Fill Values Programmatically To Added Buttons - Efficient Way To Program?

Aug 15, 2009

want to make a custom calendar. For that I made a table of 7 cols and 6 rows and added 42 buttons in it. I added an event handler. I used this file in other form and when I click at the button the event is fired in form2. I understand this is not hte efficient way to add so many buttons. As it is a calendar, so I got to add dates to buttons based on month selected.I am finding that part difficult. For this feature, I think I should add buttons dynamically. But I can't make out how to add buttons to each cell of the table. Later on each buttons text will also change. I have added the code written so far :

Public Partial Class CalendarControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
Public mnthNo As Integer


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.net - Updating Programmatically Added Controls?

May 24, 2012

I have a custom control which I add a number of to a flowlayoutpanel:

Dim drive As New WindowsControlLibrary1.UserControl1()
drive.FileSystemlable = reader.GetString(2)
drive.AbalableSpaceLable = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetString(4) / 1024)
drive.TotalSpaceLable = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetString(5) / 1024)
drive.SetVolumeLable = reader.GetString(3)


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.net - Programmatically Added A Shortcut To The All Users Desktop And Can't Remove It?

Apr 12, 2011

In VB.NET I used to add a shortcut to the desktop. I didn't realize it created the shortcut on the "All Users" desktop, which means I can't delete it. I don't have admin rights as this is my work computer, and asking for admin isn't an option. WScript.Shell has a createshortcut method but not a remove shortcut method! I've been googling for days with no luck. Windows XP Pro 2002, SP3.

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Detect Click Event For Programmatically Added Control?

Apr 10, 2011

I do a lot of programming in VS 2010 on my Windows XP Pro PC. Recently I tried testing my software on a Windows 7 Home PC. For some reason, all of the controls on my forms are slightly misplaced. I also get a bunch of unhandled exceptions I don't get on my pc. For example, one exception said it couldn't access a registry key. Another said it couldn't find the part of a path (it didnt specify which path). What's up? Why is it doing this? My Win XP PC tricks me into thinking my apps are bug free. Guess not.

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Interface And Graphics :: Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To DataGridView

Mar 16, 2010

produces the error 'Rows cannot be programatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is databound.'
To my knowledge, this is an empty grid. I am adding data manually and the code below works if I remove the line. The problem is I need to add the next line.

Private Sub cmdAddX_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAddX.Click
' Find the first blank cell
For c As Integer = 0 To datBrakePointsX.Rows.Count
If Len(datBrakePointsX.Rows.Item(0).Cells(c).Value) = 0 Then
datBrakePointsX.Rows.Item(c).Cells(0).Value = c
[Code] .....

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Possible To Fill Data To First Cell Programmatically

Jun 12, 2009

I am developing a software using datagridview (vb6 feels better) and i am using shows the focus blue box but it is not possible to fill data to the first cell programatically.also i have used from within a button_click event as follows

1- MyGrid.CurrentCell.Value = 22

2- MyGrid.Rows(0).Cells(0).value = 22

3- MyGrid.BeginEdit(True)

3- MyGrid.CurrentCell.Value = strData

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C# - Programmatically Fill Out HTML Invoice Form?

Aug 6, 2010

I have HTML template which has empty forms. How can i fill these forms from Winform?
Should i create a new class called CreateInvoiceHTML which creates invoice programmatically?

I haven't done this before, i need some quick ideas to make sure i don't go to the wrong track.

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Added Extra Buttons To 'stop All' Or 'run Two Motors Simultaneously'

Dec 18, 2010

I have a USB interface connected to my PC which is used to control DC motors (robotics). Supplied with the interface is a VB program that produces a form with text inputs (motor speed) and tick boxes (motor on/off). This program calls upon a supplied .dll for the interface. I have played around with this program and have added extra buttons to 'stop all' or 'run two motors simultaneously' etc.What I really want to do is run a sequence of events, for example:

-Motor 1 on, speed 50, run time 5 seconds
-Motor 1 off for 2 seconds
-Motor 2 on etc, etc

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Programmatically Fill All Tables In A Strongly-typed Dataset?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a SQL Server database for which I have created a strongly-typed DataSet (using the DataSet Designer in Visual Studio 2008), so all the adapters and select commands and whatnot were created for me by the wizard.

