Forms :: Streamwriter To Write To A Colour.txt File (already Populated With Data)

Apr 10, 2011

i need help with stream writer, i can get it read lines and stuff like that but now i need Streamwriter to write to a colour.txt file (already populated with data) and insert a line that isn't already in the file, into alph order eg combobox reads and displays list from txt file.

their is a colour thats isn't in the text file, so i would like it to take the colour from the combobox that was typed in by the user and place it into the colour.txt file in alphabetical order (these are car colours so their are 100's and 1000's per manufacturer, its not as basic as i want red blue black lol) i was able to find loads of data about streamreader but not so much about stream writer

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Getting Streamwriter To Write To A Text File?

Sep 3, 2010

encountering a problem when trying to write data to a text file. If I put the output into a messagebox I can see it, but when I attempt to write it to a file it is just blank. What am I missing here? EDIT - This is just a simple winform that I specify a path to a local HTML file in Textbox1 and I'm attempting to parse some HREF tag data.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1


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Streamwriter Does NOT Write Complete File?

Mar 15, 2008

I have a code which reads a text file through streamreader,selects what is important and writes the same to another fileusing streamwriter. The problem is that the streamwriter stops writing beyond a certain line and just doesnt write ahead.What can be the problem? Do I have to make two seperate files?

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StreamWriter Write In A File Converted To 1

Apr 13, 2012

why if I use StreamWriter .WriteLine, 001(zero,zero,one) is converted to 1? how Can I write in a file 001(zero,zero,one)? [Code]

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.net - Read And Write Into A File Using Streamwriter And Streamreader?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to read the content from a .csv file and storing it in a variable. Later I am writing that content into a newfile. Code is executing successfully but the data is not appearing in new file. Here is my code:


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String Supposed To Find And Replace A Portion Of The Text And Write The Changes Back Out To The File Via Streamwriter

Jul 22, 2010

I have thios code that will load a php file (text file) into a sting via streamreader then its supposed to find and replace a portion of the text and write the changes back out to the file via streamwriter. I put my code together and after running it look at the file and it's unchanged. After looking closer it appears the problem is the find & replace operation I am doing on the string. Here is my code:


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Listbox Populated With Data From A Sequential Text File

Mar 14, 2012

In my program i have a listbox populated with data from a sequential text file. [code] Mary, Murphy, 16, 893782, Douglas etc.From here the user selects the person they wish to see displayed in the datagrid with all all other relevant details from the text file displaying. Problem is I cannot figure out how to refer to the selected person and then get it displaying on its own in the datagrid. [code]

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IO.StreamWriter - GUI To Export Verification Data To A Text File

Dec 15, 2011

I am new to the forum I have been working on a GUI to export verification data to a text file. I have it set up to work at home but I would like to adapt the code so that it will write the text file to the directory that I use at work also. I have the areas commented out where things that I have attempted do not work. Here is what I have for code:


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Streamwriter Write Too Slow?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to write a CSV file with multiple fields. The data to be written is stored in a list(of string()). Using VB Filewriter.Write for each field, the process is real slow. Isn't there a way to format the data first and use Writeline once for each instance in the data store? Unfortunately, when I created a string with all the fields concatenated and separated by commas, the Writeline inserted quotes around the whole string. How do I prevent this behavior?

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VS 2008 Using The .write And Streamwriter?

Feb 27, 2010

Basically all I need is my program to write a character(Ex: "1") in a certain position specified by me in a line in a textbox.

So so far my code is:

Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.AppendText("101.txt")

And all i need to know is how i pick the position that the .write function writes.

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Streamwriter To Write SQL Query Results?

Mar 11, 2010

I have successfully run a simple sql query in and basically wanted to know how I can export the results from the query to a .txt file? All I really know is that I should be using StreamWriter. "SELECT column1, column2, from table1 where column1 = '1'" to a .txt file? Would it be best to first bind the data to a grid or can I skip that step?

