Forms :: Next & Previous Button - Fetch The Records From Database And Display It On Form?

May 7, 2009

I want the coding for next and previous button and its given on my form. I want to fetch the records from my database and display it on my form.

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Display Record From Database To Controls And Navigate Using Next And Previous Button

Oct 18, 2011

I am designing programe that diplay student record from database to some control like Label and Dropdown control and nagigate the record using Next and previous button I want to view One Record at Once at a page Bellow is my Html Page


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Forms :: Display A Button If No Records Exist?

Dec 7, 2009

I would like to display a button if no records exist and hide the same button if a record exists.

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Add One Page That Fetch Records From Sql Database?

Jun 2, 2011

i have one website which have only html pages.I want to add one page that fetch records from sql database is it possible??what should i do for this task??

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Forms :: Display 2 Table Records In Two Datagridviews In Windows Form?

Aug 30, 2011

why cant i display my 2 table records in two datagridviews in windows form? it only display the records of table 1 to the 2 datagrid views


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Getting Next And Previous Buttons Working When Displaying Database Records?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a program that connects with an access database and displayed the results of a query in a series of textbox which are created at runtime. This all seems to work but the problem is with my next, previous buttons they just dont seem to work now and they did before. There must be some kind of problem with my code.


Private Sub single_record_View_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim strEmployeeDepartmentLocation As String


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Show Button That Will Fetch Data From The Database?

Aug 9, 2009

I have a show button that will fetch data from the database:

Private Sub Show_Btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Show_Btn.Click
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data


Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set. How to solve this problem?

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Navigate Records - Add First Previous Next Last Buttons To Windows Form (visual Studio 2008)

Jun 9, 2011

Below is my code to call the records or save/update to the database which works fine


I have been trying to add First Previous Next Last buttons to my windows form (visual studio 2008), everything I have tried or found does not work.

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Forms :: Navigate Database - Next And Previous Record Buttons

Dec 15, 2009

I have following codes on lostfocus of textbox1.text to search values. It works fine but how to navigate database. I mean what codes should I use for Next Record and Previous Record Buttons. My SQL database name is accounts and table name is employees

str = "select * from employees where sno =" & Val(Me.TextBox1.Text)
dt = GetTable(str)
If (dt.Rows.Count >= 1) Then
Me.TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(0)("name")
Me.TextBox3.Text = dt.Rows(0)("city")
Me.TextBox4.Text = dt.Rows(0)("phone")
[Code] .....on

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Unable To Cycle Through Entries In The Database Wit Ha Next And Previous Button?

Apr 17, 2009

Im making a 'DVD database'. I need to be able to cycle through entries in the database wit ha next and previous button but for the life of me cannot figure out how to do so.


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Fetch Records Between Two Dates From Key_rec Table?

Jul 10, 2011

I am using VB.NET as front end and oracle 9i as db my problem is this i am writing this query to fetch records between two dates from Key_rec table but the problem is this when i enter the report using dtpicker1 and dtpicker2 these two values goes in txtfrom and txtto then i press view report button but it shows blank report but when i enter the date manually from key board it works fine its mean nothing is wrong with the query there is some problem with the dtpicker1 and dtpicker2 here is the query on btnrep[code].....

View 5 Replies

Forms - How To Go Back To Previous Form From Current

May 3, 2011

I have a menustrip, in which i have put a BACK option so that the user can go back directly from where he came to the current form, as there are many form which leads to the that particular form.

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VS 2005 Fetch Data From The Database And Filling It To The Combobox Dropdown List At The Form Load Event

Aug 29, 2009

This is the code that i did to fetch data from the database and filling it to the combobox dropdown list at the form load event:


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Display Records By Clicking On Button Column?

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying create a program where when a user clicks on a button alongside a record in a gridview (I have created a button column in the grid), it shows that particular record in a new form. Also I would like make the user able to view a report of that particular. Hope I have made myself clear.

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How To Display Records By Clicking On Button Column

May 14, 2011

I am trying create a program where when a user clicks on a button alongside a record in a gridview (I have created a button column in the grid), it shows that particular record in a new form. Also I would like make the user able to view a report of that particular.Hope I have made myself clear. I have included a screenshot. Hope this will make it clear

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Use Two Forms To Search In One And Display The Records To The Other Using VB 2010, SQL Server 2008?

