Grabbing Images And Files From The Web?

Jan 7, 2009

I would like to know how to enable my programs to rip image files off the web to display them in a picture box. all i know is how to use the web browser object to load the site with the image file on it


i would like to know how to now transfer that image from the web browser to a picture box or just save it locally

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Grabbing All The Images From A Website?

Aug 23, 2008

I am really having trouble getting all the images from any website and listing them in a listbox.This is the code I tried:

ForEach UrlImage HtmlElement WebBrowser1.Document.Images


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Grabbing Images Of Webpage?

Oct 1, 2011

I need to grab an image off a webpage (captcha)

I then need it stored in a PictureBox.

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Grabbing File Name And Path Of Open Files?

Jan 19, 2007

Is there a way to write a list of all paths and file names of currently open files. The best I can do is use the System.Diagnostics.Process class to grab the processes of the applications in which I am interested and then get the file name from the main window title for each process. There is no way to get the path for these files, however, with this approach.

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Grabbing Images - Error "PictureBox1 Is Not Declared"

Oct 1, 2011

I have been searching for hours now and I just can't find a way to grab a captcha off a webpage and put it in a PictureBox


I'd tried this code but I repeatedly got the error "PictureBox1 is not declared" Even after putting it on the form! I'drather NOT have to download the image, too.

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Creating Images From Files?

Apr 8, 2010

Is there a way that I can create images (bitmap, tiffs, whatever) from txt,docx,pdf,or rtf files?

One idea that I found was creating a Metafile from the file. However I am get GDI+ errors with the palette. how to get around that? Do you think this is the right track?

gr As Graphics = Me.picFile.CreateGraphics() 'i am really not using a picture box, but I thought if it helps, why not?


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Create Video From Images Files?

Apr 16, 2009

How to create video from some image files? if can add some audio, it will be better.

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TagLib# - MP3 Files, Tagging And Images.?

Nov 28, 2009

im using this MP3 tagging library called TagLib# or TagLibSharp.

Unfortunately the documentation is a bit patchy to say the least and their (Official) website, which contains all the documentation seems to have closed down, leaving me to download this MP3 tagging library from the link below.

Everything so far works, including tagging the 'Artist, Title, Album' etc. but I want to include an image in my MP3 files, like album art.I have found some sample code to read the image back from the tag using their library, I just can't work out what it would look like the other way around.

If filetotag.Tag.Pictures.Length >= 1 Then
Dim bin = DirectCast(filetotag.Tag.Pictures(0).Data.Data, Byte())
AlbumArt.Image = Image.FromStream(New MemoryStream(bin)).GetThumbnailImage(115, 115, Nothing, System.IntPtr.Zero)
End If

This code above will read an existing tag and load the image into a picture box called 'Album Art'.how to 'flip' it so that it would look something like ...

filetotag.Tag.Pictures = AlbumArt.Image

Obviously using the memory stream functions etc.

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Vista Ico Files - DataGridView Images?

May 13, 2009

ok, so i've built an application that iterates through some folders that i specified and adds any image files to a datagridview Image Columnhowever, .ico files pose an issue: ones that were specifically designed for WinVista Throw an Exception:"Paramater Not Specified"

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VS 2005 Thumbnail Images For Files?

Aug 6, 2009

Is it possible to set the image windows displays when viewing a file created in a VB.NET application? In my case I have files saved that store info on football plays for a play creator program. Can I use the image of that play as what the user will see when he searches through windows explorer?

Let me further explain with an analogy: photo files in windows have their images displayed as the user cycles through them; he chooses which one he wants to doubleclick based on the thumbnail image of the actual photo. I'd like to have a "photo" of the play itself shown instead of what is now just a blank generic grey icon for the play files that I save.

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Images And Others Settings And Configutation Files To Use From Program?

Jul 12, 2011

How can I add to a class library (.dll) various icons, images and others settings and configutation files to use from my program?

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VS 2010 'Resources' Files - Does Not Display The CSS Styles Or Images

May 21, 2012

I'm working on a program where I've got a WebBrowser control that displays an HTML file from my 'Resources' folder. Like so... WebBrowser1.DocumentText = My.Resources.MyHTMLFile That displays the text from the HTML file just fine, but it does not display the CSS styles or images that the HTML file uses (even though I've added the CSS file and images to the 'Resources' folder as well).


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Grabbing Data From The Internet?

Jun 9, 2010

At the moment I'm developing an application (Similar to's) that will aid users when playing Runescape.My next major project on the program is to Make a highscores look-up. (If you dont know about the Runescape highscores, HERE)Now, i want to grab data from that webpage, and add it to a form on my application. The form in particular, will display a specified persons levels on that form under labels.First of all, i have NO IDEA on grabbing stuff from the web in VB. Second, i have searched far and wide for something similar, but everyone that has something similar is not very willing to part with their hard earned code.

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Grabbing HTML Value From Webpage

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to make a program where when you click a button it will retrieve each value of certain things on a webpage. I.E; [URL] On that webpage it shows Clan,Kills,Etc. I want to make it to where a Label will Say "Kills:" And another label next to it will have the value of kills retrieved from that webpage, and each time the button is clicked the stats will update if they are changed..I think it's simple to do, but I don't know how..

