Getting Streamwriter To Write To A Text File?

Sep 3, 2010

encountering a problem when trying to write data to a text file. If I put the output into a messagebox I can see it, but when I attempt to write it to a file it is just blank. What am I missing here? EDIT - This is just a simple winform that I specify a path to a local HTML file in Textbox1 and I'm attempting to parse some HREF tag data.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1


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String Supposed To Find And Replace A Portion Of The Text And Write The Changes Back Out To The File Via Streamwriter

Jul 22, 2010

I have thios code that will load a php file (text file) into a sting via streamreader then its supposed to find and replace a portion of the text and write the changes back out to the file via streamwriter. I put my code together and after running it look at the file and it's unchanged. After looking closer it appears the problem is the find & replace operation I am doing on the string. Here is my code:


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Streamwriter Does NOT Write Complete File?

Mar 15, 2008

I have a code which reads a text file through streamreader,selects what is important and writes the same to another fileusing streamwriter. The problem is that the streamwriter stops writing beyond a certain line and just doesnt write ahead.What can be the problem? Do I have to make two seperate files?

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StreamWriter Write In A File Converted To 1

Apr 13, 2012

why if I use StreamWriter .WriteLine, 001(zero,zero,one) is converted to 1? how Can I write in a file 001(zero,zero,one)? [Code]

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.net - Read And Write Into A File Using Streamwriter And Streamreader?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to read the content from a .csv file and storing it in a variable. Later I am writing that content into a newfile. Code is executing successfully but the data is not appearing in new file. Here is my code:


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Forms :: Streamwriter To Write To A Colour.txt File (already Populated With Data)

Apr 10, 2011

i need help with stream writer, i can get it read lines and stuff like that but now i need Streamwriter to write to a colour.txt file (already populated with data) and insert a line that isn't already in the file, into alph order eg combobox reads and displays list from txt file.

their is a colour thats isn't in the text file, so i would like it to take the colour from the combobox that was typed in by the user and place it into the colour.txt file in alphabetical order (these are car colours so their are 100's and 1000's per manufacturer, its not as basic as i want red blue black lol) i was able to find loads of data about streamreader but not so much about stream writer

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StreamWriter Add Row To Text File DataFile?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to add a row of data to an exisitng TextFile that is in Tba delimited format. My program currently used ADO to read and update the table but that was creating to many problems with varying 3rd party providers of the Text File.

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StreamWriter Not Writing To Text File

Oct 19, 2009

In the following, Response.Write poduces the expected result of displaying user name and password - but nthing is written to the text file (colocated in the root directory).[code]...

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StreamWriter Not Writing To Text File?

Jun 12, 2011

In the following, Response.Write poduces the expected result of displaying user name and password - but nthing is written to the text file (colocated in the root directory).

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Partial Class getCustomer


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Returns In Text File Using Streamwriter And Reader?

Mar 25, 2011

Here's my code to add new lines to my text file:


When the button is pressed the line is written to the file just fine, but if I restart my application, which calls Refresh_OtherLog() onLoad, it displays the lines of the text file as one line with the traditional square character depicting a character return. Why is it not putting that new lone as a new line in the listbox?

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Streamwriter - Writing Each Line To Text File

May 15, 2012

I am writing each line to a text file:
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)
For Each x In tofile
Which works perfectly the only problem is is that when its finished it writes a blank line on the end of the text file which I don't want.

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IO.StreamWriter - GUI To Export Verification Data To A Text File

Dec 15, 2011

I am new to the forum I have been working on a GUI to export verification data to a text file. I have it set up to work at home but I would like to adapt the code so that it will write the text file to the directory that I use at work also. I have the areas commented out where things that I have attempted do not work. Here is what I have for code:


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Text File From Online Web Address Readable By Streamwriter?

Sep 3, 2010

Is it possible to use the streamWriter to read a .txt file thats in a web address online?

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Streamwriter - Replacing Specific Values In A Large Text File

Jun 4, 2011

I have some large csv files (1.5gb each) where I need to replace specific values. The method I'm currently using is terribly slow and I'm fairly certain that there should be a way to speed this up but I'm just not experienced enough to know what I should be doing. This is my first post and I tried searching through to find something relevant but didn't come across anything.

My other thought would be to break the file into chunks so that I can read the entire thing into memory, do all of the replacements there and then output to a consolidated file. I tried this but the way I did it actually ended up seeming slower than my current method.

Sub Main()
Dim fName As String = "2009.csv"
Dim wrtFile As String = "2009.1.csv"


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VS 2008 IO StreamWriter -- WriteLine Leaving Blank Text File?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to use StreamWriter to write to a text file; it creates the file fine, but when I open it up, it's still empty. I marked the code below where the writing action takes place.

vb Public Sub BHorse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BHorse.Click
Dim oMarketsReq As New BFExchange.GetAllMarketsReq
Dim oMarketsResp As BFExchange.GetAllMarketsResp
Dim BFWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter
BFWrite = IO.File.CreateText("C:Datamarket.txt")
With oMarketsReq


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Streamwriter Write Too Slow?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to write a CSV file with multiple fields. The data to be written is stored in a list(of string()). Using VB Filewriter.Write for each field, the process is real slow. Isn't there a way to format the data first and use Writeline once for each instance in the data store? Unfortunately, when I created a string with all the fields concatenated and separated by commas, the Writeline inserted quotes around the whole string. How do I prevent this behavior?

