Get Manufacturer Value From COM Port Properties?

Nov 10, 2009

Does anyone know of a managed/unmanaged way of getting the Manufacturer value from the Communications Port Properties screen? [code]...

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Get Cd Or Dvd Manufacturer Id?

Jan 7, 2010

Can i get cd or dvd manufacturer id with VB.Net?

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Deploy A .Net 1.1 App With No Manufacturer Set?

Mar 31, 2009

I need to deploy this app and currently the installer the path goes something like "C:Program FilesManufacturerApp". I just want it to be "C:Program FilesApp" by default. I know I can change this manufacturer from the properties for the project, but I want it to go away altogether. The setup project won't build with it gone.

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Hard Disk Manufacturer Name

May 24, 2012

I try to get hard disk Manufacturer name but can't figure out I tried whit wim but what I get is Standard disk drives and not seagate or samsung etc. [code] is there a way to get the manufacturer name by another way?

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VS 2008 Protect Cds From Being Copied - Detect Manufacturer Id?

May 3, 2010

is any method to know ATIP info of cdr/ cdrw.. or other method to protect cds from being copied - detect manufacturer id using VB.NET?

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Read The Data From Barcode Weight Scales By Serial Port And TcpIp Port?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm mohammed from Oman ,I'm visual programmer How I can Read the Data From Barcode Weight scales By Serial port and TcpIp port

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Get FullName From Available Serial Port (Com Port) From Device Manager In Windows Form With .net?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Windows windows form have a combo box that give me a list of available port serial with it code (Dim ports As String() =SerialPort.GetPortNames())for example( Com1,Com8,Com15,...).but I want to give me fullname of serial port in device manager for example in dvice manager is these (Comunication Port(COM1) - Printer Port(LPT1) And USB Serial Port(COM8)).how to Get it?

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Detect The Address And Port Number Of The Parallel Port In Computer?

Jun 9, 2010

I would like to detect the Address and Port number of the Parallel Port in computer.

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The Given Port Name Does Not Start With COM/com Or Does Not Resolve To A Valid Serial Port?

Aug 2, 2011

If I uninstall the COM1 and reboot, it works. If I shut down (power off) and restart, I get the message below. If I uninstall then click on Scan for Hardware Changes,The given port name does not start with COM/com or does not resolve to a valid serial port. Parameter name:portName

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Communications :: .net MSComm Port USB 4 Port Relay?

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to get my 4 port USB relay board to work in using the COM PORT. I found some code from a poster who has the 16 port USB relay version. When trying his code i can only get it to turn on relays 1-3 all at the same time. The product can be found here: USB 4 port relay

"01+//" - Relay 1 is switched ON
"01-//" - Relay 1 is switched OFF
"02+//" - Relay 2 is switched ON
"02-//" - Relay 2 is switched OFF


So i am confused as to how to separate each relay out with that code above and just be able to turn on any number 1-4 relay on or off independently from each other!

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Make Custom Properties In Properties Window To Refresh Upon Change Via Code?

Apr 26, 2012

[code]I want to make the Properties Window to update the properties for X and Y at each MouseMove, so they become immediately visible for the user.

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User Control Properties - Finalize My Design Time Properties Grid

Apr 27, 2011

I'm making a control and I am trying to finalize my design time properties grid. I have several List(of Class) items as public properties and when I click on the design time menu (while testing the control) there is the word "Collection" and a button with an ellipsis (...) that brings up a neat pop up with the buttons Add/remove and all of the public properties of the collection's class on the right hand side. Basically for a non-collection instance of a class (with public properties) I'd like a similar button to show up. I know I could put all of the properties in the main control class and group them, but I like the pop up box feature. Anyway to duplicate this? (think font grid item etc.)

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VS 2010 Express - PictureBox Design Properties Box Shows Properties That Cannot Be Accessed?

Mar 5, 2012

In the form design I set up a TableLayoutPanel, 20x20 cells and in cell (1,1) a PictureBox (called Target) containing the image of a small target. The properties box for Target shows some very promising properties, Column and Row - and if you overwrite the values in the properties box, the PictureBox obligingly shifts to the corresponding cell position in th design. However in VB it is not possible to refer to Me.Target.Row or .Column - neither appears during coding in the menu of properties, and deliberately coding either of them produces an error like

Error 1 'row' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox'.

1. Why does the properties box show properties that cannot be altered programmatically?

2. How can my program move Target around in the TableLayoutPanel?

View 10 Replies

Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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Set The Transparent Property Via Label Properties Properties Not Via Code?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working on a Hazardous Materials label printing program. One of the options is to do an "NFPA" label. Since there are 4 values required with 4 or 6 options, the ratings are entered via radio buttons in a group box. That's working okay. I display values in the NFPA diamond as they're entered: left quadrant blue, top quadrant red, left yellow, bottom red. I'm having trouble with the label in which the rating will be displayed on top of a jpg diamond for the white. In this quadrant the text can be up to 4 characters. I can accept the text going into an adjacent block a little, but the corners of the label overlap into another quadrant/color. I reduced the font size which solved the overlap problem but the font is then too small and looks terrible. I tried to make the background of the label transparent to let the color come through correctly but that's not a valid value for label.background. I'm figuring that the transparent background is the best solution. What can I use that will accept a transparent background so the color shows through?

