Forms :: Accessing Objects At Runtime?

May 24, 2010

I need to dynamically access a bindingnavigator, is this possible? I basically want to have code in my Base form which enables or disables it's descendant's menu buttons depending on access rights.

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Array Of Child Objects In Nested Classes And Accessing Child Objects In .Net

Jan 3, 2012

I have a nested class, let's call it class1 and it has class2 inside it; VB.Net eg:[code]

1) How can I define X number of Class2 objects[let's call it: Node(x) array]** with NEW() subroutine called?' this raises error: dim cls2(n) as new class2 end sub.

2) How can I return actual number of Node() array? [code]Outside my class in main project I define cls1 object:[code]Now an array of class2 is created inside cls1.

3) Now,How can I access All of them[node(x) array which is created inside cls1] with all properties and methods available?

I remember I wrote a ProcessManager class with this functionality in .net 2003, nearly 4 years age, I don't have the code now.

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Accessing Objects From Other Classes In ASP.NET

Sep 7, 2010

In ASP.NET I have a form that has a Textbox named txtOutput and a button. In the main file.aspx.vb I can call a function from the button handler and in that function I can have [code]I have a bunch of functions in several other classes. For instance I have a class named AbleCommerce that does some database functions. These functions are called from my main class. In those functions, however, I have no visibility of txtOutput.All of my classes are, unfortunately, in the default namespace which I understand is not optimal but didn't seem to impact this issue.

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Accessing Objects In Code

Jan 9, 2010

Dont even know how to word this, reason I'm having so much trouble finding out the answer in help.But, basicly I'm trying to get data from many different text boxes named similar from my form, example:[code]where i would count up in a for and next statment from like 1 to what ever.

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Storing Objects As Properties And Then Accessing Them?

Jan 28, 2011

I want to know the correct way to access an object that is stored as an object in another object...phew. Here is what I'm trying to do...

I'm creating a restaurant map and to keep things simple I have 3 classes -- cServer, cTable and cGuest. cTable has a property which should contain a cServer object eg

Public Property Server() As Object
'Called when the property is read


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Accessing DNS And MWA Objects Programmatically On A Child Domain

Feb 8, 2010

I've created managed code to programmatically provision websites on Windows 2008 servers from a Vista 64-bit workstation.The provisioning covers creating DNS entries, creating a file structure and a the IIS7 site (using Microsoft.Web.Administration aka MWA).I've had to do some DCOM configuration to get it to work through a firewall and it all works on the test server provided I'm in the same domain.I then cloned the Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine (VM) that the provisioning does work on and then changed the clone's domain to the child domain in the forest where the production servers are sitting.The provisioning user credentials are synchronised on the parent and child domains.So the only change is moving domains and there is an automatically configured trust relationship between the domains.

Provisioning the file system still works on the server on the child domain, but managing DNS and IIS7 now have access issues.I've tried impersonating the Administrator on the child domain (and the thread identity is showing that works) and also had a go with CoInitializeSecurity (though I'm not sure that is appropriate for Win2008 and Vista)to no avail.What I really want to avoid is the need to have to store credentials separately on the workstation - it brings an unwelcome maintenance overhead and the possibility that if the provisioning user's password is changed, then the provisioning will unexpectedly fail on the production servers.Ideally once the provisioning user has logged onto the Vista Workstation, I'd like their credentials to pass through to the servers on the child domains (there are separate DNS and web servers) allowing them to manipulate whatever services (DNS, IIS7, file system) that are necessary.The solutions would seem to be something programmatic (whatever replaced CoInitializeSecurity?) or a Group Policy setting on the child domain may need altering to allow access.However being a humble software developer working out which of the myriad settings (one of the User Rights Assignments perhaps?) is outside my sphere of knowledge.The third alternative is to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) but I haven't done much with this yet and what I have indicates that this technology has its own security issues to accommodate.

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Accessing Objects From Within A Custom Object List

Mar 3, 2009

OK - for starters - I'm not even sure that the title of this thread accurately describes what I want to do - but I had trouble verbalizing it. So I will give this a try: In my application, I have a custom object, call it myObject. In addition, I have another custom object called myObjectList which is basically a List(Of myObject).

Up until this point, all of the functions that I have been working with in my BLL and DAL have been shared - I haven't needed a specific instance of my object thus far. I currently need to write a function that finds a particular myObject within myObjectList and returns to me myObject. I know that the List(Of T) has a find method, but from what I have read so far - I don't think it is what I want (doesn't it return true or false? -and also, do I need an existing object to pass to it to see if it is in the list?)


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VS 2008 : Accessing Objects Created In Code?

