GetHostEntry Works Differently In Win 7 And Winxp?

Sep 4, 2011


is showing Ip address in Win XP but in Windows 7 it is not showing.

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VS 2008 DNS.gethostentry Error ' No Such Host Is Known'

Sep 3, 2010

I have been trying to trace a list of urls by using the url to get the ip and then use that to assign it a country. When using DNS.gethostentry or even DNS.gethostbyname I get the following error:

SocketExceptionwascaught: No such host is known

Now I even tried fetching the url first using httpwebrequest to ensure the url is valid but the error keeps showing up regardless. I know there are a few urls that don't work but I thought my code would catch and continue.

For Each prod In querylist
If myfetcher.getHtml(prod, userAgent, page) Then
prod = Regex.Replace(prod, "http://", "")


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.net - Dns.GetHostEntry Error Conditions And Resolution Methods?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a very specific problem concerning Dns.GetHostEntry.A service uses Dns.GetHostEntry to retrieve all IP Adresses of a host, using the name of of the host. This has always worked fine. At a specific customer, Dns.GetHostEntry throws the "no such host is known" error when querying specific hosts. The problem only occurs when trying to resolve hosts that are on a different domain than the machine the service is installed on. The service has worked for quite some time, but recently is stopped working, throwing the "no such host is known" error (sadly, no stack trace is available). Nslookup works though, no problems there.The service in question is written in VB.NET, targetting the .NET Framwork 2.0.The comments in the MSDN entry for .NET 3.0 (http:[url]....aspx indictate that there may be a problem with the reverse DNS entries for the hosts, but I was not able to reproduce the problem on a test network, even with all reverse lookup zones deleted (there are more comments for other .NET Versions, all having similiar problems). [EDIT:] Even deliberatly addind a wrong PTR record does not make the problem occur on my test machine.[EDIT2:] The only thing that made the error come up was disconnecting the network adapter, and thereby making the DNS Server unavailable, even though the forward resolving still worked due to caching.So, my questions are: Under which conditions does GetHostEntry throw this specific error? Which resolution methods does it use? If I'm not mistaken it uses the unmanaged WinSock function getnameinfo (http:[url]....: "Name resolution can be by the Domain Name System (DNS), a local hosts file, or by other naming mechanisms".Any ideas why this suddenly fails for machines on the other domain (but not for machines on the same domain)?

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System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry Doesn't Throw Error If Unable To Resolve?

Nov 13, 2009

I want to check if an IP address can be resolved to a hostname.I figured I would use System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry as System.Net.Dns. GetHostByAddress is shown as obsolete in VS2008.

However,if I specify an invalid IP address to System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry the HostName property equals the IP address I gave. If I use System.Net.Dns.GetHostByAddress it, rightly, gives a resolution error.I don't mind continuing to use System.Net.Dns. GetHostByAddress but is there any way to have System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry throw an error if the IP address cannot be resolved to a hostname (other than by checking if the IP address given equals the hostname returned, I mean)

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App Prevents WinXP From Shutting Down

Sep 16, 2010

My app is a tray icon which scans the Outlook Inbox periodically. It seems, from testing in my VMWare WinXP machine, that the app stops Windows from shutting down. I press StartShutdown but nothing happens. I have to exit the app first then StartShutdown will shutdown the PC.


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Set And Get Environment Variable In WINXP And WIN 7

Jan 16, 2012

I am wondering if I can use VB.NET(I am using visual studio 2010 express) to get and set a environment variable.

I want to add path of my application on system environment. I want to preserve what is already there and then I wan to add my string. This can be done by getting value of PATH and then append my string then re writing it.

I have 2 questions here:

How to get/set system variable in 2010? Will it be on the fly, I mean will it be immediatly avaialble in dos prompt or there will be delay?

As just for experiment i opened a command prompt then updated the PATH variable manually and it was not updated. I am wondering it I do it through programe it will be same.

