Dynamically Reating Checkboxes Contained In A Groupbox?

Dec 30, 2011

How should I go about dynamically creating checkboxes contained in a groupbox?

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Containers - Why All Contained Controls Within A Groupbox Do NOT Respond To Enabling / Disabling

Feb 10, 2011

I'm working on a winform which contains several controls like textboxes, radio buttons, datagridviews... All of these controls have been added to a main group box called gbDataEntry. My problem is when the user is seeing the form, I set gbDataEntry.Enabled = False but I want to enable some controls like DataGridviews so the user can scroll them. After disabling gbDataGridview I set DataGridView1.Enabled = True but it seems that the datagridview does not respond to this line. Why?

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Restore Settings From Another App - Label / GroupBox And CheckBoxes

Feb 16, 2012

I am making an application that is designed to restore the settings for another application of mine. It so far contains 1 Label, 1 GroupBox and 4 CheckBoxes. The code I am making is designed so that when CheckBox1 is checked, CheckBox3 is enabled, and vice versa.

That does work, with this code in CheckBox1_CheckedChanged:
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
CheckBox3.Enabled = True
CheckBox3.Enabled = False
End If

As I said, this code works exactly as intended. However, when I try to do the same with CheckBox2 and CheckBox4, using the following code in CheckBox2_CheckedChanged:
If CheckBox2.Enabled = True Then
CheckBox4.Enabled = True
CheckBox4.Enabled = False
End If

It is the same code, basically, the problem is though, when I check CheckBox2, then CheckBox4 will enable, but when I remove the check from CheckBox2, CheckBox4 will remain enabled. [URL]

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VS 2008 Get Number Of Objects (checkboxes) In A Groupbox

Apr 3, 2011

I am currently creating a program for my own use but I need some information about groupboxes. I have 3 groupboxes with each some checkboxes in them. My question is: How do i get the number of objects (checkboxes) in a groupbox. I tried looking for the index like in a listbox but it isn't part of the controls.

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Edit Contained Label Dynamically Based On Which Tab Is Selected?

Sep 28, 2010

I have the form with a tab control on it, there are 5 tabs each with a label contained in the tab-page.I want to have a button outside of the tab that changes on the form. when clicked the button will change the text of the label based on which tab is currently selected. I know it should be possible to do this, I'm not too sure where to start.

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Checkbox - Dynamically Create Checkboxes?

Sep 1, 2010

i am trying to figure out how to go about creating dynamic checkboxes on my form when i do not know axacctly how many boxes i will need.The problem is that i do not know how to DIM more than one object. This is my code for creating one checkbox

Dim heckBox As New CheckBox()
checkBox.Location = New Point(10, 10)


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Dynamically Add Checkboxes In A Foreach Loop?

May 8, 2009

I have the following for each loop which loops through a registry key and reads all the values:

Dim returnValue As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun")
Dim keyname As String = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun"
Dim values() As String = returnValue.GetValueNames


What I am trying to have been highlighted in bold.. Each time the loop executes and reads a value from the registry, I want the code to create a checkbox which has a unique name and text according to the value that was read... So the number of checkboxes will depend on number of values that is got from the registry...But this doesn't work. It only creates one text box and the text of the textbox is also incomplete...

View 7 Replies

Dynamically Add Checkboxes To Windows Form (Not Web)?

Oct 4, 2011

I want to add checkboxes to my windows form (it is a desctop application).The problem is to add handler. Here are my [code]...

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Checkboxes In ASP.NET - Use A Checkbox That Is Dynamically Declared In A File?

Feb 18, 2011

I am trying to use a checkbox that is dynamically declared in an .vb file that I am trying to write into my .aspx page. I am able to write a normal checkbox of <input type='checkbox /> from the .vb Class using Response.write, but it comes up blank when using <asp:Checkbox runat='server' />I need to pass whether or not the box is checked back to the server, because I am having to either approve something if one is checked, reject something if the other is checked or do nothing if neither are checked.

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Dynamically Output Checkboxes To Aspx Page In Program?

Feb 10, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes that I need to write onto an aspx page. Each checkbox comes with 3 textboxes.[code]...

Now this shall go for all 50 states, depending on which states the person wishes to donate. In each state's row shall be a checkbox. So initially the page shall have value 0.00 in donation and new donation checkboxes, but all 50 states shall be visible. When the person puts a value of donation in certain state, that state shall get "checked" value and the donation, after submitting. On reloading, the value shall be populated automatically and checkbox checked automatically.

How do I make these 50 checkboxes in VB.NET?

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Asp.net - Pass Values From Dynamically Created Gridview Checkboxes To A Crystal Report?

Nov 1, 2010

Does anyone know how to pass values from adynamically created gridview checkboxes to a crystal report?Is it possible? I am using asp.net, vb.net and mssql. Here's my grid minus a few boundfields:

<asp:gridview id="grid" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="False" cellpadding="4"
forecolor="#333333" gridlines="None" emptydatatext="No Products registered for this company...">
<RowStyle BackColor="#EFF3FB" />[code]............

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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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VS 2008 Reating A Web Browser To Show The Favicon?

May 6, 2009

I am creating a web browser just for fun and am trying to show the favicon. If you dont know what the favicon is it is the little icon that you see next to the url when you go to sites like [URL]

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Groupbox Items - Store Minimum 20 Linklabels In A Groupbox?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a sort of problem when i try to add some linklabels in my groupbox. I used this


I can only add 4 linklabels no matter how big is the groupbox, i tried autoscroll but nothing. How can i do to store minimum 20 linklabels in a groupbox? Here is the whole code i used:

Imports System.Net
Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Forms[code]....

