How To Count Number Of Lines In Text File
Dec 9, 2011
Basically, every time an entry is made - all of the proper data gets put out to a central Listings.txt file and then a specific .txt file for that area. When the user enters the recall form, they can view the listings for all or whichever area they've selected. That works quite fine. However! We also need to include a summary of how many are in each section. Not thinking properly, I started to do this with a counter - until I realized that a counter will lose its value once the program shuts down. My current idea is to count the number of lines in the text file (it outputs 8 lines per listing, so everything would be in values of 8) and then divide that by 8 - but after some searching I haven't been able to find a piece of code that will allow me to get an integer that relates to the amount of individual lines in the file.
View 4 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I need a TextBox to resize depending on the number of lines entered by the user, I note that TextBoxes has no AutoSize Property.
Is there a way to Count the number of Lines in a Text?
View 13 Replies
May 10, 2012
Below is what I've been using. While it does work, my program locks up when trying to count a rather large file, say 10,000 or more lines. Smaller files run in no time. Is there a better or should I say faster way to count the lines in a text file?
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Jun 5, 2009
Can anyone think how to read how many lines will be written to a txt file via streamwriter?I know i can do a count and increment on each writeline but maybe someone knows how to countlines from streamwriter?
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Dec 27, 2009
How to make program that counts lines in a text file?
View 4 Replies
Feb 8, 2011
How would I count the lines of a text file situated on a server?
I know that if the file is on my pc I just do this:
Dim lines As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:mytextfile.txt")
msgbox("The text file has " & lines.Length & " lines.")
But what about if the file is on a server such as ""?
If try to download the file in memory and read it, it works fine:
View 11 Replies
Feb 9, 2011
I have a text file on a web server. Every line of the text file ends with "g]" or with "a]".I would like to count the lines that end with "g]" and the lines that end with "a]".Before I hade two seperate files and I used the following code for counting.But now I decided to put everthing into a single file:[code]
View 4 Replies
May 8, 2011
I have a text file on a web server. Every line of the text file ends with "g]" or with "a]".I would like to count the lines that end with "g]" and the lines that end with "a]".How can I do that?Before I hade two seperate files and I used the following code for counting.But now I decided to put everthing into a single file:
Dim client1 As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim file1 As String = client.DownloadString("URL/file1") 'lines ending with "g]"
Dim lines1 As String() = file1.Split(Environment.NewLine)
View 2 Replies
Oct 14, 2011
I have a folder which consists of 13 files. I want if a file contains human readable code than count the number of commented lines, line of code, and otherwise ignore the file.
View 4 Replies
Sep 4, 2011
Is there a way to see how many lines are in a text file? This also includes blank lines. I have seen a lot of code in this forum before related to my question, but they stop if there is a blank line. I want it to be so that if there are like 10 blank lines
View 1 Replies
Dec 29, 2009
i wrote an application in VB.NET and since i charge by the line, i would like to calculate how many lines i wrote. i have about 100 different vb files with my code. how do i count all the lines?
View 8 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
How can I count the number of ControlChars.NewLine in my text file?
View 13 Replies
Jun 5, 2009
It's exactly as the topic says. I have a text file with an unknown amount of words, typed out like this:tastymuffinsaredeliciousWhat I need is a counter that will tell me how many words there are, and in this case (besides a tasty muffin), there are 4 words. Is there a simple way to do this?
View 3 Replies
Jan 15, 2012
Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box.[code]...
First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. The code needs to work out how many lines have a matching text to the 4th array then randomly select lines from that total no need for a maximum limit to that number.The same line must only been show the once at a time, but It can then be shown again on a different button click.[code]...
View 3 Replies
Mar 31, 2009
i want to delete few lines from a big text file , normally this lines are at the starting of the text file , so it is possible that i can enter the line no from input box and the can delete that particular line number from the text file ,
View 8 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
As you will see from the code below I need to be able to tell before the array runs how many members of the array there are or else the program will crash. How can I redim the array depending on how many lines are in the text file (RECORDS.txt)
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Nation
Dim name As String
Dim continent As String
[Code] .....
View 2 Replies
Dec 23, 2011
As you will see from the code below I need to be able to tell before the arrayruns how many members of the array there are or else the program will crash. How can I redim the array depending on how many lines are in the text file (RECORDS.txt
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Nation
View 6 Replies
Aug 25, 2009
When the user clicks the Process Files button, do the following:
Read and process the contents of each of the 6 files.
Each file contains data in a different format.
and display them in arrylist. In the list it should contain name of the file and number of person in the text file example below.[code]...
View 1 Replies
Jan 12, 2012
Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box. The text file is made in the following format:
First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. Im stuck on how to randomly select lines from that list.This is the code i have so far.
View 5 Replies
Dec 13, 2010
i am a beginner in vb8 i have a text file named alarm.txt,sample alarm.txt file is shown below
can someone help me to read the alarm.txt file and extract data.for eg
View 1 Replies
Sep 3, 2009
how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.
Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.
View 12 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..
Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then
The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.
View 1 Replies
Sep 15, 2009
I have a text file containing lines of data (File 1). I need to delete all the lines in another text file (File 2), which are found in file 1.So I could read file 2 line by line. And then once the line has been read, read file 1 line by line to search for a match. But that's going to be painfully slow.Or I could read file 2 into memory. And then read file 1 line by line and REPLACE the lines in file 2 with nothing, therefore deleting them. File 2 could be 100 mb, so I'm not sure about reading it all into memory.
View 16 Replies
Dec 11, 2011
How to count number of text line until certain condition using vb 2008? Here is the code to count the number of line until the end of the text file. But I want to count until certain line of the text file.
View 10 Replies
Feb 27, 2009
I am hoping that someone can help me with a problem I've got at the moment using Compact Framework.Net 2 SP 2.At the moment I have a UI with a series of text boxes and each textbox displays the contents of a database field. These are shown one beneath another with a scroll bar on the right hand side of the form. Each textbox has a set width which might.I would like to adjust the height each text box based on the number of lines it is holding, the font size and the font in order to avoid using scroll bars on each textbox.[code]
View 3 Replies
Aug 31, 2010
I have 2 panels set up, one contains the rich text box the other one contains a single label. The am currently using the following code however it is not working.
Dim line_count As Integer = mainEditor.Lines.Length
Dim linecounter As Integer = line_count
linecounter += 1
line_count = 0
View 6 Replies
May 23, 2012
how or what to do but I am trying to get data from a file. The file contains multiple lines, each lines represents a customer. the line is broken in this parts Quotealeks-1234 a street-CDA-ID-12345 then that is broken in name address city state(combo box)zip
Public Sub ReadFromFile()
Using fs As New FileStream("customer.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
that is the code I am using to get each field in it's array. I am not quite sure how to get the number of lines so I can make it work properly. I also attached the whole project.
View 1 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
I was wondering if there is a xml function that counts the number of occurences of a particular node. I would like to count how many </row> nodes i have in an xml file. i have done this by reading the file into a string array and adding 1 to a counter everytime a </row> element is on the line, but this seems very low tech and i was wondering if there was a vb method for counting this instead?
View 4 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
designing a Windows based computer program that will allow a user to enter some number (n) and a choice of a count up or count down for that many numbers. So for example, the user enters 5 as their number and selects the count down option, the message box displayed would contain the message: "Here are your numbers: 5,4,3,2,1,0"
View 14 Replies
Oct 1, 2011
This is what I have, but It doesn't work with strings for some reason (only text files):
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