Dynamically Adding A Reference?

Jan 13, 2011

how to go about adding a reference to an assembly at run time? I am writing a vb.net (2008) program that will send email via Outlook. But at compile time I do not know which version of Outlook the user will be using - Outlook 2003, 2007 or 2010.

How do I add a reference at runtime which will a) satisfy this condition and b) allow me to compile the program? If I do not have a reference at compile time then my Outlook code will fail

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How To Dynamically Reference Control

Sep 7, 2008

I'm new to VB (and .net), just started taking an introductory class. One of the things we've done is set up a little form that does basic math. It looks something like this:

[txt1] = [txt1mod1] + [txt1mod2] [btn1]
[txt2] = [txt2mod1] - [txt2mod2] [btn2]
[txt3] = [txt3mod1] * [txt3mod2] [btn3]
[txt4] = [txt4mod1] / [txt4mod2] [btn4]

When you click btn1, it adds the values txt1mod1 and txt1mod2 and displays the answer in txt1. The same happens for buttons 2, 3, 4 on their respective lines. So the way we handle this is to have four subprocedures that handle the button clicks, one for each button. I was thinking it would make more sense to have one function handle all of the button clicks, since it's basically the same thing. Through my own research I've learned you can have multiple events call one procedure like so:

Private Sub btn1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click, btn2.Click, btn3.Click, btn4.Click
End Sub

But how do I determine which of the four buttons was clicked, and which text box values the user cares about? Then after doing so, how do I reference the relevant controls (txt[x]mod1, txt[x]mod2, txt[x])?

Dim b As Button = CType(sender, Button)
Dim t As String = b.Tag.ToString
But it gets a little fuzzy after that because I can't figure out how to reference the controls using the tags. I don't even know if I'm going down the right path. I can, for example, set some string to

strBox1 = String.Concat("txt",t,"mod1") 'string is "txt1mod1" for example
but trying to reference the control

gives me errors that, "Text is not a member of String."

Well, I don't know if this is correct or not, but it seems to work if I use "Controls()":
'if t = 1
Dim a As String = Controls(String.Concat("txt",t,"mod1")).Text 'value of txt1mod1
Dim b As String = Controls(String.Concat("txt",t,"mod1")).Text 'value of txt1mod2
Dim s As Integer = CInt(a) + CInt(b) 'im actually determing the operand elsewhere
Controls(String.Concat("txt",t)).Text = s.ToString

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Reference Dynamically Created Control In Asp.net 3.5 With VB?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm writing a program that inserts controls onto a webform dynamically. Depending on a variable, I add either a textbox, a set of radio buttons, or a set of checkboxes. Later, after a user clicks a submit button I need to use the controls to determine if the user is submitting the correct answer, but when I try to reference the id of a control, I get "txtAnser is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to it's protections level. Here is the .aspx page (it's the standard content page of a master page):


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VS 2010 Reference A Control Dynamically?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a few text boxes on my form (txt1, txt2, txt3...) and would like to assign values to them based on the index. I not sure how to describe but Something similiar to the following:

dim i as integer = 30
For n As Integer = 1 To i
[txt] & i.text = MyText" & i

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Assign Events Dynamically With A Form That Has No Reference?

Jun 19, 2012

I've got a class where I pass in a panel reference and in that panel I'm then required to draw multiple other panels that represent my objects. The issue is that when I go to bind dynamically click events to these panels I don't have reference to the Form of which I want to popup on the click event.

The reason for this structure is so that I can redraw my class dynamically and reattach certain events to each object.

Is there any way to do this without moving my classes logic outside of the Assembly or is there any way to attach my click event to a piece of code logic to a sub in my WinForm?

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Dynamically Reference An Object Property Using A String?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to reference a public property from a string. How can this be done in vb.net?I have the text value of "FirstName" stored in strucParam(i).TxtPropertyName.[code]...

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Pass A Reference To A Form To Dynamically Compiled Code?

