How To Add Custom BG Image In ComboBox

Dec 8, 2011

I have a custom control that acts like a combobox and I want to use a custom background image for it.

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Add A Custom BG Image In A Combobox?

Nov 27, 2011

So I have a custom control that acts like a combobox and I want to use a custom background image for it. I also want to use a custom hover color and remove those white borders or set them to transparent as seen in the picture below.

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.net - Make A Custom ComboBox (OwnerDrawFixed) Looks 3D Like The Standard ComboBox?

May 3, 2011

I am making a custom ComboBox, inherited from Winforms' standard ComboBox. For my custom ComboBox, I set DrawMode to OwnerDrawFixed and DropDownStyle to DropDownList. Then I write my own OnDrawItem method. But I ended up like this:

How do I make my Custom ComboBox to look like the Standard one?

Update 1: ButtonRenderer After searching all around, I found the ButtonRenderer class. It provides a DrawButton static/shared method which -- as the name implies -- draws the proper 3D button. I'm experimenting with it now.

Update 2: What overwrites my control?I tried using the Graphics properties of various objects I can think of, but I always fail. Finally, I tried the Graphics of the form, and apparently something is overwriting my button.

Here's the code:

Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs)
Dim TextToDraw As String = _DefaultText
__Brush_Window.Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Window)


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Custom Cursor - "Image Format Is Not Valid. Image File May Be Corrupted?

Oct 11, 2011

I created a new cursor (it works properly, I tried it in windows 7) but is not working for me in the program.I took the Windows cursor (aero_helpsel_xl, from C:WindowsCursors) and it appears to me the same error.i use with this code:

Me.Cursor = New Cursor("Patch..")

The problem say:: "{"Image format is not valid. Image file may be corrupted.

Parameter name: stream "}"

edit: I realized what the problem ... It can read only cur files with 24-bit color and lower - but it shows only two colors: black and white.

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Create Custom Combobox ?

Mar 4, 2012

I want to create ComboBox that looks like this:

I have all the images needed for this set. where should I begin to create something similar?

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VS 2008 Custom ComboBox On A DGV?

Jan 30, 2010

i have a list object that i am displaying on a dgv, most of the properties are straight forward but it contains a list within it. I am trying to display some of the properties of the list within a combobox column for the dgv but what i end up with is an identical combobox for each row which contains all the info for the entire list of items. here is the relevent code which constucts the combobox column.

Public Class frmJobs
Private Sub DataGridView1_RowsAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs) Handles


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ComboBox Bound With Custom DataSource?

Mar 5, 2011

Appropriate Title would be: Bind comboBox Tag to database.I have a comboBox on form which is bounded but and I need to populate it manually. With some reading on net i have found a way but it is not working

I can populate my combo, select item in combo, update database but the problem is when I load my form it displays empty combo (combo is fulled with my custom data but nothing is selected it must select correct ItemText) and after selecting a value in combo, the value disappears as soon as combo losses focus .


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Custom ComboBox And Class Items

Apr 14, 2009

I have a custom combobox. Items are of this class
Public Class CustomItemsCombo
Public Sub New(ByVal valore As Integer, ByVal descrizione As String)
Me.Valore= valore
Me.Descrizione= descrizione
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Custom ComboBox Control Appearance

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a ComboBox control with a TreeView style. I have been giving a link to an article by MSDN forums which include a sample as a starting point. [url] I downloaded the sample and convert its C# code to VB. The sample is a windows forms application so I moved the controls of the sample to a new Windows control library. I also modify and added some of the code to try to make it the way I want. Now I'm facing a problem with this control and I need your help to understand why it not behaving the right way. I'm trying to learn and build a ComboBox with a TreeView style.

The control inherits from the windows ComboBox control and when I place it on a form for the first time it look exactly as a CompbBox control but once I run the application for the first time the control appearance become deferent and it's not drowning its self as the windows ComboBox do. When I try to expand its width by dragging one of its sides by the mouse it doesn't work properly. I struggled understand why its behaving this way and how I can correct this behavior but unfortunately I couldn't. [Code]

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Combobox - Choosing A Custom Default Combo Box Value

Apr 14, 2010

I got a combobox which is filled with values from datasource. By default the first value is chosen which is fine but I need to display "Choose country" as the default combobox text. The user then can choose from the drop down list.


