Formatted Value Not Reflecting Original Value In Datagridview?

Aug 11, 2011

In datagridview,i want to display the amount without decimals. so whatever values coming from backend,i'm directly assigning to cells value.then in cell formatting event, i'm formatting values without decimals,so here after formatting,the formatted Cell Value not reflecting in Original value. when i read the formatted value , its displaying only assigned value not formatted value..ex :

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
DataGridView1.Item(0, 0).Value = Val(12.123)[code].......

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DB/Reporting :: Reflecting Access Data Modifications On Datagridview?

Jul 23, 2008

the access data are not getting reflected on the DataGridView unless the form is reloaded again. I am acessing the MSAcess data for back end processing (SELECT,DELETE)using odbc connection and displayin on .NET form using DataGridVew

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Export From DataGridView To Excel Resulting In Incorrectly Formatted Dates

Jul 27, 2011

I'm exporting a datagridview to excel. The first column is a Date (not DateTime) which appears like '2/15/2011'. After exporting the datagridview to excel it appears in excel as '2/15/2011 0:00', furthermore the first 68 rows in excel appear as '6/14/1898 12:00:00 AM'. Where is the time coming from? The column type in the database is date. I've attempted to edit the cell style of the datagridview column to date. I've attempted to figure out how to pre-program the formatting in excel, but it's not working either.

Dim wapp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim wsheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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VS 2008 : Writing Contents Of Datagridview In Formatted Colums/rows?

May 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and I'd like to write it to a file in the same type of row and column format it's currently in.My first idea for doing this is to get the maximum number of characters in each column so i know how wide each column has to be formatted. Then loop through each row and write out each row while using the max characters in each column and the current cells content length to do the math to get the formatted columns to line up. Like the example below, except i'd have a lot more in it.

writer.WriteLine("{0,0}{1," & lb(2).Length + 50 - lb(1).Length & "}", lb(1), lb(2))

This takes label(1) and label(2) and writes them so no mater the length of either (to an extent) then will always be right hand aligned in two columns.

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VS 2008 - Capture Original And Current Value In DataGridView

Apr 3, 2010

I want to capture the original value and the new value from a cell in the DataGridView control. When leaving the row, I tried:

Dim row As DataRow
row = tbl2.Rows(e.RowIndex)
Dim m_orig, m_curr As Decimal
m_orig = row.Item("amount", DataRowVersion.Original)
m_curr = row.Item("amount", DataRowVersion.Current)

And the values were the same. How can I capture the different values?

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Changes In Exe.config Not Reflecting In Code?

Nov 11, 2011

In code ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("IsFill") showing null

but when i open exe.config file manually that key is present in file

den i modify exe.config file using below code

Dim configFile As Configuration
configFile = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath)
configFile.AppSettings.Settings("AppVersion").Value = "1.0.1"


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IDE :: Code Updation Is Not Reflecting

Apr 25, 2012

I am new to this forum. I have created a module in which declared one structured in public. There were some fields earlier in the structure.


I have included statement includes project.modulename in my main project form where i am referring this structure. everything worked fine. Today, i added new field to the structure by name "example as string" and written some code in module itself to access this field. even this is working fine. but when i am trying to access this field in the main code it is not showing example as structure field and saying not a member.

The drop down suggestion of IDE is not showing this field in main code but in module code it is showing the field. Later, i also found that my debugger is also not working. I tried to clean solution, restart IDE, computer but nothing seems to be working.

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Controls Not Reflecting Changes On Form Vb2010

Feb 8, 2011

this is somewhat related to my previous issue which was solved: [URL] Now my problem is none of the affected controls are changing on the form. The form itself is not frozen as an elapsed time is going fine on it. when I "F8" thru the code the I see the controls contain the correct values and if I do a messagebox display of the control contents it displays the correct value. but the controls themselves do not change on the form. for example: label1.text will still show blank even though thru code it contains "test". what am I missing here?

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User Interface Not Reflecting Changes Make?

