Dynamically Populating Combobox - Defined Before Runtime?
Jan 19, 2012
I have a large form of 16 rows, and 5 columns of comboboxes. Three rows will be filled with the same information as a list of about 20 items. Two rows contain the same information of only 5 items.
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Nov 16, 2009
I've got a window with multiple datagridviews. Each with data from a separate dataTable. All of which are part of the same DataSet. There are a couple of places where one DataTable has a field joined with the lookup dataTable from the dataset. For example a lookup table for LugSizes has a field called LugSize that is also it's primary key. Another table called Device Terminations has a field called LugSize to which the user can only select those values from the LugSize lookup table. I thought it would be as simple as using the Items.Add method for the combobox column whenever a new lookup table row was added to its own datagridview. Unfortunately, when I try to initially clear the items list, the data error event is triggered for every row.
Here's a sample of my code if it helps:
Private Sub FillLugSizeComboBox()
If colDTLugSize.Items.Count > 0 Then colDTLugSize.Items.Clear()
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Aug 9, 2011
I am working on a weboage that will display questions and answers (maybe 5 at one time, maybe 7 at another time) returned from a database table. The questions will each be displayed in a div and the related answers displayed in another div. The question will have an icon "Show Answer / Hide Answer"
How can I go about creating a div and then populating it with values from a table?
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Mar 6, 2012
I have a vb.net website with a gridview that currently has exam questions displaying vertically in each row like this:
Name question answer
Joe question1 answer1
Joe question2 answer2
But I would like to change it, so that each question is a header, like this:
Name question1 question2 question3
Joe answer1 answer2 answer3
Jill answer1 answer2 answer3
This makes it more readable since each user is only listed once.I would like to stick with a gridview instead of rewriting all my code.I am actually binding my data to the gridview via some other programmers class. I am using LINQ like this:
Return (From entry In report.FetchAllEntries()
Select questionID = entry.Question.QuestionID,
userID = entry.Session.User.ID,
View 1 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
Before any jumps in and says, Why dont you just use a gridview, i have my reasons not to use it.I trying to dynamically create a table and then populate the cells via a linq object.
Good news, i can dynamically create the table and the cells.
Dim numrows As Integer = MyActions.Count()
Dim numcells As Integer = 5
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Apr 6, 2009
PROBLEM OVERVEIW: everything "runs", it never crashes, it populates the checkboxlist on the page, it even calls BindCheckBoxList during the databind but it never checks the boxes.
I have debugged and stepped through the stop points comments are below.
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource2"
DataTextField="Abbreviation" DataValueField="Abbreviation" OnDataBinding="BindCheckBoxList" OnSelectedIndexChanged="BindCheckBoxList">
View 4 Replies
May 3, 2012
I have a GRIDVIEW with columns, one of which contains a CSV of possible values for the dropdown that must appear on each row.
Private Sub GridViewParameters_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridViewParameters.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then[code].....
Depending on whether the type of control is a dropdown, textbox, or check box (feined in the table) it hides or shows the relevant control type. If it is a dropdown it needs to get its values from a CSV in a corresponding column. I have a SP that returns a these in table form if passed the id of the relevant row.How do I get that is from the gridview to pass to the drop down and load it correctly?
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Aug 10, 2011
I am trying to create a basic quoting tool but got stuck on how to clear and change the item collection from within a combobox for a datagrid.What we have is a list of 4 columns like a. Device b.TypeofService c.State d.Price Inside a sql database. Data is also structure like above as well.
I have a datagridview where the user will populate a,b,c and the price will be display and a total at the end. However a,b, and c aren't related in my current application. The combobox will show all possible dinstinct values for each column.
This works fine but I want to refine the application to only show the values of b. which are in the database after the user select the value for a. I have tried searching on how to do this as I assume to the Contry/State/City situation but could not find anything for a datagridview control in VB.NET.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? If I cannot do this dynamically from within a datagridview I was thinking of maybe creating three combo box outside and having it populating the datagridview afterwards but it wouldn't be as nice.
