Generics Mixed With Overloaded Event?

May 24, 2011

I am looking for a little expert design insight.I am trying to save an overloaded property from a generic class.

Base Class

Public MustInherit Class BaseEvent
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property IsWorkCalendar() As Boolean[code]....

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Make Specialized/overloaded Generics?

Jan 26, 2012

I tend to loath repetition in code, so when I come across a problem where the only different is types I tend to use generics. Coming from a C++ background I find's version to be rather frustrating, I know C++ has template specialization and I guess does notso what I have is a set of routines that do the exact same code regardless of type being passed.something like this

Public Sub decision(Of T)(ByVal a As T, ByVal b As Integer)
If b > 10 then


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What's An Example Of An Overloaded 'And' Operator

Nov 21, 2010

So Google's not a good choice for looking up examples for overloaded operators like "And" or "Or", because it tries to parse them as operators to the search query itself. MSDN also provides no examples of how to implement an overloaded And operator, so I'm not certain how to properly overload it for my project.Does anyone have an example of "And" at minimum? "Or" or "Xor" (or any others) would be a bonus. I'm not certain if I need to overload these operators in my objects just yet, as I'm still building them out and haven't planned beyond just yet. But having examples around that might get indexed by Google will probably help save the sanity of a lot of people...

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Class That Contains Overloaded Methods?

Jul 16, 2011

In this project I am making a grade calculator; I am modifying an existing code I have to have the following characteristics: I need to modify the DetermineGrade method so that it accepts the maximum number of points that can be earned on both tests (currently, the max number of points is 200: 100 points per test). For an A grade, the student must earn at least 90% of the total number of points. For a B, the student must earn at least 80%. For a C, at least 70%. For a D, at least 60%. If they earn less than 60% of the total points, then grade is F. Here is the exisint code I have for the DetermineGrade method specifically:

Public Sub DetermineGrade()
Dim intTotal As Integer
intTotal = _intScore1 + _intScore2


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Combining 20 Overloaded Subs Into One?

Jan 31, 2012

I'm working with a third-party library interfacing to an old database system. There's a method - CallProg that calls a "stored procedure" (for lack of a better translation - any Pick users in the crowd?). However, instead of doing something like this:

Public Sub CallProg(ProgName, ParamArray ProgArgs() As String)
End Sub


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How To Come Axwebbrowser.Navigate() Is Not Overloaded

Mar 11, 2011

I have two computer. Both have VS2003, but on one of them, Navigate() is overloaded. Its either Navigate(string) or Navigate(string, ref obj, ref obj..and so on). But on my other computer, Navigate only has Navigate(string, ref obj, ref obj....)

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.net - Adding An Overloaded Constructor To A WinForm?

Oct 14, 2010

I have created a dialog as a winform and am calling that winform like this:

Dim dlgEditChangeOrder As New dgEditChangeOrder
Dim dlgResult As DialogResult
dlgResult = dlgEditChangeOrder.ShowDialog

pretty simple. I want to be able to set the visiblility of a control on the win form when the win form is called. I would like to do this as a constructor so I could write the following. Dim dlgEditChangeOrder As New dgEditChangeOrder(visibleIsTrue)

Can someone give me the contructor code to make this happen? The reason I am concerned is I dunno if its legal to do this inside a winform since the winform is loaded bby the precreated IntializeComponent() function

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.net - Alias In Function Declaration Overloaded?

Feb 24, 2009

I have some VB6 code that I am converting to and came across this section

Declare Function TmSendByLen Lib "tmctl.dll" Alias "TmSendByLength"(ByVal id As Integer, ByRef msg As Any, ByVal blen As Integer) As Integer


I have not come across the Alias term before but I can guess what it does. What I am unsure of is the reasoning behind overloading the alias. If that is what is happening.I need to create overloads for the TmSendByLen function as the 'As Any' is not supported in so I am not sure if I should just remove the alias or if I should leave it in place.

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Overloaded Constructor In Abstract Class

Nov 19, 2010

I have an abstract class in with two subclasses. In the abstract class I have a constuctor that looks like this:[code]I would like to create a second constructor that doesn't take any arguments and just initializes the args to default values.[code]When I attempt to create a new subclass using the second constructor the compiler complains that I'm missing two args to the constructor.Is there a reason I can't overload the constructor in the abstract class?

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Property Attribute Overloaded 11 Of 11 DefaultValue

Jan 18, 2012


Why is the first line not correct? What it wants is a System.Type and a System.String but refuses to work.