Mar 23, 2012

Basically the question is, Why are NONE of the changes I've been making in the designer reflecting on the program when it runs ?'none' is in bold because I've tried moving everything around and nothing seems to be affecting it, it's like it's reading from a different design file, I tried reloading the project and that did nothing, and none of my code affects position of any items on the form (way too much to post it all)

View 1 Replies (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


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Class Properties Not Reflecting Their Changed Values

Nov 14, 2010

I am using a class to track if a user cleared their personal information found within some text boxes on a form. In the button click event to clear the text boxes I am creating a new object to the class and assigning true to one property value. Sounds simple until I try and submit the form with a different button, and create a another object reference that I use in an IF statement to check the property value for true. Every time the statement fails because the value being returned from the getter in my class is false.


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RecordSet - Form Data Not Reflecting Onto Fields

Jul 13, 2009

I am developing an application on VB2008 with MySql as database. I opened the connection without any errors. I have three fields/columns in my database and on the form. When I am running vb form data is not reflecting on to form fields.

I have written the following code in form load event.
'Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
'cn = New ADODB.Connection
'cn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" + "SERVER=localhost;" + "DATABASE=in_out;" + "UID=root;" + "PASSWORD=pacvision;" + "OPTION=3;"
'MessageBox.Show("Connection Opened Successfully")
'rs.Open("Select * from deptno", cn.ConnectionString, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

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Refreshing Textbox - Does Not Update Reflecting The New Product

Apr 16, 2009

I have 3 text boxes that are related on a form. They come from the same dataset and the same table in the dataset. The 3rd textbox is defined in the table as the product of textbox (really the column) 1 and 2. The problem is when I save after changing textbox 1 or 2, 3 does not update reflecting the new product. I have a different form using a different dataset that does a similar setup correctly. What could be the difference between the 2 forms or tables or dataset that I could look for?

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Setting A Chks State Reflecting On Settings

Oct 4, 2010

Basically for a while now if i wanted to set a chks setting i would do this..


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.net - Reflecting The Records Created Through Trigger In AssociationAttribute, Linq?

Sep 4, 2011

There is one-to-n relationship (foreign-key relationship) between tables As and Bs. Every time a new record is added in As, a trigger "after update" in table As creates n records in table Bs. There are two Linq-to-SQL classes A and B representing the tables As and Bs respectively.The class A contains Bs property an EntitySet(of B). Similarly in class B, there is a property A, an EntityRef(of A)


When above function is executed the result is always 0. Whereas there are six records new records has been added to table Bs every time the above function is executed.

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Application Is improperly formatted

Feb 16, 2009

when I try to publish my project, I have this error: Cannot continue. The application is improperly formatted.Contact the application vendor for assistance. [code]

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Formatted Row Not Applying To Other Worksheets?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm trying to get the first row in each worksheet to be shaded and have the font bold. Right now, I am able to get the first worksheet changes made, but none of the other worksheets within the same workbook are being changed. Here is what I have written so far for creating the spreadsheet and applying a format.Public Function WRITE_TO_EXCEL(ByVal dt As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal includeheader As Boolean, ByVal worksheet_index As Integer) As Integer


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Text Is Formatted As If It Were In A Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2009

User posts text into textbox/grid etc Button is pushed. The text is formatted as if it were in a spreadsheet. ie Only x words per row Each cell is of equal length and width.To put it another way; The first letter of the second word of the first row. should be directly above the first letter of the second word of the second row.

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Use MYSQL On Dates Formatted As MM/dd/yy?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a database full of dates that are in the format: MM/dd/yy. For example, today's date (November 4, 2011) is saved in the database as: 11/04/11. I'm having trouble with date ranges since my dates aren't formatted as yyyy/MM/dd (example: 2011/11/04). I don't have a way to change the way the database is populated, so I need to account for the date formatting differences within my MYSQL queries (via VB.NET). Here is my query (it doesn't work well because the dates are in the incorrect format):

SELECT CMP_DATE FROM my_data WHERE OBJ_DATE >= '1994/01/01' AND CMP_DATE <= '2011/11/04'

Is there anyway to reformat the dates within the query?

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Use Webpage For Formatted Text?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a wizard I jinned up at work to import a CSV into our database. The intro "welcome screen" has a fair bit of text regarding the catalog format, but it looks so... bland.

My thoughts turned to making an html page, adding it to the project, and then in place of the text box of instructions have a web browser control to load that specific html doc in the project.