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Using System.IO.StreamWriter To Write Another Line?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to update the students score with a new score but I cant get it to write to the line that the students current score it at. It just deletes the whole text.



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Write And Save Files With Streamwriter?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a Windows Forms application that is filtering out Visual Studio solution files.

I have the code thus far to search and find the correct files and to differentiate between VS2005 & VS2010 solution files.

Now I need to write/save these files so that I can retreive them all from the same location. I need to use Streamwriter but am not too sure how to code it.

I have included my source code so far and code for the Streamwriter write and save?


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Using StreamWriter To Write New Line On Every Button Click

Jun 28, 2010

I have the following code, which I run everytime I want to add a new line to my text file, but it is deleting the previous data in the text file every time I do it.

Dim stFilePath As String = "C:file.txt"
If File.Exists(stFilePath) Then
End If
Dim ioFile As New StreamWriter(stFilePath)
ioFile.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, "test message")

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Forms :: Textbox Populated From Calendar?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to create a form application in which the user is prompted to enter a date in a textbox by clicking on a button next to it that would popup a calendar. Then the user would select a date from the calendar and the textbox would be automatically populated with the date selection. The user could also just type it in, but I would like to have some kind of validation before accepting the date. I will be converting the date to an integer in this format YYYYMMDD to pass it to a query on a SQL Server 2005 database. Don't ask me why they're storing dates as integers I have no idea I'm just working with what I have hehehee. I've been looking online and trying different things but haven't been able to figure this thing out.

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Forms :: Streamwriter Writes To A Specified Line#?

Sep 30, 2009

I am needing to write to a "rtf" file, and always insert my text on line 3 of either a new or an existing rtf document.I'm familiar with vb, but have not done much with the functions. I have been testing several examples from the internet using the streamreader and streamwriter but still having issues finding a way to "insert text" on a specified line number. My questions:

1)I will always need to write on line #3, do I need to read all lines as this example shows "lines.AddRange(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C :/test/myrtffile.rtf"))"


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Forms :: Write And Read A File

Sep 16, 2009

I have search on google but i have just find this function SteamWriter. This fonction for writing work, but the script create always a new file... I want write under the last line.And with your fonction, how i can read it line by line for use in select menu.

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Forms :: Unable To Write To Output File

Feb 6, 2007

I have been at VB.NET for a very short while now (about 1 month) and I can say without a doubt my knowledge of VB has continued to amplify from the information posted in these forums.Along with my first post I also have a question about setting an icon for my application .exe file.I have read that I need to go to Project > properties then on the Application tab there is a section to change the icon from the default to something else. However when I do this and choose the icon that I want, I get an error when I use the debug to run my application.It says "Unable to write to output file C:/... the specified image file did not contain a resource section".

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Forms :: How To Change Colour Of Alphabets

May 7, 2010

If I have ten textbox. In each with different a b c d e f g h i. I want to retype it and the colour wil change. Lets say I backspace a and when I retype it will change to green.

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Forms :: Combobox Populated By A DataTable - SelectedIndex Property Will Not Set Either By Integer Or By FindString?

Feb 16, 2010

In a combobox populated by a DataTable I am having two issues!The SelectedIndex property will not set 1. Either by integer 2. Or by FindString


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DB/Reporting :: Write Into A .mdb File, Program Uses Two Login Forms?

Sep 17, 2010

this would be my first post and usually I can figure these problems out, but I am stumped so badly right now, I am writing code to write into a .mdb file, my program uses two login forms, the first reads the data base, and sees if the user name and password is correct. I got that working, my second login form is used for creating an account. This is where I am getting stuck, I have followed and looked for tutorials and I found nothing, my DB is simple, its one table, and two input fields called "Userid" and "password" this is my code to write a new account into these fields


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Streamwriter And Strange Charactors - Opening The Streamwriter With Different Character Sets As The Third Parm?