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Search Routine Causes An Overloaded Exception?

Jan 11, 2010

As some of you may know i been working on an inventory program, for this part of the app the user enters an ID number and clicks search, the app searches for the ID and shows if it exists or not.


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C# - Project With Mixed Languages In .NET?

May 4, 2011

I'm not sure if what I am trying to do is possible, but surprisingly VS2008 seems to let me copy a .cs file directly into my VB.NET project. I then thought that I may be able to use the class in this file directly from VB.NET. However, it doesn't see it when I try to reference it in. Is what I'm trying to do possible, or is VS2008 simply treating the C# file as a resource file or something?

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.net - Entity Framework Parameterized/Overloaded Constructors?

Mar 17, 2011

In my previous application using Linq2SQL I was able to overload constructors with parameters by doing this:

Namespace CoreDb
Partial Public Class Accomplishment
Public Sub New(ByVal accomplishmentTypeID As Object, ByVal description As String, ByVal title As String, ByVal applicableDate As DateTime, ByVal lastUpdatedBy As String)


Basically using a partial class off the object, sharing the namespace of the .dbml file and calling the default constructor and then doing additional stuff. So then in my code I could do something like:

Dim accomplishment As New Accomplishment(id, description, title, applicableDate, lastUpdatedBy)

This seems to no longer work in Entity Framework as there is no default constructor to call.Does this no longer work? And if so what is a good alternative to implementing something like this?

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C# - Overloaded .NET Extension Method In Class Library?

Jul 20, 2010

It seems that my library of extension methods that was written in VB.NET has problems.I have 2 overloaded extension methods Crop().When i reference the lib from a VB.NET project i see them. If reference it from a C# project i can't see them.

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Overloaded Vb Methods Not Found At Runtime When Called By C#?

Oct 12, 2010

Not sure if this question belongs here or the Interop forum, but here is the situation. I have a app that was upgraded from vb6. It has an overloaded Login method. A simple method with two string parameters for name/password calls the primary login method with numerous optional parameters. The simple method is for compatibility with C# because, until Visual Studio 2010, optional parameters were not supported.The C# intellisense finds the overload and compiles ok... but throws an error at startup stating that it cannot find the Login method. This makes no sense and appears to be a problem with vb. (I am using .net 4 for both and the c# test harness.)ILDASM shows the following:

Public Function Login(ByVal LoginName As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal Alias_Renamed As String, Optional ByVal LoginFrom As String = "", Optional ByVal ClientIPAddress As String = "", Optional ByVal ServerIPAddress As String = "", Optional


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VS 2010 Create An Overloaded Method In A Module

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to create an overloaded method in a module, but if I type Public Overloads Function GetData(ByVal sql As String) As String it tells me "Inappropriate use of 'Overloads' keyword in a module". Are overloaded methods not allowed in modules?

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Check If String Contains When The Letters Are Mixed Up?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a string of randomly organized characters and I am trying to search a wordlist for matches. If the wordlist has a match I want it to add it to a listview. I wasn't for sure how to word the first two sentences and I think an example will help explainmy problem better. So here is an example. I have a textbox where you input what you want to search for in the wordlist. Lets say you type in tca . The wordlist contains cat frog dog , each word on a separate line. What i want to do is take what you typed in the textbox, tca , and find the word cat in the wordlist.


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Forms :: App Using SQLite Mixed .NET Environment?

Jun 11, 2012

First of all I'm quite new in programming VB.NET, so maybe I asking a simple question. But so far I was not able to solve my problem.I developed an VB.NET application in VS2010. For the database I use SQLite V3.In VS2010 all is working fine, but when I build my application and run it under windows I got a message that I use a mixed .NET envionment. An error occurred creating the form. See Inner Exception Exception for details. The error was: Assembly with mixed mode was created with the runtime version v2.0.50727 and can not without additional configuration information loaded into the runtime version 4.0. In my program I use .NET4 tools (charts and dattimepicker dropdownboxes) but SQLite is compiled in .NET2.

So additional in VS2010 I added the "app.config" with the famous lines:

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" />


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VS 2010 App Using SQLite Mixed .NET Environment

Jun 14, 2012

I developed an VB.NET application in VS2010. For the database I use SQLite V3.In VS2010 all is working fine, but when I build my application and run it under windows I got a message that I use a mixed .NET envionment.An error occurred creating the form. See Inner Exception Exception for details. The error was: Assembly with mixed mode was created with the runtime version v2.0.50727 and can not without additional configuration information loaded into the runtime version 4.0.In my program I use .NET4 tools (charts and dattimepicker dropdownboxes) but SQLite is compiled in .NET2.So additional in VS2010 I added the "app.config" with the famous lines:[code]

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VS 2005 Decide Is SQL Server Is In MIXED Mode?

