VS 2008 - Autocomplete For ComboBox In DataGridView?

Nov 2, 2010

I have tried searching on if it is capable to do autocomplete in a combobox in the datagridview control. I was planning to use the combobox in the grid itself. There is a property to set autocomplete true/false but I cannot get the cb to let me enter text to find. It only selects on the first character of items in the list.

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Way To ComboBox AutoComplete

May 17, 2011

I need a complete code of how to AutoComplete ComboBox

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.NET Fulltext Autocomplete In A Combobox?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm struggling to meet a demand from my supervisors.Basically there are places in our project where there is a big selection of options. The most concrete example is choosing a city in the world. The items are hundreds of thousands.Using standard winforms controls and properties, one can search through a list fast.The problem is that we're using a concatenation of city&district name for all the items. Essentially PREFIX autotomplete works but does not work as needed. The task is to filter and show items by any given string in any part of the item. Essentially a FULL TEXT search in the combobox.Does anyone have an idea about switching autocomplete sources in runtime relatively qiuckly and handling the suggest/suggestappend event?


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Databound Combobox And Autocomplete?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a combox that is run-time bound to a table that is run-time built and populated from a text file. I have set the combobox autocomplete mode to suggest and the source to list items, but only the 1st item will work. Ok so here's the code:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

The file is a text file with a list of the 50 states and their abbreviations in the format : stateName - abbr.Now what happens is the data is displayed correctly, but when I begin to type a letter for the autocomplete the only letter that shows anything is the "a" and it will only show the very first item in the text file.Everything else does not display with the autocomplete, but does show in the list. I have tried variations such as adding the data as items like this:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

This way does not allow any autocomplete when I begin typing but everything is in the list. I've also tried converting the table to a customautocompletestring and still the same results.The only way that I have been able to get it to work is be entering each state as an item: state_cmbx.items.add("Michigan - MI"), then it works correctly.Also the combobox dropdownstyle is set to dropdown, and I'm using visual studio 2010 ultimate and coding using VB.

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How To Make A Combobox Autocomplete

Aug 7, 2011

How to make a combobox autocomplete?

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Forms :: Tab Key Does Not Set Combobox.selectedindex With Autocomplete

Aug 28, 2009

I am having a problem to get the results of a combobox when the user uses the tab key to exit the combobox. The combobox uses a database as the datasource. When the user uses the mouse to click on the selection the selectedindex is set proprerly, however when the user will enter some text and presses the tab key, selectedindex is set to -1.

I have attached some test code to duplicate the issue.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Protected dvNames As DataView
Dim conDBTest As OleDbConnection


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VS 2010 ComboBox DataSource And AutoComplete?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a ComboBox which is bound with a DataSource from (obviously) a Database. However, there are 659 different entries inside this Database and I was hoping to tack on AutoComplete.

I tried setting the Source to the ListItems since, after initialization and the data is bound, all the items necessary are in fact inside the ComboBox so I had assumed that it would pick that up. I was wrong. I tried using a Custom source but VS errored out saying that I couldn't do that since the ComboBox was bound.

My question is, how can I utilize AutoComplete's "Suggest" mode with a bound ComboBox?

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ComboBox AutoComplete Mode Not Working Properly

May 21, 2012

I am having issues with a combobox set to:
AutoCompleteMode = Append, AutoCompleteSource = ListItems.
Example: Items in the combo are: "Average", "Good", "Poor". If "Average" is selected in the combo, then I type "G", "Good" will autocomplete. But if "Average" is selected, tab out of the control, then tab back into the control, then I type "A" nothing is autocompleted. It just shows "A" in the combo.

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IDE :: Combobox Autocomplete Mode Event On Click?

Jun 20, 2011

I have problem with my combobox and suggest list poping up. Im taking data from datatable then i start to type and list is poping up if i select item form that list by moving arrows up and down and then press TAB than all is working ok but if I select item by clicking mouse then the item I choose doesn't show text but empty field.

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Make A Combobox Only List Based On User's Input Via Autocomplete?

Aug 3, 2010

How to make a combobox only list based on user's input via autocomplete?For example, if user input "A" the combobox only lists all names start letter "A".If user input "AM" the combobox only lists all names start first two letter as "AM" and so on.

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Autosuggest/autocomplete In Datagridview?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a datagridview in vb 2010 and in one of the columns I populate a combobox with items from a database. With autosuggest, I filter the list to select an item. But autosuggest only works on the beginning of an item. I would like to search in each item. For example typing 'bank', I would like to select from:

Bank of Schotland
Deutsche bank
ING bank

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Force AutoComplete ListBox In A DataGridView On CellEnter?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a DataGridView with a TextBox column (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn). I already set the AutoCompleteDataSource to a list of string values. Now, the default behavior of the TextBox column is to ONLY show the AutoComplete ListBox when something is typed. Is there a way to show/drop that ListBox on the CellEnter event or as soon as a user highlights that cell?

