Load XML Schema Place Data In Elemants And Creat XML File?

Aug 3, 2011

i have been coding for years, but never integrated XML. So I guess I'm a newbie. I have inserted an XSD file in my project, ARequest.xsd. I created a folder in my project called XML just to organize things, so this file ARequest.xsd, is in this folder.

Now I have a form that displays data from a database that has the same fields that are in this XSD file. Can I load the XSD file into my Windows Form, load the elements from the data on the windows form and then create an XML file then send it? If so how? Any code snippets would be helpful. Now I do know how to create the XML file, we'll call it Test as


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Creat A New Text File When Application Is Open?

Nov 9, 2009

Supose User Start My Application First Time The Text file Creat automaticly With The name Of "MyLog1.txt" if User Run Again AFter Closing !!! I want to Creat a New File Like "MyLog2.txt" it mean if User have still open My application then My App. Replace text in same file. BUt If you CLose Application and Run Again Then My App. Must be creat a NewFIle With The Different Name...

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Extract Data From File And Place Into New Formatted File?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a insanely large file that has a lot of customer data in XML format. The start of a customer and end are how I'll determine the starting and ending points of the customer data I need to extract. The is the number I'll be searching for. I'll input a regular text file with 12-byte document numbers into the file (Doc Number List.txt), search the massive XML file (example.xml) for those document numbers, find the data before and after the DOC_NUM tags, but within the CUSTOMER tags and extract it to a formated file. The formated file needs to have these tags, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

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Take Data From A Text File And Place It Into A Structure?

Oct 8, 2010

Attempting to take data from a text file and place it into a structure.

Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Employee


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.net - Uploading To Imageshack - Place An Image With Its File Name With The Form-data Along With The API Key?

Sep 1, 2010

I want to use the http:[url....API function to upload a picture onto ImageShack and then obtain the image_link. The only problem is, how do you place an image with its file name with the form-data along with the API key? This is what is stumping me in trying to implement the function.By the way, OpenDialog is already implemented to select the file to upload.

Update: I tried adapting the existing code to use the Unified API and it still does not work. If anyone knows what's wrong in the code, just make the modifications... Otherwise,

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Xml.XPath[code]......

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Php - WSDL: The Root Element Of A W3C XML Schema Should Be <schema>?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a php web service that I can call from a php client. I need to call this web service from a vb.net application. When I try to add a reference to this web service I get this error:The root element of a W3C XML Schema should be <schema>here is the top of my wsdl file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- partie 1 : Definitions -->
<definitions name="raidService"


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Load A Lisbox With Data From File. Save Data From Textbox To File?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a form with a listbox that when the form is opened I need it to display info from a file. I don't know what would be easier to work with Excel or a txt file, but it is in this format:

Phillip Frank

I would like it to populate the list box when the form is loaded, but if I have to use a button to tell it to load that is fine also.On the same form I have 4 textboxes that ask for each of the above items (name, DOB, Level, PH#) and a button that when pushed I want it to save it to the same file where the above info was pulled from in the same format.The Show Contacts button doesn't have to be used if it is not needed.

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Show Form After Load / Place Everything?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a little problem, nothing very serious, but something that anoys me and i can�t solve.

I have a VB.NET windows form project, with a main MDI form containing a menu.

I load all forms with:

Private Sub MostrarFormulario(ByRef formulario As Form)
formulario.MdiParent = Me
formulario.BackgroundImage = Me.BackgroundImage
formulario.BackgroundImageLayout = Me.BackgroundImageLayout


When show the form, i can see all combos / grids / objects being placed and feeded. Its a fraction of second (in fast machines). All my objects placing and loading are made in the Activated event.(because some combos data may have been added/deleted and the app can have multiples form oppened at the same time).

Is there a method for loading everything first (not showing) and then display all at the same time?

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Load From The Same Place (stringarray Or Other) Items In Combobox

Apr 19, 2012

I have the following combobox items:


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Load Data From Text File To Data Grid View?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a datagridview which have 5 columns. The name of the columns are T,C,F,S,H. [cod]e...

So i want to display this data in datagried view. I must display the number beside T to T column, the number beside C to C column and so on. It should only display number in the respective column. It should not display the T,C and so on. [code]...

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Db Schema Design And Saving Data?