It's a small database with largely static data, so I would like to pull the contents of this DB in its entirety into my application at startup, and then grab individual pieces of data as needed using LINQ. Rather than hard-code each adapter Fill call, I would like to see if there is a way to automate this (possibly via Reflection). [code]...

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Control Arrays - Application Where Several Textboxes And Buttons Will Be Added To A Groupbox

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to do an application where several textboxes and buttons will be added to a groupbox.

for example..


I might have anywhere between 1 and 20 rows of these textboxes and buttons. I can add buttons on from.. but how would i add the textboxes or buttons to the say Procedure for MyButton_Click... Handles,

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VS 2008 - Added Buttons For The Controls And Now The Database Wont Store Anything?

Dec 19, 2010

I am building a program that does inventory control. I have multiple forms connected to same database. One of the forms I have a search function. When I was using the controls at the top of the page, it was working. I added buttons for the controls and now the database wont store anything. I can open the input form and I can add multiple inputs, close the form, open it back up, and nothing left in the database. I have also noticed that my database icon in the data source has a small red X in it. When I click on the icon, it is showing the db as closed. I can refresh it and it opens, until I run the program and it closes.

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Make Click Buttons And Fill Forms?

Jun 28, 2011

Alright so I looked at a great tutorial that gave me a great understanding of http webrequest. I successfully logged with it in my program.

how do i make it click buttons and fill forms?

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Error Message: Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To DataGridView's Row Collection When The Control Is Data-bound

Sep 1, 2010

I have DataGridView display Customers Details. The DataSource are from DataSet. After the user have created a new customer record and updated the SQL SERVER Table, Instread of refreshing the whole DataGridView I am trying to add new rows with data from the TEXTBOX into the DataGridView and it generated this error message: Rows cannot be programmatically added to DataGridView's row collection when the control is data-bound This is the coding which the error was generated from:

Private Sub FRefreshDataGridViewRow()
'use strmode to determine New or Edit existing record
Dim strCell1 As String = CType(Me.txtCustId.Text, String)
Dim strCell2 As String = CType(Me.txtCompName.Text, String)


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VB Programmatically Add Multiple Buttons With Unique Events?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a quoting system that can generate several variants of a quote. these quotes are displayed on a screen for sales staff to compare and choose which is the most suitable. Is it possible to programmatically create a button and click event for each quote that is generated?

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VS 2010 Positioning Programmatically Generated Radio Buttons

Jul 30, 2011

I am adding a series of RadioButtons to a GroupBox programatically. By default they are all placed on top of each other. So I use a bit of math to position them all nicely and then resize the GroupBox.

However I notice that the GroupBox has an AutoSize property, but it doesn't seem to be resizing as controls are added.

Is there a better way to position my radio buttons than to specify each one programatically? I mean, can't this stuff be handled automatically by the framework?

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How To Get Values In Dynamic Added Textbox

Nov 19, 2010

I need to get values of each textbox in loop with different names, I have three row (name,telephone,email) and off course three textbox, how to get in loop, I need to insert them in database. The main problem is that values are getting one by one in loop where I get textbox in for each loop. I need to insert multiple columns in database with just single insert query

Here is the code
Dim arr() As String
Dim record As Int32
record = 0
For Each div As System.Web.UI.Control In plholder.Controls
If div.[GetType]().Name = "HtmlGenericControl" Then
[Code] .....

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User Added Values To Arrays?

Jun 19, 2012

I've searched until my eyes and fingers feel as if they are going to bleed. I cannot come up with the answers I'm looking for. I want to essentially create an inventory system without using a database (part of why the eyes are bleeding, keep getting directed on side tangents), that is fed by the user. IE, User enters a name of a product, it is added in to an array. As a designer I will not know the exact number of elements to be held within the array. The user will enter their chosen item in to a text box. So I'm looking for a way to take the value in the text box and add it to the array. I believe I would use the reDIM function to do this, but beyond that I've got nothing. I'm unsure of how to reference the value stored in a text box.

