Find The Selected Control In A Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have an list of controls(PictureBox) and I need to know which one of them is selected, meaning over which of them the mouse is. I thought about getting the location of the mouse and then comparing it with each PictureBox location, but it is quite slow.

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How To Find Out Which Control Is Selected On A Page

Dec 25, 2009

My student.aspx contains student data...labels,textboxes...etc controls. on clicking propertiesbutton popup page will show the properties of selected control

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How To Find Name Of Active Control On Form

Mar 12, 2009

I'm an old Access developer and know VBA quite well, but now I'm working at learning I'm trying to find the equivilent of the following Access VBA code using

Function EvalField()
Dim x As Integer, ctl As Control
Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
x = Val(Mid(ctl.Name, 5))
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Formula" & x) = ctl
ctl = Eval(ctl)
End Function

This code sets a control variable to the currently active control, then copies the text from that control into it's matching "Formula" field for reference by the user), then turns the string of math into the answer. For example, if the user enters 5 + 4, that will be copied to the Formula textbox, then it will be evaluated and the answer will replace the 5 + 4. And lastly, the UpdateTotal sub will execute which will add this answer to the existing Total field.

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.net Find Form By Title And Edit Control?

Aug 31, 2010

i have this program that allows multipal versions of one form when the program recives a command testform|this is a test|Admin testform is the form name this is a test is the message Admin is the user who sent tit what i want to do is use the name to find the form >>>> add the message to a text box on that form >>> tell them who sent the message in it as well but i dont know how to find the form or add to the box on it?

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VS 2008 - Find Control By String Name Within Form

Sep 8, 2011

I need a function that returns a control within a form based on a string name. I've tried Jim's method here, but then found out that it will not work with SplitContainers. Therefore, I feel like I need to use a recursive function, or maybe a stack. I've tried many different examples online, but I can't seem to get any to work.

This is the code for the latest try, as taken from here:
Public Function FindControlRecursively(ByVal ParentControl As Control, ByVal ControlTobeSearched As String) As Control
Dim FoundControl As New Control
For Each CurrentControl As Control In ParentControl.Controls
[Code] .....
Note that the above code only seems to return a blank control.

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Call ODBC Data Source Administrator Form Of Control Panel And Get The Selected DSN And Its Contents

Jun 28, 2011

How do i call ODBC Data Source Administrator form of Control Panel and get the selected DSN and its contents

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Play Audio According To The Value Of Selected Control In A User Control?

Apr 2, 2012

How can i play an audio that possibly mp3 or wav without let the user to select the file by using the open dialog box. i want the audio to play when the user press a key. for example user press key 1 then audio1.mp3 will be play.

View 1 Replies - Find Out Gridview's Selected Row Position?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a text box and button inside a panel , and I want to show this panel right next to gridview selected row , gridview is also inside another panel , is there anyway to find out selected rows position ? This is a asp. Net page and I am using . Panel can be replaced by div

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Find Selected Index Value Of ListBox?

Oct 10, 2011

I have loaded datatable to listview.Now when i try to do a selected index and retrieve data to display in respective text box. I find some error "input string format incorrect".but when i directly load from folder it works fine.

Data that retrieved from Datatable.Im not able to find the index of the row. But from folder and listed in ListView.Index value is found.

Dim breakfast As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection = Me.LOV.SelectedItems
For Each item1 In breakfast
index += Double.Parse(item1.SubItems(1).Text)

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Find Selected Text In Webbrowser?

May 27, 2009

How do I find selected text in webbrowser, and highlight it, but not using the CTRL + F function?

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Find The Average # Between 1-10 That Is Selected In My ListB

Jan 5, 2012

I'm having a little problem with my code as it follows, im trying to find the average # between 1-10 that is selected in my listbox but i'm having problems with my counter that divides it by, as a result i am only getting the number selected Goal is to select a value in listbox and find average based on what is selected and how many values were selected

Public Class Form1
Private Sub xRecordScoreButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xRecordScoreButton.Click


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How To Find Out Which Textbox Is Currenlty Selected

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 text-boxes, how do I find out which text-box is currently selected (has focus). I am unable to come up with anything.

Public Class Form1
Public activeTextBox As TextBox = CType(Me.ActiveControl, TextBox)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
activeTextBox.Text = activeTextBox.Text & "This is text 1"
End Sub


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Find Newly Selected Text In Combo Box

Sep 17, 2010

How can we Find newly selected text in Combo Box. Whenever I do this, I get the old text instead of the one they just changed to.[code]

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Find Selected Index Of Row In Data Grid?

Feb 29, 2012

I have one datagrid with bound items and Radio button.

I want a index of the row which i selected by chacked the

the radio button.

i used Datagrid.selectedindex

but it gives -1 every time.

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Find The Month Of The Selected Year Within A Datagridview?

Jan 4, 2010

I,ve build an agenda within acces and now i use acces as a datasource now my question is how can i find the month of the selected year within a datagrv this my code


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Find The Selected ListIndex Of A ListView In .net 2008?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a multicolumn Listview populated by a DataView.

I am trying to work out how to send information to other controls depending on the record selected in the ListView. So far I have this:

txtStaffSurname.Text = LvwStaffMembers.SelectedItems.Item(2).Index

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Find Selected Row Index Of Datagridview Coding Required?

Jun 7, 2011

How to find the seleted row index of datagridview

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Control Datagridview Selected Row Color And Selected Cell Color?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to have my current row stand out as the current row by virtue of the background color.I also want my current cell stand out from the row color.

in other words i want to controll the background of the current cell as well as the current row, and have these colors different from each other as wel as the background from the non current cells.

I am getting confused with the notion of the current row vs the selected row.I have tried messing with the default row style.selectedbackgroungcolor as well as the same for the default cell style, but cant get it to work the way i want.

i can almost get it if i set the selection mode to full row, but then cannot get the current cell to have a different background color.

