Forms :: Backup On Time Selection

Apr 10, 2009

im kind of new to VB and im making a program for my dad to backup his hard drives nightly.[code], im wondering how i can make it so when people select 12:00 PM, my program will grab the user's time and sleep until it get to the selected time.

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VS 2005 Make A Scheduled App That Will Backup(copy) Some Files At Specified Time/date?

Mar 18, 2009

How can i make my app execute some code at specified day/time (Day/minutes/secconds)?I need to make a scheduled app that will backup(copy) some files at specified time/date.

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Forms :: Backup (Got That) At 12:00 Midnight Only On Certain Days Of The Week?

Apr 13, 2009

My dad asked me to make him a backup program, so i found an open source backup project. He was it to backup his specified files every night but only shutdown Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.This is what i got sofar

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
If DateTime.Now.Hour = Int32.Parse(12:00) Then


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Make Multi-selection Each Time?

Jul 7, 2011


now I wanna know how to make multi selection each time

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Make ONLY One Selection Possible From The Checkedlistbox At A Time?

Oct 29, 2009

How can i make ONLY one selection possible from the checkedlistbox at a time? If i have already selected one and if i select another item the previous item should be deselected.

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Date Time Picker Region Selection

Jul 7, 2010

I have set a custom format for DTP control to dd/MM/yy. lets consider a real time scenerio. I have a form to enter Invoices for that i have following controls on my form 1] DateTimePicker, 2] CustomerName ComboBox, 3] Quantity, 4] Amount o.k. the Custom Format for DTP is set to 'dd/MM/yy'. When i first add entry i set the focus to DTP Control After changing date user moves focus to ComboBox then Quantity then Amount & Finally Clicks Save Button. And again hits Add Button and the cycle continues.

Now when user changes 'month'in DTP & go ahead and save the entry when he add another new entry the focus is on DTP however in the month region of DTP where it is expected in 'Date' region of DTP b'cas it is not likely that user will change month every time but he may change Date every time. This enforces user to mannualy select the desired region (either by Left Arrow Key or by Clicking Mouse button in the desired region). So after receiving focus i want the cursor tobe in the 'Date' region of DTP. Kindly help me writting correct statement to set focus to the control in the desired region (section) in DTP control.

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One Selection At A Time From Multi List Boxes?

Aug 8, 2011

ok.. just as it sounds.. I'm kinda making a document portal app for work.. has 4 list boxes going to 4 different drive locations.. for cosmetic reasons I want only the last box you clicked in to show a selected item.. so if you selected box 1 item and it was hilighted and then you went to box 2 and selected something I wanted box 1 to then dissapear.

I have some code written to handle this.. but its not working so well.. since I use the SelectedIndexChanged trigger to fire off another piece of code to unselect all the other windows.. those listboxes fire their triggers also because I have to call lstWord. SelectedIndex = -1 to make it not have something selected anymore.. and when you do that.. it calls its SelectedIndexChanged and ends up deselecting everything.. so wasnt sure if anyone had done something like this before.. seems like something that would have been done before.. but as you can imagine searching the web for "multi list box select only one at a time" or something you some strange results..

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Selection Of Multiple Folders At A Time / Scrollbar Position?

Jun 1, 2010

A couple of questions about the FolderBrowserDialog in VB .NET Express 2005...
1. How can I make it so this control allows selection of multiple folders at a time?
2. It remembers the folder I selected last time (in the same session), and highlights that folder, which is good, but that selected folder appears near the bottom of the window. Is there a way to make it so the previously selected folder appears in the middle of the window (i.e. the scroll bar is further down the window)? See screen shot attached for how it currently looks when the window opens.

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Forms :: Tag Selection From Webpage?

May 27, 2012

I want to retrieve all input, select and textarea fields only and possibly change their data value. I currently declare as: Dim theElementCollection AsHtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.All ' which I then iterate through and select on tag name.

I would like to be more efficient and do something like: Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input", "select", "textarea") but GetElementsByTagName doesn't appear to support multiple selections. I saw on the net where someone declared as Dim Tags As HtmlNodeCollection = docNode.SelectNodes("//input | //select | //textarea") I tried this but HTMLNodeCollection is not referenceable under HtmlDocument. I have played around a bit and can't see an equivalent.

