Triggering Basic Event In Other Process?

Mar 31, 2012

I need a simple system that allows one process to check if another process is running (I think I can do that fine using Process.getProcessByName or similar) and then trigger an event in that process assuming it is.When I say trigger an event I do not mean that literally. I simply need to trigger a sub in the first process from the second.I know that IPC like this would normally be done with pipes or remoting or something like that but I have no experience with these and am looking for a quick solution, so unless these can be used relatively easily to solve this I am looking for an alternative.

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Stop Event From Triggering?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a checkbox X1 that if checked it will check a column of checkboxes.What i'm trying to do is if the user unchecks at least one checkbox from the column it will uncheck checkbox X1. But I don't want it to run the event from checkbox X1 again because that will cause the whole column of checkboxes to be unchecked.

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Triggering An Event At A Certain Time?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to make something like an alarm clock. So, I want my programe to trigger a certain event at lets say, 8:00 AM and 16:00 PM.

I was thinking something with timers ticking every second and checking if the time I want is equal to the system time. But....I didn't manage to make it work. So, how do I make this work ?

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Prevent The Event From Triggering A Second Time?

May 28, 2011

I have a TreeView object on my form, with check boxes. By the way, I'm working with vb.NET. I want it to perform a few different things with the aftercheck event:

If you check a node, check all its children
If you uncheck a node, uncheck the parent node
If you uncheck a node, uncheck all its children

The problem is when you uncheck a node, it unchecks its parent node, which triggers the event again and unchecks all its children.

Would there be a way to prevent the event from triggering a second time? Or will I have to give up on one of those two points?

Here's the code, if it helps any:

If e.Node.Level > 0 Then
If e.Node.Checked = False Then
If e.Node.Parent.Checked = True Then


While I'm at it, is there a way to check if a folder is accessible? I've toyed with FileAttributes, but can't seem to find out how to make it work...

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ComboBox Hidden Behind Button Not Triggering On Click Event

Jun 26, 2012

I'm converting an old VB form to .NET, and there a few Buttons which each have a corresponding ComboBox hiding behind them. The previous behavior was that you'd click the Button, and that would trigger the ComboBox behind it, which would then drop down a selection list. I believe the idea was to have a static color and text label (which cannot be a selectable option in the drop-down list), with the functionality of a ComboBox.

Now, in VB.NET, clicking on the Button (which is directly over the ComboBox in the form) won't trigger the ComboBox dropdown anymore. However, if I make the ComboBox visible enough to click on, it will trigger the ComboBox.TextChanged event, and show the drop-down (they're set to the DropDownList style). I've set the event handler to handle both that event and the Button event. I've tried Button.MouseDown, Button.MouseClick, and Button.Click -- none of which have worked.

I did find the SplitButton control option suggested here, which would probably do the job, but I don't want to have to integrate a non-native control for just 3 buttons. I don't really want to mess with the control template, either

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Preventing Event Handlers From Triggering On Form Load?

Nov 25, 2008

Using VB 2008 Express I have a form in which a number of controls which have event handlers to monitor choices the user is making. The event handlers do work as expected, but the problem I'm having shows up when I load the form.For example, I have:

Private Sub RadioButton6_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton6.CheckedChanged
MsgBox("I got checked!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Sub

When I load the form in question from the main form of the program, I get the message box, even though the user hasn't actually clicked the radio box. The problem arises when I try to use a call to a function that works fine, as long as the entire form has loaded. Called prematurely, the function fails.How do I solve this so these event handlers don't trigger when the form is being loaded?

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Reset Checkbox Checkstate Without Triggering Checkchanged Event?

Jul 6, 2009

I'm trying to reset a form after a game has been played. I used checkboxes to indicate when the user picked a particular line item to update and then flagged the checkbox as checked and disabled.Once all the checkboxes have been checked, the game is over and I want to show a dialog (msgbox) that will allow the user to start a new game or exit the app. To reset the form, I was changing all the checkstates back to unchecked (along with resetting other variables), but the checkchanged events are being triggered and I end up in a loop.Is there a way to change the checkstate without triggering the event?[code]....

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VS 2008 - Triggering Clicked Event Of Button To Be Executed

Nov 6, 2011

Any sample code that will cause the logic coded in the clicked event of a Button to be executed, in Powerbuilder I would code it as

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Datagridview Keydown Event Not Triggering When In Typing Mode (After Pressing F2)?

Dec 27, 2009

I'm using a Datagridview my task is when the key F5 press using Keydown event executing some code

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Forms :: OnClick Event Not Triggering 2nd Time Button Is Clicked?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm having a strange problem with the OnClick event. In an ArcGIS application using VB.Net, I have a button set up with the following

The following module segment contains the OnClick event: Public NotInheritable Class CommandAnalyseResults
Inherits BaseTool <more code...>
Public Overrides Sub OnClick()


The OnClick event gets triggered no problem the first time I click on the button. However if I then close the window the button code creates and then click on the button again, the OnClick code is not triggered.