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Grabbing Info From Sites?

Aug 2, 2011

Ok so imagine there is a forumand when my program goes to this in web browser.

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Grabbing Letter In A Richtextbox

Dec 4, 2010

Okay this should be a quicky what i was to do is like say i have richtextbox This is the code in the rich text box and i wanta grab letter 14 so it does this This is the code in the rich text box so here is an example


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Grabbing Output From Acronis Cmd?

Oct 15, 2009

for those of you familiar with acronis cmd i need to create batch file scripts quickly to restore tib images to hard drives, i am able to redirect the output of the CMD window to my form but i need a way to search the output and grab the disk and partition info from the output and stick it in text boxes, here is what the output looks like...

C:Program FilesAcronisTrueImageEchoEnterpriseServer>trueimagecmd /list /filen
ame:"I:gateway MT6733.tib"
Num Idx Partition Flags Start Size Type


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Grabbing Pixel Color Value?

Jun 25, 2010

I've recently been working on some VB.NET programs, grab the value of the color of a pixel on my screen(Out of my WIN32 Application).

I need this so I can make a little bot that automatically pushes buttons for a online game called "JamLegends"( Its kind of like Rock Band, and if I can grab the color, then I can simply used 'sendkeys' to press buttons to make the bot work.

Edit: This is for a project in school. We need to make something that will make a program that will make something easier to work with or use(In my case, JamLegends). I have nothing to work with, I've researched a bit but I found nothing that can grab pixel color values.

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Grabbing Text From A Webserver

Oct 1, 2008

Is there a way i can read a text file without downloading say at [URL] and show that textfile data in a text box or label? Also, can i get it to download say ZIP files from the site and unpack it? Or can i only download and you have to manually unzip it? Im pretty sure ive seen an unzip function somewhere.

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Forms :: Grabbing Info From A Listbox?

Feb 19, 2011

I've made a listbox and imported multiple paths into it (writing the app in VB.NET 2.0).For example:

C:Path3file3.txt (varies depending on what the user selects)

I need to be able to grab each path seperately without having to get the user to select a particular item so i can do a batch of all the paths selected.

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Grabbing And Tieing IP Addresses To Interfaces?

May 27, 2011

I would like to find a way to grab the assigned IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to different interfaces and being able to determine which interface they're tied to.

Currently I am looping ' System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces ' and able to grab interface specific information:


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Grabbing Information From Array In Another Form?

May 13, 2012

So I have a list of book branches in an array called _branches. I need to write a procedure that adds branch names to branchNameListBox. Then I have to write a procedure that displays the information on the branch currently selected in the list box. The information should be displayed in sealPictureBox (branch image), cityLabel,nEmpLabel, and totalSalesLabel.This is what I have but the _branches are underlined in blue and it says the it cannot be indexed because there is no default property. what does that mean and how do I fix that?

Public Class BranchInfoForm
rivate branches() As BranchInfo = getBranches()
Private Sub BranchInfoForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,


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Grabbing Multiple Values From Html?

Jan 13, 2009

ok so I am trying to grab a bunch of phone numbers from my html page. I have successfully grabed the first one but I dont know how to get it to loop around and grab the next one and list them out into a listbox. here is the code I have for getting the first value, but how can I make it go in a loop. I have been searching for hours and trying tons of different kinds of loop code but get errors every time.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
WebBrowser1.Navigate("my html page")End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml()End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Grabbing Specific Text From Label?

Jul 13, 2011

So basically i have atm

Label1.Text = Form2.WebBrowser1.Url.ToString

from there the label will update every 100ms and what i want to do is grab id=102570427 from...


but, i need it to grab the code from different ids not just this specific one every link has id=????????? so i just need to grab the numbers no matter what they may be.

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Grabbing String Text From A Webpage?

Aug 22, 2010

I have forums and it has a name on it in the smae place evry time no matter which userpage im on.


<dl class="stats">

the Name is always under Gamertag. Is there a way for me to Grab that name in .net

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Grabbing Timezone Information From The System?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a form for which the objective is to show a field for each timezoneinfo stored in systemtimezones. Here are four segments of code, designer and form input code windows

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VS 2008 Grabbing Captcha From Web Client

Mar 18, 2010

I'm working on adding a de-captcha into one of my programs but I can't seem to be able to grab the captcha from the web browser.I don't think I can just parse the URL and use webrequest to download it as it'll be a different string once it's reloaded.

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VS 2008 Grabbing Information From A Website

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to grab a small piece of information from imdb. Using Toy Story 3 at this link: [URL] It currently has a rating of 9.4. Now what I am trying to do is grab that 9.4/10. It is within the following html code.


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VS 2008 Grabbing Random Combobox Value?

May 1, 2009

I have a combo box with 20 items in it, i was wondering if it was possible to grab an item at random and display it, i'm not sure what code i would need

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VS 2008 Grabbing Screen Of WebBrowser1

Oct 20, 2011

I have set my webBrowser a URL and I have searched for examples but they didn't work and just return a blank screen.[code]And others and I know how to get a screenshot but not a webBrowser screenshot.

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