Forms :: DateTimePicker / MonthCalendar Control To Add Tasks

Sep 23, 2009

In my application i like to include the Birthday's schedular... i.e if i click/double click the date in DateTimePicker or in MonthCalendar control an inputbox opens in which we have to enter the birthday person's name to the selected date....

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Forms :: MonthCalendar Control - Can't Set Colors?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using a monthcalendar control in my application to allow a user to select a day from the calendar that will load data for that day. the background is totally white (ugh). there is a backcolor property, but when i set it to say Cyan (yea right), the calendar still displays as white. I also can not set Forecolor, TitleBack/Fore color either.

I have gone to my project properties and turned off the "enable xp visual styles", and that had no effect. turned it back on...cant tell a difference. i am currently on windows 7 running VS2008 Team Edition. It would be really nice to change the look of this control to match the styling of my application.

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Forms :: Monthcalendar Control Clicking Itself?

Dec 1, 2010

i have a monthcalendar control on a form, and about every minute or so, the click event fires. this is wierd, since i look at the call stack and nothing called it.

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Forms :: Resize The Monthcalendar Control?

Mar 22, 2009

I am working on a windows application . I am trying to find if we can resize the monthcalendar control?? if yes, how??

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Forms :: Different View Of Monthcalendar Control In Xp And Vista?

Aug 16, 2009

I am using a monthcalendar control and datetimepicker control in my 2005 windows applicaion. My operating system is Vista Home Premium. Now my problem is that when I run my application on XP then the view of monthcalendar control changes. I just want that the view of mc control remain same in xp also bcoz the look of mc control in vista is quite cool.

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Use MonthCalendar As DateTimePicker?

Feb 25, 2012

Is it somehow possible to use MonthCalendar as DateTimePicker? Initially current date in Monthcalendar is highlighted, but it is possible with mouseclick to highlight whatewer other date. Does there exist a method or function or something else to retrieve

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DateTimePicker OR MonthCalendar - Get Year, Month & Date In A Separate TextBoxes

Jan 26, 2010

I want to enter Year, Month & Date in a separate TextBoxes to get a Function work as these 3 have to be given as parameters for that Function. I've been using 3 different TextBoxes to enter the Year, Month & Date. Now, I thought of using either a DateTimePicker / MonthCalendar for this. how to get it done. By clicking a Date in the DateTimePicker how can I get the Year, Month & Date separately fed into the Function? [Code]

Is there any way of getting the year, month & date separate from the DateTimePicker / MonthCalendar?

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Forms :: How To Clear Datetimepicker Control

Apr 2, 2009

how to clear the datetimepicker control?

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Forms :: How To Use MonthCalendar

Jun 2, 2011

I thought I only needed to click or double click a day on this controll to change it. Do I need to create a click event and if so (I have installed MSDN for VS2008) can I see what events are available.

PrivateSub cmdCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCalculate.Click Dim Days AsInteger Dim Today As DateTime = DateTime.Now


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Forms :: Changing The MonthCalendar Size?

Sep 18, 2008

is it possible to change the size of the MonthCalendar to say double its standard size and still only display a single month?

When I resize using clientsize, width and height the multiple months are displayed?

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VBS Script - Delete All Scheduled Tasks Which Start With "My Application Tasks

Mar 19, 2010

Ineed a VBS script that removes all scheduled tasks which start with a specific string.

For example, delete all scheduled tasks which start with "My Application Tasks..."

I wanna use this VBS script in my application uninstaller so all tasks created by my application are removed at the uninstall time, however am not familiar with VBS.

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Moving Into Monthcalendar Control?

May 9, 2010

I am using the monthcalendar control, i want to change the selected date in the control and i want to the control move to this date

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Set The Date In MonthCalendar Control?

Jun 4, 2009

How does one set the date in MonthCalendar control. I am using VB2005.NET. I am new to this - from VB6.

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Running Tasks On Forms Load Event

Sep 7, 2009

I have two forms. On form one, I have a serious of check boxes and in form two I have functions relating to those checkboxes. When the second form loads, I check the Checked State of the Check Boxes, and run the appropriate functions. This is working just fine. The problem I have, is that the second form doesn't show until the functions that have been selected have completed. It would be ideal if the form would load and then run the functions.

I don't think that I could have everything run on startup, but hopefully there is another method. I know I could load the second form and then just run the code in the previous form, but this is less than ideal, because I can't show the second form as .ShowDialog and I want to be able to split up the code into the other form so that it's not so crowded and easier to read on the first one.

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Bold Dates On A MonthCalendar Control?

Jun 30, 2012

I'm trying to bold dates on a monthCalendar control. Here's what I've got, but it's showing an error of "'Add' is not a member of 'System.Array'.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim calendarArray() As DateTime


All I want to do is bold all of the dates on the calendar that there are files for.

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Return Date From MonthCalendar Control?

Apr 27, 2010

I created a monthcalendar usercontrol and calling it from a parent form (in this case, click on button to populate the textbox beside it). Two questions.