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[2008] - Datagridview With Combobox?

Mar 5, 2009

how to create a datagridview with the "main" datasource one table, and one column of this table it's a column (combobox) related with another table.I'm doing this all by code, but i have several doubts how to achieve this.First i had allready created the datatables in memory, the first one have only 3 fields (pk,info,size) the size field it's the field that's related to the the other table (id_size,size_text). Then i inserted the only roms that i need in the second table (dtUni)...In the previous steps i don't have any problem, but now if i try to add a constraint to relate the columns, something like this:VBdsTemp.Relations.Add("fkRel", dtAcess.Columns("id_size"),dtUni.Columns("size")) I get an error saying that the column doesn't exists in dtAcess.

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VB 2008 Link One Combobox To Another On Datagridview

Dec 10, 2009

I have a datagridview for the transactions table. On the datagridview there is a combobox column for the type id field in the transactions table. This combobox displays the transaction type name from the transaction types table and puts the transaction type id into the transactions table. That much is okay. But each transaction type belongs to one of several categories. I have a categories table. The category id field in the transaction type record points to the id of the categories table. The category id is not in the transactions table, it is in the transactions types table. I need to know how to link the categories combo box on the datagridview to the category id in the transactions types combobox, which isn't even there right now. At present the transaction types combobox does not display the category id. It displays the transactions type name. Do I need to add another combobox to link the categories combo to the types combo?

I need to have it first and foremost so it will display the correct category when existing records are pulled up. I think I could do this with a join to the transactions type table in the categories combobox. But that wouldn't cause the transaction type combo to filter by category when a new entry is made.

Can someone advise as to the correct way to link comboboxes in this type of heirarchy?

I am using VB.NET 2008 and an Access database.

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VS 2008 DataGridView Combobox And Textbox

May 22, 2010

I have a form with a DGV bound to a SQL database. the DB has three colums: ItemCode, ItemName, Status. The Itemcode field is a combobox complex binded (if this matters). How can I have the ItemName colum auto insert the text for the ItemName colum when I select the associated ItemCode with the combo box.

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VS 2008 DataGridView ComboBox Columns?

Nov 9, 2010

So i have a datagridview with two combos, when the form it's created i fill the first one with all the MainValues, and the second one with all possible values for the MainValues (called SecondValues) (1..N).Now my issue, when the user selects one value from the first combo i want to fill the second combo with all values related to the selected MainValue, i can do this for example by filling the datatable again with a parameter that filters the data, but if the previous rows have different main values, the dgv throws errors because it doesn't find the binded ones in the new filtered datatable.

How can i handle this? One datatable for each line?! Other thing, i'm using the SelectionChangeCommited event for handling the values change (in theEditingControlShowing), but if the user uses the keyboard to select the values the event doesn't behave in the same way or the way that i need. The values in the combo are numeric values (1001,1020,2010,3010), when the user select one of the values, i need to fill another cell in the same row with the number selected plus some string, example combo:1001 cell:1001XPTO. So if the user presses 1 in the keyboard the combobox selects the 1001 and fills the cell with 1001XPTO, but if i keep pressing the keyboard to select the 1020, by pressing 0 and 2, i get the 1020 selected in the combo, but the cell remains with the 1001XPTO.

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VS 2008 Getting The Index Value Of A Combobox In A DataGridView?

Sep 25, 2009

I have a column in a datagridview that is a combobox with 4 items in it. I can use this code to see the text value of the selected item:

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VS 2008 ComboBox Selection Populating DataGridView?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a form with a DataGridView and ComboBox, both of which are populated with data from an Excel spreadsheet, the source is unbound. My problem is in repopulating the DataGridView with data from another worksheet in the same Excel file when the user selects the corresponding value from the ComboBox. For example if they were to select January from the ComboBox then the DataGridView would load in and display the data contained on say Sheet2, selecting February would load Sheet 3 and so on. I am running Visual Studio 2008.

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VS 2008 Datagridview Combobox Column Error

Jan 12, 2010

i use this to populate my datagridview:


to replace this default dialog please handle dataerror event and the combos value then changes to the id of the job i select

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VS 2008 Datagridview With Unbound Combobox Columns?

Dec 14, 2010

I am working with an Unbound DataGridView. I would like to vary the contents of a second combobox based on what is selected in the first. I have code to add the columns and populate the first combobox, but I can't figure out how to do the second one since it can (and usually will) have a different list for each row AND the list must change when the selection in the first is changed.

