Forms :: Login Form With Added Dataset?

Mar 7, 2010

My background is mostly Access VBA and I am having to learn VB.NET. I am trying to recreate an Access 2007 application I wrote into VB.Net. We are looking at using a hosted SQL Server so we do not have to worry about remote offices or replication. I am using VS 2008 and SS2008.My issue is that I need to create a login form in VB that with look at SQL Server DB and return a dataset record matching the username and password. There are many tutorials on here but do not match what I am looking for.I have a stored procedure with 2 parameters (@prmUser and @prmPassword) named spLogin.I need to call the sp and pass the parameters to SQL Server DB and return the complete row of data that is matched from the button_click event on my form.

In Access, I would have a form that would have the returned data and I would reference that information throughout the application by using the 'forms!frmName!txtValue' to populate forms, reports, and fields that would capture the user that created the record. What is the best practice for this?Next when the login credentials are correct then I need another form to open, which is my MDI form, if not correct then msgbox to try again.

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VB 2005 - Register Form - Store The Added Username And Pasword To The Login Form?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password ..and a button Confirm

i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work...

what must i do? also where would this data be stored...

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Forms :: Controls Cannot Be Added To The Form?

May 9, 2010

1. What determines that some controls cannot be added to the form? (I tried several, not all of them)

2. Where does the image for Column 1 About form come from?

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Forms :: Enter Login Details Login Page Just Refreshes Itself And Login Wasn't Proceed?

Dec 13, 2010

I had a problem with WebBrowser component. Basically, it works improperly when try to log in on one web-site (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site). I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. I created a simple WebBrowser trying to access the indicated web-site. The problem begins. Well, the website loads, but when you go to the login page (Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site) and try to log in, it doesn't work. I mean, when I enter the login details the login page just refreshes itself and the login wasn't proceed. The same login page appear with every login attempt. The is the current problem!I check with Google, it works. But, it doesn't work with Forex Trading Social Network | Online Forex Trading Forum and Social Networking Site! Why?

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Forms :: How To Keep Login Form 'on Top'

May 17, 2011

In VB.Net 2005 I have a login form where the user enters his username and password on beginning to run the VB app. The login form is called from the Shown event of the form called at StartUp. frmLogin.ShowDialog() frmLogin is set as Fixed3D, and TopMost = True, and the first textbox is TabIndex = 0 and TabStop = True. The cursor evens flashes in the textbox.

However, when another program is running eg. AVG Anti Virus, Word etc., the focus is lost but the frmLogin 'looks' live. When the user types something into the user name box, what they type appears somewhere in the other program not in the frmLogin.

Is there a way of forcing focus back to frmLogin? I tried a timer and Me.BringToFront every 1/10th of a second, but no success.

Otherwise, the user has to find the mouse and click on the frmLogin before trying again.

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Forms :: Login Form In .net With Sql Server?

Feb 3, 2010

i wanna design a login form in with sql server of two user's how is it possible i.e everytime i click on OK button in windows forms it should check the database and allowed only those users else error mesg?

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Forms :: Add A Login Screen In Main Form

Mar 17, 2011

I've created a windows form application in vb 2010. I've got all my forms complete and now want to add a Login screen. One the login screen, after the username/password is entered and OK is pressed, I try to open the a connection string. Obviously if the connection fails, the user has entered the incorrect credentials. If the credentials are ok, True is returned and I then open up the Main form that shows the correct items for the logged in user.


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Forms :: How To Make Form With Login Level

Aug 13, 2009

ok well eh i have a interface where i can login, but i must set the status to tell whether i am student or staff login.

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Forms :: VS2005 / 2008 Login Form

Dec 3, 2008

I've made a basic loginform in VS 2005 for anyone to use (Continued from the VS 2003 version), here's the zip file containing the form, feel free to use & modify it freely ... you dont even need to tell me about it How it works:Make an instance of it then you can set the properties UserId, Password, UserIdMaxLength and PasswordMaxLength then just call the the ShowDialog method.I've provided some other ShowDialog signatures that allows those properties to be set with only 1 ShowDialog call..When the Login button is clicked on the window you can retrieve the UserID and Password from their respective properties..This works with the DialogResult object as well so you can easily check to see if the cancel button was clicked or not.[code]

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Forms :: System Can't Close After Get Pass The Login Form?

Dec 8, 2011

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirector y|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")


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All Of Mdi Child Forms Dont Open When Start From Login Form?

Dec 15, 2011

wen i open mdi through the login form, the forms inside the mdi child forms dont seem to execute.