1. How do I return the selected date back to the parent textbox?

2. How do I bring the monthcalendar usercontrol to the front and back of other objects?

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Forms :: Make A Menu Item To Execute 3 Tasks?

Dec 11, 2009

Can I make a menu item to execute 3 tasks?For instance when I select a file from a ListBox and I press ToolStripMenuItem1, the program will move the selected file to a directory, execute archive.bat file and the move the archived file to another directory?Hmmm... I tried but I can make only one operation - to move the file. Can someone post a helping code or something?

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.net - Change The Color Of Certain Dates In The MonthCalendar Control?

Feb 19, 2011

How can I change the color of certain dates in the MonthCalendar control in VB.NET? For example, I need to change the color of Jan 21 to Red, Sundays to Orange and so on...

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Keep MonthCalendar Control To A Single Month Size

Mar 11, 2009

When I resize my form that has a MonthCalendar control docked in a TableLayoutPanel, the calendar expands to multiple months as the form gets bigger. Is there a way to force it to stay a calendar dimensions (1,1)?

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How To Certain Tasks That Do With Datagrid Using A Datagridview Control

Sep 13, 2011

[code]i want some help on how to use the datagridview control to perfom tasks that i usually used to perfom using a datagrid control.i've put tha datagrid version of the code above. If you think it you can achieve it

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MonthCalendar Control In Form To Select Multiple Dates

Apr 28, 2009

I'm Using MonthCalendar Control in my Form to select Multiple Dates. (for eg. 1st April,20th April,25th April). I'm planning to Change the date the user clicked by making it BOLD during run time, so that i can retrieve the results in a Date array. [code] MessageBox clearly shows the date selected, but no effect for the "addboldeddate'.

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VS 2008 MonthCalendar Control, Show 1990's Date?

Apr 9, 2012

I've seemed to found some interesting behavior with the stock MonthCalendar control. I've set the MinDate property to 1/1/1990 but when I try to actually select a date anywhere previous to 1/1/2000 it jumps to 12/31/2999 why is that?

I've tries manually setting it to 4/8/1998 and it jumps to 4/8/2998 which isn't what I would expect a calendar control to do. Is there a reason it keeps it within the 21st century?

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Interface And Graphics :: Cannot Change Color Properties For MonthCalendar Control

Sep 12, 2011

[code]For some reason I cannot change the color properties for the MonthCalendar control.[code]No matter what I change it to, it stays to its default color of white and black. Actually none of the color options work on any of the sections of the control.I am trying to hide the white border around the control and but a blue bar under the name of the month (top section).I have tried deleting the control and creating it anew on the form but no luck.It was working a couple of weeks ago.

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Select A Beginning Date On My MonthCalendar Control It Blinks Real Quick And Then Reloads?

Sep 26, 2010

When I select a beginning date on my MonthCalendar control it blinks real quick and then reloads,I am pretty sure this is not a normal behavior?code to select bolded dates and set beginning date and set controls with date range:

Me.txtStartDate.Text = Me.MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.ToShortDateString
Me.txtEndDate.Text = CStr(Me.MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.AddDays(27))
' create an Array of dates to hold the Range of dates from the MOnthCalendar[code].....

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Forms :: Using DateTimePicker With Timer?

Feb 16, 2011

i'm utilising a couple of controls to kick off a process within my form - in short i have a DateTimePicker, Timer, CheckBox. The user enters the time they wish the process to run in the DateTimePicker (which has its format set to Time), ticks the CheckBox, which kicks off the Timer with an interval of 900ms. The Timer_Tick event checks if the DateTimePicker.Value is now and if so, does something. My problem is that either the DateTimePicker.Value never equals now or that the Timer_Tick event is never actually called.

I welcome any input into better ways of accomplishing this, i am conscious that polling for the time every second is a drain of resources but the only alternative i can see is a service which is overkill


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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Possible To Disable Calendar?

Feb 15, 2009

One more question also is datetimepick, can it disable when I click to it (by default it will pump out the calender to choose once). Cause I only need to utilize the time but date is no.

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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Tab Between Hours And Minutes?

Jun 18, 2011

Is there a way to tab between the hours and minutes values when the format is set to time in the DateTime Picker? The default action is move to the next control. I have the ShowUpDown set to true. Do I have to set up separate controls, one for the hours and one for the minutes to get this functionality?

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Forms :: DateTimePicker Seems Slow To Catch Up?

Jun 29, 2009

The DateTimePicker seems to be behaving irrationally. I have a normal form in VB2005. The datetimepicker value is set on entry to 01 March 2009. I set the value to 01 January 2009 by typing 1 in the 'March' area. I then use a keyboard shortcut to click a command button, eg. Alt-I. I noticed the DateTimePicker was late to update as the command button sequence started at 1 March 2009, not 1 January 2009. So I inserted the following line of HTML


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Forms :: Remove Time In Datetimepicker?

Oct 9, 2011

how can i remove the time when i inserted into the database using datetimepicker??.

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Aug 7, 2009

I am using System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker in my vb dot net project. This is an upgraded project from VB. The old code is

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