Getting Column From Joined Subtable In LINQ?

May 24, 2011

I dont know how to access the value from a Subtable "Produkt"

I have a datagridview wich uses the Datasource from the LINQ result from the picture.
The columns from Maintable are displayed correctly. But for the Subtable "Produkt" i cant reach the Name Column value. if i Use "Produkt" in the DataPropertyName the Result is: {ContainerDB.tbl_Produkt} with Produkt.Name nothing is displayed.

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Datatables Left Join Linq - Joining 2 Datatables And Have The Joined Datatable As Result

Jun 1, 2012

I'm having a hard time joining 2 datatables and have the joined datatable as result. First datatable (labels) holds data including a printerid. Second datatable (printers) holds printer references (id > unc). I would like to have as endresult (joined) a datatable with all data from the first datatable with the field (unc) of the second datatable. [Code]

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.net - Linq Concat Column By Val?

Jun 27, 2012

I just looking how to use LINQ for grouping a list.

Class Item
Public col1 As String
Public col2 As String
Public col3 As String
Public description As String


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Dynamic Column In Linq?

Jan 5, 2010

Dim query=Form f in BBSDb.Forms order by f.FormID Descending Select f where I want the f.FormID to be able to replace with a variable..What I mean is.. it doesn't have to f.FormID .. I may want to set f.FormName to be in descending for example using the code dynamically.. Is there anyway to achive?

View 2 Replies Update Joined Dataset

Sep 21, 2009

I have been on this for a week, with no luck, I keep getting the same error at the same place. IBasically, I join 3 tables together for reporting, I update one of the tables while reading thru, after I want the updates to stay.The error is something like "Update requires valid update command on Datarow".[code]

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Updating An INNER Joined TableAdapter?

Oct 2, 2009

I need to get information from two tables onto my form. I'm using a DataGrid called SQLGrid which I'm populating in code with the information I need to get out of both tables.

Private connstr As String = "Data Source=MAUDOT3;" & _
"Initial Catalog=ExxColl;" & _
"Integrated Security=True;"


I need my application to be able to update the DataGrid, and commit those updates to the database. My problem is that all the research I've done so far has led me to believe that there's no way I can do this because the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method only updates 1 single table.I just had an idea to make my event handler execute a stored procedure that creates a view on the database, populates it with data from my dataset, and then distributes the information between the two tables where needed.I guess another solution would be to use 2 DataGrids and then tie each of them into a seperate DataAdapter/DataSet, and then update each when the Event is called. The problem here would be that it's more work for the end user to make changes, so I'd really prefer to do it another way.

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C# - Give A Specific Name To Column In Linq

Oct 18, 2011

I have following query,


how to do it in linq queries ??? also is it possible to combine firstName and lastname in select query in Linq ? just like we do in SQL Queries like : select me_first_name + ' ' + me_last_name as 'Full Name' from me_employee how can i achieve this task in linq?

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Find A DataTable Row By Column Value Using LINQ?

Jan 7, 2012

I have a Dynamic DataTable Created at runtime. The Setup is like so

Id | Name | Age
3 | Mike | 21
6 | John | 43
8 | Sara | 34

What I am trying to do is come up with a linq statement I could use to find and update specific rows.

Such as a statement to change AGE to '33' WHERE ID = '3'

My code So far is:

Dim MyRow As DataRow = From column In MyTable.Rows Where column("Id") = 3
MyRow(0)("Age") = 33

But this is not updating my DataTable entry.

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How To Convert Column In Order By Linq

Sep 21, 2010

Same thing I am trying to do in the linq order by. It's not working.I have column that is defined in the data base as string (Varchar) and I need to cast/convert it to integer before I need to sort it.What should be my linq statement?

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Linq To SQL Walkthrough - Column Name Not Valid

May 16, 2011

Giving it a go at LINQ to SQL.
Tools: VB2008 Express to SQL Compact Northwind DB
I am doing the following walkthrough: [URL]. I did the walkthrough step by step although I get the following message ...... The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = t0,Column name = CustomerID ] ....... on the first line of the following code.

' Execute the query.
For Each custObj In custQuery
msg &= String.Format(custObj.CustomerID & vbCrLf)

I have enabled all that the walkthrough indicates but to no avail.