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to create a application scripting environment for my VB .Net application. I have a form type in the application called Project. What I want to do is dynamically compile (i.e Eval) VB .Net code on a Project form. This dynamic code always has a Main function. One of the arguments to Main is a reference to the calling Project form. Here is the Eval code:

Public Function Eval(ByVal vbCode As String, ByRef MyAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly, ByRef ProjectForm As Project) As ArrayList
Dim Provider As VBCodeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VisualBasic")


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Dynamically Creating Objects - Error: A Null Reference Exception

Apr 13, 2011

I am working on creating an application (game) for a PocketPC with Visual Studio2005 in VB/.NET. I try to dynamically create a (new)button upon clicking a label and assigning certain properties to this button. For this I used below displayed code, but this button does not appear on 'Form1' - which is big enough to display it- but creates an error: A NullReferenceException. Such occurs when you try to reference an object in your code that does not exist, but I think I just did by using'..New..' Who can tell me what is wrong and how to fix this? [Code]

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Adding Controls Dynamically - Asp.Net And VB

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to add a "panel" with controls dynamicaly. Something like the code below, Clicking "Add" button, displays a "Panel" with the controls(which are within a table), the number of "Education" someone can enter is unlimited. I know how to capture the data, but i can't figure out how to implement/code this,


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Adding Controls And Their Events Dynamically?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm developing a website in visual studio 2008 using (asp.net/vb)I have to allow registered users to build pages and add controls that are already defined by the same userMy problem is how to build this page dynamically?In other words, I'd like to make like any CMS (e.g. Joomla). CMSs allow us to make new pages and add our controls then save them..

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Adding Controls To A Panel Dynamically?

Jun 10, 2011

I am working on a project for a handheld in Visual Studio 2008 where I need to add a group of labels to a panel that correspond to a record on the database. The record is a "Pass/Fail" Record. So, if the record is a "Fail", the failed items will be added below the main group of labels; therefore, many child groups of labels will be added below the main group, which is theoretically the header record. I am using a second panel to add the failed items. My issue is how to dynamically add, name, and position the failed item labels and panels. Below, I have included a sample of what I am trying to accomplish.

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Adding Images To Nodes Dynamically?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a simple tree, parent and child, that I create from files in a folder at run time (VB2010). All I want to do is assign one icon to the parent, and another to the child. I am using FileSystemWatcher set to watch the folders and update whenever there is a change. Here is the code:

'If there is a change in the Scan Folders relist
Private Sub scanFileChange(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
If e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created Or e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Changed Or IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted Then


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Adding Rows To A DataGridView Dynamically?

Apr 26, 2012

VB.NET 4.0 framework Windows Forms Application. So I have a DataGridView that I have dropped on my form in designer, set all the columns to readOnly, AllowUserToAddRows = FalseAllowUserToDeleteRows = False. Now for the part where it the code is going bad at.

My function Looks Like this:
Private Sub fill_items()
Dim prop As List(Of property_info) = db.property_info.ToList


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Asp.net - Adding Hyperlinks Dynamically By Code?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a web form but I have to do this by code since I dont know the number of hyperlinks I need from the beginning.How can I add some hyperlinks with Image in a label, the number of hyperlink depends on the number of rows of a query, and each row give me the link information to navigate.

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Asp.net - Dynamically Adding A Label Is Not Working?

May 26, 2011

I am attempting to dynamically create a profile page. Everything works fine except when I try to add the title (surrounded by <h2> tags) to the lbl control which is inserted in the select statement. Let me know if this is too confusing and I will attempt to explain further.


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Dynamically Adding New Moduls To Project?

Oct 12, 2011

I develop a student information system with vb.net where marks of previous years and preference of subjects of students are recorded. finally according to their preference and available resources at the department, students are granted two subjects for each one for higher studies.In the system we have to get information and output the student detatils and their subject.problem is if administrator would need to add new subject to the project.I have design this only for 5 major subjects and their major2 subject

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Dynamically Adding User Controls

Jun 23, 2012

I have been set a project from school to design snake in VB.Net but i am struggling to dynamically add the user control which acts as one of the dots in the body of the snake. Every time i add a dot on to the snake the previous vanishes. I assume this is due to me overwriting the previous one by creating a new instance of the object but i cannot find a way of adding a new one in.[code]I have tried using body(i) and other ways of adding a new instance of the object but am stuck.The subroutine will be called up when a new control is needed.

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VS 2005 Dynamically Adding Timer?