Sep 21, 2009

i have 2005 i want to ensure is my SQL server is in MIXED mode
using program


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VS 2005 Select Statement Has Mixed Results?

Apr 5, 2011

I can't find what I'm doing wrong. When I execute this code,

Dim dr As DataRowView = DirectCast(Me.LOTBindingSource.Current, DataRowView)
'Format variety Text
Dim drV As DataRow()


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.net - Visual Studio 2010 Mixed Mode .dll Fix Not Working

Oct 14, 2010

So I am getting the same exception as a lot of other people when I am trying to run an execute statement into my SQLite database in my Windows Forms project in Visual Studio 2010. The exception reads:


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Activating Mixed Mode Authentication In SQL Express Through Coding?

Jul 24, 2009

I have developed a VB2005 winform application and used SQL Server Express as the back end. I have developed the Setup package as well. But when it came to deployment, I came across this particular problem.

During deployment SQL Express is installed but not the Server Mgt Studio hence by default SQL Server tends to be in Window Authentication mode. In my application I have used 'sa' user to connect to the DB. Which is possible in mixed mode authentication. Now in the absence of Mixed Mode Authentication, my package is not running as intended.

Now my question is, is it possible to activate Mixed Mode Authentication without installing Management Studio? And I would like to make a patch application to automate the process.

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C# - Mixed Language Woes In Visual Studio 2008?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to get mixed-language support working in Visual Studio 2008. In my app_code folder, I've created two subfolders (CS, VB), and added the following to the web.config file:


The main application is a VB.NET Web application (with a .vbproj file). Any time I attempt to open a C# file from the app_codecs folder, it treats the file as Visual Basic for compilation and syntax checking purposes. It still tries to build the classes in the CS folder as though they were Visual Basic. (The extension on these classes is, indeed, .cs.)

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Call A C++ Form From Project In A Mixed Language Solution

Nov 9, 2009

Assuming that the VS environment meant that mixed language programming was real, I set up a VB forms project (VBHOST) alongside a C++ forms project (CPPUNIT) in a single solution "MX" but could not work out how to call the CPPUNIT Form1 from the VBHOST Form1. I searched the forums and found a similar question which was never adequately answered.Presumably the VBHOST-CPPUNIT is simpler than CPPHOST-VBUNIT would be(?)

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Getting Data From Database Some Time GUID Order Is Mixed Up?

Jun 25, 2010

I am using GUID for uniqueness (Guid.NewGuid.ToString), but while getting data from database some time GUID order is mixedup.

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Declare An Array Of Mixed Type [e.g.] Column 1 As String, Columns 2 Through 5 As Integer?

Oct 18, 2010

1] Is there a way to declare an array of mixed type [e.g.] column 1 as string, columns 2 through 5 as integer.

2] Is �Dim myArray( ,5 ) as type� a valid statement and if so will it result in a 5 column array of unspecified length?

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Find Exact Location Point() Of Characters In Mixed Language Sentence?

Apr 10, 2012

location of character in mixing laguage (e.g. farsi & english) sentence are different in memory and display , you can check it with point() all Instructions as LEFT ,RIGHT ,MID not work correctly when using it on the mix language sentence also GetPositionFromCharIndex(I) also not get position of the char user see on display...i need to have exact location point() of display character (from left or right side of text box)

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Aesthetics - Programme - Compares Prices And Terms Of Up To 10 Bidders And 500 Line Items In Mixed Currencies

May 3, 2011

This is not a problem, as my code works correctly, but a question of aesthetics. I have written a programme which compares the prices and terms of up to 10 Bidders and 500 line items in mixed currencies. For this small section of the programme, I paraphrased a jmcilhinney CodeBank example; his looked neat, mine looks ugly.

Public Class frmFinalize

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork


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Can The T Of Generics Be An Interface

Jul 17, 2010

In my program I have an interface iGraphable that contains two properties: Abscissa and Ordinate. Then I have an xxxx class (actually more than one) implementing iGraphable and a ListOfxxxx class implementing BindingListView(Of xxxx).To draw graphs I have a Graph class with a property called Data whose type is BindingListView(of iGraphable).Why have I a cast exception when I pass a BindingListView(Of xxxx) to the Data property.

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