Put User Image In Combobox?

Mar 11, 2010

how to put user image in combobox when Im going to dropdown

for example in combobox


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Add A Custom BG Image In A Combobox?

Nov 27, 2011

So I have a custom control that acts like a combobox and I want to use a custom background image for it. I also want to use a custom hover color and remove those white borders or set them to transparent as seen in the picture below.

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Display Tow Image From One Combobox?

Oct 15, 2010

I have one combobox and 2 picture box in my form. The idea is that, when combobox selects "1202", the picture box 1 should show the photo from the resources with name "1202" or "1202.jpg" and the picture box 2 should show the photo from resources with name "NK1202" Here is the code I have to desplay photo in picture box1[code]...

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How To Add Custom BG Image In ComboBox

Dec 8, 2011

I have a custom control that acts like a combobox and I want to use a custom background image for it.

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Databind The Combobox With Image And Text Together?

Mar 17, 2011

i have a combobox in my form and i need to databind it from database i need to know is it posible to databind the combobox with image and text together like first show an image and than a text for each item.

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Forms :: PictureBox - Image Loading Using ComboBox

May 14, 2009

I have a picture box on my form along with a combo box with a number of different options. So anyway when a combo box item is selected I want it to look in the dataset for the selected item's row and pick out the image to load and then using an IF statement it sets the image (or should).

Dim RaceImg As String = DS.Tables("tblRaces").Rows(ID).Item("RaceImg")
If RaceImg = "AusGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/AusGP.png")
ElseIf RaceImg = "MalGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/MalGP.png")
End If

I have tried a number of different ways to get this working, I have tried them in the resources for the program and also tried the following code
GP_Picture.Image = "./Track Images/AusGP.png"
It seems like the picture box isn't redrawing or something? Just to add it will load the first image which is the AusGP because thats the first option in the combo box, after that none of the others will load.

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How To Display PictureBox Image From ComboBox SelectedItem

Dec 20, 2011

I'm using VB 2008 express to create a windows form application. I have a combobox named cb_face. The items in the combobox are image file names populated from my resource folder using a "for each" loop. When an item is selected I would like to display the image in picturebox1. I have tried several different codes but none of them display the image. I am not getting any errors. The comment lines show some of the code that has been tried.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim ImgFolder As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsubdMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsBlank OutBlank OutResources")
Dim ImgFile As IO.FileInfo() = ImgFolder.GetFiles("*.bmp")
Dim info As IO.FileInfo
For Each info In ImgFile
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 Load Image Into Picturebox Using Combobox?

Sep 5, 2011

how to correct my code.It seem dont have error but it only able to load 1 picture only.In my code here i am using combobox to load a image into Picturebox. I got 3 item in combo box and 3 image which need to load in picturebox.

Private Sub CBpayment_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As ystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CBpayment.SelectedIndexChanged
PBOffice2.Image = My.Resources.dollar_us


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Changing Button Image By Selecting Combobox Item?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a Combobox with some items (item1-item7) to select and 54ish Buttons(sButton1-sButton54). Also an array(53) called Buttons. The array is filled with the items to select, like: Buttons(0) = "item 1, item 2" Everytime another item in the Combobox is selected, I'd like only some of the Buttons to change their Image. Therefore I got the array. If Item 1 is selected and Buttons(0) contains the item1 I'd like to change the Button1's image.edit: It works with changing the image of every Button:

sButton1.Image = My.Resources.image1

But I'd prefer to change all in one go (Loop) instead.

sButton(0) = "item1, item2, item3"
sButton(1) = "item2, item3"
sButton(2) = "item1, item3"


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Outputting ComboBox User Selection?

Feb 3, 2009

I have a combo box that has multiple options, when the user selects one of the options (world wide city destinations) a specific value is assigned to a variable. For example if "New York" is selected the variable "x" is assigned the number 155. What I want to do is output the destination that has been selected ie "New York" in a label called "lblOutput1", do I need to store the destination as a seperate variable to be able to produce it in this label as I cannot seem to get it to work:

At the moment I am using:

lblOutput1.Text = "bla bla bla " + cmbDestination.SelectedText + " bla bla bla " + Today()

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Populate A ComboBox From User List?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to populate a Combo Box with a list of names and from that have the contact information (address, phone, email, ect..) populate a series of textboxes. The list is roughly 20 names, but it could grow to a hundred or more. Since the contact information changes periodically, I would like a very easy way to maintain it (Excel or Access).