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Oct 8, 2009
I've created a couple of Comparer classes for FileInfo objects to allow sorting by Name and LastWriteTime properties, but ideally I'd like to combine them into once class, so that I can compare/sort by any property simply by passing through the chosen property name.However, I don't know how to go about this. My comparer class current includes:
Dim oX As FileInfo = CType(x, FileInfo)
Dim oY As FileInfo = CType(y, FileInfo)
Dim Result As Int16 = oX.Name.CompareTo(oY.Name)
I want to be able to substitute the Name property with the property name stored in the _sortColumn variable.I'm expecting the solution to be rather simple, but as yet, I haven't been able to figure it out!
Solution:I'd already got as far as researching Reflection, and had stumbled across PropertyInfo. But Fredriks solution cut down my search and provided a bit of structure, and I've come up with this (VB.Net) solution which seems to work nicely:
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Apr 15, 2012
Populating the combo box with the list of items from the one of the column in table from database.Based on the selection of item in the combo box, the another combobox should be populated with value corresponding to the selected item in the first combo box.[code]The problem with this code only the first row that is populate in the 2nd combo box.
View 6 Replies
Oct 8, 2009
I am building a form that will eventually list a group of functions on the left. If you drag a function onto the form, it will create a listbox and a label at the loction you dropped it to. If you drag a function into a listbox, it will add that function as a listbox item. I have this working kind of. The problem is that once I create a new listbox, I am no longer able to add items to the previous ones. Here is my code:
Public Class Form1
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
'rivate Functionlist As ListBox
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Jan 20, 2010
I am new to VB 2008 express (I am a 'C' coder but have played with VB6 before). I am writing a simple program that will use the serial port. What I would like to do is, upon some trigger event, open a form, and depending on the amount of serial ports available, populate this form with an array of checkboxes with each check box corresponding to an available serial port. The user could then choose a port which would then determine the PortName.
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a combobox which populates information from a textfile, however I was wondering if it would be possible to only populate the fourth field? each field in the text file is separated by tab (space).
For example the text file has the following information
orange yellow blue brown green
pink purple green yellow black
red purple pink black neon
green blue purple gold silver
The combobox I want to display brown yellow black gold I have the following coding in place however it shows all fields in the combobox.
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Feb 24, 2012
I am developing an application in visual basic 2008. I want to populate a drop down list onthe fly with values extracted from the database. I want both the displayed and value items to come from the same.
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Dec 27, 2009
So im having a problem getting data from a table to display in my ComboBox
This is what i have:
' 2LT_Priority is the table name
' PriorityName and Priority_ID are Columns
Dim ds As DataSet = _2LTDataSet
View 5 Replies
Nov 28, 2011
What is the best way to populate a combobox from a database?I've looked at previous questions but they all seem more complex than my query.Data base table has just two columns, ItemId & ItemDiscription I just need itemId field to show in the combobox.
Connect to DB
put data into dataAdapter
fill dataset from dataAdapter (sql statement)
Fill combobox from dataset
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Jun 6, 2012
Private Sub UsernameEdit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sqlconn As New SqlConnection
sqlconn.ConnectionString = "stuff"
The combobox just populates with "System.Data.DataRowView" I know it is some command to read the correct data out of the table, is it setting up something like:
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to CompanyNames.length-1
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Nov 2, 2010
I am using the below code to populate my combobox inside datagrid view; i got the code below from different source hoping that it will work;
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
View 7 Replies
Dec 16, 2009
I want to populate the textboxs with the access databse fields when i select the combobox.
my combobox is populating but my txtunivdetails is not being populated. I am not able to find my error.
Private Sub UiComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
On Error Resume Next
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Jan 24, 2011
I need to populate some information into several ComboBoxes. The infromation should be read from the table in my database. Is it possible to read the information and populate it onto a combobox without using data binding?
I tried to populate several ComboBoxes, but if I use databinding, the ComboBoxes all show the same value.Also, if I select a certain value, it also selects that row in the table, which I do not wish to do..
