Extract Data From File And Place Into New Formatted File?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a insanely large file that has a lot of customer data in XML format. The start of a customer and end are how I'll determine the starting and ending points of the customer data I need to extract. The is the number I'll be searching for. I'll input a regular text file with 12-byte document numbers into the file (Doc Number List.txt), search the massive XML file (example.xml) for those document numbers, find the data before and after the DOC_NUM tags, but within the CUSTOMER tags and extract it to a formated file. The formated file needs to have these tags, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

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Parse A Text File And Extract The Data To Excel File?

Jun 23, 2010

How can I parse a text file and extract the data to excel file. The text file is in the following format

Tim Alen
596 George Town


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Extract Data From File And Then Append It To Another File

Jun 22, 2010

I have a file that contain data structure as below:



so how can i extract 1 and -18970.811,53728.643 and export it into a new output file with new structured as below: C 1 -18970.811 53728.643 For your information, the value for -18970.811,53728.643 will be placed after string K,1,P or K,2,P or any number between K and P...

One more thing is i want to append that new formatted data into old ready file that already contain old data... new formatted data will be append to the top of the old file..

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Convert A .mdb File To A .accdb Formatted File Using ConvertAccessProject

Nov 17, 2011

I'm trying to use the VB.net and the ConvertAccessProject to convert a .mdb file to a .accdb formatted file. I'm having a problem getting the right References included in the project as it isn't recognizing the ConvertAccessProject command.


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Take Data From A Text File And Place It Into A Structure?

Oct 8, 2010

Attempting to take data from a text file and place it into a structure.

Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Employee


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Extract Data From PDF File?

Dec 3, 2008

I have a situation where certain information from PDF documents is entered into a Data Base. I need an easy way for a user to do this. So given a situation where a data entry program is running, then certain data is taken off a PDF document, then entered on to a data entry form etc. So it would be nice to say, have a user click on certain entries on the PDF document, or the document itself and then have the required data load on the data entry form automatically, with using cut and paste on each entry. Note the required data from the PDF document is in same each time, just different values.

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Extract Particular Data From A Css File?

Feb 12, 2009

Ok, here is the issue.I have a xyz.css file which I read using the streamreader.

the file has text in the form

.Addfont { ......
.GridLayout {......
a.Master Layout {......

Now I need to extract the text between the '.' and '{'In this case it would be Addfont GridLayout Master Layout How should I go about this.... I tried using the readline() method but it didn't work for the

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Extract Certain Data From A Text File?

Jan 21, 2011

To simplify what I am trying to do, let's say I have a text file with only one line of data.

The data in this case is color info for one pixel:

Color [A=255, R=255, G=200, B=128]

What I am trying to do is read the text file and extract the hex color info and save them to their own variable.

So once the code has run, these should be the contents of the three variables.

RedData = 255
GreenData = 200
BlueData = 128

I have managed to get something to work but I know the code is terrible and is incredibly slow when I try to run through hundreds of lines in a text file.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim PixelData As String


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Extract Data From HEX File To Image?

Nov 16, 2008

I would like to know if anyone could possibly write something to open a file containing hex data select data from offset: E000 to the end of the file then save it as a JPEG image.

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Extract WAV File Data From An Email?

Jan 28, 2010

I've used Python on and off for the last decade in a very limited capacity (mostly to do my math homework), but this project I'm working on now is almost overwhelmingly complex and difficult to me. Mostly due to my lack of immersion in programming as a whole.

Anyhoot: here is what I'm trying to accomplish: part of our new VoIP system is an enterprise messaging component that will take a voicemail, embed it into an email (as a WAV stream), and then drop it into the email address associated with that extension. However, if that user is not configured to use enterprise messaging or if they've not opened their email client in awhile, the voicemail+email object just hangs out in a folder on the enterprise messaging server. When an employee is terminated, the EM server continues to take VMs and store them in this folder.

