Have One Control Validate On Leave(Method) Without Another Triggering It?

Mar 26, 2011

I am still in the conceptual(planning) stage so I do not have a code to show as an example.[code]...

Example: A user visits the form, the cursor by default(Tab Order) is in the first TextBox. If the user tries to leave the box without

entering any information an error is displayed. The user cannot leave the TextBox(MaskTextBox) unless they enter valid data.

If the user enters valid data the error message goes off and the user is able to leave to the next TextBox.

I also have a bunch of RadioButtons, CheckBoxes and NUD that I would like the user to play with without trigger the error messages on the TexBoxes. If the user click a check box or radio button, I need the error message to stay off, the error message should only trigger if a user click in a text box and a: Decides to leave without entering data or b: enters a wrong data.

I know other ways to do this, example using a submit button to do this. However is my idea possible? Can you have a field(controls) the validate on leave and click other fields(controls) without triggering it?[code]...

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First Use Javascript To Validate Form Data Before Triggering OnServerClick For HTML Input Button?

Oct 19, 2010

So right now it all looks pretty with ... <button type="submit" runat="server" name="subscribe" id="Button1" class="link-button" onserverclick="saveListing"> Until it is time to validate the data before calling saveListing function codebehind (in VB .Net). How can true/false be return so that when true saveListing will be called, otherwise not?

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VS 2005 Triggering The Validation Of A Self-validating Control

Jun 2, 2009

I have inherited a control and added the Validating and Validated events to it, the validation works when the I set focus on another control but somehow it is not being triggered when a StatusStrip button is clicked hence I need to be able to trigger the validation.


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Leave A Control With Code?

Jul 21, 2011

Is there a way to leave a control in code without explicitly going to the next control? For example, I want to[code]...

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Leave And Re-enter A Control To Make It Pop?

Dec 16, 2010

way to "reset" a tooltip, so you don't have to leave and re-enter a control to make it pop? I have a form that is pretty much entirely taken up by one control. I want to have its ToolTip text change based on which region of the control is being hovered over (which I can do now). I just have to leave the control and re-enter it to make it pop. I'd like to have the Tooltip pop, then if I move the mouse to a different location (still inside the control's bounds) have it pop-able again in the new spot.

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Last Activate Control - Event Leave Calls Another Sub?

Nov 30, 2010

MSDN brings nothing up, so here was my attempt at a work around.


Because event leave calls another sub i need the last active control. I have the textbox name txtTime{0} but obviously string is not a control.

So Two questions:

1) can a string value be attached to an existing control if i know it's name? Dim attControl as Control = newTime

2) All this could be avoided in event leave if i could get the left controls name. I have tried sender. tostring etc but nothing returns the textboxs name

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IDE :: Windows Forms Control Leave Event Fires More Than Once?

Jul 11, 2009

The leave event fires twice in this example. Tab order for the form controls is set to combobox1, button1, button3 Private Sub ComboBox1_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.Leave


if I enter 'A' in the combobox1 then combobox1 leave event will fire twice any other entry is Ok since the next control to get focus is button2 (in the normal tab order).It seems that if I try to skip the next control (based on the tab order set for the form), the leave event fires twice.

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Why The Mouse_Leave Event Fires When Don't Leave The Control With The Mouse Pointer In This Situation

Jun 11, 2011

Anyone know why the Mouse_Leave event fires when you don't leave the control with the mouse pointer?Put a large button on a Form so your mouse pointer does not leave it easily.Then try this codeWhen you do, leave the mouse pointer in the middle of the button and then click the button.By the way, if you uncomment the 1st line of code in the Button Click event and comment out the MessageBox, this does not happen.Can someone please explain this behaviour?

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off


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Validate Input - Fancy Error Provider Control

Jun 19, 2009

I'm working on my first VB.NET 2.0 WinForm app. I'm trying to validate some input and I came across this fancy Error Provider control that seems great. However I have a problem with it. It seems that it only validates a field when it loses focus. I'm used to Web Form programming and using validation controls on it, but I don't see these in WinForms.


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Validate Html.editorfor - Validate The User Data Entered

Apr 26, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to validate the user data entered:


This is in MVC3, VB.net. I'm looking for an easy way to validate a users input data into the editorfor field.

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Asp.net - Validate User Role During Login Button Click Event In Login Control?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a login control in my asp.net webform i uses the roles manager...i have two roles admin and vendors i want when user enter username and password in login control then on login button click event it validates either the user is admin or vendors if vendor is admin then it will redirect to default.aspx other wise stay on login page with error. ...how to do this using vb.net ?