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to access objects created at run time.The following code works IF Options Strict is off. If it is on it indicates "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'."

Option Strict Off
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim txt As TextBox = Me.Controls("T3")


I am having trouble formulating the type conversion.A Second problem I am having occurs when I create a groupbox at runtime and then add the textboxes to the groupbox. I am having trouble drilling down to gain access to the textboxes inside the groupbox.

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Accessing Hidden Properties Of Excel 2007 VBa Objects

Jun 22, 2009

I need to migrate from Excel 2003 VBA to Excel 2007 VBA. When Microsoft introduced Excel 2007 it removed many objects from the previous versions and added some new objects. Also it hid some properties of particular objects. These hidden properties can be viewed by going to the object browser, right clicking any object and selecting "Show Hidden Members". My problem is I need to access these hidden properties. Is there any way I can access these properties. I can successfully migrate from Excel 2003 VBa to Excel 2007 VBA with the same functionality?

View 5 Replies User Data Getting Crosses Between Users Accessing Objects?

Jan 4, 2010

I've got a website and we just had a huge jump in traffic. Now all of the sudden we're getting sql parameter errors left and right. We switched to a new sql server a few weeks ago and everything has been fine but the added traffic seems to be breaking us.I have a data access class that is called when each user trys to logon. It runs through several tasks before finally updating the users last login date and forwarding them to the administration section.

What I'm seeing from the trace logs suggests that when I'm logging in the first several tasks are using my data (lets say user=birk pass=word). But at some point the accessor class starts sending over the data from someone else who's trying to login (lets say user=abcxyz).Every connection we make to the server is closed when we're finished with it. I'm nulling out all of the accessor objects when I'm finished with them. But somehow different user data from different sessions are making their way into other peoples instances of the object.

I'm not using session/application/cache/viewstate to store the objects so I'm not really seeing how they could edit eachother... Its just really weird and I'm not sure how to even go about researching the problem.This is roughly the accessor class... I trimmed out some of the parts that weren't reliant to the issue

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient[code]......

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VS 2010 Accessing Variable Names At Runtime?

Sep 30, 2010

Is there any way to access your variable names at runtime? Is there any kind of collection you can loop through?

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Accessing User Inputs In Textboxes Created At Runtime?

Jul 13, 2009

I have created a page that creates a number textboxes at runtime depending on the result of a database query, (ie one textbox per row in query result). My problem is that I can't for the life of me work out how on earth to access the text from the textbox that is posted back to the server by the user when they press submit.

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VS 2008 Accessing Button Properties Made In Runtime?

Apr 6, 2010

how to handle movement of buttons that are made in runtime. What my program does is writes the name of a button that is made in runtime, the left, and top cordinate into a textfile. When the user reopens the program it needs to load the button in the same spot. So far i have a streamreader reading the file in each line. There is a one sentence split by ",". Each of the three components are loaded into an array. how can i call the buttons it i am unsure of the name. Possible answer could include using sender, addhandler.

Private Sub LoadBuildingToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadBuildingToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Dim File As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog


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Access / Use Objects Created At Runtime

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying to develop a program that turns matrices into their reduced Echlon forms. The user specifies the number of Columns & Rows for the matrix, which is generated by the following Sub Routine

Private Sub ButCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles ButCreate.Click
'Columns and Rows are specified by the user
rows = TxtRows.Text
columns = TxtColumns.Text
'clears all of the controls(text boxes) from the TableLayoutContainer
[Code] .....
How to do is access/manipulate those newly created textBoxes. After the user enters values to those boxes, I want to assign each of their columns to an array.

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Catch Events On Runtime Objects?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm creating a form with a few buttons and a combobox at runtime.dim f as new form

(blah blah)
then the buttons acceptDescription and rejectDescription are set up...
then the combobox descriptionCombo is set up...


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Dynamically Creating Objects At Runtime?

Mar 28, 2009

Is there a way to dynamically create an object at runtime?Background: Basically i have an employee class that i want to instantiate every time an employee logs in. What i don't want it to have an employee object already created for every employee, but when they log in the object gets created.

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Reference Objects (from NET Assemblies) At Runtime?

Jan 8, 2010

I created a .net assembly, which works perfectly if I create before runtime. But i'd like to know if it's possible to reference at runtime. The reason is because i'm creating an application which will be used in several servers, and it will be reference that same .net assembly, but the .dll file will be in different location per server. I know that when I reference before runtime, the .net assembly it will be pointing to is from the original (or at least that's what I think).

