Forms :: Writing A Marketing Email Program?

Feb 8, 2011

I am writing a Marketing email program so we can email news letters and the lke to customer listed in our database.One part of the application is a email templates page. On this there is a tabpage. Tab1 has a textbox and teb2 has a browser window.The user pastes/write HTML code in to the text box and it displays the formatted email/html in the browsers window.

The users just want to edit the text from time to time and within VS.NET and TEXPAD the html code is colour coded depending on the html tags.I guess this can not be done in my textbox1 but can it be done in a rictextbox and text_change event?

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Built As Email Marketing System?

Aug 25, 2011

I built as email marketing system a while ago and I have been asked to add a feature that should have been there from the start really.OK i have a structure that holds a list of IDs, Email address and Departments when the end user goes and presses the email button the for each statement goes though each Item in the structure (Except the first) and pings off a HTML email.This is stored in a Form as the user has had to pick the email template from a list.

The code is below but as you can see if a message fails, fro any reason the rest of the list gets missed and exit sub!


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Forms :: Writing A Program That Retrieves Certain Lines From A Textfile?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm writing a program that retrieves certain lines from a textfile. This textfile is rather large, so is it possible to have a progressbar that shows the progress when it retrieves?

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Email & SMTP - Program To Send Very Simple Text Email Messages

Feb 17, 2009

I'm trying to get my program to send very simple text email messages. I did do a search beforehand, and found that I was having the same issue as someone else, but the specific question I have was not answered --

I've learned that if you're trying to send mail, you need an SMTP server... I found this list here but every one of them I've tried yields the same "Failure sending mail" error.

Here's my

Dim mail As New MailMessage()

mail.From = New MailAddress("")


Is the problem that I need to show "credentials" (i.e. user/pass)? If so, what would those credentials be? Can I use my yahoo email SMTP server with my login info to do it? And is this all I'd need to add to add the credentials?

smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("MyUsername", "MyPassword")
(before the smtp.Send, of course)

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Email Validation - Create Program - Asks The User Type His/her Email Address Into A Textbox

Feb 9, 2009

I have to make a basic program that: Create a program with a simple interface that

1. Asks the user type his/her email address into a textbox.

2. When the user clicks the "Evaluate Email Address" button, one of two message boxes pops up: "That is a valid email address!" with an "Information" icon, or "That is an invalid email address!" and on a second line, "Please retype your email address.", with an "Exclamation" icon

3. To be considered valid, the email address must -include an "@" symbol, and -it must end in either ".com", ".net", or ".org" or ".edu" (I don't know how to check a string and test if its last four characters end with any of these and make it say not valid email address. I think I might have to use a case statement)

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Make A Simple 3 Layer System - 3tier Is For A Longtime Complete Misused By Marketing From Microsoft, 3 Tier

May 28, 2010

How to develop a 3 tier soution saying this. If you want to make a simple 3 layer system (3tier is for a longtime complete misused by marketing from Microsoft, 3 tier needs something like a Unix computer) However, do this: start a Windows Form project, then do 2 times File -> Add New -> Project -> Class Library while you name one DataLayer and the other BusinessLayer. While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling). Then while that component is open. In top Data -> and than what you want to select, however create in fact the DataSet and Adapter in that.

Don't forget to set in your main project a reference using Poject -> Project too your two datalayers. It is easy and don't need all those images, those you will see pasing by doing this. Try to avoid to use your DataLayer in your BusinessLayer which is often done, because then those layers make in fact no sence. i am not an expert The bussiness and datalayer in the same solution really? And when he said: "While the DataLayer project is selected, you do Add New Item and take the Component (give it the name DataBaseHandling)." What kind of component should i choose? and what about the presentation layer? how to call one layer to the other,

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Put A Button In That When Click It It Sends The Writing In Form1's Textbox1 One To The Email Type In Dialog1's Textbox1?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm making a program that I need to put a button in that when you click it it sends the writing in form1's textbox1 one to the email you type in dialog1's textbox1.

Basically I have a textbox and button on Form1 that when you press it opens dialogbox1. In dialogbox1 there is a textbox and a send button. I need to make it so when you press send it sends an email to the email adress you type in the textbox and the body of the email is whats in textbox1 of form1.