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Select More Than One Column In A Linq Query?

Nov 2, 2009

Dim MyQuery = From c In xdoc.Descendants() _
Where c.Attribute(OriginY) IsNot Nothing _
Order By Val(c.Attribute(OriginY).Value), Val(c.Attribute(OriginX).Value) _
Select c.Attribute(UniStr)

Right above you can see my First! linq attempt! And here comes my first question.

How can i select more than one column in a linq query in

For example... Select c.Attribute(UniStr) AND c.Attribute(OriginY)

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Update A Column In A Database Using Linq?

Aug 22, 2009

I use this command to retrieve information from an Access database:

Dim result = From row In Me.ChitaDataSet1.chita.AsEnumerable() _
Where row.Field(Of String)("askID") = x _
Select row[code]....

how to Update a cell in specified row-coloumn coordinates?

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Can't Update Record Into Inner Joined Tables

Jun 4, 2011

Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Update (SELECT Employee.empno, Employee.emplname, Employee.empfname, Employee.empmidname, Employee.contactno, Admin.description FROM Admin INNER JOIN Employee ON Admin.adminNo = Employee.adminNo) Set emplname=?, empfname=?, empmidname=?,


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Insert Data To 2 Joined Tables?

Apr 18, 2009

How i Insert Master-Detail Data

name VARCHAR(30),
address VARCHAR(70),


I need to insert data to both tables example to studio and then to Movie ralated data (it could in batch ??) or obe by one inserting data?

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UI(Front End) Be Joined With Java Backend?

Apr 17, 2011

I have a User interface in a desktop application). And i want the backend to be in Java. How to connect them . Example: I want to have the search box functionality to be wriiten in Java.

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Update Joined Table In Datagridview?

Feb 6, 2009

database: MySQL i use connector

i have two tables with the following contents:

tbl_user_infouser_id(Primary Key) fname lname tbl_accountaccount_id(Primary Key) user_id(Foreign Key) username password NOW, i want this two tables to be displayed in the datagridview

so i used this codes:


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.net - LINQ Error Type DBNull Column?

Apr 29, 2011

I am querying a datagridview and it works great unless one of the cells has nothing (dbnull). How to over come this?Exceptions: Operator '=' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and type 'DBNull'.

Dim query = From row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows _
Where row.Cells(SelectedColumnIndex).Value = filter _
And row.Visible = False _
Select row Distinct

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Datagridview Column Order From Linq Query?

Mar 19, 2010

I am using a modal form with a datagridview in order to populate textboxes on a parent form. The datagridview is bound to an anonymous type resulting from a linq query, which varies depending on the textbox control whose keypress event is called. I always want to display a key value in column 0 of the datagridview (along with a variable number of additional columns), and then use that key value once the user selects a row.

However, when setting an anonymous type from a linq query as the datasource for a datagridview control, the columns are indexed alphabetically rather than in the sequence selected in the query. This requires setting the displayindex as a workaround, and then keeping track of which column contains my key value. I read elsewhere that this was something fixed in VS2008 SP1, but I still encounter the behavior.

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LINQ Query For Deleting One Column From List(Of)

Jun 28, 2011

I have this code:


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Return Column Names Of A LINQ Entity?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using LINQ to SQL queries to return data in my application. However I find it is now needful for me to return the column Names. Try as I might I have been completely unable to find out how to do this on the internet.

So if my LINQ entity table has the properties (Last_Name, First_name, Middle_Name) I need to return[code]...

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Sort Datatable In .net With Linq By Column Index?

Mar 23, 2012

I need to sort a datatable. I do it with linq this an example

Dim query = From c In dt.AsEnumerable _
Order By c.Field(Of DateTime?)("LastPurchaseDate"), _
c.Field(Of String)("LastName") Descending
Dim dv As DataView = query.AsDataView

But my problem is that i need to sort the fields not by passing the name of the column but the index of that.

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Specify Database Column That Contains A Space In A Linq Statement?

Jun 23, 2010

I thought this would have been quite common but can't find anything on this. I'm trying to query columns that have spaces immbedded within them. For the life of me I don't see a way of selecting them when I'm trying to assign them to an alias when creating an anonymous type result. [code]...