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Resize Various Datagridview Objects At Runtime?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm trying to resize various datagridview objects at run time, using the following subroutine

Sub GridHeight7(ByVal grd As DataGridView, ByVal highest As Integer)
Dim jr%, w&
With grd


It appears that that only the top property is passed to the subroutine, that is, rowcount and the others appear to have a value of zero. Using ByRef makes no difference.

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VS 2010 : Moving Objects In Runtime?

Jan 9, 2011

How do you move objects in run-time?

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Using Same Click Event For Many Runtime Objects Created

Jul 23, 2009

I have created a program that allows the user to click on screen and add many ovalshape objects. But I have got stuck as now I need to create a rightclick event for any of the runtime generated ovalshapes on screen and dont know how to refer the right click event to all the many objects?

My code for creating the oval's are as follows:-
Drg As New ShapeContainer
Dim Shape As New OvalShape
Drg.Parent =
Shape.Parent = Drg
Shape.Size =
New System.Drawing.Size(10, 10)
Shape.FillColor = StampColor
Shape.FillStyle = FillStyle.Solid

But how do I write a click event now for any of these runtime created objects???

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VS 2010 How To Create Methods For Objects Created At Runtime

Dec 26, 2010

If I create new textboxes, or any objects, based on user input, how can I create methods that use those new textboxes (objects). For instance,


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C# - Dynamically Creating Objects At Runtime That Inherit From A Base Class

Apr 27, 2010

I am writing a game editor, and have a lot of different "tool" objects. They all inherit from BTool and have the same constructor. I would like to dynamically populate a toolbox at runtime with buttons that correspond to these tools, and when clicked have them create an instance of that tool and set it as the current tool. Is this possible, and if so will it be better/easier than creating those buttons by hand?

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Forms :: Retrieve Values From Objects Between Forms?

Feb 9, 2009

In how do you retrieve an value from a object in a different form.

' on frmMain

MsgBox ("Say ""Hello World"" Mr. " & frmOther.txtName.text)

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Accessing Controls Between Forms?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a thread running on a child form, I want to activate a control on the parent form but cannot. It works fine if It's done from the child forms UI thread:

(FormMain.SetControlPropertyValue(FormMain.RBSQL2005, "Checked", True))

but not from a thread running on the child form:

Public Class FormRestoreDB
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim t = New Thread(AddressOf UpdateListView1)


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Forms :: Accessing To A Folder?

Jul 5, 2009

how to access to a folder created inside the project from the code.i want, once the program installd in the machine it access to that folder and then access to the files which i want.i tried this : My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath() & "Docsa.docit works well in the developpment phase, but once the application is installed, it doesn't work

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Forms :: Change The BackColor Of All Forms At Runtime?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a question how can I change the BackColor of all forms at runtime?

I tried to loop through each form but didn't work for me

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Accessing A Forms Html Programatically In

Nov 26, 2011

If I have a form called index.aspx and I want to set the background colour programatically how do I do such a thing? Like if I wanted to set the pages background by calling a method called Changebackground? [code]

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Accessing Labels From Different Forms&threads

Feb 5, 2009

Recently i was trying to access the labels of main form (Form1) from a thread that was running on the other form (Form2), and I have noticed, that the label.Text is not changing.Form1 code - after the main Form is loaded I launch the second Formular, and the method on it : [code]There is a sample code attached to show how is it working.Is there any possibility to change the label values on the Main window?Peter.

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Forms - Accessing Declared Form From Another

Jul 18, 2009

Basically what I need to do is change a textbox on Form1 (AKA mainwin) from Form2 (AKA loginwin) using data that is inputted into Form2. I've done this before with applications by declaring Form1 in Form2, but this time I just get a NullReferenceException error. Here's the code I'm currently using for Form2. Maybe someone here can tell me why it's not working. [Code] I can't figure out why it's not working. I've used this same method before and it always worked.

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Forms :: Accessing Folders In Application?

Mar 27, 2009

i have an application for which i have created help files which are html files. my pplication resides in a directory for which the system path comes out as c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmsindebugcrms.exeI have the help files put under the crms directory which has the bin as its sub directory.i.e. c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmshelpmain.htmlIn my application i would like to access this file and launch it in Internet Explorer. I dont want to hard code it as this will be deployed on a terminal server and therefore i would like to use a relative path. I searched on the net and could only find solutions that used Application.StartupPath or few others which point to the exe file.

I tried extracting the path before that and managed to get a substring which held contained c:Document and settingsvisual studio 2005crmscrmsTo this appended the helpmain.html, i tried launching the file as followsSystem.Diagnostics.Process.start("iexplore",s);where s, stores the appended string. This is the error i get, cannot open file at location:Document%and%settingsvisual%studio%2005crmsc rmshelpmain.htmlIts not liking the space in the path, is there anyway to resolve this.

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