Is there any way, maybe with a specific reference to put a control that records what plays wmp activex and to save somewhere on your computer?

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Group Box On Top - Second Groupbox Does Not Appear And Is Directly Behind The First Groupbox

Jun 22, 2010

Here using VB .Net 2008. I seem to be having trouble getting group boxes to appear when I click a radio button.

For example:


This indeed brings up the first radio button however I have other groupboxes underneath which with the same code will not appear when the radio button is checked.



The second groupbox does not appear and is directly behind the first groupbox. The Top code doesn't seem to be working either.

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File Contained On Exe

Feb 6, 2012

I want succeed in having a file contained in my executable. This means that I must be able to copy it alone on any folder in the local system.I can upload it somewhere and then make my VB program do download it, but what if the user is online ? And I want it to be only one exe.

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Get Text Not Contained Within A Tag?

Nov 26, 2011

I want to extract text which has no tag.

The HTML looks something like like this[code]...

I am thinking I can read it into a string and then search for the parts in the <a> and <strong> tags but don't know how to write it.

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Dynamically Creating Methods For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code.

Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer


As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?

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Delete A Contained Word?

Jan 9, 2012

I am developing a software using vb.net.

In one case I have this output : Developing Area Number Declaration (DAND)

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Getting The Order To Contained Controls?

May 10, 2010

Suppose that one has a panel an inside it there are many buttons with Dock=Top. The button would tend to be stacked on top of the panel. How can I get a reference for each button from top to bottom? The button would be created in a random order, so I don't think that using the index of each button in the Controls collection of the Panel would suffix.

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Sql - SqlParameter With ParameterName Is Not Contained

Sep 29, 2009

I have a problem with something I have done many times but this time it just doesn't work. This is what I am trying to do (in Visual Studio 2003 and VB.NET). Earlier in the [Code]

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The SqlParameter Is Already Contained By Another SqlParameterCollection

Mar 19, 2009

I have a web application running written on ASP .Net.We have a class accessing the back end written in VB .net which has shared functions for DB interactions.The above error comes up when ever two users are in the same page... tying to do the same thing.Couldn't find a reason why this would happen.The scope of the SQL command is limited and parameters are cleared at the end.

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An OleDbParameter With ParameterName 'p.Fornavn' Is Not Contained?

May 7, 2009

I got this error message:An OleDbParameter with ParameterName 'p.Fornavn' is not contained by this OleDbParameterCollection.The line that is marked with yellow is:

Me.OleDbCommand1.Parameters("p.Fornavn").Value =
SELECT l.ID, l.Etg, l.Rom, l.Lokasjon, l.tilkoblingID, p.ID AS Expr1, p.Fornavn, p.Etternavn, p.Epost, p.Tlf, p.lokasjonID, t.ID AS Expr2, t.port, t.Modul,


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Can't Access Contained Controls At Runtime

Oct 16, 2009

I have created a usercontrol that contains two rectangle shapes to create a unique button effect and a rounded-corner rectangle shape serving as a border to provide a look similar to a group box. It also contains two labels, one for use with a Text property of the control and the other to indicate the status of expansion of the control. The control is designed to collapse itself when the "button" is clicked leaving only the "button" visible. Clicking it again toggles this affect. I've dubbed it an ExpansionBar. It is also designed to be a container control so that I can add controls to it and allow these to disappear when the bottom portion collapses. This seems to work great! The problem is that the controls contained in this usercontrol cannot be accessed during runtime. In other words, I can add a checkbox to it and it will disappear correctly when the control collapses, but I can't select the checkbox to check it... same thing with any other controls, you can see, but can't touch.

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Delete All The Worksheets Contained In A Workbook?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to delete all the worksheets contained in a workbook using the code below but I get this error:

"Attempting to call into managed code without transitioning out first. Do not attempt to run managed code inside low-level native extensibility points, such as the vectored exception handler, since doing so can cause corruption and data loss."

For Each obj In xlWorkBook.Worksheets

I tried to do this a different way yesterday and it told me I couldn't have a workbook with no worksheets. Is this written in stone or can it be done?

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Get The Type Of The Object Contained In An List?

Aug 11, 2010

dim l as List(of MyClass) = new List(of MyClass) and I want to get the type of the objects contained in the list, how do I do that? The obvious answer, that doesn't seem to be possible from my actual implementation, would be to do something like this...

public function GetType(byval AList as IList(of GenericType)) as System.Type
dim lResult as system.type = nothing
if AList.Count > 0 then lResult = AList(0).GetType
return lResult
end function

But what if the list is empty and I still want to know the type it contains?

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How To Instantiate Objects Contained Within Object

Jan 20, 2010

I am having some real issues with this one. I have a class which contains two other objects...but I cannot seem to instantiate those sub objects. Here is the code for my class:

Option Explicit On
Public Class Boot


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Navigate Textboxes Contained Within A Form?

Jul 30, 2009

How do I easily navigate textboxes contained within a form.My form has a lot of textboxes so I don't particularly want to make a KeyDown event for each.I think I need to group the controls and handle it that way somehow with their TabIndex.I'm lost without the control array of VB6 and can't find anything to show me how to do it.

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NullReferenceException - Getting The String Contained In Each Item?

Feb 7, 2009

I keep getting the error " Object reference not set to an instance of an object." in relation to the line : selA = CType(lstStudents.Items(r.Index), String)


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Print Data Contained In Listview?

Dec 1, 2009

I am using vb express 2008. how i can print the data contained in Listview.

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