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Forms :: Assigning A Value To A Combobox Selection?

Nov 26, 2009

I have a combobox with multiple names. When I select one of the names from the combobox I want to display a value(number) instead of the name itself. How could I do that?

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Forms :: Button Selection At Runtime?

Nov 1, 2009

I use Microsoft Visual Basic Express edition 2008 on my Windows XP SP2 and in it, in a Windows Form project, I add a button to my default form and set it's flatstyle to flat and borderwidth to 0. At runtime, when I click that button, I get a black color hollow box on that button at it's center...

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Forms :: Check Box In ComboBox Selection?

Nov 22, 2009

Wanted users to choose two options 1.(tick) 2 blank text so they can write things.

Was thinkin how this can be achieved using a comboBox. ?

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Forms :: Combo Box Change In Selection

Sep 27, 2010

ok, got a question here, two really. first i'll ask the hard one, as i think i have my other one out of the way so i'll save it for later but i made a program where a user enters in dimensions in several text boxes in inches. there are radio boxes that the user decides what thickness of wood they would like to use. what i'd like to do is add metric into the program and use two combo boxes. one combo box drops down and you can select inches, centimeters, or millimeters. the other one drops down to choose the thickness of the wood.ok now here's my question. say i pick inches in the first combo box, i'd like the second one to display only the thickness of the wood in inches, no metric. if i pick centimeters, i'd like the second combo box to display the thickness of the wood in only centimeters, no millimeters or inches. and the same goes for millimeters.i also have the program on a timer that runs at 100 milliseconds so the user can quickly see the differences in dimensions they put in instead of having to hit the calculate button over and over and over (not sure if that really matters or not, had a couple issues with the boxes earlier but don't think it was timer related now)but is this possible? basically just looking for the kinds of drop boxes that you see on a page like where you select dodge, and then only the dodge cars are listed, select chevy and the chevy cars are listed, etc.

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Forms :: Multi Selection In PictureBox?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm currently working on multi selection on the Picturebox. I'm kinda of stuck with these coding.

Public Class Page_2
' for selection on part of body
Private start As Point = Point.Empty


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Forms :: Checkedcombobox Selection From Database To Datagridview

Mar 13, 2011

I use vb2010 to create a simple windows form.I have a checkedcombobox which gets its items from a column (titles) from a .mdb database (this works). When I check an item or multiple items in the combobox, I want to display (multiple columns) the title and for example info in a datagridview.

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Forms :: Get Hidden Value / Tax From Combobox Based On Selection

Feb 17, 2010

I have a combobox populated from the DB with:


State is the only value that is shown.I'm trying to get the hidden value, Tax, from the combobox based on the selection but can't figure it out.

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Forms :: Listbox Selection - Navigate With The Up And Down Arrows?

May 10, 2010

I have code to create a listbox and populate it, and would like the box to behave like it does when clicked, e.g. if you CLICK on "a" you see it blue and can press the down arrow to move down to "b". how do I achieve this programmatically?

Private Sub junkloader()
brandlist.Visible = True

this code SELECTS it properly, but I want to be able to navigate with the up and down arrows. how do I do this? thanks.

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Forms :: Multiple Selection ListBox Click Order?

Mar 4, 2009

How would I display list items from multiple selection listbox in order they are clicked?

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MS Access 07 - Use Button To Have A Combobox Appear And Selection Opens Appropriate Forms?

Jan 23, 2010

I am creating a document control system for standard operating procedures (SOP) in MS Access 2007. I have just started an online VBA class and have moderate MS Access 2007 experience. This thread is very detailed and lengthy.I have the tables set up and forms created for CREATE, SUPPLEMENT etc. I need to create a user interface so that when they open the database it pulls up a form that has buttons for "Start New SOP Process" and "Modify Existing SOP Process". Every step of writing an SOP is dated so that management can have outputs for target measures (to see why it takes so LONG to write an SOP from start to finish). After the user selects "Start New SOP Process" or "Modify Existing SOP Process" I am trying to have a Combobox appear with a drop down box of change types: CREATE, SUPPLEMENT, and REVISE.

Primary Key Explanation:Each document has a 3-part number comprising a 3-part PK. 1.001v1.0. Where 1 is (1-6) identifying what type of SOP: Document Type,.001 is the Document Series (a sequential number for each type of equipment--the 2nd SOP written for a document type 1 would be 1.002v1.0) and v1.0 is the version.