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Custom Control Combobox - Set DropDownList As Default

Sep 3, 2009

i create my custom combobox control and i'd like to set DropDownStyle property on DropDownList but it not works correctly. [Code] When i put my custom control in my form i want to see DropDownStyle set to DropDownList and not DropDown as default.

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Make A Custom Gui For The App, Which Goes Around The Image?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a background image and i'm trying to make a custom gui for the app, which goes around the image, and of course its an irregular shape, so i thought that i could use the region and so i used several ellipses and the i tried to add a rectangle but the parts that overlap invert the path therefor the part that overlaps is now transparent and not part of the window.

What I would like to do is get some examples of using all the curves, lines... and be able to make one region that is connected with all those paths that are made.

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Set Custom Background Image?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm having a few problems creating a transparent form. The reason I want to do this is because I'm attempting to make a custom border (one that isn't exactly square).I can already get the form to be transparent, then I set my custom background image, which all works perfect, it even detects when the mouse enters the image, which is great. (I use transparency key to make the form transparent)

The problem is, if I add ANY control, or even if I just save the file, NOTHING else, the whole thing has a spaz attack.. Instead of having the image with the transparent form, the square form appears every time I run the app.

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Avoid Closing Of Custom ComboBox Popup Window In DataGrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys in my datagrid which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time, after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse.

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Custom Control And Datagridview ComboBox Cell Back Color

Jun 5, 2009

I have added a custom Control to my project, but every time I edit it and rebuild the form that I use the custom control in adds the project name in front of the control and won't compile. i.e. Project name = MyProject, Custom Control name = MyControl. When I rebuild the project after editing my control I get an error, MyProject.MyControl doesn't exist. If I remove the MyProject from the line it compiles and runs fine until next time I edit the custom control.

I can't figure out what I would be doing wrong to cause this, or why it is putting the project name in front of the control, but then not accepting it. I am also struggling figuring out how to change the back color on an individual cell in an Datagridview Combo Box. The style.backcolor property of the cell doesn't seem to do anything.

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Custom Control Image Property?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm trying use just a user control form to act like the old VB6 picturebox. Mainly, i'm doing this is because a user control form is also a container but i also want it to have an image property. I've done this. The new control does have an Image property but the problem is that the user control form doesn't have an image property but only a BackgroundImage property.I was hoping that there is some way to place the selected image, directly on the surface of the user control and not to it's BackgroundImage property. Here is what is got so far:

Public Property Image As System.Drawing.Image
Return Me.BackgroundImage
End Get


As you can see, for now, i have to use the BackgroundImage property but i want to image to be placed on the controls surface, so that the image can be manipulated, like drawing game tiles on it or image processing. The user control doesn't have a real image property?

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Custom ProgressBars / Fill Image

Jun 18, 2011

how to go about using an image to 'fill' a progress bar instead of the stock standard green thing?using and image as the background of a progress bar aswell.

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VS 2008 MessageBoxIcon Custom Image?

Jan 25, 2010

I need to set a custom image icon on MessageBox.Show parameter which is presently limited to MessageBoxIcon enums any programatical way to overcome this ?

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.net - Custom Listview Column Sort Image To Right?

Aug 2, 2010

I support a .Net 2.0 Windows application that has a custom listview control to allow for greater flexibility. I am not allowed to bring this to a newer version of the gramework until next year. We are moving from XP to Windows 7, and we have identified an issue with how the column sort image (up/down arrow) is drawn to the listview. Currently in XP, the image is drawn to the right of the column's text. However, in Windows 7, I am getting Access Violation Exceptions. Now, I know that the error is with the improper handling of memory using the unmanaged code as shown below. I am looking for a method to mimic what we have below in a safe manner using managed code.


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VS 2008 Custom CheckBox Checked Image?

Oct 27, 2009

Is there a better image then a check for a checkbox or would i have to create my a new control?

