Find Dynamically Added Control?

Jun 13, 2011

I've created a new tabpage and also added a richtextbox to it:

Private Sub AddTab(ByVal ctrl As TabControl, _
ByVal text As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then


I know the name is rigth cause I have printed the name in the create method and I have printed the name string in the code where I try to access it.

So by the looks of it it seems .Item() is not the right way to access the control.

So how to access to dynamically created control?

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Dynamically Added Control (pictureboxes)

May 13, 2011

Okay, so I have some problems with dynamically added pictureboxes. This is the code I have now. When I click on one of the imageboxes, I get teh following error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.


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Add Dynamic Control To Dynamically Added Picturebox?

Jan 19, 2011

how to add dynamic control to dynamically added picturebox?

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Event Not Firing On Dynamically Added Control

Nov 19, 2010

I'm adding multiple combobox controls to a form dynamically, but am having a problem with one of the event handlers. The first event handler I've added (for the Leave event) fires, but the second (for the TextChanged event) does not. I've tried reversing the order when adding the handlers and I get the same results (TextChanged does not fire). Here's a code snippet for adding the controls, and the code for the events. I've added a breakpoint while testing to verify - but it never hits the code.

Dim cbo As New ComboBox
cbo.Name = "cbo" & fldName
cbo.Tag = fldName.ToUpper
cbo.Top = rowtop
cbo.TabIndex = tabOrder
cbo.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 Dynamically Added Control - Events?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to create a program, where the user click a button and this will add a custom control and then drag and drop them on the form.

What I want to be able to do is add multiple controls (by clicking this button) and for them all to have the same events. So basically they can add as many as they like of this control and then click on it and drag it anywhere.I know in vb6 there was the use of the control index but I am not sure how to do this in Visual Studio 2005?

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Creating User Control With Dynamically Added Components?

Feb 8, 2011

I have created a User Control in VB 2005 that adds other controls dynamically. This is a fairly simple test project, with checkboxes added to the control at run-time. Here's the user control:

Class UserControl1
Public x


Then I built the test control and tried to added it to the Toolbox. When I did this--i.e., browsed to the dll and double-clicked it, I got the errror message:

"There are no components in ... that can be placed in the toolbox."

Is it even possible to add a User Control to the Toolbox without compile-time components?

View 5 Replies - Losing <asp:Label> Text Value From ViewState For Dynamically Added Control?

Mar 5, 2012

I am adding controls to a page programatically in the code behind. I add an asp:Label and set it's Text value. I add an asp:TextBox and set it's Text value. Both Text values are returned in the Response and displayed in the browser. All fine so far.

The user performs an action that causes a postback. I re-load the dynamically added asp:Label and asp:TextBox. When the Response is returned to the browser, only the asp:TextBox Text value is displayed. The asp:Label Text value is not. If I inspect the HTML I can see the asp:Label control (rendered as an HTML span tag) but no value.

How can I get the code to automatically re-load the Text value of an asp:Label on each postback? Why is the behaviour different for an asp:Label and an asp:TextBox? I do not want to have to manually re-set the Text value on each postback.

Here is some code similar to what I am doing (placeHolderNameplates is an asp:PlaceHolder control on the aspx page): Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then


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VS 2008 Cannot Find Control Added In Design

Sep 26, 2011

At some point in the past, I have added a TabControl1 to my Form in design, now I can't find. I need to view it so I can make some changes. I have looked in the 'Document Outline' and is not there as well. However, the control must be somewhere because it works fine when I run the program.

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Control Added On The Fly Is Added To The Wrong Location Of An Auto-scroll Panel?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that adds controls on the fly to an auto-scroll panel. When the panel is scrolled (viewing the bottom of the panel for example) and a control is added, it looks like it is added assuming the top left corner of the panel is still at 0,0 when in fact it may be 0,500. To see what I am talking about, create an empty "Windows Forms Application" project and insert the below code into it.

Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents btnAdd As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Dim ButtonCount As Integer


View 4 Replies - Dynamically Added Controls In .net?

