Forms - What's The Best Way To Validate Items

Mar 28, 2009

i created a validation procedure on a textbox_validating event. the procedure goes something like [Code] but somehow it doesn't stop the system from continuing. what happens is on my Save Button where i have. [Code] i'm assuming that when i click the save button, the Textbox1_Validating event is also fired since it also brings up the MessageBox. but then after pressing OK on the MessageBox, it continues to try and Update the DataTable where I get an error from the database saying that the Column does not allow null values.

also when i click Save Button, i noticed that the Textbox1_Validating Event is only fired when the cursor is on that item. basing from this, it seems that the not all Validating Events are fired when an Adapter.Update is executed. what's the best way to validate items? should it be on the Save Button and not on the Validating event of each items?

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Validate Items Of A .NET Collection Against Each-other?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a class that represents some business object, such as this:

Public Class MyObject
Inherits SomeBaseObject ' Implements INotifyPropertyChanged and IDataErrorInfo
Private mMyVariable as Integer
Public Property MyVariable as Integer


SomeBaseObject implements both INotifyPropertyChanged and IDataErrorInfo, such that a Validate method will populate the appropriate IDataErrorInfo fields when setting the property values.I also have a collection that supports change events, which I eventually bind to a WPF DataGrid.

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of MyObject)
End Class

Part 1: Let's say that I have a business rule which says that no two items in my collection may have the same value for MyVariable. How do I set up my events (or implement additional interfaces somewhere) to perform this cross-item validation whenever the property value changes on any item in the collection?

Part 2: Suppose I have a list of integers such that whenever I add a new MyObject item to an instance of MyCollection or change the MyVariable property on any item already in the collection, the value of the MyVariable property must exist in this list of integers?

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VS 2005 How To Validate Forms

Nov 22, 2010

I am making a project, a database project using 2005 at front end ans sql server 2005 at back end. i have to validate my form, like for sTUDENT ID, only numbers are acceptable. that what is the way to validate it? the way which i have used is


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Forms :: Validate Textbox Empty?

Mar 1, 2011

I started editing an existing code (basicaly to learn vb) without any real previous experience. Well let's get to the point;I have a form that gathers data from db ordering by user ID (on click count).I have one DataGridView with a list of user,some have data in db, some have not. I came so far that if I CLICK on a user that have data, all data is dissplayed in 6 dinamyc textboxes.If user has no data inly first (emty) row with 6 dinamyc textboxes is created.

BUT THE POINT IS (my question to you) - I have a button that simultaneously adds a row of dinamyc textboxes bellow and multiplyies textbox04 (name is clickcount & 4) and textbox05 and displays the result in textbox06.I want to add a messagebox that shows if textbox04 & 05 are empty and in that case exits sub. Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Reset warnings[code].......

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Forms :: How To Validate A Text Box With Only Word Inside

Sep 20, 2009

I have a question about how to validate a text box with only word inside. Below is my code i use, it's only can detect if number 1 to 9 in single number, but not 11 or 999 or Joanne11 Joa223nne etc. I want it can detect the text box have and number or symbol then will show an error messageBox, else continue.


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Forms :: Validate A Textbox To Reject Letters?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm doing a programming course at college, and I'm making a simple program that finds the mean of three numbers. Making the basic program was easy, but I can't work out how to validate the text boxes so that they only accept numbers. I've Googled, but I haven't been able to find anything. I have a look on the forums here but couldn't find anything either.

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Forms :: Validate Currency And Numeric Using KeyPress?

Oct 21, 2010

this is my code in VB.NET 2008 and it works as the result, i can input starts from 1.00 until 99.99

but i need more than this i want the textbox automatic validate the input as i typed in the textbox

example: i typed "1000" then the textbox will write "1,000"
example: i typed "10000.99" then the textbox will write "10,000.99"
nb: it has to disabled from typing ","


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Forms :: Validate The Text Property Of My Combobox

Apr 20, 2011

I have been searching for an easier way to validate the text property of my combobox.