If I click on a different button then click back on the 'problem' button a 2nd time, it does seem to trigger the code!

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Triggering Event Handlers When The User Makes An Input Into A Combo Box?

Dec 9, 2011

This is a spin-off post from another issue I am working on. The problem is related to triggering event handlers when the user makes an input into a combo box, you might even call this a complaint.I have a combobox with a DataSource and ValueMember and DisplayMember. There is no DataBindings to worry about at this point. The combobox is DropDownStyle = DropDown and I havealso enabled AutoCompleteSource = ListSource and AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend.The datasource contains a list of Countires, and when the user types in an entry or chooses an entry from the combobox, I should be able to detect what the user has selected ortyped immediatley after the selection, some would say it's the very purpose of the combo box.Which event would you choose to deterine what the user has entered or Selected? few events come to mind:



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Get Information About A Processes When An System Process Event Is Raised An Event

May 17, 2012

I am making a function of an application that when a function is called the application will close all processes that are owned by the user and were started after a specific point. My thoughts on this would be to trigger an event in my application every time a process is started and ended, and only if the processes is owned by the user, the event should get information (e.g. the process ID, name, etc) about that process and add or remove that information to/from an array depending on if the process starts or ends. Then when a function is called end all the processes in that array.


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Visual Basic IO Exception: File Cannot Be Accessed Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

May 20, 2012

I have been searching throughout the forums and have yet to find an answer that will work for resolving the above problem in my program The exception is occurring within the declaration of a new streamwriter and after the closing of a previously used streamreader that accessed the same file I'm trying to write to. I think that the file is completely closed at the end of the streamreader block, but I cannot tell for sure.

This bit of code is the block just before the streamwriter declaration and the declaration itself:

Dim fn As Integer = 1 'first number for searching for file


If you need more info or more code chunks to help solve the problem, feel free to ask

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Display Something When Basic Event Is Raised

Jul 27, 2010

I want to write an event that will simply display something when it is raised. I have never really worked with event driven programming before and am just trying to get a simple example working. It is not yielding any errors, but when I switch to debug mode I can see that the event it not raising correctly.


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Create Calender With Very Basic Event Entry?

Jul 1, 2009

I need to Create Calender w/Very Basic Event Entry. Any suggestions on how I would go about this. I have seen some controls to do this, but I need to do this without buying anything.

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Wait For Event In Visual Basic 2010?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to write some code that stops and waits for an event then continues execution. I want execution to wait for a mouse event and then continue. I can't just put the code to be executed after the event directly into the Click handler, because many different sections of code need to stop and wait for the event.


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Create An Event When A Process Finishes?

Oct 29, 2009

how to create an event which runs when a proccess finishes.

First, the program launches a batch file, so in the task manager, it appears as "CMD.EXE".

So, the event goes on when the CMD is over.

I'm not sure about what code should I use to do so.

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Event For The Termination Of A Thread And Process?

Jul 12, 2009

At the moment, I am writing a class that deals with starting an application in a thread, as well as being able to monitor the closure of the thread and process, and the creation of the thread and process through events. I have absoloutly no problems with monitering the creation of the thread and its internal process within the subs that create them. I placed notifications within the "myprocess_Exited",(for the process closure) and "myprocess_Disposed"(for the thread closure) events.

The problem comes when I terminate the outside application manually; these events do not appear to fire when the application is closed by the user, rather than by code.I thought, since the application closes with an error code when it is terminated in such a way, that it raises the "myprocess_ErrorDataRecieved" event. But this doesn't appear to happen either. Here is some of the code from that class:

'Some of the decleratoins
Event ProcessStarted(ByVal Process As Process)
Event ThreadStarted(ByVal Thread As System.Threading.Thread)


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[2008] Make Event On End Process?

Feb 14, 2009

I have tried to make a program not able to be forced to close by naming it the same as a system process. However, this only works on XP, not on Vista. I don't actually mind if the program is closed but I would like something to happen when it is, thus being able to end the process is not good.Is there any event that can contain code to be run when the process is stopped? I'm guessing not but it's worth asking. If not, is there any other way to stop this? Maybe have 2 programs continually watching for each other or something?

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Describe Keyboard Hit Event In Visual Basic [Escape_key_was_pressed] Function?

Oct 25, 2010

Maybe my questin was too impossible to unerstand, so I figured out how to ask it in more simple way. I suppose it can be best done in Visual Basic simplified code.


So question is how to describe in Visual Basic [Escape_key_was_pressed] function? When user don't hit Escape key, then program must NOT STOP for asking user keypress[Escape_key_press], it must go on with clicking on desktop to the end of program. SteelAce

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Writing Code For Both Keypress And Click Event In Visual Basic?