Mar 6, 2012

If you know a bit about database design, you would mind glancing at this? I don't know if I my logic is right or not.Schools, players, and coaches can have awards. Schools have players and coaches, states have schools. - Am I missing something?As far as populating the database, I want to have static data entered into the database before a user runs the program and then allow them to add new information that would only be saved (to a save file, not overwriting the original static data) if they clicked a button. How do I go about this

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XML Schema As Custom Data Type?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm building a vb.net application that composes messages for later message queueing in accordance with a predefined schema that an observer of the message queue requires.I've made the XSD file for the schema already, but I was wondering if there was any way to import the schema as or convert it to a custom object type in my .net application, where the elements of the schema would represent data fields or sub-objects to be filled programmatically.

Is there any way to do this?Am I getting my terminology correct here, or would there be a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting to do?I'd like to be able to create a schema and use it as a definition for some kind of data transfer object in my applications, without having to make the object as a separate VB class file.

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Load A Xml File Into A Data Set By Loading The Information Into A Data Row?

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to load a xml file into a data set by loading the information into a data row. when i try to complete the task it throws a nullReferenceException. the row has data in it and i used the code earlier and it work.


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Public Class frmMain


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New Command Text Returns Data With Schema

Jan 19, 2012

The new command text returns data with schema different from the schema of the main query. Check your query's command text if this is not desired. I am getting this warning, whenever I add a query in a Strongly Typed DataSet which returns a single column.

ORDER BY Building

When I give this query it will show me a warning. Because warning leads to a constraint error when ever i call the same function in a windows form.

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Place A Video On An ASP.NET Page And Make It So That It Will Load In A Timely Manner?

Sep 28, 2010

I have an .avi video (500 MB-50 minutes) that I embedded using the following code in VB.NET:

<OBJECT width="360px" height="360px" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM name="autoStart" value="False">


Worked fine except that it took approx 5 minutes to load. Converted it to a wmv file (cutting it down to 300 MB) and it started playing instantly while it download. Unfortunately there are some computers that will not play it for some reason. It will load and the timer starts up as if the video is playing but there is just a black screen. I ran some tests and determined that it's not a browser issue.

How can I upload a video that instantly plays on all computers?

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DGV Bound Data Save To File, Load From File, Delete Row?

Apr 1, 2009

[VB 2008 express edition] i am doing a application data grid view bound data from MS access (.mdb) as my dataset. the dataset have 5 tables, each table consist of ID, Items, Rates, And Amount, i face some problem here:

a) cannot delete row from the table, (using binding navigator but error)
b) how can make a opendialog to load the .mdb file dataset table in to the datagridview?
c) how do i save table in the datagridview into the MS Access file ?

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XML Database Changing Schema And Migrating Existing Data?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a purely XML database. It's stored as XML, there is no other database file. I did this by first creating a dataset in VB, then adding tables and relationships. I load the database by calling DataSet.ReadXml(FilePath), and save the database by calling DataSet.WriteXml(FilePath).

Now I need to make schema changes, but need to preserve existing data. How might I go about doing this? As soon as I load the database I loose all data if I change the schema in the dataset designer.

I have searched for changing database schema, but everything I find deals with real databases, not XML only ones, and the info doesn't apply because they are using db connections and then running sql against it and AFAIK XML databases have no way to "connect".

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VS 2005 CSV Schema File?

Feb 6, 2011

No mater what I try I can not get my schema file to work, it write and is in the right directory but the column all come as strings no matter what I do?

Dim fs As New FileStream("Schema.ini", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim writer As New StreamWriter(fs)
Dim fn As String = Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName
writer.WriteLine("[" & fn & "]")
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName.EndsWith(".txt") Then


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C# - Load A File, Manipulate The Data, And Write A New File?

Mar 6, 2012

I have an issue where I need to load a fixed-length file. Process some of the fields, generate a few others, and finally output a new file. The difficult part is that the file is of part numbers and some of the products are superceded by other products (which can also be superceded). What I need to do is follow the superceded trail to get information I need to replace some of the fields in the row I am looking at. So how can I best handle about 200000 lines from a file and the need to move up and down within the given products? I thought about using a collection to hold the data or a dataset, but I just don't think this is the right way.[code]....

