an instance of a Dropdownlist with items read from the db. That means that for every row I read from the database I read the same db info into the Dropdownlist (see the skeleton example below). A lot of overhead I think. It must be possible to create the Dropdownlist once before the loop and copy from that instance in the loop.

Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cboCombo2 As DropDownList
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Save EditItemTemplate DropDownList To Database?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a Entity Data Model which abstracts an underlying MSSQL database. I have an EntityDataSource which is wired up to a GridView. The GridView has a number of columns - most are BoundFields, but one is an EditItemTemplate. Inside of this template I've placed the following[code]...

The code executes okay and I can click edit and change the selected dropdownlist, but when I click the Update button in the GridView it doesn't update the value in the database with the datavaluefield value from the edititemtemplate. How can I get it to save the selected value from the edititemtemplate to the database?

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Asp.net - Using LINQ And A Dropdownlist To Enter A New Record Into An SQL Database

Apr 19, 2012

Our remit is to make a Veterinary Surgery Booking System.

I have an asp.net page that has 4 fields, one of the fields is populated on page load as per the vb code below.

I'm trying to get the selected value (or text) of the dropdownlist control and use it as the value for the first field in the record however every time I select the second or third value in the dropdownlist and click the submit button the new record that is created is inserting the first value in the dropdownlist.[CODE...]

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How To Show Time On DropDownList From Date On Database

Mar 23, 2012

I have a date that I retrieve from database. I want to give ability to edit time on my gridview, as my date is date+time, I want to show the time on my database as my selected value on the dropdown list and a ability to choose other times from the list and save back again with date+time on the database.[code]

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Predictive Text - How To Display Records From Database Into DropdownList

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in vb.net using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdownlist if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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Inserting Multiple Dropdownlist Values In A Field In Database (ASP)?

Dec 29, 2011

I have three dropdownlist which values are to be inserted in one particular field in the database. But i am new to ASP.

This are my following codes:
Dim strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)


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Using Dropdownlist In EXCEL Spreadsheet For Web Form?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an issue that I am trying to work around. I have an aspx page that needs to load up a formated XLS spreadsheet into a DIV tag and then allow the user to input data that will be retrieved later on postback and values store in a MS SQL database.

I created an excel spreadsheet and formatted it with the formulas and colors. I also added a combobox from the control toolbox. I also added a checkbox from the control toolbox to another cell. I then saved the page using File-->Save AS WebPage. I checked the 'Add Interactively' checkbox on the save dialog. I then opened the file in an editor and copied the object tag into my aspx page. Everything was fine except my combobox and checkbox did not appear in the HTML spreadsheet.

I am assuming that I have to EITHER programmatically add the controls prior to render or add the combobox as a XML element to the proper node of the XMLData value parameter attribute.the current XML Block for this node is :

<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="18.75">
<Cell ss:StyleID="s23"><Data ss:Type="String">Fund</Data></Cell>
<Cell ss:StyleID="s23"/>


The second cell, between FUND and ENG is where I need to add the combobox. also how about binding data to this dropdown control control. This data is coming from SQL DB, and not from a range in the activesheet. Someone told me that I should use Access instead of Excel but I dont think that is right as I need spreadsheet capabilities on the page?

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VS 2005 Checkbox In My Application - Fetch The Data From The Database And Add It To The Dropdownlist Of The Combobox

Aug 31, 2009

I have a checkbox in my application,when the checkbox is checked then i want to fetch the data from the database and add it to the dropdownlist of the combobox.Again when the checkbox is unchecked then i want to ramove all the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox.

I did this

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=Etech.mdb")


When the checkbox is checked then the data is added from the database to the dropdownlist of the combobox but when i uncheck it then the data is not removed from the dropdownlist of the combobox. In the above code i think i need to add an else condition to remove the data from the dropdownlist of the combobox and make it empty when the checkbox is unchecked.......but i cant give the proper else condition in the above code.

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Filling Windows Form By Selecting Dropdownlist Item?

Nov 2, 2011

I am new to programming and i am working on a windows fom app. In this moment i have my windows form set with several controls that insert data into sql db. Now, what i need is this:

When the user select a employee name from my dropdownlist, i want the form automatically fill with the data inserted in the past to the tables db. Is like choosing the different profiles by selecting the name in the dropdownlist. I have many controls to fill, name, secondname, lastname, telmobil, address, etc.

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Blank Fields In Database

Aug 25, 2008

I am working on a timekeeping application, using Visual Basic 2008 Express edition with an Access 2000 database.The application requires the user to complete a timesheet by recording in tme and out time daily. Blank fields are perfectly frquent and perfectly legitimate.Using these lines of code it works perfectlywhen there is a time value in the database.[code]This indicates to me that the code to ignore a field containing nothing is not working

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Count Fields In Database?

Sep 17, 2009

How can I count fields in database (Any alternatives welcome)

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