Apr 21, 2010

I am taking in two html files and creating one out of them. To do this I am opening the first html file and not writing out the closing </body> and </html> tag and opening the second file and not writing out the corresponding opening tags, as well as the <style></style>section. I start a streamwriter, and write the lines out to it, and then close the streamwriter. My problem is that the output file is filled with strange characters. I've tried opening the streamwriter with different character sets as the third parm, but all this does is change the characters to different strange characters.It says charset=windows-1252 at the tops of the input files (and the output files for that matter - since I'm just reading stuff in and writing it out - with the exceptions mentioned above).Questions;First, do you think I am properly approaching appending two .htm files together?Second, how can I eliminate these strange characters.


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Change The Colour (background Colour Or Text Colour) Of Just A Certain Item Or Item(s)?

May 7, 2010

Is there any way to change the colour (background colour or text colour) of just a certain item or item(s)?

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Forms :: Conditionally Change The Colour Of Some Text In A Textbox?

Nov 9, 2011

I am trying to conditionally change the colour of some text in a textbox, for example: If n=> 10 then txtbox1.forecolor = red

This doesn't appear to work, does the textbox need to be a 'rich textbox'

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Colour Picker Scanning - Log On Method - Users Selecting A Colour From A Paint Panel

Mar 15, 2012

To .NET after getting tired of using VB6 due to the lack of functionality. I'm trying to create a log on method for a system which will involve users selecting a colour from a paint panel and then placing/drawing the colour in 1 or more tiles of a grid, basically a 3x3 grid in which for example they selected the blue colour and drew in the top left tile and the bottom left tile. The logon is selecting the correct colour and placing the colour in the appropriate tile. What i want them to be able to do is place even a single pixel of colour so it has a high accuracy. So far i have a timer which loops from the width of the grid to the height of the grid.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim BMP As New Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)
Dim GFX As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
GFX.CopyFromScreen(New Drawing.Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y), _


To start with i have just hard coded the colour i want it to detect. At present it produces an error. Parameter must be positive and < Width the error is on System.Drawing.Point(i,j). If i place the mouse over the colour then run the program it will say it has been found, but otherwise it wont find the colour. I believe i am not updating the location of the pixel or something to that effect.

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Get The Combobox To Display The Stored Colour As The Default Colour When The Form Loads?

Nov 30, 2011

I've got a combobox which loads the system colour list, the selected colour is stored in the registry (i've tried storing the index number value aswell as the colour name - how can i get the combobox to display the stored colour as the default colour when the form loads? It always defaults to the first item in the colour list I've tried


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Video Pixel Colour - Check Whether The Colour Chas Changed Significantly?

Apr 8, 2009

So I have got a program with a timer on, a few labels displaying coordinates, and two buttons. Here is my


It displays the color of the pixel at the coordinate typed into the text boxes.I have a video of a tennis ball which is bouncing on the spot, and the background in brown, so when the tennis ball comes into view there is a significant color change and i want it to start and stop a timer each time the colour changes significantly.So my question is, how do i get it to check whether the colour chas changed significantly?

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Forms :: How To Toggle Button Background Colour On Event Click

Jul 23, 2009

i know how to toggle a button background color when i click on another button? That means i have two buttons on a window form and when i click on button A, button B will toggle its own background color based on the click event in button A.

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VS 2008 Write Data From A Text File To Excel File?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a text file and I want to take the data from the text file and write each line into the excel file (into the same column). How do I accomplish this? I know how to read data from a text file, but I don't know how to insert the data to a excel file..

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Forms :: Make 1 Textbox Show The Current Hash Code Of The Colour?

Apr 28, 2009

What ive done so far is make 1 textbox show the current hash code of the colour, and it works..

But what i want to do is, In another textbox, you type in a hash code and the color dialog loads the color of that hash code.. Not work!

Ive tried..

ColorDialog1.Color = Textbox1.Text


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