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Validate A String Of XML Against An XML Schema File?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm developing a VB Web Application in .NET3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I'm having difficulty in validating some XML as a string before I add it to a HTML form to post to a 3rd party. I have an XML schema file from the 3rd party to validate against and at this point I'd like the application to perform the validation before each post.

After searching I've found references to a XmlValidatingReader but this is obsolete and I'm having difficulty finding another way to do it. Also all the good examples are in C# - for now I'm stuck with VB. This is what I have so far which I'm looking for with! Public Function ValidateXML(ByVal strXML As String) As Boolean


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VS 2005 How To Create Own Schema File

Dec 2, 2010

I need to have some of my columns in an integer value not string.So from I can tell so far and I am extremely limited, if I use WriteXml this should write the schema and the data and the readxml will read the schema and the data, although I dont see the schema in my xml file that gets created from my oDS.WriteXml/if I use oDs.WriteSchema I can view the schema file that is created. Thats how I determined the schema is creating all string vlaues for each column..All the fields are of String value as was pointed out, so how do i create my own schema file? or rewrite the one that is created.[code]

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Unable To Copy The Schema File'(null)'

Mar 18, 2009

I am using VB-2005 with SQL server. After compiling I get an error unable to copy the schema file'(null)'

I checked the net and see to check the registry for


other than
(Default) -
a. DefaultMSISchemaFile
b. DefaultMSMSchemaFile

and both exist, at this point I am not sure what to do other then re-installing VB

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VS 2008 Created An Xml Schema And An Xml File From Datatable

Jul 9, 2009

I have created an xml schema and an xml file from a datatable. I am now trying to read that data in which is working fine. I can access the data but the problem is that I want to know how many Tables there are in the xml file. For example the setup looks like this: [code] I want to know how many "<table>" objects there are.

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Why A DataTable Does Not Refresh Its Schema After Reading It From A Xml File

Jun 7, 2009

I have an untyped-Dataset with two related DataTables, and I have a grid bound to the parent DataTable. I used the WriteXMLSchema() method of the parent DataTable in order to save the schema in a xml file. Then I opened the file with the Notepad, deleted two columns from the schema file and saved it. After that, I used the ReadXMLSchema() of this DataTable but -contrary to what I would have thought- the DataTable's structure was unchanged. Using the debugger I noticed that after calling the method the number of columns was the same. Why? How can I make the DataTable's schema to be changed by using a file?

notice that I am using the DataTable's methods and not the Dataset's because I do not want to touch the child DataTable.

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File - Save & Load Data?

Jan 6, 2011

Let's say I got a Dictionary type object holding some important info. Well, my user wants to close the program and work on it later.

How do I save the Dictionary and other variables in one single file, which can only be read by my program itself?

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Load Data From Each Xml File In A Directory?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a directory with xml files inside, inside each xml file is the following data:


I need to loop through each xml file in the directory and use the xml nodes <Email> & <PassWord> to programmaticly log into an account.

Dim directory = New DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "Accounts")


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VS 2008 Load Data From A File?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an image and I have a method that when you click the image it draws an ellipse I am wanting to save the x and y coords to file and then reload them (maybe later on be able to click the ellipse in future to delete them) and I have no idea how i could do this if anyone could start me off or point

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Auto-load Data Content From A File?

Aug 15, 2011

how to auto load data content from a file (primarily containing rtf)when the file is opened. I want to create a system like Microsoft word where you create docx/doc files and double clicking them opens word software and loads the files.

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Could Not Load File Or Assembly MySQL Data

Apr 12, 2011

The program is finished I am on testing part. But I cant run the program. What happened was since I did this I got new PC so I had to install everything from scratch.. So now after downloading the mysql .net connector to connect to database and installing it i keep getting this error

"Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

I tried everything Installed every single past version of the .net connector but I still keep getting error. I tried this on my laptop and even my new pc (which is 64bit so I thought thats the problem) but since I get the same error on laptop I don't know what else to do.

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Load A One-Based Array From VB6 Data File In .NET?

Feb 10, 2011

Say I have a data file that was created in VB6 like this:

Dim arr As Variant
Dim unit As Integer
Dim i As Integer
unit = FreeFile

Open "SomeFile.dat" For Binary As unit


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