Forms :: Using DateTimePicker With Timer?

Feb 16, 2011

i'm utilising a couple of controls to kick off a process within my form - in short i have a DateTimePicker, Timer, CheckBox. The user enters the time they wish the process to run in the DateTimePicker (which has its format set to Time), ticks the CheckBox, which kicks off the Timer with an interval of 900ms. The Timer_Tick event checks if the DateTimePicker.Value is now and if so, does something. My problem is that either the DateTimePicker.Value never equals now or that the Timer_Tick event is never actually called.

I welcome any input into better ways of accomplishing this, i am conscious that polling for the time every second is a drain of resources but the only alternative i can see is a service which is overkill


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VS 2008 Difference Between System.Timers.Timer And System.Windows.Forms.Timer?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm wondering what exactly is the difference System.Timers.Timer and System.Windows.Forms.Timer???

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VS 2008 : Get 2 Forms To Close At Different Times Using A Timer On Each Of The 2 Forms?

Apr 21, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms.

This is my form layout:


Frm1 and Frm2 are identical to each other. FrmMain has 2 buttons on it. One button to call Frm1 and the other to call Frm2.Frm1 and Frm2 each has a timer. It counts down to 0 and then does a .close(). However, if i pause between clicking the second button they both seem to always disappears at the same time.I would do something like this...

Click on the first button (showing the Frm1 form)

wait about 10 secs...Click on the second button (showing the Frm2 form)they both are shown on screen...hen they both disappear at the same time.... which shouldn't happen since i clicked the Frm2 box 10 seconds AFTER Frm1... So Frm1 should hide before Frm2 does...but it does not.


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Get 2 Forms To Close At Different Times Using A Timer On Each Of The 2 Forms

Apr 21, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms. This is my form layout:


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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Possible To Disable Calendar?

Feb 15, 2009

One more question also is datetimepick, can it disable when I click to it (by default it will pump out the calender to choose once). Cause I only need to utilize the time but date is no.

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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Tab Between Hours And Minutes?

Jun 18, 2011

Is there a way to tab between the hours and minutes values when the format is set to time in the DateTime Picker? The default action is move to the next control. I have the ShowUpDown set to true. Do I have to set up separate controls, one for the hours and one for the minutes to get this functionality?

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Forms :: DateTimePicker Seems Slow To Catch Up?

Jun 29, 2009

The DateTimePicker seems to be behaving irrationally. I have a normal form in VB2005. The datetimepicker value is set on entry to 01 March 2009. I set the value to 01 January 2009 by typing 1 in the 'March' area. I then use a keyboard shortcut to click a command button, eg. Alt-I. I noticed the DateTimePicker was late to update as the command button sequence started at 1 March 2009, not 1 January 2009. So I inserted the following line of HTML


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Forms :: How To Clear Datetimepicker Control

Apr 2, 2009

how to clear the datetimepicker control?

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Forms :: Remove Time In Datetimepicker?

Oct 9, 2011

how can i remove the time when i inserted into the database using datetimepicker??.

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Aug 7, 2009

I am using System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker in my vb dot net project. This is an upgraded project from VB. The old code is

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Forms :: DateTimePicker - Setting Minimum And Maximum Value

Dec 4, 2011

I have a list box on my form with 2 value - "2010" & "2011". When I change the value in the listbox it should set the minimum and maximum value of 2 datetimepickers. Each time I try to change the value I get an error - for example if I change the listbox from 2011 to 2010 I get the error:
"Value of '31/03/2011 00:00:00' is not valid for 'MaxDate'. 'MaxDate' must be greater than or equal to MinDate. Parameter name: MaxDate"

If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = "0" Then
DateTimePicker1.MaxDate = #3/31/2011#
DateTimePicker1.MinDate = #4/1/2010#
DateTimePicker2.MaxDate = #3/31/2011#
DateTimePicker2.MinDate = #4/1/2010#
End If
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = "1" Then
DateTimePicker1.MaxDate = #3/31/2012#
DateTimePicker1.MinDate = #4/1/2011#
DateTimePicker2.MaxDate = #3/31/2012#
DateTimePicker2.MinDate = #4/1/2011#
End If

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Forms :: DateTimePicker / MonthCalendar Control To Add Tasks

Sep 23, 2009

In my application i like to include the Birthday's schedular... i.e if i click/double click the date in DateTimePicker or in MonthCalendar control an inputbox opens in which we have to enter the birthday person's name to the selected date....