Update: I am just trying to understand whether I should use Linq (have to learn it) or is there some other way this should be done.

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User Adding Text To Combobox

Jan 15, 2012

I have the following code but I need to make the users add text to my (Combobox) drop down list.


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VB 2010 Change The Image In A Picture Box Using A Combobox With Item Collections 0-8?

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to change the image in a picture box using a combobox with item collections 0-8.When I run the program no matter what I choose in the combobox it selects case 0 and willnot change. code below for selected index changed.

Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Change Text In Combobox When User Changes Selection?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a combobox on a form with the dropdownstyle set to drop down. Users can either salect a value from the list, or type in any value they wish. This all works fine. However, when one particular item in the list is selected I wish to set a different value. Unfortunately I don't appear to be able to set the combobox Text property from within any of the events that fire when the selected item is changed.


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Force User To Make Combobox Selection?

Jun 30, 2011

I'd like to force a user to make a selection from a combobox.I've tried to test it by Combobox.SelectedText = String.empty as well as another version similar to this but a little different.When I test it, it will tell me that it is still unselected/blank even when I selected something.

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Forms :: How To Get Value Of Item Which User Selects From ComboBox

Nov 1, 2010

I am creating the items in a combobox in my code behind. I am setting the display member and the value member. When the user makes a selection from the combo box, I need to get the value of the selected item. I have written some code, but when I step through it, it says that the selectedvalue is Nothing.

Here is the code where I am creating the items in the combo box:
Do While drReader.Read
cboTheater.ValueMember = CStr(drReader("TheaterID"))
cboTheater.DisplayMember = CStr(drReader("TheaterDesc"))

In the selected index change event for the combo box, I am doing the following:
Dim strTheater As String
strTheater = CStr(cboTheater.SelectedValue)
When I step thru the code, strTheater is Nothing

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How To Expose ComboBox On User Control For DataBinding

Aug 8, 2011

I'm creating a composite user control and trying to exposing the controls as properties so that I can databind them from the form that I drop the user control onto. One of the controls I'm trying to expose is a combobox and I can't seem to figure out how to expose this combobox to the designer. I'm trying the following code that I've cobbled together from what bits of documentation I can find but so far no joy.

<Category("Data"), Bindable(True), _
Browsable(True), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), _
DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible), _
AttributeProvider(GetType(IListSource))> _
Public Property RollbackCombo As ComboBox
[Code] .....

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Populate A Combobox With User Names From LDAP?

Sep 2, 2008

I have been trying for days to populate a combobox with user names from our LDAP. I can not seem to get this to work however I am really new to LDAP also. Here is my code...


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Populate ComboBox From Database By User Input?

Apr 7, 2011

I have combo box that populate from database by user input, the problem is when I type "food" and "food" is not found in queries the caret will always go to default writing place. And if my search doesn't find anything I got error "Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index".

My code
Private Sub nmObatKeluar00_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nmObatKeluar00.TextChanged
If (nmObatKeluar00.Text <> "") Then
[Code] .....

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Combobox Change - Distinguish Between User And Code Update?

Oct 21, 2009

title is a bit vague. Is there any way I can tell if it's the user or the code that's altered a combobox? I want certain things to happen when a combobox is updated, but I don't want them to happen when the code is altering the combobox at runtime, only when the user selects something out of them. Unfortunately, if I use the 'Selectedindexchanged' option that triggers when I change the contents in code too. I've tried disabled the combobox while I update it, but that doesn't seem to work. Any way to detect user input only? My combobox is drop-down only by the way, so it's only if they select an option - they can't type anything.

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Disable The User's Ability To Edit The Text In The Combobox?

Sep 3, 2009

Is there a way to disable the user's ability to edit the text in the combo-box, so that they can ONLY choose from the options in the drop-down list?

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Display The Id And Page When User Typing The Document Name In Combobox?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a data in access 2007 which is:

1 investment 2000 12
2 investment 1989 4
3 investment march 15

how to display the id and page when user typing the document name in combobox..using vb.net 2008

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Make A ComboBox Of A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Accept User New Items?