Jan 18, 2012

I have 2 forms in my visual basic 2010 project. Both are connected with an SQL 2008 Server where i keep a db with customers records(name,surname,address, etc).What i want to do is to give certain criteria in the first form, lets say name,and hit a search button. The program should search the db if the specified name exists.If it exists i want to show the results in the second form.By results i mean the name , surname, address,etc. If it does not exist i want to prompt the user to insert data into the db.The problem is that i know how to do this work in a single form but not how to make the two forms "communicate" with each other (meaning that one does the search and the other the projection-adding part).

Edit:I tried setting the filters but all i get is errors. I will post whatever i have written so far in case someone can help me out. So here it is.As i stated earlier i know how to search for the data in a single form(lets call it DisplayForm). As Olivier mentioned i have textboxes for the records, a combo box with the search criteria(name , surname,id) and a Search button that perfoms the search and populates the text boxes. The code for the search button is this:

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim intPosition As Integer
'Combo box code
Select Case cboField.SelectedIndex


I want this procedure be done in a second form (lets call it FormSearch) and populate the textboxes in form DisplayForm.

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How To Get Records From Database And Display

Jun 30, 2009

i have this problem on retrieve 3 records from database.i did it in a way that i have a few button.when i press on one of the button which have a value of bee then it will go into the database and search for will return me the result on bee at the same time it will also return both top and bottom record of bee.

How do i do that in SQL or VB.NET

View 9 Replies - Display Whole Records From Database In Gridview?

Jan 26, 2011

How to display whole records from database in Gridview and also do filteration using textbox ?

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Display Records From A Database In A Combobox?

Mar 15, 2012

me with an example of how to display data (some text) in a combobox?

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Display Records From Database In ListView?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a form which contains two Time and Date Picker as StartDate and EndDate. I wish to search record from MS Access database within the date range (StartDate and EndDate) and then display the result in ListView.

I have learned from (jmcilhinney) that I have made a mistake somewhere, but I am newbie in VB, so please rectify the error and re-post the corrected code for me indicating the line where I have made mistake.


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Richtextbox In .net : Display Top Ten Records From The Database In It?

Apr 9, 2009

i am using a richtext box in my application and i need to dispaly top ten records from the database in it.but it is displaying only 1 record.what to do?

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Display SQL Records In Form

Sep 14, 2010

I'm just beginer in and i would like to ask for some tips. I'm already connected to SQL server database, I need example how to display records in textbox in the form (without using databinding) and how to programm button to go to the next record.

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Display The Content Of The Text Box According The Number Of Records In The Database?

Aug 5, 2009

I am trying to display the content of the text box according the number of records in the database. When i do it manually it works but when i do it through the "for" loop i am confused. my code is as below

For i = 0 To total_rec
fname1.Text = ds.Tables("roster").Rows(total_rec).Item("FirstName")
lname1.Text = ds.Tables("roster").Rows(total_rec).Item("LastName")

Now i want to change the index of "fname1" some thing like "fname(total_rec)" but it does not work

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Predictive Text - How To Display Records From Database Into DropdownList

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdownlist if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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Search Records In Database (accdb) Then Display In ListView

Mar 15, 2012

I am using listview. i want to search using textbox records from the database and display the searched records in listview. i read some post here with same/like mine but they're using datagrid.

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VS 2008 - How To Display Records From Database Into Dropdown List

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdown list if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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Display All Records From Database In Gridview / If I Search For Particular Record Then Also Performs

Dec 3, 2010

I want to display all records from database in gridview when pageload and also i wanna search for particular record using textbox appear in my webform...Means by default all records from the table will appear in gridview using sqldatasource and i also wanna search for a particular record by enter ID in text box...

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Display And Modify Retail Store Information Records From The Database

Dec 4, 2008

I am writing a VB 2008 program to display and update records from a sql database. This particular form is used to display and modify retail store information records from the database. I am running into an issue with saving the records once they have been changed.The error message I am getting is "Update requires a valid update command when passed DataRow collection with modified rows". I am including all of my code for the form because I am not sure what is relevant. I am getting the error when SaveTheEdit() is called on line 83. [code]

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Display Records From A Database In Access In Visual Studio 2010?

Oct 31, 2011

I need to display records from a database in Access in Visual Studio 2010. The project Im looking to create needs to display all of the records from the database and allow the user to navigate throughout the set of records.

I need controls and codes to:


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VB 2008 - Retrieve Records From A SQL Database And Display Them In A Datagrid View

Mar 21, 2012

So I've been playing around with SQL strings in VB 2008, and trying to retrieve records from a database and display them in a data grid view. This is the part of the code that gets the fields and displays them in the data grid view:


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