Force AutoComplete ListBox In A DataGridView On CellEnter?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a DataGridView with a TextBox column (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn). I already set the AutoCompleteDataSource to a list of string values. Now, the default behavior of the TextBox column is to ONLY show the AutoComplete ListBox when something is typed. Is there a way to show/drop that ListBox on the CellEnter event or as soon as a user highlights that cell?

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VS 2010 DataGridView CellEnter/CellBeginEdit?

Feb 14, 2012

I am trying to change the CurrentCell of my DGV from within the CellEnter or CellBeginEdit events, but just get the error:

Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.


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Textbox AutoComplete Source Set To ListBox Collection

Sep 21, 2007

Is it possible to have a texttbox autocomplete source set to a listbox's collection? I see:
in the texxtbox's autocompletesource property but are unable to make it happen.

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Autosuggest/autocomplete In Datagridview?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a datagridview in vb 2010 and in one of the columns I populate a combobox with items from a database. With autosuggest, I filter the list to select an item. But autosuggest only works on the beginning of an item. I would like to search in each item. For example typing 'bank', I would like to select from:

Bank of Schotland
Deutsche bank
ING bank

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VS 2008 - Autocomplete For ComboBox In DataGridView?

Nov 2, 2010

I have tried searching on if it is capable to do autocomplete in a combobox in the datagridview control. I was planning to use the combobox in the grid itself. There is a property to set autocomplete true/false but I cannot get the cb to let me enter text to find. It only selects on the first character of items in the list.

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.net - Force Editing On DataGridView To One Column?

Dec 17, 2010

I want to only allow editing of one column in my DataGridView, but I want to allow the user to double click on any item in the row, and when the CellBeginEdit fires, force editing of my colum. I started by doing this:

Private Sub dgvCaptions_CellBeginEdit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs) Handles dgvCaptions.CellBeginEdit
If e.ColumnIndex <> COL_CAPTION Then[code].....

But this throws an error in the BeginEdit(False) line because 'Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the BeginEdit function.' which of course it will do, but that is what I want. Is there another way to do this?

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VS 2008 Possible To Force A DataGridView To Be Single Row Only?

Jul 28, 2011

is it possible to force a DataGridView to be single row only?I cannot set the AllowUserToAddRows to false as i need one row.I cannot re size the grid to display a single row as i need the horizontal scollbar.

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Force DataGridView To Update Underlying DataTable

Mar 27, 2012

I need to force a DataGridView cell to update the underlying DataTable.I fill a DataTable using my adapters Fill method, then set that DataTable as my DataGridView's datasource. Lets say one of my DataGridView columns is a CheckBox column.If I left-click a checkbox in the first row and then left click a different row in the DataGridView the underlying DataTable_RowChanged event fires, which tells me the first edit I did has gone to the underlying DataTable.If I left-click the checkbox in a row and then right-click the column header to display my context menu the DataTable_ RowChanged event doesn't fire because the DataGridView row is still in edit mode.I've tried Me.DataGridView.EndEdit(),but that doesn't cause my RowChanged event to fire,I need to ensure my underlying DataTable matches the data in the DataGridView, because I am getting a subset of my original table.[code]

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Force DataSet To Update On DataGridView CellDoubleClick?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataView. The DGV is setup for FullRowSelect and is ReadOnly. The first column contains a CheckBox to show that the Row is ready for processing. The user double-clicks on the row and the box is checked in the CellDoubleClick event. This works great.

I have a RadioButton on the page to hide any checked items. This allows the user to only have to look at the work that needs to be done. I use a filter on the DataView to make this happen. At the end of the CellDoubleClick, I call my ApplyFilter method, but the current row still shows up.

I got around this once before by writing some code to see if I needed to move forward or backward a row and also compared if there were any rows available, etc.

It seems to me that this relates to the value not being persisted back to the DataSet until the CurrentRow is changed in the DGV. Is there a way to force this data back into the DataSet without having to programatically change the value directly in the DataSet?

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Force A Commit On The Current Row From Within A Virtual Unbound DataGridView's Edit Control Event Handler?

Sep 8, 2011

Using the walkthrough from [URL], I implemented a DatagridView in virtual mode, totally unbound, in VB 10 Express (we are talking WinForms).

I understand that CommitEdit (DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) commits the current cell's contents to the data cache.

The example uses row-level commit, i.e. it pushes the values into a row buffer until the current row is left. Only then the row is added to (or updated in) the data store. That's exactly what I do, too.