As a part of the directive from management, we've been instructed to deliver these voicemails to the employee's manager for review before we pass the extension and mailbox onto someone else. What we've been doing up until this point is opening the VM+Email objects in Notepad++ one at a time, removing the email data from around the WAV file, resaving it with a *.wav extension, and them attaching them before sending them along.

Suffice to say, this process becomes very tedious and error prone when you have a TON of these to work with. I thought that I could use VB2008 to automate it.

The code I wrote grabs the VM+Email object as a text stream, uses an InStr() and InStrRev() function to identify the beginning and ending points of the WAV stream, and then uses a Mid() function to extract it before resaving it as a WAV file. This works, but the problem is that the WAV file it saves is barely audible and it sounds awful.[code]...

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Possible To Convert PDF To XLS File To Extract Data?

Sep 8, 2009

I want to extract data from pdf .Is it possible to convert pdf to xls using some kind of COM object.

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[2008] Extract Particular Data From A Css File?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a xyz.css file which I read using the streamreader.the file has text in the form

.Addfont { ......
.GridLayout {......
a.Master Layout {......


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.net - Uploading To Imageshack - Place An Image With Its File Name With The Form-data Along With The API Key?

Sep 1, 2010

I want to use the http:[url....API function to upload a picture onto ImageShack and then obtain the image_link. The only problem is, how do you place an image with its file name with the form-data along with the API key? This is what is stumping me in trying to implement the function.By the way, OpenDialog is already implemented to select the file to upload.

Update: I tried adapting the existing code to use the Unified API and it still does not work. If anyone knows what's wrong in the code, just make the modifications... Otherwise,

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Xml.XPath[code]......

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Load XML Schema Place Data In Elemants And Creat XML File?

Aug 3, 2011

i have been coding for years, but never integrated XML. So I guess I'm a newbie. I have inserted an XSD file in my project, ARequest.xsd. I created a folder in my project called XML just to organize things, so this file ARequest.xsd, is in this folder.

Now I have a form that displays data from a database that has the same fields that are in this XSD file. Can I load the XSD file into my Windows Form, load the elements from the data on the windows form and then create an XML file then send it? If so how? Any code snippets would be helpful. Now I do know how to create the XML file, we'll call it Test as


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.net - Extract Data From A XML File With Visual Basic?

Mar 5, 2009

My .NET application gets this XML response from the W3C's public validation server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">


How can I fix the broken code above? Or: Am I way off track with this?

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Extract Data Stored In Between The Xml Tags(xml File)?

Apr 1, 2009

i m working on the project like retrieving the data from the tally using our vb application and store the data in database. i have fetched the xml tags from my vb application to the tally by sql query. now my question is how to extract the data stored in between the tags using vb,.. and store in database.. i need the procedure and the code.

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Extract Specific Data From A Text File?

Feb 16, 2010

Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


I have found the above code from the net and it works fine as I would expect. I know this because I have added a put the String StoreFile into a text box and it worked. From what I understand about the code above is that we are reading the file test.txt until we reach the end of the file and we are storing it into a string.

What I would like to do is either:

1. Search the String StoreFile until I find the text of my choice, and then extract the characters around it. See attached txt file.

For example, if I wanted to search for MNAUSD in the attached txt file, I want to grab the values on the line (highlighted in blue) and make them available to my program and ignore everything else.

"MNAUSD",UNITED STATES,US $,M,1.558850,1,1.369850,1.113500,L

I know these files are comma delimited, but I would rather use a regular expressions if possible as I have other files that are not comma delimited, so it would be ideal if I have a regular expressions to handle the search and extract


2. Search the File test.txt LINE BY LINE, until I reach my search text MNAUSD and then extract the same values as above.

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RTF Extract Picture Data And Save To File?

Aug 19, 2009

i am able extract TEXT from rtf file, but i am unable to extract and convert to images as bmp or jpeg or gif and save them to harddisk.is there any options for converting hex/binary to image?i tried to hex to base64, still it no-use

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Extract Radiometric Data From Infrared Jpeg File?