For example, lets say Document Type 2 indicates field equipment. The very first SOP written for a piece of field equipment would be 2.001v1.0. If a supplement is made to the SOP for that same piece of field equipment, then it becomes 2.001v1.1, if a revision is made to that same piece of equipment it becomes 2.002v1.0. If we buy a new piece of field equipment it would be assigned SOP document number 2.003v1.0.

After a document is changed (any part of the 3-part number is changed) the previous record is put into an archive table so that the technicians/general public have access only to the most recent version of each SOP. I am going to store them on Sharepoint with an Archive Folder and an Active Publications Folder and a link to the document is provided in the database. However, while a document is being modified (going through the SOP process of reviews and drafts) the users are going to need access to the previous version until the most recent version is approved (maybe I could have the document be archived upon completion of the Document Link control).

For each Combobox option I need a different "On Click" command to open the associated forms for each "Change Type". I have the necessary forms already grouped (using subforms and tabs) for each change type: CREATE SOP (has all of the forms needed when creating an sop), SUPPLEMENT SOP (has all forms needed when supplementing an sop), REVISE SOP (all forms for revising). I am trying to use If Then statements for this...

The modify part is the simplest. I think the Combobox for the "Modify Existing SOP Process" should consist of "Change Type" (CREATE, SUPPLEMENT, REVISE), "Document Type", "Document Series", and "Document Version". I want the "Change Type" to open up the correct group of forms with "Document Type", "Document Series", and "Document Version" finding the existing record that needs to be modified (i.e. so that the user can add dates for completed activities as the SOP process progresses: draft revisions, reviews).

The "Start New Process" is even more complicated. Each change type does more unique event procedures than just opening the forms (which I can't even figure out to begin with!!). The Combobox would still be "Change Type" (CREATE, SUPPLEMENT, REVISE), "Document Type", "Document Series", and "Document Version". However the following is what I am trying to do for each "Change Type":

When "Create" is chosen from the Combobox it will find the next record in the document series by the user selecting the correct "Document Type". I would like to add a formula so that it adds .001 to the previous record (giving the next sequential number), and force v1.0 to be entered and not able to be modified, since a newly created document can only be version v1.0. Then it would open the "CREATE SOP" form (all forms associated with "Create" compiled on one form by tabs and subforms--I already have this complete for each "Change Type") and require the user to fill out all document information controls (title, description, etc) before closing.

When "Supplement" is chosen from the Combobox it will find the most recent record by the user's input of Document Type and Document Series. I would like to add a formula so that it adds .1 to the previous Document Version. Then it would open the "SUPPLEMENT SOP" form. It would be useful if the fields for the document information controls (title, description, etc) were appended to this form but it is not necessary.When "Revise" is chosen from the Combobox it will find the most recent record by the user's input of "Document Type" and "Document Series". I would like to add a formula so that it adds 1 to the previous Document Version and forces the decimal value to be 0 (revise and create change types have to end in a "0"). Then it would open the "REVISE SOP" form. It would be useful if the fields for the document information controls (title, description, etc) were appended to this form but it is not necessary.Additional buttons I would like to have on the Main Menu Form--opened when the database is opened (includes "Start New SOP Process" and "Modify Existing SOP Process") would be:

"View All Publications" where a user can not edit anything, just gives them access to the current "active" SOP links. It would be a complete list of all of our SOPs. I think I could use a query "Retire" which would put an SOP into the Archive table/folder on Sharepoint. This would be useful in addition to the automated retiring of previous version in case we discontinue use completely of a peice of equipment or administrative procedures (yes we have SOPs for EVERYTHING!!)"Target Outputs" which would be a report showing the timeline of the SOP process so that management can see where we are spending too much time (my vote is for the design of the document control system!!)"Maintenance History" which would show all previous versions for each piece of equipment and administrative procedure."List of Archived SOPs"which would show all of our inactive SOPs, for the Quality Analysis/Quality Control person's benefit.

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Forms :: Disable Webbrowser Control's Text Selection And Pic Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?
if so, which event should i capture and override the handler?

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Forms :: Move Selection Highlight (in E.g. A List, Grid..) Upon Right Click?