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Create Winxp Style Controls?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to make my controls look as cool as xp theme enabled controls like gradient fill background in container controls and colour thames support etc


I found it to enable visual styles but didn't give me visual thames to apply. So in order to apply thames or colour schemes what should i do?What other commands should i use with combination with it? as I have seen my application giving ugly look even applying that command and other program showing nice loook in my win2003 server

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Find 'My Documents' In WinXP & Vista

Sep 3, 2009

I've found this code and it works in XP: [code] When I run the same code in Vista, I get an exception at the line "System. Environment.Get FolderPath(":See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. [code] I assume this has to do with the Vista UAC. Is there a better way to retrieve the "My Documents" path of either XP or Vista with one piece of code?

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Setting Up TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 On WinXP System?

Nov 13, 2009

I'm currently setting up TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 on my WinXP system here at work and since I use VS2005 and VS2008 regularly here I'm considering installing AnkhSVN 2.1.7444 to make things easier as at my other job I use VSS (Visual Source Safe) which integrates into VS2003, VS2005 and VS2008 and works very nicely.So for those of you who have used AnkhSVN 2.1.7444 and VS2005/2008 what's your opinion?

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Subclassing Window In Other Process (winXP)

Sep 28, 2004

i used an old VB6 algorithm to subclass a window and made a few changes at the 'hook method' to make it work in .NET.

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal dwNewLong As delWindowProc) As Integer


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Windows - Different Timestamps Under WinXP - Win7

May 15, 2011

Within a program I used IO.File.GetCreationTime to read the file system's creation time of a file. I was irritated, because the returned value didn't match with the time displayed in the explorer. On another machine the time was displayed correctly.


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VS 2008 - WinXP Ping Successful But Not Win7

Jan 19, 2012

I have a sub that I just discovered does not work for my windows 7 users but works fine for my windows XP users. This is basically a sub for a ping monitor to ping devices on a timer. What happens is that when the windows 7 user tries to ping, it always reports "down" on a windows 7 whether actually up or down. But, windows xp will report correctly with "up". 3 different windows 7 boxes, users say it worked before. Can't quite debug correctly as i'm on xp myself and it works just fine. Also, I haven't changed anything in the code in quite awhile and this is a recent bug that just started.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim itm As Object
Sec = Sec - 1
If ListView1.Items.Count = 0 Then Me.Close()
If Sec <= 0 Then
[Code] .....

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Use DirectX Audio Functions In Program For WinXP / Vista?

Apr 9, 2012

I've been fighting for weeks now to make a simple music playback program. It would function much like Windows Media Player without the visualisations and playlists. I'm writing this on a Win7 box, but it needs to work on XP and newer.

I say fighting because I'm severely annoyed at how MS has worked some items and it's taken many days to go through everything only to find that it doesn't work.

I started by using WMP in VB Express 2010 and having it play my music. Simple, but not portable. I copied my .exe to a WinXP machine and it blew up. I copied it to a different Win7 machine and it doesn't run (I can double-slick all day, nothing happens,
no log entries, nothing....)

Then I find that there is an issue with the GUID of media player on different computers, and it'll most likely fail to run when you try to use it on other machines than the one the program was built on.

So I gave up on that.

I then figured I'd use DirectX. It's on XP and newer already, and is supposed to be backwards compatibile so if I build my app on Win7 it should still run on XP and such. I did that, and it works fine on the machine I built it with (again). My shuffle works,loop/repeat works, got my own version of a playlist and it all works. I copy that to another Win7 box and it doesn't run at all. It's setup as .NET 3 so I can be sure of compatibilty with WinXP.

For grins, I gutted all the code in my VB app involving calls to Directx and built that. It runs fine on other computers, including my XP test box. So I know the problem revolves around DirectX somehow.[code]...

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Error Functions Differently From Vb6

Oct 4, 2010

I've been working on learning VB.Net from VB6 and for some reason when I use On Error Goto handlers, or On Error Resume Next the program still procs an exception and ask to continue or close.I don't really understand what I am missing, everything I've read said it's the same as VB6 with a few extra options.

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Images Display Differently On Other PC's?

Jun 8, 2011

When I view images on my development PC they look fine, but when I view them on other PC's, the images are sized differently and often get cut off. I've tested this on multiple PC's and the images always get cut off.I've attached the images from my PC and another PC to this post, the image that is cut off if from a Windows XP PC.I'm using VS 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit.