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How To Find Out If A VB6 Control Is Indexed (control Array) In .NET

Dec 16, 2010

I working on a VB.NET project to manipulate a VB6 form using COM Interop. Some of the controls on my VB6 form are indexed and some not, so calling ctl.Index fails on those that have no index. Is there a way to work out if a control is indexed?

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Loop The Datagrid And Find The Selected Row Columns Value When The User Click The Save Button?

May 18, 2011

I am using datagridview to show the data when the form load.Datagridview have a template checkbox column also where the user will select the class to attend.I want to loop the datagrid and find the selected row ro columns value when the user click the save button How i do this am using 2008?

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Find Selected Words And Change Their Font Properties Without Modifying The Rest Of The Text

Apr 16, 2009

i want to create a html editor. to get started, i want the app to be able to find certain words, and change the font/color/size/etc. as for <a href=""><b> and so on, without changing the rest of the text after the selected text was modified. i'm sure that it has something to do with RichTextBox1_TextChanged for text that is being typed and just a button click for modifying selected text.

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Filter Data On 1 Form From Selected Cell On Another Form?

May 16, 2010

I have one form with a datagrid that displays a list of 'contacts' with just the minimal basic info in the datagrid.I have another form that displays ALL the 'contacts' info.I want to double-click on any cell in the datagrid and have the other form load and show ONLY the data for that selected contact on the datagrid form.I have no idea where to start but I have at least already figured out how to show only a select set of contacts by setting a filter on the contactstableadapter to "statusid = 4" (An agent).

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Take A Selected Aircraft Type From A Previous Form And Put It Into The Form?

Aug 11, 2009

Dim Type As String = frmFrontEnd.cmbModel.SelectedText.Substring(0, 4)
cmbType.SelectedText = Type

i would like to take a selected aircraft type from a previous form and put it into the form i am working on at the moment, but i want to edit the string so it only has 4 characters.I thought the above line would do it but apparently not. the error is to do with the length.An example:the model in 'the other' combobox is A330-200/-300 and i would like to put A330 into the new combobox cmbType in the above code.

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Move Any Control That Is Selected?

Jun 13, 2012

The new application that Im building allows the user to create custom Labels and then move them around on a form.I have the labels created successfully using this

Dim lbl As New Label lbl.Text = TextBox1.Text lbl.Font = New Font(lbl.Font, FontStyle.Bold) lbl.Size = New Size(25, 25) lbl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter lbl.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 10) lbl.BackColor = Color.DarkGreen Form2.Controls.Add(lbl) lbl.BringToFront()

and I can move around a single label using this

Private Sub obj1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseUp Go = False LeftSet = False TopSet = False End Sub Private Sub obj1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseDown Go = True End Sub Private Sub obj1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As


The problem is, is that this code just moves label1. What I need it to do is to move whatever label is selected. The user could create an infinite amount of labels and I do not want to repeat the above code an infinite number of times. Is there a way to make the label selectable, and if it is selected, it uses that name in replace of label1?

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Tabcontrol - Tab Is Selected In Tab Control?

Mar 18, 2010

I have this program that should execute a piece of code base on the tab that is selected. How do I do it?I've tried:if tabcontrol1.tabcount=1 then 'Execute this code'

else if tabcontrol1.tabcount=2 then'execute this code end if-But doesn't work, what's the proper way of doing it?

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Different Button To Be Selected Depending On Which Control

Jun 19, 2012

What is the appropriate declaration such as "ValueChanged" or "Click" for a NumericUpDown that will execute the code when I press enter. I already know that setting the "AcceptButton" property of the main form to a default button will not work, especially if I want a different button to be selected depending on which control I give focus. How do I accomplish this?

PS: Is the syntax any different from Visual Basic 2010 Express than it is on Visual Studio 2012 RC (running in Visual Basic Mode)?

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Get The Items With ListView Control Selected?

May 1, 2012

I want to add a tooltip for items of Listview. I use the code below.

Private Sub ListViewProjectsList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListViewProjectsList.SelectedIndexChanged


I click one of the item within my listview control. I think I have already selected it.

It enter into sub ListViewProjectsList_SelectedIndexChanged(). However it pop up a box say "No Items is seledted at all".

Why? How can I get the item selected.

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Tab Control - Selected Row Showing At Bottom

May 29, 2012

I have 8 tabs in Tab Control. I set 1,2,3,4 in first row and 5 to 8 in second row but my problem is that when I select tab 1 to 4. Then row is switched and its shows at bottom. Always selected tab row shows bottom I need to fixed it. When I select any tab, tab order remains same. I am using 3.5.

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VS 2005 Using Combo Box In User Control And Getting Selected Value In Another User Control

Aug 31, 2009

i am using 2005 to developed desktop application I am having two windows form user control , the first control name con.vb containing the design and code for connecting to database and getting a list of my project values in combo box.

Now the second user control report.vb which i am using to generate some reports , since the code behind is using connection to connect to various project database , so i want to get the value of

First user control into another how i can get the i have tried the below but its giving me error in run time but no error in design or code behind -

MR.MainForm.Connection1.project_combobox.SelectedV alue.ToString

Error i am getting is :

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Selected Datagridview Rows In One Form To Another Form

Oct 16, 2011

I am doing a project in window application (VB 2008) where I have 2 forms (form1 & form2) in form1 I place a empty DGV and a button, and in form2 i placed another DGV which i connects to MS access DB, in form2 DGV I add a checkbox column and i need to do is if i click the button in form1 it should show the form2 DGV (till this i got it) and when i checked the rows in form2 DGV the checked rows should shown in form1 DGV. and i also want to add the sum in bottom.

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