Hide An Image When A Radio Button Is Selected

May 1, 2010

If I wanted to hide an image when a radio button was checked, how would I go about doing that? Does anyone have any good resources to read?

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Selected Radio Button Display Related Image In PictureBox

Sep 12, 2009

I'm new to VB.NET BTW. I designed a form and radio buttons and a submit button with a picture box ! Every radio button selected will display the image related to it in the picture box !

So, we have
O smile
O sad
O mad
O happy
O ...etc
When pressing the submit, the selected radio button will display a face of the mood !

Here is my code.
If RadBtnSmile.Checked Then
End If
If RadBtnSad.Checked Then
[Code] .....

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Hide <All> Radio Button From PrintPreviewDialog?

Oct 12, 2011

is possible hide <All> radio button from PrintPreviewDialog ?

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Hide Radio Button If Detailview Column Is Empty?

Jul 15, 2011

I try to hide the radio button if the cell is blank but the radio button still show even the cells is blank. why the radio button will not hide?

Dim temp As String = questionDetails.Rows(3).Cells(1).Text
If temp = "" Then
Option3.Visible = False


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Radio Button Automatically Selected?

Mar 23, 2010

Simple code, I have 3 radio buttons that change the color of the form. Thing is when I run it, my first radio button (red) is already selected. I know I can make a hidden button and focus it on that, but is there a way to just make it not have anything selected? I tried rdoRed.Checked = False Doesn't work.


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Radio Button Selected When Use ShowDialog

Jan 6, 2009

If I have two radio buttons on the first form of the project, they are both uncheck by default. However, if I have two radio buttons on a form that I open with MyForm.ShowDialog(), the first radio button is checked! Is there a way to stop this?

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VS 2010 Get Selected Radio Button?

Aug 2, 2011

I have two groups of RadioButtons, each group inside its own GroupBox. When a RadioButton from one group is selected, the handler passes the selected button - this is not a problem.

But I need to grab the value of the selected RadioButton from the other group as well - is there a simple way to do that without iterating through them all?

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Checking If A Radio Button Has Been Selected Within A Group Box?

Jun 12, 2009

How do i checked that within a GroupBox 1 radio button has been selected? I want to provide the user with a message box telling them they have not made a selection from one of the 12 radiobuttons within the group box?

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How To Sort A Gridview Once A Radio Button Is Selected

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to sort records in the gridview right after a radio button is selected. My approach is with the dataview, but because the dataset variable doesn't survive a round trip to the server, I don't know how to make this happen.[code]

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Radio Button Is Selected, Button1 Is Enabled?

May 26, 2009

How can I make it so that when a radio button is selected, button1 is enabled?

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Radio Button List Check If Selected?

May 31, 2012

I have the following:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rbIsRep" runat="server" RepeatDirection="horizontal" >
<asp:ListItem Value="1" >Yes</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="0" >No</asp:ListItem>


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Checking If Option Selected And Radio Button Checked?

Mar 29, 2010

How do I make an if statement that would check if the user has selected an option from the select list named cboGrade and also to check if the user has selected a radio button from the group named gbCalcType? I have an action that is carried out when a button is clicked, but before that action is carried out, I need to check the above.

I have this so far:

If rbPlus.Checked Or rbMinus.Checked Or rbMultiply.Checked Or rbDivide.Checked Then
instructions are here
End If

This checks that one of the radio buttons are selected. How do i check that an option is selected from the option list? There are three options: 3rd, 4th, and 5th. And the text starts out saying Select One and it locks the control once they choose one.

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Default Radio Button Selected Inside A Group Box?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a WinForms application (VS 2008, .NET 3.5) that has a form with two different group boxes, and inside of each group box are different sets of radio buttons. When I run the application, the first group box automatically has the first radio button in it already selected, and the second group box does not have a radio button selected by default.

I have looked through all the properties of the radio buttons and the group boxes, and cannot figure out what the difference is between the two.I would like both group boxes to have all radio buttons unselected when the form is first opened.Also, I looked through the Designer.vb file for the form, and could not find anything unusual going on in there either.

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Display Controls Based On Radio Button Selected?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a group of three radio buttons. Depending on which radio button is selected, I want to disaply one of three controls - a textbox, a dropdown list, or a button. How do I display controls based on the result of a selected radio button?

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Enable Text Box Based On Radio Button Selected?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a Radio Button List that lists different business categories. The last option is the Other category. When the user selects the Other category, I want to be able to enable a text box that the user can then enter further information to explain the Other selection.[code]...

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Make A Radio Button Remain Selected On Postback?

Feb 18, 2011

I am using a GridView with its first column as a template field with radio buttons.

I need to make the first radio button in the first row of the grid remain default selected during page load / postback.

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Text Of Any Selected Radio Button To Appear In Multiline Textbox

Feb 15, 2011

I'm a beginner so please take it easy on me. I was wondering what the code is for the text of ANY selected radio button to appear in the multiline textbox that is already set up. Is that at all possible? If so, can you do the same for check boxes?