Below is a background of what I am try to accomplish:

I have a from that contains many controls, mainly comboboxes that are bound to datatables. I have these set up in such a fashion as to when the user begins to type, the values begin to show and auto populate the combobox. This makes the selection process easier to select an actual value in the list. But, as we all know, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Users still have the ability to type something that is not in the list. I do not want to allow them to leave the combobox until the have selected or typed a valid value from the list because I am building a SQL query to retrieve data for a later form. I don't want to lose the above mentioned functionality of being able to type it in. I currently have it working as follows, but there must be a more elegant way to do this.

I first populate my combo box like so:


The part I don't like the most is that I feel like I should be able to use the list already loaded in the combobox data, but I can't figure out how to do it. So I end up having to reload it, this seem like a waste of time.

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Check Validate Text In Textbox + Windows Forms?

Feb 17, 2010

I am new to Win Forms, I have a scenario here..When User enter ID in a textbox, I want to check that value in database and get the name for that ID before submitting the Submit Button.

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Forms :: Validate Each Textbox So The Number Entered Is An Integer?

May 11, 2009

I have designed a form with textboxes for numerical entry. I need to validate each textbox so the number entered is an integer, and is between 0-1000. I am struggling to find how to validate the data entry.

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Forms :: Removing Items The Next Items Doesn't Remove Only The First One?

Oct 22, 2011

Imports System.Collections.GenericI
mports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form2
'Dim filename As String
Public ftpSettings As FtpClient


I don't know what's wrong, i can only move the 1st item but the second and so on doesn't make any changes. It remains in a listbox.

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Validate Html.editorfor - Validate The User Data Entered

Apr 26, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to validate the user data entered:


This is in MVC3, I'm looking for an easy way to validate a users input data into the editorfor field.

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VS 2005 - Gotchas With Docked Forms - Forms - Displayed Using Menu Items To Display Information To User

Nov 10, 2011

We have an application that has a main form with a map on it. Right now the paradigm is to have forms that are displayed using menu items to display information to the user. Most of these forms are modal forms, but a couple are non-modal forms that interact with the map. For some of the forms, it really would make for a better user experience if we could dock them in the main form of the app and allow the user to see both the form and the map. For instance. We could have a list of map features in a docked window, and select one of the items on the list and have the map zoom to that feature. Or do the reverse: let the users select a map item and have a docked window that shows details of the feature. Sounds great, but I wonder about what sort of gotchas we may encounter. In particular, what if we have two windows docked at the same time? Could we get tangled up in our event code?

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Forms :: Having Listbox'es And Their Items?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a listbox on my form, and a procedure that scans a certain directory for sub-directories, it then adds each subdirectory as a item in the listbox.

ex :

g:movies2010Clash of The Titans
g:movies2010Date Night
g:movies2010Red Dawn


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Forms :: ListBox.Items.add; How To Add At The Top?

Aug 16, 2010

I remember in the old VB6 that there was something simple as listbox.add("my string", 1 This '1' would meant the position I want it to be added, which means 'the top'I'm sure it sounds newbie... but hey, what a heck... I'm only been programming .net for a few months.

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Forms :: Add The Items To The Combobox Using The Properties Box?

Dec 12, 2011

I am totally new to VB.NET and Visual Studio. I am creating a new form, which includes a combobox. I have figured out how to add the items to the combobox using the properties box, but I would rather code them. I tried the below code, but no luck. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Me.cboSTATUS.Items.Add("A")

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Forms :: Cant Remove Items From A Listbox

May 23, 2011

simple problem that i just cant figure out. here is the code


this code works fine as long as i dont remove ALL items, the error i am getting is index is out of bounds of the array, i have tried -1, -2 0 +1 +2 and all are still giving this error, i cant just create code for remove all as i wont always need all removed so i kinda of have to get this code or something similar to remove only checked items. the code below is code i have tried


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Forms :: ComboBox AutoCompleteSource As Items?