I'm trying to set the transparent property via label properties properties, not via code. Here's the code if it makes any difference:

Public Class NFPA
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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MSComm Port USB 4 Port Relay

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to get my 4 port USB relay board to work in using the COM PORT. I found some code from a poster who has the 16 port USB relay version. When trying his code i can only get it to turn on relays 1-3 all at the same time. The product can be found here: USB 4 port relay I was following what the guy in the post was doing to turn his on:


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Communications :: Serial Port - Run Program, "Access To The Port 'COM1' Is Denied"?

Oct 15, 2008

Im having problem with the Serial Port. When i run my program, "Access to the port 'COM1' is denied". What does that mean? Im not sure whats happening because theres no error in my code. Someone suggest me to use 'COM2'. Which is also the same result. I have a microcontroller, programmed and run it. And i need to capture the data onto my vb, which is on a multiline textbox. How to i do that?Just to double check my code?


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Change All Properties Of A Form To Properties Of Other But Don't Change Important Properties?

Feb 26, 2011

How to change all properties of a form to properties of other but don't change important properties like Owner,Handle, OwnedForms, Parent,HasChildren,Controls and ... .I have a child form that i want it to provide controls of Form.The background form provides Aero frame and child form is a transparent form in it.I want it because I want to draw buttons with system style in Aero in Windows Forms.This is my own code but it does not work good (ForeForm is child form):

For Each Propertry In ForeForm.GetType.GetProperties()
Select Case Propertry.Name
Case "AeroBackgroundEnabled", "FormBorderStyle", "TransparencyKey", "Parent", "Owner", "ShowInTaskbar", "Handle", "HasChildren", "OwnedFo[code].....

Additionaly:I wrote a great Aero Form.I don't publish current version (1.2) that supports Aero Blur,RealTime Aero Color change,extend Basic theme?

View 13 Replies

Adding "Properties" Dialogs - Pre-built Dialog Or Control For Displaying Properties At Runtime?

Nov 6, 2008

I have my own class of graphic objects, and now I'd like to allow a user to right-click on one of those within the application and see a properties window. Is there a pre-built dialog or control for displaying properties at runtime? I'd like to have something just like the IDE properties window button for my application.

View 4 Replies

PictureBox Properties In PRintDocument Did Not Contain The Properties Set?

Mar 27, 2012

Public Class LOA
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage


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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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Serial Port Example Code - Connect To A Modem Thru The Serial Port

Oct 26, 2011

The link below has code to connect to a modem thru the serial port but it is for an earlier version of VB. when I convert the code, it does not fully convert and has 4 errors that prevent building the project. can someone tell me what needs to be changed or added?


Note: the error: not CLS-Compliant

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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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Get USB Control For The USB Port Communication? Like The SerialPort Control For The COM Port

Jul 17, 2009

Do someone know if there is a\\ USB control for the USB port communication? like the SerialPort control for the COM port.

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Using AutoMapper To Map DAL Properties To BLL Properties?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a BLL class which contains properties for the fields in a Country table (CountryCode, CountryName, etc). It also has a property ioDAL, which is a reference to a DAL class (created with SubSonic 2.2), which has same named fields.

I have a LoadRecord() method which calls the DAL's FetchById() method that populates the DAL properties by calling the database (SQL Server 2005 FWIW).What I then want to do, rather than writing code to populate each BLL property from its DAL equivalent, is to use AutoMapper (from CodePlex). I think the line should be something like

Mapper.CreateMap(ioDAL, Me)()but this gives errors "Value of type (DAL class / namespace naming) cannot be converted to 'System.Type'" and "Value of type (BLL class / namespace naming) cannot be converted to 'System.Type'".


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How To Have Properties File Like Java Properties File

Jul 20, 2011

I think that we can specify or import our properties that we wish to use in the project in the .vbproj file of our project.

And.. if so, how will I use these in my VB source code... ?

I want to keep the table names, connection strings, etc in the properties file.

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PropertyGrid Custom Properties - Custom Sub Properties

Oct 21, 2009

I've populated a PropertyGrid with a custom class. How do you create and display a sub property similar to Size (Height, Width) which has two values or Point(X,Y)? For example, the class is Test and the property is Item as string. I want to expand Item to have two sub properties, A and B.

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Accessing USB Port In VB6

Jun 17, 2008

I am new to this forum as will as to VB. I am using VB6. I want to access the USB port in order to read the data at the USB port comming from my Data acquisition card.Or as a matter of fact can I also access the data from my mouse, because it also transmits the signal when ever the mouse is moving.

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Any Way To Disconnect IP In Port?

Jan 17, 2009

It is possible to disconnect an IP in a port? I have a MMORPG server, and I need kick bad players using IP of this player.

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C# - Open And Use A TCP Port?

Jan 17, 2012

I need to transfer data between several computers in a network using my app. I thought of using TCP ports. how to open and use them? I only want to make a file transfer and chat app that works offline.

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