Sep 16, 2006

When we left click a grid cell, or list item, it highlights. Left click outside it and the selection jumps to the new place.

I can RIGHT click anywhere in the grid without disturbing an existing highlight, but I want it to work more like windows explorer would in terms of file selection..

i.e. if I right click inside the range, the range stays, if I right click outside the range, the range moves to a new single cell that I just right flicked.

Try it now on this page. Select some text, right click on the selection and it stays. Right click outside the selection and it goes. In datagrid (for example), the selection can only be modified with a left click.

How can we change this so the selection behaviour of a datagrid/list is more like this text pane?

On a related note. If I left click in a textbox I can drag a selection out. If i wanted to right click and drag the selection out, would it be the same process? (It's for a custom string manipulation picker control..)

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Forms :: Populate Textboxes Based On Combobox Selection NOT Using Databinding?

Apr 27, 2010

how to go about this? I have a form, frm1 w/a combobox, cboLocations, which is being populated using a sql string. There is also a frm2 w/a series of textboxes and other comboboxes. I want it so that once a selection is made from cboLocations, the textboxes and comboboxes on frm 2 are populated with the corresponding data. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmLocations
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=f03d3s-dev01; Initial Catalog=dos_track;User Id=vbuser; Password=tran3;")
Dim depot_refnbr As Integer


What's happening right now is that I make a selection from cboLocations on frm1 and click on the OK button, frm2 loads, but none of the textboxes are populating and one of the comboboxes, cboDepot, shows the different data when you click on the down arrow, but it's not displaying anything it its text field when frm2 loads.

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Forms :: Border Visible First Time - Second Time Not

Nov 7, 2010

I create an app, with it when I click a button it opens a new form on a second monitor.
This works perfectly, but every first time the app start and I open the second form, on my primary screen (right side) I see the border of the second form. When I click the button again, the form is hidden, and when I click it again, it appears again but then the border is gone.


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Forms :: Clear The Dgv When The User Blanks The Combobox Without Necessarily Changing The Selection Index?

Oct 25, 2010

I have just realised that ComboBoxes don't have a Change event. I have a combobox filled with a few items, eg. Bakery, Deli, Fruit & Veg, etc. Choose one of these items, all the related items show in the dgv. However, when I blank the text in the Combobox (press Delete key whilst Combobox has the focus), what event fires so I can blank the dgv? The combobox does not contain a Blank item. Even if it does, the Blank item only fires the ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged when the user scrolls down to, or clicks on, the blank value.

I want to clear the dgv when the user blanks the combobox without necessarily changing the selection index.

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Data Grid Selection Load Form - Call A Stored Procedure With The Value Of The Selection

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying have a data grid selection populate a form. I am new to this.Basically I have a connection persistance object and I would like to call that and call a stored procedure with the value of the selection. The datagrid is bound to an object.


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Listbox (20 Items) With Multi-selection And Label That Disply The Selection And One Button

Dec 25, 2010

I have a listbox (20 Items) with multiselection and label that disply the selection and one button. So I wrote (it works fine)


Now when I click on button the label show lets say Item2,Item5,Item10,How do I take off the last ","

somthing like that Item2,Item5,Item10

I used to do: Dim s As String = Trim(Label1.Text)Label1.Text = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) but it give me an error converting intiger to string

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Office Automation :: Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select In .NET?

Jun 16, 2009

'The line below is the one I would like to know how should I write it in VB.NET:
osheet.Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select


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File Selection Versus Folder Selection?

Aug 26, 2011

I am using this code to select a to do the same kind of thing selecting a file instead of an folder.

Private Sub PathButtonB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PathButtonB.Click
Using FolderBrowserDialog As New FolderBrowserDialog
With FolderBrowserDialog
.Description = "Kies die Folder waar hierdie ResepteBoek die Kunswerke vir sy Resepte moet gaan soek."
.ShowNewFolderButton = False


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Forms :: Time Over OpenFileDialog?

Jun 29, 2009

I want to set a time limit over openFileDialog window, if, for example, 10 seconds elapsed without any user input, it will be killed automatically, how to implement that.

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Have Two Forms Focussed At Same Time?

Apr 25, 2009

I need to have text selected in a box in one form, and edit text in another at the same

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