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May 19, 2012
I have a scenario. Database name my_db
Am Using an Untyped Dataset to populate a datagridview from Table_3. Issue is i really need to Show the 'ColumnStudentsName' from 'Table_1' that corresponds to 'Table_3'
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Mar 26, 2009
I have an unbound DataGridView control that displays a few columns of account data. The first column is a combobox that I fill with data from a dataset of names filtered by what's in a customer field on the form. When you click on a combo on one of the populated rows, the available names come up in the combo. But if the first click in the datagridview is on a new row's combo, various (incorrect) names appear. Only after you click on one of the populated row's comboboxes, does the correct data appear in the new row's combobox control.
I don't really understand why this is happening. I have been using the EditingControlShowing event to populate and add the combo to the new row, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. I hope someone out there has some ideas about the correct way to do this.
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Nov 8, 2011
When I dynamically compile SilverLight 4.0 application using Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider, I get the following error.
Line: 118 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 130 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 141 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 234 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
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Apr 30, 2009
Using vb.net (vs2005), how do I populate a combo box with multiple property values from an object? Right now I'm iterating a collection of objects and adding the name property of each object to the combo box. I'd like to add multiple properties from the object to the list. For now, I'd be happy if they appeared comma separated in the list.
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Feb 23, 2012
assist in the proper way to populate a value in a txtbox based on a combobox selection? I basically have a table (tblStudent) that has two fields (Range, Amt). The range records are 1-5,6-10,11-20,21-50, >50. Amt are 0 by default.
four more Tables
(tblPA,tblNY,tblNJ,tbMD) with 2 fields (pctgStud,amount) where prctgStud are
ranges (0, 1-10,11-25,26-50,51-100). Amount are 0 by default.
My form has a 5 simple comboBoxes that allows one of the ranges to be selected for each of them. I also have 5 txtBox relating to the corresponding (Amt) fields. How do I populate the textboxes with the related AMT based on the range selected from the comboBox. On a side note, I want to ultimately increment all the textbox values by one in the tables when submit is clicked.
View 10 Replies
Jan 10, 2012
I want to populate the combobox based on the selected item in the first combobox. The following code is written in vb.net 2008
Public Class Form1 Sub fillcombo()
strsql = "select * from device"
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
cmd.CommandText = strsql
cmd.Connection = con
[Code] .....
For this code I am able to populate the first combobox and when I select the specific item in combobox then the second combobox shows only the first element of that item.
In MS access 2007 I have created 2 tables:
1) Contains the device ex:computer
2) Contains the device and its parts ex: cpu, monitor so here the device has duplicate values
Table names are device and parts.
View 7 Replies
Jan 8, 2010
I'm trying to populate textboxes on one form based on a selection on a combobox on another form. All data will be pulling from the same SQL table. I've got the combox to work fine to show the correct data in one of the textboxes by using the lines:
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=F03D3S-DEV01; Initial Catalog=dos_track;" _
& "Integrated Security=True"
,but not sure how to get the other textboxes to fill with the correct data (from the same SQL table row) associated with the combobox selection. I've spent SO MUCH time on this trying to figure it out, but am getting nowhere fast...
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a form with a DataGridView and ComboBox, both of which are populated with data from an Excel spreadsheet, the source is unbound. My problem is in repopulating the DataGridView with data from another worksheet in the same Excel file when the user selects the corresponding value from the ComboBox. For example if they were to select January from the ComboBox then the DataGridView would load in and display the data contained on say Sheet2, selecting February would load Sheet 3 and so on. I am running Visual Studio 2008.
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Sep 26, 2011
In my winforms project, some of the forms have a set of ContextMenuStrips defined on them (through the visual studio designer).Some of these contextmenustrips have been attached to controls, but others have not.Now my problem is this: I need to go through all of the ContextMenuStrips at runtime, whether they are attached or not.I've got some code that will recursively go through all controls and check the ContextMenuStrip property and this works fine.... However I can not get to the ContextMenuStrips that haven't been assigned to a control yet.
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Feb 20, 2011
in my windows form i have 2 combobox. populating combobox2 according to selection of combo1. combo1 i am binding on formload.
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