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Intercept And Modify WinXP On-screen Keyboard Key Focus Event?

May 24, 2012

I've adapted the code from this link to use the WinXP on-screen keyboard (osk) for a touch-screen application written in VB.NET v3.5. The osk fills the bottom half of screen etc. and behaves fine except for one little quirk. If the user clicks or taps anywhere on the 'background' area behind/between the virtual keys (within the main osk window), the color of the area changes to that of the keys when any further key subsequently gets focus. The outline of all keys is then lost because they are visually merged into the osk window background. The osk must then be terminated and re-launched to remove the confusing appearance.

This behaviour only occurs when the osk window is set to the child style (i.e. when the menu is hidden), using the SetWindowLong P/Invoke function - e.g.

SetWindowLong(OskProcess.MainWindowHandle, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD)

It's as if the entire area behind the keys is being treated as another key when tapped/clicked, whereupon its color is 'restored' after losing focus.Is there any way to intercept and somehow override the focus event of this osk background area?

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Strange Behavior Between SQL Server 2008 R2 And VS2010 (Win7 And WinXP)

May 16, 2012

I develop my VS2010 project in my laptop with SQL 2008 Standard. In my laptop everything is working good, using the following connect string as global public string when the main form loads:


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VB2010 Working Like A Charm In Winxp But Few Crashing Errors In Win7?

Sep 20, 2011

ive decided to try out win7 since its finally a bit more debugged, ive backed up very carefully all my projects, however there semms to be a problem with the one i was working on, this first chance exception error has been avoided and not even mentioned in winxp however in win7 it not only mentions it but makes the application crash, This is what its nagging me about, i dont get it isnt windows7 the same when it comes to mydocs? Was not possible to locate part of the path: C:UsersEugenDocumentsIOrganizeSettingsCalendarConfig

Sorry i had to translate it, its in portuguese language, yeah i know... if i could i wouldve changed it but win7pro doesnt gimme that option, anyways back to the topic:

A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

This is the code i came up with:

If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments & "/IOrganizeSettings" & "/CalendarConfig/") = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments & "/IOrganizeSettings" & "/CalendarConfig/")
End If

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.net - Control ID Rendering Differently Between Environments?

Jul 4, 2009

I have a web application that works in our stage/test environment fine but once we moved it to our production environment something weird happens. All the control ids change. a label went from ctl00_cphMainContent_lblPetName to _ctl0_cphMainContent_lblPetName. Why would this happen? What could cause something like this to happen. The only two differences I know of are the production environment has HTTPS and I've disabled debugging.

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.net - PDF Controls Render Text Differently?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm working on a website that creates pdfs dynamically.I've been playing around with two different pdf controls- wpcubed and abcpdf, and was surprised to see that they both appear to render text differently.


They are both using arial 25pt bold, so I was expecting them to look identical. Can anyone explain why they don't. Here are the full files: wpCubed , abcpdf

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C++ - Why Do C# And VB.NET Implicitly Marshal Char* Differently

May 22, 2010

What is the most timers you have used in an application? I think the most I have ever used is 2.In another forum this question was asked. "I have a Timer ... I have a situation where I want to run the code in the Tick event ONLY ONCE not on the interval i have the timer set too."

I responded with Timer1_Tick(New Object, New System.EventArgs) Which led to this "The 'sender' object is VERY important when you have more than one Timer being handled by the Tick event procedure. This is because in a multi-timer tick event procedure, the only way your program knows which timer just fired is by querying the 'sender' object.When you use code like this you are putting nothing into the 'sender' object, so that if you were ever going to query it a 'kaboom' is going to happen.""...this 9 timer Tick event handler job done. Remember, all that is required is the correct timer name gets put into the ListBox." "The need for multi-timers to be handled by a single Tick event handler happens all the time. How would a real life programmer handle this? "Oh, to test the "kaboom" theory I wrote this and ran it overnight successfully:


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Why Do The Division (/) Operators Behave Differently In .NET And C#

Dec 23, 2009

If you create new projects in C# and VB.NET, then go directly in the Immediate Window and type this:

? 567 / 1000

C# will return 0, while VB.NET will return 0.567.To get the same result in C#, you need to type

? 567 / 1000.0

Why is there this difference? Why does C# require the explicit decimal point after 1000?