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Forms :: Database Driven Login Form With Admin Backend (Image Heavy)

Jul 19, 2008

How To on a database driven login form. I'll include the Administration Backend to go along with it soon. Dial-Up users should not use this thread, it is image heavy


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VS 2008 Added A Login That Uses Mysql Database

Jun 10, 2009

i recently added a login that uses mysql database now it use to pull data from text file but as i said i made it use mysql works great locally but when i sent it to a friend to test the login he got this error. unhandled exception has occurred in the your application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to conttinue. if the click quit, the application will close immediately could not load file and assembly 'MySql.Data. version= Culture=neutral, public key token=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. this system cannot find the file specified.not sure what to do i was thinking about having him install the MySQL Connector net but i thought i would come here first and ask..and can someone also help me on how can i retreive data from the login part? i can get it to keep the username but for some reason i can pull the rest of the data here is the login script.[code]

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Added A Subform In VB From SQL Dataset?

Nov 8, 2011

I am trying to create a Form that can be filled out in it's entirety without having to bring up other forms. It is considered in access to be a subform. I have one table that includes Injuries and each injury has a specific ID well I have all the information that goes with it updating, except for the "many-to-many relationships"...I one want injury to have more than one treatment type, the problem occurs when I drag the injury table over from my dataset it automatically creates a binding source for it, which only controls the data inside that table. It does not control the data that is related to it such as "treatment type" "body part injured" . There must be a way to have a single Inj

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Master Detail Form+bindingsource Sharing The Same Dataset On 2 Different Forms 1 With Grid Other With Editing

Dec 9, 2009

Am new to VB, can anyone tell me very simple how to share the MAIN Bindingsource with an detail form where i want to edit 1 record from the main datasource?

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Saving Data Using Added Dataset In

Feb 26, 2012

I have added a dataset from New Item >> DataSet and configured it. I want to add new row to it using

Dim drNewRow as datarow=DataSet1.tblTest.New

but when I press . after DataSet1, IntelliSense does not catch tblTest, rather it gives tblTestRow and tblTestDataTable

How to get DataSet1.tblTest here?

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Dataset Not Retaining Columns Added To It Vb2008?

Jul 29, 2009

I add columns to my dataset but when start my application again columns are not there


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Redundant Data Are Added While Creating A XML File From DataSet?

Jan 5, 2012

This is resultant Xml File

<Test1_x0020_Type>Type1</Test1_x0020_Type> <Time_x0020__x002F__x0020_Date_x0020_Recv_x0027_d>11:30</Time_x0020__x002F__x0020_Date_x0020_Recv_x0027_d>

In Database these element are as follows Drug Type,Marij Type, Test1 Type,Time / Recv'd

When i write out the dataset to xml using the GetXml method of the dataset.
Its Created But some extra values are added in element tag.

Its addeding due to special characters like {' / ....etc}

How do i get the resulting xml without those values?

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.net - Filtering DataGridview Using DataSet -> BindingSource, Extra Columns Later Added?

Apr 29, 2011

For a WinForms VB.Net application, I use the Bindingsource's filtering capacity to filter data, which is seen in a DataGridview. The BindingSource is from a DataSet, created using the Designer, and the data comes from a Access DB, using JetEngine and .Net 3.5. So basically:

Datagridview.Datasource = xxBindingSource
xxBindingsource.Filter = "[extended filter string with multiple columns]"

This filtering works fine, however, now I included some extra columns in the DataGridView, which I'd like to filter on, too. Of course, when I feed the manually added columns to the Filter of the BindingSource, this doesn't work out.I've done some research, and was not able to find any way to use the BindingSource's filtering syntax on the DataGridview. I'd like to use this syntax though, as I designed quite a nice UserControl and class around it, to provide smooth, fast and simple filtering capabilities.

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VS 2005 - Compressing A Dataset Converted To XML Using The GZipStream Class Added In 2.0

Mar 25, 2009

I am compressing a dataset converted to XML using the GZipStream class added in 2.0. There are a few things bothering me about this. Here's the code I am using to decompress the XML file:

Using inFile As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(inFile, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress)
Dim buff(999) As Byte


This seems inordinately awkward, as I am taking the stream, reading it out into byte buffers, then writing those byte buffers to a memory stream that is then passed to the dataset.ReadXml() method. The reason for this seems to have to do with what is happening in the line colored red. That line is adding a closing > onto the end of the stream. Without that, ReadXml complains about an unclosed dataset. I found out that the > was missing by writing the stream into a string and pasting the string into WordPad. Without that missing >, it appears that I wouldn't need to be using that memory stream at all, and could simply pass in the GZipStream to ReadXML, but as far as I can tell, it's impossible to look at the GZipStream to be sure that the > is not there, and it may be impossible to add it (I haven't tried).