Apr 17, 2009

I have an application that i have developed which requires me to run a method in one of the classes on a timely basis. Basically, calling the method at an interval.I can do this if there's only a single object, but the number of objects that i have to create depends on the number of entries in a table. I was wondering if it's possible to add timer control dynamically and make the tick even call objects' methods at an interval.

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.net - Dynamically Adding Items To An Un-order List In Asp.net

Feb 22, 2010

if i create a html ul. and wanted to dynamically add list items to this list. so i have :


is there a way i can add list item to this list dynamically in asp.net i am using vb

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Adding Text In The Textbox Dynamically In The Database?

Nov 29, 2010

Here is my

Private Sub Add_Click
Dim tbox As New TextBox
tbox.Location = New Point(12, 244)


I added a textbox dynamically during runtime. How will I add the text in the textbox to my database? The name property of the textbox cant be change. What is the name property of the texbox created during runtime?

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Asp.net - Adding Linkbutton Dynamically To Gridview. Not Firing?

May 8, 2012

I am dynamically adding a link button to every cell in a gridview. Adding the button works however the firing of the even handler doesn't. i need the linkbutton to call a function and pass some data for processing. My code is below. I have found solutions from the site that have gotten me this far.At the moment the gridview loads the cells with buttons in blue. when you click them they go back to plain text and no function is called.


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Dynamically Adding Class To The Exsisting DLL File?

Sep 15, 2009

I created an interface where user will define the parameters and the submit button should able to do following:

1) Generate C# class.

2) Compile.

3) Execute Method.

4) Attach generated class file to the existing DLL.

I can able to finish 3 of the above items successfully but I can't able to Attach new generated class files to existing DLL file.

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Dynamically Adding Controls To Tabpage At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to add a new control to a dynamically created TabPage at run time, I have viewed many threads with similar help requests and cant seem to make the codes work!

Here's what I've got:

Dim albumscount As Xml.XmlNodeList
albumscount = config_doc.SelectNodes("component/config/menu/album")
i = albumscount.Count - 1
Dim albumtitle As Xml.XmlNode


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Dynamically Adding Multiple User Controls?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a User Control which returns a table of data, which in some cases needs to be looped, displaying one on top of another. I am able to dynamically add a single instance of this by placing a fixed placeholder in the page. I am now trying to work out how to add more than one, given that I don't know how many might be needed I don't want to hard code the Placeholders. I've tried the following, but I am just getting one instance, presumably the first is being overwritten by the second

<div id="showHere" runt="server"/>
Dim thisPh As New PlaceHolder
Dim anotherPh As New PlaceHolder
anotherPh .Controls.Add(showTable)
How do I make it add repeated tables within the showHere div?

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Forms :: Adding Controls Dynamically Below Existing One

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to add a DataGridView to a Split Container Panel. I am able to add the control, but it just places it on top of the old one. What I want is to add it below the existing one. How to do it.

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Keep Panel Scroll On Top When Dynamically Adding Controls To It?

Oct 5, 2011

I am adding user controls to a panel that is empty, but when i do that, the scroll of the panel goes down.

I tried to set the panel.verticalscrol.value to 0 but that does not do the trick, so..

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WinForms - Dynamically Adding Controls At Runtime

Oct 21, 2009

I have a WinForms application that I need to dynamically add controls to at runtime. I searched for this and I was initially led to the TableLayoutPanel (TLP).

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Adding Reference To A .dll?

Jul 20, 2008

Is there a way i can reference a .dll class library in coding, without having to go to project>add reference?

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Adding A Datarow By Dynamically Reading A Text File?

May 15, 2012

I have a program that reads a text file and creates a datatable dynamically based on the columns in the file.

This seems to work fine.

I then try to read the rest of the text file, creating a data row to add to my table. I'm using the code below but it's not working for me.

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
Dim strFieldData As New ArrayList
Dim obj As New Object()


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Dynamically Adding Controls To A Panel Within A Data Repeater

Jul 15, 2010

I have a Data Repeater to which I need to add x number of images depending on their existence in the database.I need the images added within hyperlinks for Javascript functionality. In order to dynamically add the hyperlinks and images I have placed them within a panel in the data repeater and am adding them in the ItemDataBound event.The problem is that only the first image is being written to the datarepeater.[code]

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