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Datagrid With Joined Tables As Datasource Bindingsource?

Sep 25, 2011

When I update a record at table [Product] with the integer that stands for [Supplier Name] from joined table [Suppliers], this does not appear in my datagridview. Instead, I have to reload the table to dataset to make it visible. What about datarelation? Is it better that loading a joined table over the dataset? Note that I have never dealed with datarelations before.. How can I make a datagrid column to show "Supplier Name" instead of recordID that represents this supplier?

View 2 Replies - Create A LINQ Statement Where The Table Name (FROM) And Column Name Is Variable?

May 11, 2012

In my programming task I've gone down a dark alley and wished I hadn't, but there is no turning back now.

I'm building up a SQL statement where the table name, column name and id value are retrieved from query string parameters i.e. ("SELECT [{0}] FROM [{1}] WHERE [Id] = {2};", c, t, id)

But it isn't as bad as it looks, I'm protected: Only authenticated users (i.e. signed in users) can execute the Page_Load I'm checking that both the table and the column exists beforehand (using GetSchema etc.)I'm checking that the Id is an integer beforehand All my tables have Id columns The database connection is reasonably secure


View 1 Replies Mvc - Sorting Datatable With Linq With Correct Datatype Of A Column?

Mar 27, 2012

I have this code that use to sort a datatable.

Dim sortingIndex As Integer = orderby
Dim DataTableNew As DataTable = New DataTable
DataTableNew = dt.Clone
Dim query = (From c In dt.AsEnumerable Order By c.Field(Of String)(sortingIndex) Ascending)
query.CopyToDataTable(DataTableNew, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)

My problem is that with this method I always need (Of String) for it to work, so the date columns are also managed as Strings witch is the problem. Is there a way to use the correct type so the sorting is based on the type of the column?

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LINQ To SQL Basic Column Search Doing OR / AND Of A List<string>?

Nov 23, 2011

Is there a way to check if a column contains all or any of an items in a list? Example "ABCDEFG" is my column value. "A" "C" "L" is my list stored in a list. I need to find rows that contains at least one item in my list. Then items that contains ALL the items in my list (a basic OR / AND search such as a SE would have)

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Linq-to-Entities Aggregate A Column That Is Calculated In An External Function?

Feb 21, 2011

I want to Sum of the calculated column Red which is calculated in the Function IsRed() that return an integer.When I run the query I get the following error: Method 'Int32 IsRed(Int32)' has no supported translation to SQL.How should I rewrite this to get it to work.


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Sql - LINQ Generating Bad Query - Error Unknown Column (MySQL)

Sep 16, 2010

I'm developing in MVC2 using VB.NET and MySQL and ran into a problem trying to convert a simple SQL query to LINQ. SQL Query:


Looking at that query its easy to spot whats causing the error. Simply, the most inner query only returns 2 columns, while the query right above it is trying to SELECT 3, thus the Unknown Column Error. So why is this happening? What is wrong with my LINQ query?

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Datagridview With ComboBoxColumn Fetching Data From Joined Table

Dec 16, 2009

I am using VB 2005 professional and SQL Server 2005 express edition.

For the last two weeks I have been trying to have a datagridview control on a form that will have datasource from a dataset with two tables that are related. I want child the column to be a ComboBoxColumn where userts can select options and update the other data(from the other table).

I have two tables in an sql server 2005 database named computers:-


Table computers looks like thisID is the primary key column)
ID Location


With the location column being a ComboBoxColumn so that when a user enters a new ID say Computer5,they have a choice of a dropdownmenu for the Location column. In the database table computers the item should be saved as well as the index value(to correspond to the LocationID).

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Split Previously Joined Numbers To Original Combination?

May 17, 2010

Number1 = String.Concat(2, 106, 15, 233) Which will be 210615233.I am dealing with a problem in which I want to join some numbers then I come back again and split them up. The problem here I cannot save the original combination. Is there an Anti-concat method with saving the original combinations?For example, if I joined 3, 10, 4, 0 and 323 = 31040323. After some operations in my code I want to come back and split them up to the original combination of (3,10,4....etc). Please note that I am doing this not for one number, it is for many numbers.

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