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Regarding Email Forms

Dec 1, 2009

I work for a printshop that screenprints customized hats ,tees and a host of other stuff for a variety of small businesses. Being that we are a small business as well, we can't afford to mass ship catalogs to our clients, so I decided to build a catalog application/business card that can be emailed to them. The app is rep. specific, and after choosing which options suit them best using text fields and combo boxes, upon clicking submit, the customers' info is emailed to the rep.

To do this, I am trying to get a popup window that displays an email form with the 'mailto' address previously set, so it can't be altered and the info from the previous screen to be pasted in the body of the email. Upon clicking the confirm button, the mail is sent and the window is closed. I already have the code to copy the info from the textbox and combobox entries and paste it into the email body in the next form, but getting the email form to be functional is appearing to be quite a feet.

How do I bind this to the send button?

here is the code I am using.




Class Form2



Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

Public Sub StartDefaultMail(ByVal sTo As String, _

Optional ByVal sSubject As String = "", _

Optional ByVal sMessage As String = "")


sTo = UrlEncode(sTo)

sSubject = sSubject

sMessage = sMessage

Process.Start("" & sTo & "?subject=" _
& sSubject &

"&body=" & sMessage)

Catch e As Exception


"Couldn't start default email application" _
& vbCrLf & e.Message)


Throw New Exception("Couldn't start default email app", e)

End Try

End Sub


Private Function UrlEncode(ByVal sTo As String) As String

Throw New NotImplementedException

End Function


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.net - Writing Windows Forms Application Using CodeDom?

Mar 24, 2012

How can you write a VB.NET Windows Forms Application via CodeDom? I have tried everything, the closest i got to it is the code below, which first of all shows command prompt window which is not good, and then shows the form for like a second and everything disappears.


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Forms :: Writing Text From .txt File To A Textbox?

Oct 3, 2011

I am almost done with writing a program for my nephew and am stuck on trying to input text from a file into a textbox for statistical viewing. I have searched all over the internet and not yet found anything that works.

Here is what I am trying to do.

Date/Time You got ? questions out of 20 questions correct!
Date/Time You got ? questions out of 20 questions correct!

I need the "Date/Time You got ? questions out of 20 questions correct!" to be copied from the txt file and inserted into a Rich Textbox named rtbStats.

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COMException When Writing To Excel 2007 From Windows Forms

Jan 10, 2012

My Windows Forms app collects data from user input and mathematical calculation and outputs a set of results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Here's my code (for convenience, I've included only the code that seems relevant to the problem):

Dim exc As New Excel.Application
Dim book As Excel.Workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Forms :: Writing Data From A DataGridView To A Text File?

Feb 17, 2010

I have been using this code, see below, to try and write data from the DataGridView to a text file. It works but it puts an extra comma after each line and thinks that there has been another line so puts an extra 4 commas on a new line. So the text file looks like this:

9,Here to There,1,15,
8,Hell to Heaven,16,34,

I'm looking for any help for a way to get rid of the extra commas or an entirely different way of doing this whole process.


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Forms :: Send Email After Five Ping Fails

Jan 7, 2009

I'm making a network monitoring program, and the way it works is after five ping-fails, it sends an email, but I cant get it to work! the test email works fine, so its not the email code.

Dim s As Short
Dim newstr(4) As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim name As String
Dim MS As String
[Code] .....

View 13 Replies

Program Temporarily Writing To DB?

Jun 24, 2009

I wrote the code and it runs through it perfectly, the problem is that it will only save it to the database temporarily. So once I close down visual studio for the night and come back to it what's been entered is gone. It's not a published program still in debug mode but I've not run into this before. I have another program I'm working on that I'm running purely in debug mode and it works flawlessly. The code between the two is the same cause I just copied it and changed the parameters. Any ideas? I'm using an sql mdf btw.I should clarify, don't know if it matters or not, that the DB that is working is in SQL server whereas the DB I'm having trouble with is a mdf that I added into the program.

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Writing A Program For Salesperson

Mar 23, 2011

Ok this is what I have so far. Now the numbers are not adding up at all. When I type in the name and it ask for the code then the monthly sales and commission are at 0 and they should be. [code]

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Writing To Sql And Program Crashes

Jan 7, 2011

This is a program I am making for a game he is making. All it needs to do is add information from textboxes into sql fields when clicking create account. That is working perfectly however if I tell it to add an account a second time it crashes. saying ?