Aug 3, 2010

I am desperate in solving the following puzzle: I use a thermal camera (a camera that captures thermal images by working in the infrared spectrum).The camera produces thermal jpeg files that includes visual (the picture one can see) together with the thermal data (thermal energy levels) in one jpeg fully radiometric(=file that holds energy data) file.

What I want to do is to try to extract the energy level data for each and every pixel of the image (usually 320X240) and store it in a table, using my old favorite vb.net if possible.

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Parsing A Text File In Order To Extract Data For Subsequent Calculations?

Oct 21, 2010

I am using Streamreader to read a text file containing data such as the following:


The final goal is to use the numbers next to the PU and PD characters to perform specific calculations.

Essentially, I think the code needs to do the following:

1. Read each block of characters ending in a ";"

2. If the block commences with anything other than PU or PD, discard it

3. Extract the numbers in such a way that calculations can be performed. The following is an example:

x y


Essentially, there will be hundreds of these rows and I will need to sum up the deltas so that a specific formula can be applied.

I have tried doing this a number of ways but each seem very inefficient (using text boxes to store/swap data and creating additinal text files are 2 methods I have tried) and so I'm looking for some direction.

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VS2008 Load And Parse A Text File And Extract Data Between Points On Any Given Line

Apr 4, 2010

I need to load and parse a text file and extract data between points on any given line. I can load the file, but it's the parsing that's giving me headaches. e.g. "Phoned Jim and arranged for John to attend site" First I need to search for "Phoned" because the line always starts with that, and then I need to extract "Jim and arranged for John"


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Error On Global.asa - Central Place To Put Routine - Instead To Copy It Into Every .vb File That Belongs To Each .apsx Code File

Jun 2, 2012

I am wondering if Global.asa can handle a procedure like this:

Protected Sub errore(tipo As Int16)
'Response.Write(Err.Description) 'or your own custom error message
Dim msg As String


The idea is to have a central place to put the routine in instead to copy it into every .vb file that belongs to each .apsx code file.

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File I/O And Registry - File Storage - Where The Best Place To Keep Files For A Program

Jun 2, 2009

Looking for an idea of where the best place to keep files for a program. I use them frequently and they interact with the program directly. I want to place them in a place where they won't be easy to find if someone is just cruising thru the directories. Any ideas?

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Use A File Pointer To Go Directly To Specific Place In A File?

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possilbe to use a file pointer to go directly to specific place in a file

using vb.net streamreader

e.g. using streamwriter

I want to point to fifth item ie 'dave'

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Converting PDF File To Formatted Text In .NET?

Jun 21, 2010

I've been trawling the web for ages trying to find some dll's/code to be able to extract text from a PDF file and keep the formatting as much as possible.I did find something last year, but it simply took all the text and created one big list of every section in no particular order, so I couldn't read the values I needed from it.

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Parse Some Text To Extract The Name/path Of An Image File Inside An X File?

May 9, 2009

I need to parse some text to extract the name/path of an image file inside an X file. The part of the file looks something like this:

TextureFilename {


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File I/O And Registry :: Find/Extract String From A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

I've got an application that passes commands to a terminal window and saves all the output to a text file Here is one of the commands my application passes to the terminal

MyProcess.StandardInput.WriteLine("host " + device)

The output of which is

"HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y"

this along with a whole bunch of other text is saved to a text file...my question is how do I find the sting "HostA has address Y.Y.Y.Y" in that text file and then extract the IP address and assign it as a string variable?

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Search For A Formatted String In A Text File?

Sep 21, 2009

The format I need is a group of numbers in a text file and it looks like this and it will always look like this:xxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x

The problem is that it can be anywhere in a text file so I cannot search by a particular line.

How can I search for this type of string format in a text file?

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Create Formatted Text File From Database Records?

Sep 21, 2010

I need to export data to a text file either in VB or SQL and it has to be formmatted like this. The data is in a SQL Databse[code]...

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Generic Class Array - Reading In A Excel File And Extract Data To Store In A Array

Sep 9, 2010

I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]

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