Have Two Forms Focussed At Same Time?

Apr 25, 2009

I need to have text selected in a box in one form, and edit text in another at the same

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Forms :: Border Visible First Time - Second Time Not

Nov 7, 2010

I create an app, with it when I click a button it opens a new form on a second monitor.
This works perfectly, but every first time the app start and I open the second form, on my primary screen (right side) I see the border of the second form. When I click the button again, the form is hidden, and when I click it again, it appears again but then the border is gone.


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Forms :: Time Over OpenFileDialog?

Jun 29, 2009

I want to set a time limit over openFileDialog window, if, for example, 10 seconds elapsed without any user input, it will be killed automatically, how to implement that.

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How To Load Forms From DLL In Less Time

Jun 3, 2012

I have forms in diffrent project but in same Solution which is a dll project. I want to open (show) forms on button click event in another project. I am doing this without any problem. But it takes little time to open. I want that I could make these forms or dll files on Standby mode. I mean if I call them, they open quickly.

I m using this code:
Imports Transactions 'Transaction is my projects name from which I want to call forms
In Button Click Event
Dim FrmDrVouchers As Transaction.FrmDebitVouchers = New Transactions.FrmDebitVouchers()

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Bring Up Mutiple Forms At One Time

Feb 1, 2009

I set it up where the user checks a radio buttonto choose 1-4 players. I want it to display cards for how ever many are playing (1 card for 1 player.4 cards for 4 players) when they hit the "Let's Play" button. I can make it open for one player be writing.[code]but I can't figure out how to open more forms for more players.

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Closing Multiple Forms At Same Time

Feb 21, 2010

I have two child forms that open from the MDI Parent.My question is when I close one of the child forms all others will close also.

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Forms :: A Message Box Depends On Time

Jul 23, 2011

Second, I want to make a form that tells the user good morning if he was in the morning or tell him good afternoon if he was in the afternoon and it depends on the computer clock like if the clock was 3.00 AM the message box shown and tell him good afternoon.

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Forms :: Backup On Time Selection

Apr 10, 2009

im kind of new to VB and im making a program for my dad to backup his hard drives nightly.[code], im wondering how i can make it so when people select 12:00 PM, my program will grab the user's time and sleep until it get to the selected time.

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Forms :: Changing The Time Looks On Form?

Dec 3, 2011

after adding 3 hours from the local for the 3rd timer, how can i get it to look like timer2 once i debug?PrivateSub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Label1.Text = TimeOfDay.UtcNow.ToString("dd/MMM?yyy HH:mm:ss")

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Label2.Text = Date.now.tostring("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")

below once i debug, it gives me, 07:07:15 AM i don't want that, i want it to show like the others?PrivateSub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Label6.Text = Now.AddHours(3)

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Forms :: Convert A Time Value Into Minutes?

Sep 6, 2011

i am working on a time limiter application, and i need to work out how to convert a time i.e. 01:19:15 into minutes.

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Forms :: Mediaplayer Time In Label?

Dec 4, 2011

so i am busy with a mediaplayer ( just for fun ) and everything pretty much works, but one thing doesn't.the thing is ive got 2 labels, the first label needs to show how much ive already played, and the second label needs to show the duration of the media file.example: a media file from 1 hour 32 minutes and 18 second and i have already player 43 minutes and 9 seconds from it, then the first label needs to show 00:43:09 and the second label 01:32:18.

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Forms :: Multiple Key Events At Same Time?

May 6, 2010

How can i code my application so that it can handle two sets of key events at the same time? For example, if I was making a game where one player used the WASD, and the other the arrow keys for moving, how can i make it so that both can move at the same time? The code I used only allows one to move at a time.. (key press event, If e.KeyData = Windows.Forms.Keys.down then.... etc)

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Forms :: Remove Time In Datetimepicker?

Oct 9, 2011

how can i remove the time when i inserted into the database using datetimepicker??.

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Forms :: Timer - Set For A Specific Time?

Jan 4, 2012

I wonder is there a way to set a timer for a specific time interval? Lets say everyday between 23:00 and 23:10.

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Get Forms To Open In The Same Place Each Time?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a project with various forms all of the same size. Is there a way of getting them to appear in, for example the middle of the screen each time they load, in the same position

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.NET Forms Behave Strange On Design-time?

Feb 20, 2009

I'm developing with VB.NET 2008.One of my host was crashed, so I take the files and keep development on another host. But now something strange is happening:All frames, lines and shapes are disappeared on design-time, but are seen normally in runtime.


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Extend Session Time When There Are Multiple Forms?

Jun 28, 2010

How to extend the session time. There are many form in my application like parent and child forms. So how can I make pop up to appear when session times out and the pop up should appear on the form where the user is currently in, when popup comes I have to disable all forms like(they should be transparent (i.e) user should NOT be able to edit them).