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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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Subroutine Triggering Too Soon?

May 1, 2010

I have a form that is bound to a table of data. I have a typical binding navigator. When I go to a different record such as next, previous, first or last I need a subroutine named "LayoutAdjust()" to execute "after" the new next record data is loaded on form. I tried calling the subroutine in the "BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem_Click" action but it executed the procedure before the next record data was loaded

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Floppy Not Stop Triggering?

Mar 18, 2009

I currently creating a form to read .csv from floppy and show the data into textbox. But my problem is after i ran the application my pc not stop triggering the floppy drive. The indicator always light up even after i close the application. there any additional code i need to add to my existing code.Im using VB Express 2005 and This is all the code i use.

Dim oXLApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim oXLbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim oXLSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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Forms :: Re-triggering A Combo Box?

Aug 6, 2009

I am using a Combo box control to select from a list of Databases, and when one entry is selected I display a listbox of certain objects in the database.Other controls are then used to filter the list based on either name or content.Now, I want to know how to Re-load the original list based on the current combo box selection by using a 'Reload' button.In the button code I am setting focus back to the combo box, but whatever I try I cannot make the list refresh again. I've tried Select, SelectedItem, Text and Find methods but nothing works.How do I reload the listbox without having to manually use the drop-down and select the same item again?

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RichTextBox Lostfocus Isn't Triggering

Dec 12, 2009

I have two richtextboxes, richtextbox1 and richtextbox2 on top of richtextbox1 with richtextbox2.visible = false on form load. Whatever is input in richtextbox1 is placed in an array when rictextbox1 loses focus. Now I have a checkbox that when enabled, hides richtextbox1 and shows richtextbox2. On the first time richtextbox2 is shown, i want it to display the contents of richtextbox1. This is achieved by setting a boolean flag (firsttime=true) on form load, then in the checkbox code if firsttime = true, it displays content of richtextbox1 and sets firsttime to false.


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Stop Event From Triggering?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a checkbox X1 that if checked it will check a column of checkboxes.What i'm trying to do is if the user unchecks at least one checkbox from the column it will uncheck checkbox X1. But I don't want it to run the event from checkbox X1 again because that will cause the whole column of checkboxes to be unchecked.

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Triggering An Event At A Certain Time?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to make something like an alarm clock. So, I want my programe to trigger a certain event at lets say, 8:00 AM and 16:00 PM.

I was thinking something with timers ticking every second and checking if the time I want is equal to the system time. But....I didn't manage to make it work. So, how do I make this work ?

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Invoke A Method Rather Than A Control?

Aug 20, 2009

1. On the main form a scanner class is instantiated that (in the scanner's constructor) sets the scanner settings (baud rate, parity, etc) and opens the scanner for use

2. A barcode is scanned (via a scanner connected to the device in a seral port) while on the main form

3. In the scanner class, the DataRecieved event gets the needed info from the scanned code.

4. Then that info is passed back to the main form to a method RunCommandCode (which takes the scanned info as an argument)

5. On the main form the RunCommandCode calls another method CommandCodeHandler, passing the scanned info again

6. In the CommandCodeHandler sub a method is called in a Utils class (SetSelectedTab), which interacts with the form itself (determines how many tabs exist on a tab control), which is the reason for the invoke in the first place

So, before I figured out I needed to use the Invoke method (and, more specifically, that the scanner was working in a different thread), I was getting an error in step 6 on the line that got the TabControl.TabPages.Count.


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Method Of Using A Tab Control To Act Like A Wizard?

Oct 27, 2009

I am new to VS and evaluating VS 2010. I am trying to create a wizard type control, on which various controls are on each tab. I then want to turn off the tab description and outline and control which tab controls are displayed by programmatically selecting each or one specific tab. Also require to be able to place a control above a tab (not on any of the tabs, which will mean that the control is visible whenever the form is displayed

I am trying to duplicate the characteristics of the Clarion (Soft Velocity) language tab control.

I have noticed that the tab control does have a "visible" attribute and if turned off that none of the tabs are visible. I guess what I need is a "visible" attribute (most probably inhereted from the parent tab control ) which can be programmatically changed.

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Check If The User Not Triggering Any Events?

Mar 9, 2010

with vb.net exp08 + access03

i want to check if the user not triggering any events in the application for => 30 min then i want the application to log off

how to do it ?

i am using two timers for the purpose to elapse the time but it is hard to call the function for every control + event

hence i am looking for a universal code which detects any kind of event and activate / deavtivate my timers

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PC1 To PC2 Txtbox.text And Video Triggering?