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Forms :: Datetimepicker Pop-up Calendar Does Not Disappearing Automatically?

Oct 27, 2010

I am using datetimepicker control.

Initially I am setting
DateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = " "
DateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom


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Forms :: Trap The Checked/unchecked State Of A Datetimepicker Through An Event?

Mar 14, 2009

How can i trap the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker through an event. I'm trying to execute two different methods based on the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker when the user clicks the datetimepicker. When the user checks the dtPicker Method A is executed, when the user unchecks it Method B is executed. How can i trap it.

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Do Wpf Forms Have A Timer Control

Aug 30, 2009

do wpf forms have a timer control?

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Forms - Timer Program Shutdown

Mar 9, 2009

Alright im trying to make it where in Visual Basic 2008 you click on a box ether 10, 20, or 30. Then that tells a timer that the program needs to turn off in 10, 20, or 30 minutes. What I basically want it to do is, whenever the set amount time is when it goes off it shows form1(login form). I have prepared a picture can anyone supply me with some information on how to do this?

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Forms :: Controlling A Timer From Outside Class?

Dec 22, 2010

We've been asked to make a program based on a spec where we enter some details and it will then output a graph.Part of the assignment asks us to set up a timer so that the bar chart will display each bar seperately with a time delay between each one.However the timer is assigned to a form (Form2) while the draw commands are within another class called Expenditure.

While the specification doesn't specifically say we should stop the timer from within the class it is implied.Now I have tried Form2.Timer1.Stop() and Form2.Timer1.Enabled = False within the class without any luck.I'm wondering is it possible for the Expenditure class to stop the timer or does it need to be done within Form2?

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Forms :: Timer - Set For A Specific Time?

Jan 4, 2012

I wonder is there a way to set a timer for a specific time interval? Lets say everyday between 23:00 and 23:10.

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Use One Timer For Controlling Multiple Forms?

Oct 28, 2009

I am playing with VB 2008 using .Net 2.0 as the target to compile to and am trying to figure out if it is possible to create multiple countdown timers one in each form using a single timer.I have attemtped but the logic escapes me. If this is not possible I know how to use a timer on one form for that form.

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Windows Forms Timer Control

Jun 30, 2011

Whatever project I'm making, I always encounter a problem with a Windows Forms Timer control, I guess I just make a little mistake somewhere... So I thought I'd post it here and hopefully someone here can explain what I'm doing wrong.


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Forms - Timer Code - Add Time To The Counter

Feb 19, 2009

I'm currently writing a countdown timer on vb 2005, with the following characteristics: When I press a button and the timer is running, it adds time to the counter, for example, if the time is 2:30 and I press a button, and the period to add is 1:10, the new time would be 4:40. The window is always on top of every other window, and is active even though it doesn't have focus. When the time's up and i press a key, in this case Esc, the application closes, otherwise, it just continues. [Code]

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Forms :: Timer Control To Flash Message

Feb 27, 2009

I have added a timer control to a VB.NET windows form to have a message flash on and off between ticks. When I load the form I have the timer disabled. When i click on a command button, I set Timer1.Enabled to True so that the timer can begin flashing the message. The timer does not flash the message. I added a MsgBox function after where I turn on the timer. When the message box is displayed and I click OK, then the timer starts flashing the message. I turn the timer off later and that seems to work fine. I have tried the Timer1.Start() method but that does not work. Any thoughts on why the message box allows it to run but the form does not?

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Using A Regular System.Windows.Forms.Timer?

Jan 11, 2010


I'm writing a windows service and initially tried just using a regular System.Windows.Forms.Timer, but never saw it's tick event get fired in my debugger. From doing some research, it appeared that I needed to use the S ystem.Timers.Timer control instead. In order to make debugging easy, I set my timer interval to a really short value 1000 ms. I'm seeing some rather strange behavior, though. It appears that my timer control is creating multiple threads within my application, or is this just a bug in my debugger? I have an event handler for the Elapsed event like so:


When I step through my code like this, it now appears to work as expected. Has anyone else run into this?