Jan 15, 2010

I understand the page lifecycle and how i need to add the dynamic controls on page_init if I want to take advantage of viewstate. Also I know that I should try to avoid dynamic controls when possible. The dynamic controls are created depending on an object that is created from custom event arguments sent from a custom treeview. Problem is I need viewstate so I need to create them in page_init but I don't have the event args to create the object that tell me what controls to add until later in the lifecycle.

Private Function GetEventArgs() As npTreeViewEventArgs
Dim control As Control = Nothing
Dim e As npTreeViewEventArgs = Nothing


I use this in page_init to create my object and controls.

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Clickable Pictureboxes That Were Added Dynamically?

Jan 7, 2010

I am working a small project where I would like the user to be able to add images to a form, specifying a URL in the tag of pictureBox, so that when it is clicked.

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Using ViewState With Dynamically Added Usercontrol

Sep 19, 2011

On my webpage I am loading multiple instances of a usercontrol, sometimes the usercontrol is laoded within itself. I need to save a bunch of properties for the round trip of a post back but i am confused on how to save those properties to ViewState and set them again to the repeater items within the usercontrol. have read the MSDN on Viewstate but I am not understanding it quite well for some reason..[code]

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VS 2008 Dynamically Added Button?

May 22, 2011

I need to be able to add buttons in my application dynamically, and I have written this

Dim bttn As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
bttn.Text = "This is a new button"
bttn.Left = 326


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Access Dynamically Added Rich Text Box?

Apr 14, 2009

I m creating a multi tab application. i m adding tab & RichTextBox in tab control through programming. i want to access the text of rich text box.

View 3 Replies Handle Events From Dynamically Added Controls?

Jun 22, 2009

I have a number of user control dynamically added to a page, and user interaction with these dynamically added user controls need to be handled by the control's parent. Is this what is referred to as "event bubbling"?How do I do that in VB?

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DrawImage Issues In A Dynamically Added Picturebox?

Feb 5, 2009

This is my first post to these forums so forgive me for any etiquette I may be disregarding.I am creating a custom control that has a TabControl on it. The user will then double click or right click the TabControl to display a ContextMenuStrip asking if they would like to add a new image (or tab) to the project. After they select the image file, I create a new tab, add that to the TabControl, and then I want to create a PictureBox that I draw on in a particular way depending on space available and several other factors.

Where I am having the issue is in drawing the image to the PictureBox, it is only displaying the BackColor and none of the DrawImage work. It is important to note that because of what I am doing it will not suffice to set the PicBox.Image = ImageFile or PicBox.BackgroundImage = ImageFile. I need to select tiles from the image file and then draw them into the PictureBox in a particular way, which changes if the control resizes. Also, I am using a PictureBox because the final image within it can potentially be larger than the containing tab page, and therefore I want the TabPage to generate an AutoScroll bar. If there is another way to do this, please let me know.

Below is a very simple example of what I have currently. What I suspect to be happening is that the PictureBox's Paint event is firing after I do my DrawImage work and basically overriding what I did, but I hope I am wrong.OpenAddTilesetForm() simply displays a form for the user to select which image to use, and the properties pertaining to it.


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Get Datagridview CheckBoxCell Value From Dynamically Added Checkboxcolumn?

Dec 9, 2009

how can I get the checkboxcell value for each row on the click of a button?

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VS 2010 Clickable Pictureboxes That Were Added Dynamically?

Jan 24, 2011

I am working a small project where I would like the user to be able to add images to a form, specifying a URL in the tag of pictureBox, so that when it is clicked. They are taken to the website they specified when adding the pictureBox.

I have a separate form for adding the URL and image so I need to pass those variables into the first form.

how to access the Tag property of the individual pictureBox when the user clicks it. Here is my pictureBox creation code which is in the second form:

Dim tool As String
Dim ptext As String
Dim url As String


View 6 Replies - Add Onclick Event To The Radio Button That Added Dynamically

May 26, 2011

I'm creating an online exam page with 30 radiobuttons that are created dynamically at runtime. How will I get the click event of each radiobutton and tag it in my method that I will check if the next question is need to be jump or escape. Example: If I'm in question 10 and answer = "Yes", redirect me to Question 15, else go to the next question

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Dynamically Added Link Button Click Does Not Fire?