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Program Works Writing Error?

Mar 29, 2010

Just completed a program, and tested it. It works, and does exactly what its supposed to do, but I continue to get this error: Cannot Write to a closed TextWriter.The code I'm using is below, but the issue here which I'm guessing would be that in my If statement.[code]'Goes on to create a bunch of tabled XML text.I have this code copied throughout each If Then loop. Basically If the text box is blank then the program will close the table and stop writing.I know the problem most probably lies in that its reading that its trying to close the table or stop writing, but the program forces it to continue.

View 9 Replies

Forms :: FYI AES 256 Encryption And Password Protect Files For Distribution Via Email

Apr 30, 2011

i have created a application which can be used as a BO scheduler substitute for sending refreshed report copies. These copies are AES 256 encrypted and password protected.

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Add An Email To A Program?

Jul 19, 2010

I simply want to allow the user to send info to my email address via the distributed program. They enter the info into the textbox and hit the send button and then I want to recieive that at my email.

View 15 Replies

Writing A Blackjack Game Program In .net 2008?

Dec 7, 2009

I am writing a blackjack game program in 2008. The program is designed to play 6 players per game in sequence using a pre existing algorithim (basic strategy). The program will play one game at a time using all 6 players or can be set to play 100 games using all six players and then capture the resulting data generated from each player from every card. When one game at a time is played the program works fine. When the program plays 100 games at a time it drops (loses) the data that is being stored in its string variable arrays.

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Writing A Program That Will Encrypt Text Using AES Encryption

Feb 14, 2009

I need some help with writing a program that will encrypt text using AES encryption. I'm not quite sure how to go about doing this.

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Writing A Program Which Takes One Item From Each Of Two Lists?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm writing a program which takes one item from each of two lists and combines the items in one of three ways selected by the user. The results of the process are provided in either a summary form or a detailed form, again selected by the user. As it's currently developing, this program will contain six subroutines covering each of the six combinations of user selections, which are stored in three Booleans. Selection of the appropriate subroutine is done through traditional "if then else" coding.If I understand OO and Visual Basic (Express 2008) correctly, I could make the subroutines into different variations of one method, which when invoked would automagically use the correct coding depending upon the settings of the Booleans / properties. Assuming this is correct, the problem is that I have no idea how to actually set up code like this.

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Writing Program To Read The Text File

Apr 19, 2012


So when i click btnNextRecord i need it to show data for first employee when i click btnNextRecord move to the second one and so on. But when i click btnNextRecord it only displays data for last Employee and if i keep clicking it, it will keep displaying the same data for the same amount of employees i had entered data for.

Attached File(s)

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.net Program That Sends Email?

Dec 15, 2009 program that sends email?Can we do that?

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Distributing My Program By Email?

Aug 29, 2009

I'm trying to send my program (a very small program) to a friend by email, but the two methods I've tried are both causing errors at his end. I've tried the two methods described in the helps files - firstly, just finding the exe in it's folder, compressing and sending it by email. That worked for the first few files but now it no longer works. Secondly I've tried publishing the file using the build option to a DVD/CD (i.e file). The file works fine to install the program on my own machine, but when I send it to my friend (compressed again) he gets errors.

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How To Email Completed Program

Feb 21, 2011

Iv searched and searched on how to email your completed program but I never seem to find anything.

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Receive An Email Using Program?

Sep 28, 2011

How can we recieve an email using visual basic?

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Receive Email In Program?

Sep 27, 2010

I Done The Project In VB.Net About Sending Mail..But I Try About Receiving Mail..I Didn't Make It.

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Send An Email In Program?

Jan 6, 2011

What is the best way to do this? create a form which sends emails. I want to use the System.WebMail class and not MAPI which I've seen on this forum. I also need a SMTP Server if I'm not mistaken and can anyone suggest a good smtp server I can use. Also user authentication when sending an email this must be secure.

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Send Email In Program?

Jul 7, 2010

How to send email from visual basic 6.0 using smtp server .Naren

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