Oct 12, 2009

I am learning visual basic. I have created a form for a calculator. I have placed buttons for plus, minus, division, multiply etc. The programme is working for clicing on buttons i.e. when I want to add two nos. I accept 1st no. from text box then I click on "PLUS" button then I accept 2nd no. When I click on "Equal" button the result is displaying on textbox. But I want to write code insted of clicking on "PLUS" button if press " + " key on keyboard and for "Equal" button, if I press " Enter " key on keyboard, The result for adding two number should display on textbox. I want code for both click event and keypress event.

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Even Handler For A Process_Exited Event - Process Must Exit Before Requested Information Can Be Determined

Sep 24, 2010

I wrote the following lines of code within the even handler for a Process_Exited event. The really weird thing is that on the fifth line I get the error "Process must exit before requested informaiton can be determined. (When trying to access the Exit Time & Exit Code)

Private Sub AssociatedProcess_Exited(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Do Until AssociatedProcess.HasExited = True


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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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Subroutine Triggering Too Soon?

May 1, 2010

I have a form that is bound to a table of data. I have a typical binding navigator. When I go to a different record such as next, previous, first or last I need a subroutine named "LayoutAdjust()" to execute "after" the new next record data is loaded on form. I tried calling the subroutine in the "BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem_Click" action but it executed the procedure before the next record data was loaded

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Floppy Not Stop Triggering?

Mar 18, 2009

I currently creating a form to read .csv from floppy and show the data into textbox. But my problem is after i ran the application my pc not stop triggering the floppy drive. The indicator always light up even after i close the application. there any additional code i need to add to my existing code.Im using VB Express 2005 and This is all the code i use.

Dim oXLApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim oXLbook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim oXLSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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Forms :: Re-triggering A Combo Box?

Aug 6, 2009

I am using a Combo box control to select from a list of Databases, and when one entry is selected I display a listbox of certain objects in the database.Other controls are then used to filter the list based on either name or content.Now, I want to know how to Re-load the original list based on the current combo box selection by using a 'Reload' button.In the button code I am setting focus back to the combo box, but whatever I try I cannot make the list refresh again. I've tried Select, SelectedItem, Text and Find methods but nothing works.How do I reload the listbox without having to manually use the drop-down and select the same item again?

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RichTextBox Lostfocus Isn't Triggering

Dec 12, 2009

I have two richtextboxes, richtextbox1 and richtextbox2 on top of richtextbox1 with richtextbox2.visible = false on form load. Whatever is input in richtextbox1 is placed in an array when rictextbox1 loses focus. Now I have a checkbox that when enabled, hides richtextbox1 and shows richtextbox2. On the first time richtextbox2 is shown, i want it to display the contents of richtextbox1. This is achieved by setting a boolean flag (firsttime=true) on form load, then in the checkbox code if firsttime = true, it displays content of richtextbox1 and sets firsttime to false.


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Check If The User Not Triggering Any Events?

Mar 9, 2010

with exp08 + access03

i want to check if the user not triggering any events in the application for => 30 min then i want the application to log off

how to do it ?

i am using two timers for the purpose to elapse the time but it is hard to call the function for every control + event

hence i am looking for a universal code which detects any kind of event and activate / deavtivate my timers

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PC1 To PC2 Txtbox.text And Video Triggering?

Dec 17, 2009

Have created a few stand alone projects but nothing major... Using a trial of VB Studio 2010 (.net 4)

a) I have two networked pc's ("PC1" and "PC2") with a solution on each which has a "textbox" and a "send" button. Just want to type "hello" in textbox on PC1 then hit send and it appears in PC2 textbox so that I can base if statements etc. on it.

something like:

//PC2.App2.textbox2.text = textbox1.text

on a button would be perfect but i'm guessing that's far too simple.

b) Video Triggering over network - pretty well sames as above, just want to hit button1 on PC1 and it plays "1.wmv" in "axwindowsmediaplayer1" on "PC2".

c) How can I play a .mov/vob/avi/mpg/flv in an "axwindowmediaplayer1" ? if not possible how do I go about playing videos of all types in my programs?

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Sql Server - Triggering A SUBMIT In An Application?

Sep 28, 2011

I need to trigger a submit when saving my image file in SQL 2005 database. A user will upload their image file.My application will then check to see if the image file size is within specific requirements.If so, then save the image into a table where the field is image data type. (if size does not meet requirements, display error message and exit sub). The issue is if I save the image file to the database, the value is saved correctly (however, I have not checked the image size).

If I check the image file size first, THEN save it, the value saved is corrupted (incorrect). Is there a way that I can check the file size, then save the file while doing a submit in code-behind?

My code is below:

Dim iRequiredImageHeight As Integer = 80
Dim iRequiredImageWidth As Integer = 280
Dim imgBytes(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length) As Byte


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