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Change Forms With Timer Code In Express Edition?

Mar 18, 2010

I am trying to change forms with timers, but after I got beyond 2 forms the timers would not work for a 3rd form. One time it did display third form but showed second form right after it.

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VS 2010 Can't Start System.Windows.Forms.Timer

Feb 4, 2012

I have a System.Windows.Forms.Timer named "DialogBoxTimer" set up on a form. When the form loads, it has a command to stop the timer. I have a routine [SPDataRecd(...)] that handles SerialPort1.DataReceived from a serial port (modem). When it is activated by a modem event, I want it to start the timer [DialogBoxTimer.Start()], but it doesn't work.If the timer is running, SPDataRecd can *stop* the timer [DialogBoxTimer.Stop()], but it can't start a stopped timer.

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Forms :: Create A Timer And Assign It A Function For Each Row Of Data Gotten From A SQL Query?

Dec 31, 2009

Basically, I want to create a timer for each row of data that will get returned by a SQL query:

SELECT * FROM Projects

I would want the timers to be called "Compteur" & ROWID. This really is necessary.I need them to have different Ticks and so that some can be enabled all at once. Basically it is for a project tracker to count the time you are working on the current project. However you could indeed work on many project at the same time.

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C# - What Happens If Call Start() Two Times On Class System.Windows.Forms.Timer

Dec 28, 2010

Imagine that I have a System.Windows.Forms.Timer with 1000 ms interval. If I call Timer.Start() method and after 500 ms I call again Timer.Start() what happens? The second Start call will reset the interval or not? Are there any side effects?

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Forms :: Create A Timer That Sets The Time From An Existing Text File?

Mar 20, 2009

I need to create a timer that sets the time from an existing text file. The time format in the text file is 00:00:00 (hours,minutes, seconds). An excerpt from one of my text files looks like ClockSet = "00:49:05"

Also, if possible, when the timer reaches 2 minutes I would like the backcolor to flash between red and green.

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Forms :: Chart (Series Colors, Graph Refresh On Timer, Etc) Application That Ties Into A SQL Database On The Back End

Dec 29, 2011

I am working on an application that ties into a SQL database on the back end. Currently the main form contains a series of combo boxes (Graph type, data format, location, and customer), two date pickers, and a button to launch the selections in a new form. Everything works just fine except there are a couple of things I can't seem to accomplish.

Example Data:


Case Select (with commented out lines for variations attempted):


1) I would like to be able to use some sort of case statement to color the bars in my chart based on value. I have tried approaching this in a couple of different ways but neither of the options seem to work. First, I tried this (the If Not is used because depending on what values are passed to the stored procedure in SQL, different columns will be returned):


Only one series is created with this method, so I can see how/why a Select Case would set all bars the same color. I have also tried creating a series for each row in the returned dataset but it results in 22 bars of different colors, for each of the rows (484 bars):


So is there any way to modify the second set of code there to only select the value from the "Percent TMHB" cell that corresponds with Row(i), rather than ALL values from the "Percent TMHB" column for EACH Row(i)?

2) Since I am drawing/creating these graphs in a new window, is there any way to also create a new timer on the "newFrm" and have the tick refresh the data? I've struggled with this but I feel like it should be easy. Say someone chooses a "TMHB", "Percentage", "Chicago", "All" (Graph type, data format, location, customer) and launches the graph, which opens in a new window, then they want to do "TMHB", "Percentage", "LA", "All" and have both windows up, refreshing automatically throughout the day. Can I somehow store the SelectCommand.Parameters values in the new form/timer so that it will query the database again every 5 minutes?

Example code for the StoredProcedure and creating the new form:

If combo_GraphType.SelectedItem = "TMHB" Then
Dim newFrm As New Form
Dim newChart As New Chart


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Does Calling The Dispose Method On A Windows.Forms.Timer Call It's Stop Method

Nov 12, 2009

Does calling the Dispose method on a Windows.Forms.Timer call it's Stop method? Or should I stop the timer before I dispose it?

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