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VS 2008 Populate A Combobox In An Unbound Datagridview?

Jun 3, 2010

I just spent over an hour looking up on the internet how to fill a combobox for each row in a datagridview that is unbound. I am adding the rows manually by code. The columns are already there and one of them is set to a combobox.

how to add two items to the combobox? Each row will have the same items available in the combobox.

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[2008] How To Filter Datagridview With Combobox Column

Jan 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and a bindingsource. The first column is a comboboxcolumn which is bound to a table field and then the rest of the items are populated from another datatable. What I have on my other forms is a textbox called txtfilter and on the textchanged event I have this

Me.ProductBindingSource.Filter = "BatchNo LIKE '" & txtFilter.Text & "*'" that works great. Now I want to filter the combobox columns just like this.

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VS 2008 - Entering Data Into DataGridView ComboBox Column

May 7, 2010

I have this test form where I'm testing the idea, but ran into a snag. Now the main idea is to load all the data from a dataset into the one column of the datagridview. This works perfectly as shown in the image. Now there is something that I want to happen, but just can't get it right. when on the DataGridViewComboBox Column I also want to be able to type in my own data if the one I want is not available in the combobox.

Also if there are 50 values in my combobox and 2 of them are:
jacky, jacson
When I type jac, I want the combobox to only give me the options starting with "jac"

Here is the code that I'm currently using:
Dim dt As DataTable
Dim dsNewDataset As New DataSet()
Dim i = 0, intSetArray As Integer = 0
Public Function JT_PullDataWithCOLUMNS1(ByVal Cols As String, ByVal TableName As String) As DataTable
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 : Detect Vertical Scrollbars In DataGridView And Combobox?

May 11, 2010

I have ComboBoxes and DatagridViews for which I've written code to automatically adjust the width of the ComboBox dropdown list or DataGridView columns depending upon the available space for them and certain conditions.The problem is when a vertical scrollbar appears. I then need to adjust for the width it takes, but am not able to find how to detect this using code.Ive been looking at .ScrollBars, but with this I can only set/get for them to be able to be there or not.

For the ComboBox:

-How can I detect if it has a vertical scrollbar before opening its dropdownlist, if at all possible?

-If not, how do I check using code if it has a vertical scrollbar?

For the DataGridView:

-How do I detect using code if it has a vertical scrollbar

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VS 2008 Adding A Number Range To A DataGridView Combobox

Jan 14, 2011

I am using this to populate column1 combobox from a text file and it works fine.[code]I tried to add a number range using this to populate columns 4 and 5..[code]The number range populates the combobox(CB) fine but when i select a number from the CB it causes a error and selects the first item, the error loops evertime the mouse hovers over the CB..[code]

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VS 2008 Delete And Add New Items When Click On The Combobox Cell In The DataGridView?

Jul 1, 2011

am Working on VB.NET 08 Windows Appl. Present i am Working on the DataGridViewCombobox Column. When i click the Combobox ,Clear the Items Which are having the Combobox and add New Items Manually.

For Example: In the Load Event For each Combobox cells Having a,b,c Items. But When i Click the Combobox cell in the DataGridView the Items (a,b,c) delete and Add new Items X,Y,Z .

How can i delete and add new items when click on the Combobox cell in the DataGridView??

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VS 2008 Autocomplete In A AddHandler Function

Dec 26, 2009

I have progressbar controls added at runtime and I used AddHandler to assign a function to handle a click event on any of them. All is fine, but when I am coding in that function using sender, autocomplete (intellisense?) doesn't show the available properties, methods, or whatever for that object. Yet, when I guess, my code is valid and works just fine.

I have been at this project all day and advanced searches here have been so very helpful. My project is a multiple progressbar timer app that talks to a remote MySQL database on a Linux CentOS LAMP server on my LAN. I can't even begin to relay how much I have gotten my head around today.

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Access ComboBox Properties And Events When The ComboBox Is In A DataGridView?

May 2, 2012

DataGridView TIPs has TextBoxes and ComboBoxes in it and the data comes from an SQL table. I see how to get or set the cell values that come from the ComboBoxes using Item, but how do I access the actual ComboBox events and properties?


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VS 2008 Set The Textbox Autocomplete Source To Specific Column In Datatable?

Mar 26, 2009

how to set the Textbox autocomplete source to specific column in my datatable?how can i do that?

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Datagridview Combobox Column Insrting Value Into The Combobox?

Dec 5, 2010

I would like to manually insert values in a combobox colum of a datagridview.I am using the DGV as an UNBOUND control.

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