MonthCalendar Control In Form To Select Multiple Dates
Apr 28, 2009
I'm Using MonthCalendar Control in my Form to select Multiple Dates. (for eg. 1st April,20th April,25th April). I'm planning to Change the date the user clicked by making it BOLD during run time, so that i can retrieve the results in a Date array. [code] MessageBox clearly shows the date selected, but no effect for the "addboldeddate'.
How can I change the color of certain dates in the MonthCalendar control in VB.NET? For example, I need to change the color of Jan 21 to Red, Sundays to Orange and so on...
When I select a beginning date on my MonthCalendar control it blinks real quick and then reloads,I am pretty sure this is not a normal behavior?code to select bolded dates and set beginning date and set controls with date range:
Me.txtStartDate.Text = Me.MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.ToShortDateString Me.txtEndDate.Text = CStr(Me.MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.AddDays(27)) ' create an Array of dates to hold the Range of dates from the MOnthCalendar[code].....
1. How can i show the weeknumber in a label from a selected date in a monthcalendar ??2. How can i show the dates from that whole week in 7 seperate labels ??i'm using vb 2005
I made a small program that's a calendar that allows you to add notes to selected days. Then when you click on the days again it retrieves and displays the notes or allows you to edit and so forth. It works through an MS Access db. I want the days that have notes to be highlighted or bold. I know this bit of code works, for bold :
been a long time since i came to the forum. i use to program a lot in vb6 but its been a long time since i did it so im really rusty. now that im trying to get back to programming, im finding it a bit of a challenge in vb2008... i have this question, im using a datetimepicker control to select dates in a calendar. what im trying to do is disable the textbox in the datetimepicker so that the user can only use the drop down calendar to select the date and not enter the date manually! does any one knows how to disable the textbox in the datetimepicker but still be able to select a date from the calendar???
I am using a monthcalendar control in my application to allow a user to select a day from the calendar that will load data for that day. the background is totally white (ugh). there is a backcolor property, but when i set it to say Cyan (yea right), the calendar still displays as white. I also can not set Forecolor, TitleBack/Fore color either.
I have gone to my project properties and turned off the "enable xp visual styles", and that had no effect. turned it back on...cant tell a difference. i am currently on windows 7 running VS2008 Team Edition. It would be really nice to change the look of this control to match the styling of my application.
i have a monthcalendar control on a form, and about every minute or so, the click event fires. this is wierd, since i look at the call stack and nothing called it.
I created a monthcalendar usercontrol and calling it from a parent form (in this case, click on button to populate the textbox beside it). Two questions.
1. How do I return the selected date back to the parent textbox?
2. How do I bring the monthcalendar usercontrol to the front and back of other objects?
I built a form that has 3 Listview objects. Each Listview contains items, the user is to select an item from a Listview and click a button that moves the item "up" or "down" to an adjacent Listview.I am having a difficult time "knowing" which Listview item has been selected. The problem arises once a user has clicked items from different Listviews. Even though, visually, only one item is selected in one Listview, the program still detects a selection from other Listviews.
In my application i like to include the Birthday's schedular... i.e if i click/double click the date in DateTimePicker or in MonthCalendar control an inputbox opens in which we have to enter the birthday person's name to the selected date....
I am using a monthcalendar control and datetimepicker control in my 2005 windows applicaion. My operating system is Vista Home Premium. Now my problem is that when I run my application on XP then the view of monthcalendar control changes. I just want that the view of mc control remain same in xp also bcoz the look of mc control in vista is quite cool.
When I resize my form that has a MonthCalendar control docked in a TableLayoutPanel, the calendar expands to multiple months as the form gets bigger. Is there a way to force it to stay a calendar dimensions (1,1)?
I have an application that when ran I can not seem to be able to move the form. When I try to select the cancel (x) button on the form nothing happens. I am lost as to why I am unable to select the form and move it or close the form.
I've seemed to found some interesting behavior with the stock MonthCalendar control. I've set the MinDate property to 1/1/1990 but when I try to actually select a date anywhere previous to 1/1/2000 it jumps to 12/31/2999 why is that?
I've tries manually setting it to 4/8/1998 and it jumps to 4/8/2998 which isn't what I would expect a calendar control to do. Is there a reason it keeps it within the 21st century?
[code]For some reason I cannot change the color properties for the MonthCalendar control.[code]No matter what I change it to, it stays to its default color of white and black. Actually none of the color options work on any of the sections of the control.I am trying to hide the white border around the control and but a blue bar under the name of the month (top section).I have tried deleting the control and creating it anew on the form but no luck.It was working a couple of weeks ago.
my problem is want to use WHERE clause to extract only year that fulfill a specified criterion. My coding as below, the coding below is extract all the month,day and year. But i only want year only. I am using MS Access. My textbox(cbYear) can select January To December. Can anyone give me a guideline to correct the coding.
sql = "SELECT * FROM sumPercent WHERE plants = '" & yieldsummary.cbPlant.Text & "' AND [b]dates = #" & cbYear.Text & " #[/b] AND line = '" & ds.Tables("sumPercent").Rows(a).Item("line") & "'"
All my controls for getting data from user are in TableLayoutPanels and GroupBoxes inside TableLayoutPanel, I want to set default selected index of entire CoboBoxes to 0 in all TableLayoutPanelsand and GroupBoxes inside TableLayoutPanel. [code]...
cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from employee_log where log_datetime >='" + DateTimePicker1.Value.Date + "' And log_datetime<= '" + DateTimePicker2.Value.Date + "'", cn) Suppose if I select two dates june 21 and june 30 then records between 21 and 30 including 21 and 30 should be shown. But the records of june 30 is not shown..only from 21 to 29 is shown by this code. What should I add or edit to this code?
I have a listbox populated with dates in the format of dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 12/03/1983, 06/07/1987 etc.. Could someone please post the code that I could use so that I could search the listbox to multi-select the dates that fall within a specific month (not year or day). So for example I might want to highlight all the dates that contain the month **/10/** (october). I'm really struggling with this.
I'm trying to select all the work's accidents between two dates, but my datatype in sql server 2000 is varchar instead datetime. For example when i want the fields from 01/01/2010 to 01/10/2010 it shows me all the values from 01 to 10 but from other year and month. I know the easy way to do it is changing my datatype into the database but when i do it the value saved into the table is 01/01/1900.