Question -- how can I commit the current row programmatically without leaving it? (I want to commit the whole row, not just the current cell.)

If the user leaves the row, there is a RowValidating, RowValidated, RowEnter event sequence where the datastore update is taken care of. So one idea (currently my only one) was to simply re-set CurrentCell to Nothing, for example.

But I cannot just set the DataGridView's CurrentCell property to Nothing (or any cell outside of the current row) since I want to commit from within an event handler of a custom edit control created by a custom column, and I see an System.InvalidOperationException exception when setting CurrentCell there.

In fact, it is a tiny button right to a combo box, i.e. I create a DataGridViewComboBoxCell descendant which is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn descendant's edit control. My special ComboBox cell adds a tiny button which should commit the current row. Unfortunately, that button's _Click event handler cannot change CurrentCell since DetachEditingControl throws the exception then.

Obviously, I must delay the CurrentCell re-assignment until the whole _Click event has been processed. Or what? How would I do that -- register a custom Windows message, SendMessage that one to me, and override the windows procedure of the form so it re-sets CurrentCell when this message is received? (Hello?)

There should be a rather easy way to let DataGridView commit all changes by firing the events that I handle to perform the datastore update, no?

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Add The Content Of The Datagridview To A Listbox?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a form that I want to add the content of the datagridview to a listbox every time I double clik on the cell of the datagridview, then store the contents of the listbox in my database.

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Datagridview Convert To Listbox

Mar 15, 2011

I had the following code:


How can I convert this code to listbox code? Because the above code is using datagridview but I would like to change it to listbox.

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Show All The Columns From A Datagridview In A Listbox?

Feb 23, 2012

Is it possible to show all the Columns from a datagridview in a listbox?

When i selected a row , it shows all tht Colloms in the listbox.

i fill the datagridview with code from a Excel file.

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Use All Listbox Contents For Filtering Datagridview?

Mar 11, 2010

using all the listbox contents for filtering a datagridview2 (that is binded with an access database)

my code is as follows:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim tables As DataTableCollection = VPC_DatabaseDataSet.Tables
Dim view1 As New DataView(tables(4))
Dim source1 As New BindingSource()


the code above is working, however, the datagridview2 only displays only the matches for the first entry in the listbox, which is 100101. it does'nt include the matches for the other two contents in the listbox.

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Use BindingList(of T) To Bind To A Listbox Or A Datagridview?

Nov 16, 2009

I am using 2005 I have a form with a DataGridView on it called "DG"

Here is my Code:Option Explicit On Option Strict On Imports System.ComponentModel


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VS 2008 : DataGridView Column Into Listbox?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm trying to get data from one column on my datagridview (That is reading data from an SQL Database) and put the column into a using Datagridview as I made a program that was previously using a HUGE number of querys that make the program very inefitient when im only after one number etc, instead im downloading all the information to a datagridview object then using that for my querys then updating the database, at the minute i need to be able to manipulate the data into VB objects so the user doesnt get confused, need 1 column from datagridview to populate a listbox.

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.net - DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Autocomplete?

Mar 29, 2011

I have datagridview containing 4 columns with 2 combobox. With the initial loading of datagridview I could select an item with the combobox, but when I tried to select an item with other combobox I've got an error showing "System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell Value is not valid. To replace this default dialog please handle the dataerror event" . When ever I click it's always shows this message.


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Autocomplete Using AD As Source?

Dec 9, 2011

I have some code that calls to Active Directory and gets a list of users then adds them into a ComboBox.

I would like to extend this feature by allowing the combo box to autocomplete when a user starts to type.

Ive read a few articles but they seem to be based on data coming from SQL server but none on Active Directory. Could anyone assist by advising how i could go about this?

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Convert Autocomplete Vb6 To .net?

Oct 12, 2010

[URL]..i have sample code in vb6


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DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Autocomplete?

Mar 29, 2011

I have datagridview containing 4 columns with 2 combobox. With the initial loading of datagridview I could select an item with the combobox, but when I tried to select an item with other combobox I've got an error showing "System.ArgumentException: DataGridViewComboBoxCell Value is not valid. To replace this default dialog please handle the dataerror event" . When ever I click it's always shows this message.


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Regards To Autocomplete In .net 2005?

Jul 19, 2009

i am new to and i am now exploring the some of the controls in i have a problem with regards to autocomplete in 2005 in my textbox, i set the AutoCompleteMode to "SuggestAppend" and i have filled my AutoCompleteCustomSource.

the autocomplete works but with one simple problem.... i have a problem with regards to "/" character

in my attachment when you type "A" and your succeeding characters is with "/" character... it will not display the rest of the characters..for example, "A. VALVE 1/2 X 3/4" in textbox will display "A. VALVE 1/".