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Change Custom Button Background Image With Code?

Feb 23, 2012

i do make custom button component with the below code..

Imports System.Drawing
Public Class AnsBtn
Inherits Windows.Forms.Button


After building the button class i import the dll to my project.

how i can switch between the images to set it as the current background image.

" Answerbtn1.BackgroundImage = ........"

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Display Tow Image From One Combobox?

Oct 15, 2010

I have one combobox and 2 picture box in my form. The idea is that, when combobox selects "1202", the picture box 1 should show the photo from the resources with name "1202" or "1202.jpg" and the picture box 2 should show the photo from resources with name "NK1202" Here is the code I have to desplay photo in picture box1[code]...

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Put User Image In Combobox?

Mar 11, 2010

how to put user image in combobox when Im going to dropdown

for example in combobox


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Forms - Background Image Transparent Painted With Custom Linear Gradient

Jun 1, 2012

I try to achieve to paint a form with a gradient backcolor and overlap an image with transparency. This is possible? I want using a tile background image with transparent background and paint the background with a custom linear gradient.

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Databind The Combobox With Image And Text Together?

Mar 17, 2011

i have a combobox in my form and i need to databind it from database i need to know is it posible to databind the combobox with image and text together like first show an image and than a text for each item.

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Forms :: PictureBox - Image Loading Using ComboBox

May 14, 2009

I have a picture box on my form along with a combo box with a number of different options. So anyway when a combo box item is selected I want it to look in the dataset for the selected item's row and pick out the image to load and then using an IF statement it sets the image (or should).

Dim RaceImg As String = DS.Tables("tblRaces").Rows(ID).Item("RaceImg")
If RaceImg = "AusGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/AusGP.png")
ElseIf RaceImg = "MalGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/MalGP.png")
End If

I have tried a number of different ways to get this working, I have tried them in the resources for the program and also tried the following code
GP_Picture.Image = "./Track Images/AusGP.png"
It seems like the picture box isn't redrawing or something? Just to add it will load the first image which is the AusGP because thats the first option in the combo box, after that none of the others will load.

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How To Display PictureBox Image From ComboBox SelectedItem

Dec 20, 2011

I'm using VB 2008 express to create a windows form application. I have a combobox named cb_face. The items in the combobox are image file names populated from my resource folder using a "for each" loop. When an item is selected I would like to display the image in picturebox1. I have tried several different codes but none of them display the image. I am not getting any errors. The comment lines show some of the code that has been tried.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim ImgFolder As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsubdMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsBlank OutBlank OutResources")
Dim ImgFile As IO.FileInfo() = ImgFolder.GetFiles("*.bmp")
Dim info As IO.FileInfo
For Each info In ImgFile
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 Load Image Into Picturebox Using Combobox?

Sep 5, 2011

how to correct my code.It seem dont have error but it only able to load 1 picture only.In my code here i am using combobox to load a image into Picturebox. I got 3 item in combo box and 3 image which need to load in picturebox.

Private Sub CBpayment_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As ystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CBpayment.SelectedIndexChanged
PBOffice2.Image = My.Resources.dollar_us


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Changing Button Image By Selecting Combobox Item?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a Combobox with some items (item1-item7) to select and 54ish Buttons(sButton1-sButton54). Also an array(53) called Buttons. The array is filled with the items to select, like: Buttons(0) = "item 1, item 2" Everytime another item in the Combobox is selected, I'd like only some of the Buttons to change their Image. Therefore I got the array. If Item 1 is selected and Buttons(0) contains the item1 I'd like to change the Button1's image.edit: It works with changing the image of every Button:

sButton1.Image = My.Resources.image1

But I'd prefer to change all in one go (Loop) instead.

sButton(0) = "item1, item2, item3"
sButton(1) = "item2, item3"
sButton(2) = "item1, item3"


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VB 2010 Change The Image In A Picture Box Using A Combobox With Item Collections 0-8?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to change the image in a picture box using a combobox with item collections 0-8.When I run the program no matter what I choose in the combobox it selects case 0 and willnot change. code below for selected index changed.

Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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