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Forms - Timer Code - Add Time To The Counter

Feb 19, 2009

I'm currently writing a countdown timer on vb 2005, with the following characteristics: When I press a button and the timer is running, it adds time to the counter, for example, if the time is 2:30 and I press a button, and the period to add is 1:10, the new time would be 4:40. The window is always on top of every other window, and is active even though it doesn't have focus. When the time's up and i press a key, in this case Esc, the application closes, otherwise, it just continues. [Code]

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Forms :: Access Remote Date And Time?

Aug 3, 2009

I have to develop a project by which my office employees can record their time to enter into the office and leave from the office. I have 10 PCs in my office. All PCs are under network environment. This project is highly related to date and time factor. All PCs are used by an individual employee and can not be restricted to change their own PCs local date and time. So I think my project took the date and time from a central server.

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Forms :: Component To Display The Time Only With The Specific AM - PM?

Feb 13, 2009

does vb.net have the component to display the time only with the specific AM,PM? i know that VS 2008 got datetimepicker as choose the date and time but does it can display in term of the AM and PM? if got any better solution and component about display and set the time,

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Forms :: How To Make Form To Wait For Some Time

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to fetch some specific data from a file which is updated frequently. So, i am trying to make my form wait till i get a particular data. i am using Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000)to wait and again check the data.

but form is getting hanged (showing NOT RESPONDING)

How can i make my form to wait for some time?

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Forms :: Input Starting And Ending Time

Nov 2, 2009

I want to make a very small program where the user inputs a starting time and an ending time that is in "clock time (?)" and the program converts it to total minutes in one box and a decimal total in a second box. I have 4 textboxes, 2 are masked text boxes (military time) for input and two are not, for output and the math is coming out weird.

If I put a start time of 0925 and an end time of 1015, the results I'm expecting would be 50 total minutes and .83333 total as a decimal. I don't think I'm converting the textbox input correctly as I'm not getting anything near that. I am using a button to calculate and another to clear the boxes, just FYI. Also, I'm not sure what to do about any times that span the noon hour except to use an absolute value.

Public Function Time()
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim Endtime As Double
StartTime = txtStart.Text
Endtime = txtEnd.Text
txtDecimal.Text = (Endtime - StartTime) / 60
txtMinutes.Text = Endtime - StartTime
End Function

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Forms :: Pause Then Change Stopwatch Time?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a StopWatch running, I convert the milliseconds to the following format. 00:00:00 i.e HH:MM:SS which is a label.

I can pause the the stopwatch and resume but I dont seem to be able to edit the stopwatchs time. So lets say my time says 00:00:02 , i now want to pause the program which I can, but also change the stopwatch time to 00:00:10 and resume counting.

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Forms :: Set A Time Limit Over OpenFileDialog Window?

Nov 10, 2009

I want to set a time limit over openFileDialog window, if, for example, 10 seconds elapsed without any user input, it will be killed automatically, how to implement that.

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Forms :: Show The Current Time In A Label?

Feb 16, 2011

how to show the current time in a label that ticks the time moves the same time as the system time as simple as possible

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Forms :: Using A Time Format On Masked Textbox?

Sep 22, 2010

i have several masked textbox connected to mysql database through a website i made, and what i'm trying to do is have these masked textbox automatically change the format what the user inputs to "hh:mm tt" so if the user inputs 6 or 600 or 6p it will automatically change it to the format to 6:00 PM.I know that i will have to use the Validated event and I've tried the Format(maskedtextbox1,"hh:mm tt") but can't seem to work. I would rather not use datetimepicker because i dont want the user have the option of using the dropdown.

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Make Child Forms Working At The Same Time?

Feb 9, 2010

In this example I want the loop button works in all mdi child forms at the same time; now in the first mdi child form it will work, but when getting a new mdi child form with that, it will stop in the first one!

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System Time Controlled Forms/dialogs?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm relatively new to visual basic and programming all together but I've managed to write a pretty useful program for my division. I am trying to add some more functionality however and that's why I'm here...because I am having trouble understanding how to make a windows dialog box pop up after the system time reaches a certain time.

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VS 02/03 : Closing Multiple Forms With Different Time Interval?

Aug 3, 2009

my program is design to receive a pup-up forms.i wnt this result..if i received a popup forms it will close automatically for 10minutes..the problem is i don't knew how to do it using timer.

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VS 2008 - Working With Two Forms (Focus On Both) At Same Time

Jan 18, 2011

I have a form from which I am visually representing data (from access database). I have set up a user log on a separate form (allows user to make comments as they scroll through the data and see any points of interest etc). The second form is linked via a textbox in terms of a common field in this case the field name is "Datetime".

What I want to do is be able to scroll through the data and make notes on the second form and add them to another table in the database. I have managed to do all the above but obviously loose focus of the second form when i scroll through the data on the first. Is there any way of being able to interact with both forms at the same time?

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