The html doc would have all sorts of pretty formatting and what not (bold, bullet points, colors, etc).

View 2 Replies - Using Tiny MCE, But Emails Are Not Sending Formatted?

Jun 8, 2011

I am using tiny mce in a text box and trying to send emails.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtBody" runat="server" Rows="10" class="tinymce"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="100%"></asp:TextBox>

but the email which is sent is not formatted..

<p><span style="background-color: #ff0000;">hello</span></p>

it shouldnt say all that? just hello with a red background?

Sub SendEmail(ByVal sEmailAddressFrom As String, ByVal sEmailAddressTo As String, ByVal sSubject As String, ByVal sBody As String)
Dim msg As New MailMessage
msg.To = sEmailAddressTo[code].......

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Convert A String Into A Formatted Number?

Apr 5, 2011

my format statement from vb6 is not formating right in vb 2010. Here is what I have.

sw.WriteLine("202" & Trim(Str(1000 - index)) & "0" & Trim(Str(kdex)) & Chr(9) & Format(Plotrecinp(1, kdex),
Chr(9) & Format(Plotrecinp(index, kdex), "#.#####E+##"))

This is what it gives me: 20299901 14415.58E+14415.58E+ It should be more like this: 20299901 2.88462E-1 1.45098E+4 nevermind the difference in the number values. the formatting is what I want.

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Converting PDF File To Formatted Text In .NET?

Jun 21, 2010

I've been trawling the web for ages trying to find some dll's/code to be able to extract text from a PDF file and keep the formatting as much as possible.I did find something last year, but it simply took all the text and created one big list of every section in no particular order, so I couldn't read the values I needed from it.

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DateTime Picker, Get Current Value In Formatted Way

Apr 24, 2010

I have a Datetime Picker on a form.

When I use dtArrival.value for instance, it gives me the date in the format "24/04/2010 10:54 PM"

Is there a way that I can grab the value in the format "YY/MM/DD" e.g the value would return "10/04/24"?

Also whats the easiest way to calculate the number of days between two datetime pickers on the same form? I've tried to do it and it's just a mess.

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Generate CGI-formatted Text And Use It In Flash?

Apr 13, 2009

I'm using VB2008 Express and Flash CS4. I'm trying to create a CGI-formatted text file with VB2008 and use it in Flash. Below is an image of the form I'm creating. Beside each number is a textbox for input of the answer follwed by a double-numbered textbox. There's also three radio buttons on the top of the form, "Single", "Double" and "Triple". Single is multiplied by 1 for a number-inputted text box; Double is multiplied by two and Triple is multiplied by 3. Take a look at the form below and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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Get Formatted String To Output Each Var On It's Own Line?

Jul 19, 2010

i have a simple statement of code that reads:

Return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", _var1, _var2, _var3)

i'm trying to get this formatted string to output each var on it's own line. i'm new to but i did try one thing:


that didn't work.

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Html :: Send Pre Formatted Emails?

Oct 5, 2011

How can i send formatted Emails using VB.NET.I have a Document (MS WORD 2007) which contains text and imagesi need to send the contents as an email.i am able to read the content and place it in the clipboard, however the only functions available with Clipboard class are limiting me to only retrieve the text of the document

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Parse Strangely Formatted Files?

May 29, 2009

I need to parse a file but the data is in a strange format that I'm not familar parsing.

The data is always formatted like this. The field name is to the left and the data is right of the "=" and all fields are always in this order.[code]...

Is there a more elegant way to handle parsing files like this?

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Print Textboxes And Labels Formatted

Jan 13, 2012

I have run into another problem with my current project. I have a form that I need to print. Doing some searching online I found a few examples and implemented it into my code. It prints but prints all my text boxes and labels stacked on top of one another. How can I get this to print my textboxes and labels formatted as I have them in the form?

Here is my code:
Private Sub PrintToolStripMenuItem1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintToolStripMenuItem1.Click
PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies = 2
[Code] .....

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Printing Formatted Output To A List Box?

Jun 10, 2011

i am having trouble printing formatted output to a list box. Basically I have two string variables that i use to format the output, but it is not working.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub compute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles compute.Click
'make the output area visible to the user
outPut_gp3.Visible = True


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