Feb 21, 2011

When the user selects an "account" we dynamically create a linkbutton with the selected dates. However, the linkbutton onclick handler doesn't fire when the button is clicked.
Dim linkBtn As New LinkButton
linkBtn.Text = "----"
AddHandler linkBtn.Click, AddressOf linkButtonHandler
linkBtn.ID = panelDatesRencontre.Controls.OfType(Of LinkButton).Count
[Code] .....
I make that in page_load, it seems to work.

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Get Values From Dynamically Added Controls And Pass It To Webservice?

Jan 12, 2011

I get values from web service:

Dim ctr As Integer = 100
Dim ctr2 As Integer = 145
Dim ctr3 As Integer = -2


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Pass The Values From The Dynamically Added Textbox To A Web Service?

Jan 12, 2011

I created 5 textboxes using runtime controls:

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim custom As New TextBox
custom.Name = "Custom" & i


how can I get those values and then pass it to a web service? (This should happen when i click the submit button)

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How To Retrieve Or Set Data Programatically For Dynamically Added Textbox On A Form

Dec 27, 2009

I have successfully added textboxes to a form at runtime. I have also succesfully added an event handler to these same textboxes. What I'm having trouble understanding is how to refer to these textboxes programmatically after they have been added. Specifically, how do I;

1) Retrieve user data entered in those textboxes without an event handler

2) Find a specific one of those textboxex later (is looping thru all controls of type "textbox" the only way)?

purpose of find is so that I can set the value of the corresponding textbox programatically, based on some criteria Here is the code (all within in a for loop, where intvararycount is incrementing to a set limit) I have used to add the Textboxes to a Panel on a Form;


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Mousewheel Scroll In Panel With Dynamically Added Picturebox Controls?

Dec 2, 2009

I've dynamically added 20 pictureboxes to a panel and would like to see the panel scroll when I use the mouse wheel. To implement this I have tried to set the autoscroll to true on the panel control. Here is the code.

For i As Integer = 1 To 20:
Dim b As New PictureBox()
b.Image = Nothing


It works for "button" control, but not for the "picturebox" or "label" controls?
How can I implementthe scrolling affect using 'mousewheel'?

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Click Event Is Not Firing Of Dynamically Added Link Button In Grid View

Dec 16, 2011

I am writing the following code on the rowdatabound of the grid view and i am not getting the click event of link button..[code]

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Wpf - Find Out When A New UIElement Is Added In Silverlight?

Apr 18, 2009

I am designing a user control in sliverlight that inherits from canvas. It is necessary for me to find out when a new UIELement is added to Children property of MyBase but there is no event like "ItemAdded". Since I want to animate the children of my canvas, I can not use LayoutUpdated event (It is hit a million times).

View 2 Replies - Bind A Function To "Click" Event Of A Dynamically Added ImageButton?

Mar 2, 2010

I am currently working on a page coded via Visual Basic.On the page I have these image buttons that are dynamically generated based on the SQL Data the page retrieves.Unfortunately I could not figure out how to bind a click function to each of these buttons.the [Control Name].onClick = "Function Name()" is for clientSide scripts.and I need to bind

Protected Sub Button_InsertNewTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_InsertNewTextBox.Click

to the dynamically allocated buttons.

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Top-level Control Cannot Be Added To A Control?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a form with a panel on it (among other controls). I am trying to load picture boxes into the panel (in an attempt to make a star grid). Using the code below, I get a "Top-level control cannot be added to a control." error on the "Parent = Me.Panel7" line.

Searching for this error, I came across a solution to change the TopLevelControl property of the panel to FALSE....but I then get an error "TopLevelControl is read only".

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created Form

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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Return Control Name From Dynamically Created Control?

Aug 15, 2009

I am adding some controls to a panel at run-time. After I add them I need to loop through the panel in a different sub and test for a specific control. I was assuming that if I named the variable that the control is set to to "a", that I could then test for this by saying


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