Jul 15, 2009

I want my ComboBox to display items from the AutoCompleteSource AllSystemSources.

Basically, I want the Items property to get its items from the AllSystemSources.

But I don't know how to do this.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express (Not the WPF forms though)

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Forms :: Get Items From Listbox Into Array?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to get the items out of a listbox and put into a text box .. I am putting the listbox items into an array and I keep getting this error: InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index

bolded code where this occurs here is my

Private Sub btn_BuildText_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_BuildText.Click
Dim delimiter As String 'Holds the String character representing the chosen delimiter
Dim i As Integer 'Loop counter


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Forms :: Get Items In Combo Box To Appear In A List Box Fb?

May 22, 2011

how do i get items in combo box to appear in a list box

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Forms :: How To Paste Items Into ListBox

Jun 27, 2010

I'm using the following to add a list from a txt into a listbox, which works perfectly.
Dim OFD As New OpenFileDialog
OFD.Filter = "Text Documents (*.txt)|*.txt"
OFD.Title = "Open List"

The similar thing below does not work to load sites from the clipboard. What else could I use.
ListBox1.Items.AddRange(IO.File.ReadAllLines(Clipb oard.GetText))

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Forms :: Listbox Items Do Not Refresh?

Jan 15, 2010

I am adding an object to a Listbox which has the properties "ID" and "Text". I have set the "DisplayMember" property of the Listbox to "Text" and "ValueMember" to "ID".Everything works fine when I add a new item to the list, but when I edit the item and change the "Text" value, it is changing in the object but the Listbox still just showes the original value.I have tried calling ".Refresh" and ".Update" to see if they worked, but made no difference.I usually use VB6 for prototyping programs but decided to use VB.NET for this one. Did not realise VB.NET got shot of the "ItemData" property in the ListBox control.

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Forms :: Un-Highlighting ComboBox Items?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a ComboBox that items are highlighted when selected. I there a way to turned the highlight feature off? Is it ComboBox.SectionLenght???

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Forms :: Uncheck All Items In A Checklistbox?

Apr 13, 2011

my new problem is how can i uncheck all items in a checklistbox

if tried the .items.item:

can't find anyware that will allow me to uncheck or change checked state

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Forms :: Checking Listbox For Multiple Items?

Feb 17, 2011

I am making a virtual crafting application (similar to that done in Minecraft)

currently I have made a test "crafting recipe" which checks if the listbox (mixbox) has 1 window, 1 door and 1 wheel. the code looks like this:

If mixbox.Items.Contains("window") Then
If mixbox.Items.Contains("door") Then
If mixbox.Items.Contains("wheel") Then


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Forms :: Drag Multiple Items From One Listbox To Another?

Mar 10, 2011

I've looked everywhere on the internet for multiple items drag&drop between listboxes and found only examples showing single item drag. I know how to make a single item dragdrop operation between two listboxes using MouseDown, DoDragDrop, DragEnter, DragDrop Now what I'm looking forward to learn is the ability of dragging more than one item from one listbox and dropping them in another listbox

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Forms :: Error In Removing Items From The List Box?

Oct 17, 2011

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO


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Forms :: Filtering Similar Items In A Listbox?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a listbox already filled with links from a search engine. I am trying to filter out some of the links from the same domain:

Error Test cricket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <---- remove this link because same as first entry


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Forms :: Give Dynamic Items A Value In A Listbox?

May 15, 2009

I have a listbox that I am dynamically populating but I cant seem to add a value to the items.. the code is below

Small Issue also it would be nice to put both these tables into 1 dataset instead of the 2 I am using


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Forms :: Iterating Through 360 Items In Scrollable Control

Oct 19, 2010

I am just getting back into VB.NET, and I need to ask a question. I am doing a project for a class which requires iterating through 360 items in a scrollable control that will pause every so often. I am thinking I might use either a ListView or GridView, but I am not sure if this is the right way to go or if I need to use a different control all together.

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