Dec 17, 2009

Have created a few stand alone projects but nothing major... Using a trial of VB Studio 2010 (.net 4)

a) I have two networked pc's ("PC1" and "PC2") with a solution on each which has a "textbox" and a "send" button. Just want to type "hello" in textbox on PC1 then hit send and it appears in PC2 textbox so that I can base if statements etc. on it.

something like:

//PC2.App2.textbox2.text = textbox1.text

on a button would be perfect but i'm guessing that's far too simple.

b) Video Triggering over network - pretty well sames as above, just want to hit button1 on PC1 and it plays "1.wmv" in "axwindowsmediaplayer1" on "PC2".

c) How can I play a .mov/vob/avi/mpg/flv in an "axwindowmediaplayer1" ? if not possible how do I go about playing videos of all types in my programs?

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Prevent The Event From Triggering A Second Time?

May 28, 2011

I have a TreeView object on my form, with check boxes. By the way, I'm working with vb.NET. I want it to perform a few different things with the aftercheck event:

If you check a node, check all its children
If you uncheck a node, uncheck the parent node
If you uncheck a node, uncheck all its children

The problem is when you uncheck a node, it unchecks its parent node, which triggers the event again and unchecks all its children.

Would there be a way to prevent the event from triggering a second time? Or will I have to give up on one of those two points?

Here's the code, if it helps any:

If e.Node.Level > 0 Then
If e.Node.Checked = False Then
If e.Node.Parent.Checked = True Then


While I'm at it, is there a way to check if a folder is accessible? I've toyed with FileAttributes, but can't seem to find out how to make it work...

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Sql Server - Triggering A SUBMIT In An Asp.net Application?

Sep 28, 2011

I need to trigger a submit when saving my image file in SQL 2005 database. A user will upload their image file.My application will then check to see if the image file size is within specific requirements.If so, then save the image into a table where the field is image data type. (if size does not meet requirements, display error message and exit sub). The issue is if I save the image file to the database, the value is saved correctly (however, I have not checked the image size).

If I check the image file size first, THEN save it, the value saved is corrupted (incorrect). Is there a way that I can check the file size, then save the file while doing a submit in code-behind?

My code is below:

Dim iRequiredImageHeight As Integer = 80
Dim iRequiredImageWidth As Integer = 280
Dim imgBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length) As Byte


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Triggering Basic Event In Other Process?

Mar 31, 2012

I need a simple system that allows one process to check if another process is running (I think I can do that fine using Process.getProcessByName or similar) and then trigger an event in that process assuming it is.When I say trigger an event I do not mean that literally. I simply need to trigger a sub in the first process from the second.I know that IPC like this would normally be done with pipes or remoting or something like that but I have no experience with these and am looking for a quick solution, so unless these can be used relatively easily to solve this I am looking for an alternative.

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Triggering Batch Files Silently

Sep 17, 2009

I have an hta menu with selection buttons to run batch files. The files run okay, so this is purely a tidying up exercise. I want the command windows to either run silently, as background tasks, or minimized.

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Triggering Textbox Validation On ENTER Key?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a number of textboxes on a form, and I want them all to accept the ENTER key. When the ENTER key is pressed, I want it to trigger the validating event. I know it will look something like this:

Private Sub Textbox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Textbox1.KeyPress, Textbox2.Keypress


What code can I use to cause the validating event to fire? I'd prefer the focus to stay in the textbox.

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Overload Windows Control Method

Mar 1, 2010

I need to overload a method in a windows control does anyone know how to get me started .... oh er missus.

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Refer To A Control From Within A Control's Method (like The "me" For Classes)?

Dec 28, 2010

How can I refer to the control while I am inside a control's method in VB.NET?For example, I want in a textbox to show a message box with that textbox's text every time the text changes. The code would be something like:

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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Asp.net - InsertOnSubmit Not Triggering A Database Insert On SubmitChanges?

Aug 17, 2009

I've got a piece of code that inserts a row into a table - the kind of thing I've done in dozens of other apps - but the end result is nothing happens on the database end, and no errors are generated.

Here's my code:

Partial Class MyDatabaseDataContext
Public Sub CreateEnrollee(subId, depId)
dim newEnrollee = New enrolee With {.subId = subId, .depId = depId}


After SubmitChanges is called, no new row is created, and "test" is zero. No errors are generated. I have no idea why it's not trying to insert the row.

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