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Update Server Program When Client Program Added Record To Database?

Aug 18, 2010

I am creating a very simple Voting System, that will be use on electing new set of officer in a teacher cooperative...

So I have to create two separate program, a Server Program that will manage all the information in the election and a Client Program where voters will vote their selected candidate...

The election officers wanted that the Server Program will display the Voting Results at real time... So when the Voter finished voting, The Voting Result displayed by the Server Program will also be updated every time the Client Program Insert the data to Database....

An action listener in Server Program that will execute if new data is inserted in a Table in the Database made by the Client Program...

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Tableadapter.fill(datatable) Fills The Row That Was Not Added To The Datatable

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to add NewRow to the database by using datatable in dataset, but before I do that I want to make sure that row is not already there. I create new row for the datatable I am working with, fill it with information. I fill datatable with the row from database that has the same primary key as my NewRow by using tableadapter.fill method, but when I do that my NewRow that was never added to the datatable is filled with information from database(and not information that I assigned to it). I count rows in my datatable before I fill it and it's 0, so why is my NewRow affected by Fill command? (I am using VB.NET 2005 Framework 2.0)


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Error - Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To The DataGridView's Rows

Feb 7, 2012

'Invoice Form
Dim daInvoice As New OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim dsInvoice As New DataSet()
Dim MyDataTable As DataTable



Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.

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Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To The DataGridView's Rows Collection

Sep 2, 2010

how to add Rows programmatically to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound? here is my code but i got error as "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound? "


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Get Values From Dynamically Added Controls And Pass It To Webservice?

Jan 12, 2011

I get values from web service:

Dim ctr As Integer = 100
Dim ctr2 As Integer = 145
Dim ctr3 As Integer = -2


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Pass The Values From The Dynamically Added Textbox To A Web Service?

Jan 12, 2011

I created 5 textboxes using runtime controls:

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim custom As New TextBox
custom.Name = "Custom" & i


how can I get those values and then pass it to a web service? (This should happen when i click the submit button)

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VS 2008 User Values Added And Removed From Listview?

Mar 22, 2009

I have a list view with 2 columns (Prodduct and Price). I want the user to be able to add there own values to the listview and have them save so that they will always stay there.I would also like users to be able to delete specific items from the saved list.

The values added to the colums are paired, and must stay together, as one value would be a product and the other a price, So they must, stay together. as a pair

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Fill Two Values In Combo Box?

Nov 18, 2009

how can i fill two value in combo box . first one for visible and second one for backend(key column) like in vb (Item data)[code]

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Fill Values From Dataset?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a need to assign values from my dataset to a variable but when i use string (which its normally text) and the item in that row of the dataset is empty it tells me that conversion from DBnull to string is not valid

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Added An Attribute For A User Readable Display Name To Enum Values

Mar 10, 2011

I've added an attribute for a user readable display name to my Enum values.However my code to convert from the user readable display name back to the Enum (function ToEnum) seems very convoluted.I am wondering if I am missing a better way of doing this (I am using Visual Studio 2010 with SP1.) [code]

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Fill A Combobox With Values From A Datatable?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to fill a combobox with the values that I have in a datatable. How can I do that? Below is the code for the population of the datatable:


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Fill A Datagrid With Values From A Textbox?

May 2, 2011

i am trying to fill a datagrid on form 2 with data from a textbox in form 1 but i can't find how to do this.

for moving of data across forms i can do that by frm as new form2 frm.datagrid.datasource=ds.tables (i can do it) but binding the text box to the datagrid is my worry.


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Fill A Devexpress.LookUpEdit With Set Values?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a Devexpress LookUpEdit that I want to fill with 2-3 values. For example "Value 1" (1) and "Value 2" (2). I want this name to be displayMember of the LookUpEdit and the number in brackets be the valueMember so that if I was given the number 1 I know to set the selected value of the LookUpEdit to "Value 1".

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