So why is the > missing? Here's the code used to create the file that is being read into the filestream in the above

VB Using ms As New System.IO.FileStream(flnm, IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.Write)
Dim zStrm As New System.IO.Compression.GZipStream(ms, IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Compress)

ds.WriteXml(zStrm, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema)
End Using

The real kicker to all of this is that while I was dissecting the first chunk of code, I added a line to check for cnt<1000. My intention was to see the last buffer that was being written into the memory stream to see whether the final > was actually there, or not. To my surprise, I reached the cnt<1000 twice. That means that one read did not read a full 1000 bytes, but read only 675. The next three or four reads were a full 1000 bytes, then the final read was just a few hundred bytes. It is my understanding that Read will return a full buffer if there are that many bytes left to read, and there were, so why did it return only a partial buffer? That suggests that there might be a hole in my XML, though with a half meg file, it's a bit much to read through it looking for something missing. However, the XML that was returned was turned into a dataset that I then merged into some existing data using code that has been working with uncompressed XML files, and I got an error that I should never have received. That may indicate that the XML was, in fact, missing something, though I will have to study the matter further to figure out whether or not that is the case. My major question has to do with the missing '>' at the very end of the file.

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IDE :: 2005 - Create A Login Form And Use A Text File As A Database To Login

Oct 10, 2010

I am currently working with 2005. I am trying to create a login form and use a text file as a database to login. The part login form is fine but i can't connected to the text file. When i use my coding with a database such as access or mysql is work fine.


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VS 2008 Make Login Form That Will Login To A Website With WebBrowser Control

Feb 24, 2011

For the past couple of days I have been using Visual basic 2008 and learning it.Anyway, I am trying to make a login form that will login to a website with WebBrowser control.and I am noticing that the webbrowser is extremly slow, it takes him about 20 seconds to load a page while mozilla opens it in a moment, why is that?

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Client-Server Login - Application That Will First Show Login Form (with Textbox For Username And Password)

Jul 31, 2010

I try to make one application that will first show login form (with textbox for username and password) and when I press login client application send request to server side application that make SQL query (local) and return some values and that values will be listed in main form. I try something with TCP chat source codes but I don't manage what I want.

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Create A Login Verification Routine (Login Form) Connected To MS Access Database In The Server

Dec 9, 2009

How do I create a Login Verification routine (Login Form) in . i have an windows application with login form contain user name , password , ok button and cancel button .

as this one:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class LoginForm1
' OK button


but i want to run my application from desktop and will get confirmation if the user name and password correct by checking them in MS Access Database in the server.

so the the application in the desktop and the tabel of user name and password in the server.

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Create A Login Verification Routine (Login Form) And Make Password Case Sensitive?

Apr 11, 2009

How do I create a Login Verification routine (Login Form) and make the password case sensitive?Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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Update The Dataset To Reflect An Added Column In The Data Source Without Deleting The Adapter?

Mar 28, 2011

I've made a dataset using the dataset designer, and I'm trying to add a column to reflect changes made to the database (added a column, nothing fancy). Is there a way to 'refresh' the dataset schema from the datasource without deleting my adapter (and all the methods and queries I've created)?

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Remember Login Info In Login Form

Jun 10, 2011

I have a login form with username and password authentication . It works fine. But I want to give option to remember login info option in the form.

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Added The B Referencie In A To Use Its Forms?

Dec 4, 2009

I have 2 project (A and B). A is the main, B its child.I added the B referencie in A to use its forms.When i run B, there is no error.When i run A, i can launch B, but in B all my Controls are Nothing

For example : B.frmMain.btnTest.Text is Nothing in B.DialogBoxTest when B is used in a referency, otherwise different of Nothing.I use Visual Basic 2008.

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Forms :: Controls Added At Runtime

Jan 1, 2011

I'm just starting out using and i am writing my first application. I have added some comboboxes at runtime to my form using the code below.[code]Now my question is now that i have these controls added to the form, how can i iterate through them all and collect the values for sql injection. I have given each combobox a specific name when it was created such as Ball1, Ball2, Ball3.[code]

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Error When User Controls Added In 2 Different Forms?

Aug 21, 2009

I have created a datagrid of my own in vb dotnet and converted to dll. I add this dll to a project.i have 2 forms and i have added this control on 2 forms. When i run the project and open 2 forms simentaneously an error " reference not set to an instance of an object" occurs on acess of any property of that control.

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