Sep 19, 2011

Using a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, the goal is to make the ComboBoxes accept user's new items and also the possibility of choosing items that are already present.I'm aware of using EditingControlShowing event of the DataGridView to change the DropDownStyle of the DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl at run time to allow this, but I'm wondering if this can be done at a lower level.

What I'm doing now is extending DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, DataGridViewComboBoxCell and DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl, hoping to change the EditingControl's DropDownStyle in the moment I instantiate it. So far, no luck.The debugger shows the right assignment is being executed, but nonetheless, the DropDownStyle is popping at the EditingControlShowing (using the event for debugging purposes) as DropBoxList, not DropBox, which is the intent.

Here follow the classes:

Public Class DataGridViewComboBoxColumnALT
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
Public Sub New()


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Once The User Has Input The First Character Then ComboBox Start Populate?

Dec 26, 2011

I want to Know about ComboBox

i am created a form with three comboboxes. means

all ComboBoxes are fill ( names ) from a "CustomerName" table
"CustomerName" table is have more than ten thousand records

i am use three binding sources Like CustomerName.BindingSource, CustomerName.BindingSource1 and CustomerName.BindingSource2


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Prevent A User From Entering Data Into A ComboBox Rather Then Selecting

May 14, 2012

Is there a way to prevent a user from entering data into a ComboBox, rather then selecting, or can anyone suggest a routine to catch and prevent entries so the user can be made aware the they are not acceptable?

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Save Setting Of ComboBox After Add / Remove New Items By User?

Mar 31, 2010

I have added a textbox and a combobox into the form. There are 2 buttons as Add and Remove. Everything works fine here but the problem is after addig/removing (using add/remove button) new items into the combobox, when I close it, the new items added/removed are gone. I need to save the new items added to the combobox during close. I can understand I have to create a Application Setting which will save the new items added to combobox upon closing. But I don't know which code I need to use? Below are the currently used code of this project.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' This is to add new items to combobox
'MsgBox("" & TextBox1.Text & " Successfully Added to Combobox")
[Code] .....

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Save User Input As A Named Combobox Item

May 2, 2012

What i'm attempting to do is have several textboxes where the user input's there information and a seperate text box to give there input a name so it can be sent to a combobox and saved with my.settings so when the program loads or the user needs the textboxes populating they can select the name in the combobox and it fill out the textboxes.


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Select All The Items From The Combobox When The User Check The Checkbox?

Nov 19, 2009

I have on my form a combobox and a checkbox.What I want to do is when the user checks the checkbox all the values contained in combobox will be selected. So a multi-select for all items of combobox when the checkbox is checked.I tried this:

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked Then
End If
End Sub

But only one element is selected with blue.

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User Selects A Movie From A Combobox And The Corresponding File Opens?

Jan 6, 2010

I am working on cinema booking system project in vb.net..I have to book seats in the cinema..I have created a file for seat reservation for every movie..The seating is such that there are 18 seats and in the file have written 0s and 1s indicating reserved and vacant seats respectively..User selects a movie from a combobox and the corresponding file opens..We have to change the color of those seats which are already booked to red.Here is my code but it doesnt work..

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles movies.SelectedIndexChanged Dim Seat As Button() = New Button() {Form4.Button1, Form4.Button2, Form4.Button3, Form4.Button4, Form4.Button5, Form4.Button6, Form4.Button7, Form4.Button8, Form4.Button9, Form4.Button10, Form4.Button11, Form4.Button12, Form4.Button13, Form4.Button14, Form4.Button15, Form4.Button16, Form4.Button17, Form4.Button18}


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VS 2008 User Goes Crazy Changing The SelectedIndexChanged Of A ComboBox?

Oct 23, 2009

In my app I have a combobox and a sub wich handles the SelectedIndexChanged. It all works fine, but if the user goes crazy with the mouse scrollwheel changing the selected item in the combobox, the program will sometimes stop working for different reasons.

Now, what I want to do is to make some sort of sleep/wait function in the SelectedIndexChanged event handler, so that if the index hasn't changed in let's say 100 milliseconds, it will continue the code. If the index has changed, it will wait until the user has finished going crazy

What is the best solution to accomplish something like this? I've been thinking about using Thread.Sleep, but I can't find the correct way of doing it.

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