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VS 2008 Can't Uncheck A Checkbox After Radio Button Has Been Selected

Nov 14, 2009

i'm trying to design a program where I can take all the software that i have and just put it on an external Hard drive open this program at a customers house select what software I want to install and than let the install run through everything. I'm running into a problem with my winrar installation since I have a x86 installation and an x64 installation I want to be able to select the checkbox for winrar and than choose either the x86 or x64 and than it will install. I figured out how to set everything up it disables the two radio buttons until the checkbox is checked but I can't go through and uncheck the checkbox (say if I accidently checked it or something)[code]

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VS 2010 - Change Text If Certain Radio Button Selected

Feb 10, 2011

Basically I want to change a text if certain radio button is selected

Private Sub Form2_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Label11.Text = ("Boca Juniors")
End If

End Sub

I'm pretty sure the Form2_Shown is not correct but I dont know what else to put.

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Display A Certain Section Of Form Based On The Number Selected By Radio Button?

Apr 25, 2011

i want to display a certain section of my form based on the number selected by radio button.( scale 1 to 5) by default 1 is clicked . if they click 5 then the same portion will be repeated 5 times .i have the database table structure to support this . but how to code the radio button to do the same .

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VS 2010 - TableLayoutPanel - Check At Least One Radio Button Has Been Selected During A Click Event

May 27, 2011

I'm curious if there is a "check all" kind of thing for a tablelayoutpanel? To explain, say I have TableLayoutPanel1 with 6 radio buttons and I'm doing an error check to make sure that at least one radio button has been selected during a click event. Do I have to do If / and with all 6 radio buttons? Or is there something like "If TableLayoutPanel1.checked(obviously not this) = false then".

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Forms :: Arrays And Radio Buttons - Determine Which Button Is Selected And Assign It To A Variable

May 15, 2009

I am having 3 radio buttons and a button The codes should be added to the button_click event, when ever the radio button is selected and the button is click then, The codes should determine which button is selected and assign it to a variable. Create a two parallel 1-dim arrays and populate it with the data below:


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Associate An Image With A Radio Button?

Mar 14, 2012

I am working on a project that we need to associate an image with a radio button. When the Radio button is selected the image show when its not the image doesnt show.

I am having a problem trying to get this work. I was told that we can use the radio buttons checked attribute and to set the flag but I cannot figure out how to do this.

I have this information but I do not understand what exactly it is referring to at this point:

When the program begins running, the focus goes to the control with the lowest tab index. Because that control is likely to be a radio button, one button will appear selected. You must either display the first flag to match the radio button or make the focus begin in a different control. You might consider beginning the focus on the button.

Set the Visible property of a control to the Checked property of the corresponding check box. That way, when the check box is selected, the control becomes visible.

Because all three selectable controls will be visible when the project begins, set the Checked property of the three check boxes to True at design time. Set the flag picture box to Visible = False so it wont appear at start up (if you plan to display the picture box at start up, its Visible property must be set to True.)

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Radio Button - Code For Display Listbox Depends On The Radio Button Check True And False

Feb 13, 2009

I have one radio button and one listbox .i want code for display listbox depends on the radio button check true and false.

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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default vb.net shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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Move The Text Next To The Radio Button To The Left Of The Radio Button

Sep 14, 2009

i have problem that i know once someone answers, i will kick myself, but here goes. i need to move the text next to the radio button to the left of the radio button, that part is easy just make sure the the "right to left" is maked yes, got it. but, the problem is i am making a seating chart and the seats are labeled 10-a, 10-b etc.... when the right to left is set to yes my text reverses and becomes a-10 and i can't seem to figure out what is set in the properties the is causing the alpha to be placed before the numeric.

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Check Boxes And Radio Buttons - Value Is Not Being Updated Until I Select A Different Radio Button?

Oct 10, 2011

trying to write a simple form for calculating professor's salaries depending on their degree and position.my problem is that the when i select a check box, the value is not being updated until i select a different radio button. it probably doesn't make much sense here,

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub optLecturer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles optLecturer.CheckedChanged[code]....

the values being assigned to my salary label are correct, but are not being updated until i select a new radio button. im not entirely sure how to get around this so that the value is updated as soon as i select the check box.here's when the program looks like:

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Add Text From A Text Box Into A List Box When The Radio Button Unseparated List Is Selected

Nov 22, 2011

I am trying to add text from a text box into a list box when the radio button unseperated list is selected. i can do this easily. howeve ri now wnat to put text into the list box from the text box when the sepereated by comma radio button is selected


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Knowing What Input Radio Is Selected On ASP.NET (VB)

Jun 17, 2010

I'm creating input radio dynamicly on a ASP.NET page using PlacHolders.

While reader.Read
Dim ltr As New Literal()
Dim ltr1 As New Literal()


how can I get all the items selected on those input radio.

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.NET Invoke Button And Radio Button Automatically Without Using Keyb?

Dec 21, 2010

In my project I would like to call an exe so that exe pop up will come with a Login Screen with 2 buttons Login and Cancel.In those 2 buttons, login button is focussed default. Now my application should invoke the Login button automatically. Means there won't be Pressing ENTER KEY or Mouse Button Etc. Just after the Login Screen, there is a 2nd Screen that has 5 different Radio buttons, the 1st Radio button is always the default. So I also want to click this radio button automatically without using the keyboard or the mouse. y intention is that, the application should do that automatically.

I have tried with getting the handle of the focused Button by GetFocus method and tried to send that handle to the application by SendMessage and PostMessage. But it's not working.So can any body give some suggestion regarding this?

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