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Com Interop - Equal Strings Sometimes Behave Differently?

Dec 30, 2009


Dim Sh32 As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim path As String = "C:"
Dim sf As Object = Sh32.NameSpace(path)

-> does not work, sf = Nothing

Dim Sh32 As Object = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim path As String = "C:"
Dim sf As Object = Sh32.NameSpace(path.ToString)

Clearly path = path.ToString, but they behave differently when used as COM parameters.

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DataGridView - Formatting One Column Differently On Form

Feb 25, 2011

I have a datagridview I am displaying on a form and would like to format one of the columns differently then the available formats. I have a column that is a decimal(18,2) (in the table) named "MyDecimalField". In I could do this, in the "template field" of a datagrid.
math.round(MyDecimalField / 60 , 2)

In forms I cant figure out how to do that. Basically I need to divide the cell by 60 and round that to 2 decimal places.
the Cell contains this: 1283.93
I want the user to see this: 21.40
1283.93 / 60 = 21.3988333 then round it to 21.40

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Filling DataGridView Goes Differently On Subsequent Runs?

Jan 3, 2011

I have written some code in a form which is shown via ShowDialog from a different form. This code fills a DataGridView with data from two tables in a dataset, one through data binding, and one through more manual means. The latter part runs, or more accurately, fails to run in the same way if I call this form in the same way subsequently but without stopping debugging.

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Printform Print Differently On Different Screen Sizes?

Jul 22, 2009

I am creating a program that I would like to distribute. I am using printform in VB 2008 to print my form. My form is the size of my computer screen...15 in. If the program is run on a different computer with a different screen size, will it affect the appearance of the form on the screen or the printing of the form? If the form is run on a laptop, for example, with a smaller screen, will it cut off my form and thus cut off the form during printing? Will a bigger screen increase the size of the form and not allow it to fit correctly when printed? I was just curious and wondering.

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Returns Page Differently Than IE Alone?

Apr 3, 2011

When I use IE8, it displays the page fine, but when I use the web browser control in VS 2010, it shows the page differently (in a bad way).

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Process.Start Acts Differently With Windows XP Or Vista?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a small VB. app in VS2008 that opens a windows folder in maximized view.I am using the following code:

Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe")
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized
startInfo.Arguments = "C:\Program Files\123 Systems\ExcelFolders\TechTimeSheet"

When using my app with windows xp it works well. It opens a single folder as if going through the "my computer" to open it. Attached is a screen shot "folder" to show the desired way.However when using the same code with Vista it opens my folder as if I right clicked on the start menu and selected "explore", also a screen shot named "explore" is attached showing what I do NOT want. What should I change to get both vista and XP to work the same, that is opening a single folder.

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Random Numbers Behave Differently In Debugging Mode?

Oct 15, 2011

I use some random number generators in a piece of code to simulate Gene reproduction. It works as followed:

- I generate a male chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: MaleChromosomes.

- I generate a female chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: FemaleChromosomes.

- Then I have a piece of code that randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the female arraylist and randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the male chromosomes ( Very simple simulation of reproduction ) and put these in the arraylist: Child

- I repeat this for the second child ( Arraylist: Child2.)

- Now I have piece of code that compares these arraylist to see how many chromosomes the two children share.

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Shell Command Launches An App Differently Than Running The Executable

Sep 1, 2009

I have a legacy vb6 application that uses a shell command to launch a newer .net application. It's a very simple command, just launches an app. Here's the problem. When I run the .net app through the shell command, it tries to connect to a database that is not referenced in it. If I double-click the .net executable, it runs just fine and connects the way it is supposed to. Normal, no problems. Only when I run it from the shell command do I have problems. I have checked everything I can think of and simply can not come up with a reason why the app would behave differently when launched from a shell command.

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