Is there any workaround with this problem? I hope that you can help me with regards to my problem...

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Way To ComboBox AutoComplete

May 17, 2011

I need a complete code of how to AutoComplete ComboBox

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Pass Different Values From A Listbox To A Certain DatagridView Column?

Aug 27, 2009

Rather using a DatagridView Column ComboBox i need in this phase of my project, to use a listbox outside the datagridview ,o pass values from listbox to the datagridview. I do not want these Values to be default in that, column of DGV but when adding new rows i want to pass different values,always form listbox to the DGV..

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Save Data From Textbox, Listbox And Datagridview?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a tool connected to access database. It retrieves the database based on certain input conditions from 4 textboxes, 1 list box. The data from database comes to a datagridview. I have to enter certain values in a particular column in datagridview and continue with my calculations.At this stage I wan to save my file with the data I have entered so far. Is there a way i can save this data into another file (for example say " SAMPLE"), so that when I open the SAMPLE file from my tool it should display all the values I have saved in the respective controls.

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Text Sorting Listbox And Unbound Datagridview?

Mar 11, 2012

I am trying to sort text (File name and path), by having a listbox with just file name and and a datagridview with two columns filename and path.

The listbox sorts it differently from the datagridview. Mainly this is where there is a ' ie listbox puts "you're" before "you are" where the datagridview puts "you are" before "you're".

I thought I would just sort using datagridview and then read from datagrid and add to a non sorting listbox, but this did not work although the datagridview shows sorted, when you go through and a loop, reading each row to add to listbox they end up the same order they where originally put into the datagridview befrore sorting.

What I want is a sorted list of file names only, which will be obtained from several folders and then when clicked with be able to extract the complete path and filename.

I have code with a listbox and datagridview which works ok if I remove any files with ' in them.

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VS 2005 Put ListBox Over Top Cell In DataGridView Column?

May 26, 2011

I've got this working but there's something I don't understand about it. I have a DataGridView and a listbox. I want to position the listbox to be the same location as the topmost visible cell in the column the mouse is in. The end result will be that a context menu will be provided to show the user the distinct values in that column which is why I want the listbox to show over the column that it's displaying data for, just below the header cell. I'm testing right now using the CellMouseEnter event and the following code is working:

Private Sub dgvItems_CellMouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvItems.CellMouseEnter
If e.ColumnIndex >= 0 Then


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.Net AutoComplete NOT Based On First Character?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a combobox that is populated with movies with a number corresponding to where it is held in our archives ie. "451 How The Grinch Stole Christmas"What I would really like to do is have an autocomplete routine that would make it possible NOT to have autocomplete only work on the first character. As it stands, with Visual Studio's native autocomplete if my combobox is populated by:

Apple Smoothie
Banana Puree
Crayon Colors


and I type "Pu" I will get only "Pure Energy" as an autocomplete result. I would like it so that typing "Pu" would return Pure Energy & Banana Puree.

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.NET Fulltext Autocomplete In A Combobox?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm struggling to meet a demand from my supervisors.Basically there are places in our project where there is a big selection of options. The most concrete example is choosing a city in the world. The items are hundreds of thousands.Using standard winforms controls and properties, one can search through a list fast.The problem is that we're using a concatenation of city&district name for all the items. Essentially PREFIX autotomplete works but does not work as needed. The task is to filter and show items by any given string in any part of the item. Essentially a FULL TEXT search in the combobox.Does anyone have an idea about switching autocomplete sources in runtime relatively qiuckly and handling the suggest/suggestappend event?


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Autocomplete A Combox From Dataset?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a couple of texbox and combobox controls that are bound to a dataset. I can scroll this with the a bindingnavigator. But I want to have the combobox do autocomplete from the dataset. For example, if i type a "D" in the combobox bound to the 'ClientName' column of the 'ClientInfo' table,i want the comcobox to display all (or maybe the top 20) names that start with a "D". If i then type an "E" I would like the list to show all names starting with "De" and so on.

I have tried to bind the 'autocompletesource' of the combobox to the 'ClientName' column, but that did not appear to do anything.I am reasonably experienced with VB .Net, but totally new to database and data centric applications.

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AutoComplete Dbgridview + Textbox1.txt?

Jun 21, 2010

I Use visual Basic 8.0 and Mysql 5.0


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