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VS 2008 Using The .write And Streamwriter?

Feb 27, 2010

Basically all I need is my program to write a character(Ex: "1") in a certain position specified by me in a line in a textbox.

So so far my code is:

Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter = IO.File.AppendText("101.txt")

And all i need to know is how i pick the position that the .write function writes.

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Streamwriter To Write SQL Query Results?

Mar 11, 2010

I have successfully run a simple sql query in and basically wanted to know how I can export the results from the query to a .txt file? All I really know is that I should be using StreamWriter. "SELECT column1, column2, from table1 where column1 = '1'" to a .txt file? Would it be best to first bind the data to a grid or can I skip that step?

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Using System.IO.StreamWriter To Write Another Line?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to update the students score with a new score but I cant get it to write to the line that the students current score it at. It just deletes the whole text.



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Write And Save Files With Streamwriter?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a Windows Forms application that is filtering out Visual Studio solution files.

I have the code thus far to search and find the correct files and to differentiate between VS2005 & VS2010 solution files.

Now I need to write/save these files so that I can retreive them all from the same location. I need to use Streamwriter but am not too sure how to code it.

I have included my source code so far and code for the Streamwriter write and save?


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Mystream.write(t) Doesnt Work - Doesent Write Anything To My H.txt Text File

Dec 27, 2011

I have a trouble making this code work. When executed, it just creates a correct (with the correct name) file with the extension .txt but the the actual text inside .

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

Public mytext As String


The strange thing is that while debugging, h, t string variables have the correct values, but somehow mystream.write(t) doesnt work (it doesent write anything to my h.txt text file...

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Using StreamWriter To Write New Line On Every Button Click

Jun 28, 2010

I have the following code, which I run everytime I want to add a new line to my text file, but it is deleting the previous data in the text file every time I do it.

Dim stFilePath As String = "C:file.txt"
If File.Exists(stFilePath) Then
End If
Dim ioFile As New StreamWriter(stFilePath)
ioFile.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, "test message")

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Ping A Contents Of Text File And Write Resulting IP To Different Text File?

Dec 3, 2011

I am trying to ping a text file("C:/Domains.txt") which is a list of domains, then have the resulting IP address written to a different text file ("C:/IP_Addresses.txt"). And this action will be done with a Button_Click.

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Create And Write To A New Text File From An Existing Text File?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a very large text file about 4 million lines that I would like to separate into several small text files based on the strings contained in the first column of the text file. I want to open the large text file, choose the lines that apply, create a new text file with a name that has a number at the end of which will match up with the value in the first column of the text file. I want to then copy the applicable lines to the new small text file, save and close it. I'm not sure how to go about doing this after opening the large text file and using the readline method. What if the folder does not exist? Do we have to create it? I want this procedure to be general, as there could be up to 25 million lines in the text file.

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Forms :: Reading File, Split Text And Write To Text Boxes

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to read a text file that contains info like this:

ACX-101-011 , J2168
BTXR-130A-013, D6733
AJ4-233-614, T8211

I want to split each line at the comma and write the left side to a textbox and the the right side to another textbox. I'm close, with the code below, but I can only post results from the first line in the file. How do I loop this and append the text results in each of the textboxes.

Dim TempFile As String
TempFile = "temp.txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter


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Write Text From Textbox Control To Text File .txt At Specific Location?

Mar 10, 2011

Is it Possible for me to read text from textbox control and write it to .txt file at specific location.

for an instance.... say below with quote is my Text in .txt file:


and with programming code I want to change some text in the same sentance become....(see below)


so you can see the word BROWN change to GREY and word DOG change to CAT

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Streamwriter And Strange Charactors - Opening The Streamwriter With Different Character Sets As The Third Parm?

Apr 21, 2010

I am taking in two html files and creating one out of them. To do this I am opening the first html file and not writing out the closing </body> and </html> tag and opening the second file and not writing out the corresponding opening tags, as well as the <style></style>section. I start a streamwriter, and write the lines out to it, and then close the streamwriter. My problem is that the output file is filled with strange characters. I've tried opening the streamwriter with different character sets as the third parm, but all this does is change the characters to different strange characters.It says charset=windows-1252 at the tops of the input files (and the output files for that matter - since I'm just reading stuff in and writing it out - with the exceptions mentioned above).Questions;First, do you think I am properly approaching appending two .htm files together?Second, how can I eliminate these strange characters.


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Game Development - Write Text In A Already Existing Text File?

Apr 7, 2012

I've been developing a arcade game, and as every good arcade game, it has an incorporated scoreboard so that players can see who scored better. My problem is that everytime it enters a new scoreline, it deletes all the previous lines in the text file. The code I've been using is the following:

If player1 > 25 Then
MsgBox("O " + jogador1 + " ganhou.")[code]............

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Write Listbox Text To Text File And Keep Columns Aligned?

Apr 16, 2011

I've got a program which displays data in a listbox in five columns. All are separated using one or more ControlChars.Tab. I want to write these columns to a text file, however, when I do, my columns lose their alignment. I can change alignment so that it displays nicely in text file, but then it is off in list box. Is there a way to get what I see in my listbox to display the same way in a text file - maybe a different way of separating my columns (not using ControlChars.Tab)?

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Write Contents Of Two Text Files Into One Text File?

Jan 16, 2012

its noobish question but i didnt find any solution for it here is my problem : i want to write bites from 2 seprated file (1.txt + 2.txt) into 1 single file(3.txt) but i cant


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