Game Programming :: Selecting Random Number Of Lines From Text File?

Jan 12, 2012

Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box. The text file is made in the following format:


First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. Im stuck on how to randomly select lines from that list.This is the code i have so far.


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Game Programming :: How To Read A Random Line Is A Text File

May 25, 2010

I want to read a random line (that I've chosen via random number) in a text file. I want to the system IO reader. But I am confused as to how to read a random line. Here's what I have...


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Game Programming :: Prevent Users Typing In Random Letters In A Text Box-Scrabble Game?

May 4, 2011

I have created a scrabble game that generates random letters. For the user to type in a word using the random letters they have to type it in a text box.

I want my program to prevent users from typing in letters that are not provided in the text box and to allow them to type in the random letters that are provided.

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Select Random Number Of Lines From A Text File?

Jan 15, 2012

Im making a text based game that i need to randomly select different numbers of lines from a text file then pass them to a list box.[code]...

First the code needes to identify the 4th element then randomly select lines from lines that contain that element. The code needs to work out how many lines have a matching text to the 4th array then randomly select lines from that total no need for a maximum limit to that number.The same line must only been show the once at a time, but It can then be shown again on a different button click.[code]...

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Game Programming :: Lines Not Depth Sorted

Sep 5, 2010

I am stuck on a problem with combining lines with solid geometry. Look at the pictures. The first is a look at the object from above and the second is the same object seen from below. The gridlines in the second picture should be in front of the object. The lines are drawn using linelist (one line, vertexformat=positioncolored, it is then translated and rotated in a loop) and the cube is drawn using trianglestrip (vertexformat=positionnormalcolored). It seems like lines are not depth tested. How do I manage to properly draw both grid and cube?

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Game Programming :: Too Much Lines Of Codes Creates Delay?

Nov 3, 2011

I am creating a game using VB .net i called it neo tetris battle "just for game development practice, experience and learn something new". it somehow similar to facebook's tetris battle gameplay and I already made a progress on the games logic. Now here's the problem everything works pretty on my pc BUT when I try to deploy it on a lower specs pc it lags or creates delay on movements. The game is just simple and it only use simple graphics but why it lags?

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Game Programming :: Waving Lines - Beginning And End Points?

Jul 25, 2010

I am designing a game, in which you have to connect some lines, these lines are defined by the beginning and end points. I would like them to wave, yet always keeping the edges on the two points, also, when you connect 2 lines, I would like them to appear to be one continuous line, which contains the beginning, end, and the point of connection between the lines. To do this I've tried bezier curves, with a random point, always changing, but I noticed that bezier curves only works to 4 points, and the line does not always passes through the points themselves...

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Game Programming :: Appear On A Random Location On Another Specified Larger Picture Box?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a picture box and I tell it to appear on a random location on another specified larger picture box.

here's my code:

Sub P2_AppleMove()
Dim P2ax As Integer = CInt(Int((P2Foodarea.Width * Rnd()))) ' sets the random area of the food


P2foodarea is a large picture box I created. I only want the apple to spawn on P2Foodarea, atm, it spawns on P1Foodarea which is very weird. P1foodarea is a whole other picture box. I even made new variables as you can see P2ax and P2ay, but it still doesn't spawn on P2Foodarea. I have even tried recreating a new picture box for P2foodarea

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Game Programming :: Creating A Random New Point Within A Picturebox Bounds?

Jun 17, 2011

How do I go about doing this? I have currently made this code, but sometimes points are created on the boundaries of this picture box, which I do not want. I want all new random points to be within the bounds of this large playarea (picturebox). Foodarea is my big picturebox which i want all fruit to spawn WITHIN not outside on it's edges.


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Game Programming - Detect The Collision Of NPC's That Load Onto 2d Tile Map From Text File

Jun 25, 2009

I have a question about collision, yes my 2d tile rpg's map collision works just fine, but im having trouble with the collision with my npc's. At the start of the game it loads all the map data from a text file. well it also loads the location and other stuff about the npc's onto the map from a text file. how do i detect the collision of the npc's that were loaded from the text file, i could do collision with hardcoded npc's but i want to avoid hardcoding the game content into the game engine. RESTATING MY QUESTION: How do i detect the collision of NPC's that i load onto my 2d tile map from text file?

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Random Lines Fom Text File Into Richtextbox?

Jan 31, 2010

basically ive tried a few different methods which i have come accross by searching but none seem to work.

code so far after removing everything that didnt work is as follows

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

im makng a spelling test type application so that each word is on a different line and that are displayed in a random sequency.

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Number Guessing Game - Allows A User 10 Attempts To Guess A Random Number Between 1 And 50

Nov 9, 2009

I am attempting to create a game in Visual Studio 2008 that allows a user 10 attempts to guess a random number between 1 and 50. I have a label box in which I would like to display the remaining guesses as they decrement. The code so far appears below.

My two (I am sure very basic) questions are:

1. How would I pass the random integer generated through the Generate Integer function to the AmIRight button's click function? I was trying to decrement the counter each time the "Am I Right " button is pressed.

2. I would also like to evaluate each "guess" when the "Am I right button is pressed. Is it possible to nest a Select Case statement in a For Next Loop? Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnOption Infer Off Public Class frmMain Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub txtGuess_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Selecting Random Number From ComboBox?

May 15, 2009

The problem I have is I have made a program which you select a value from a combobox and it changes the value of a url for a picturebox and thus changes the picture, I also have a button which randomizes all of the comboboxes so I will get something unique, but every time the program loads, and I hit random, it chooses the same numbers in order. If you need an example, when I press random the first time I get the number 7 for my first combobox, so the selected index=7, every time I load the program and press random it picks 7 for that combobox.

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Game Programming :: Program Is Designed To Generate A Random Hand Of Cards Out Of Our List?

Aug 19, 2008

Below is the code that we have been working on. We have bolded the parts which we are unsure about - they are producing errors. (its near the bottom)The program is designed to generate a random hand of cards out of our list of them. This program is a smaller version of what we hope to have in the full one - ie. It tries to get a random hand of 3 cards out of a possible 5.

The part we are having errors with is getting the images to display on each of the 3 'picturebox' objects using a loop (so we don't have to type each picturebox individually).


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TIP 1: Index Lines In Large Text File For Fast Random Access?

Jul 14, 2011

When you need to do random access to the lines of a text file, the regular solution is to put those lines in a list and access them in that list.But doing this if the text file is large creates a large memory overhead and may cause some memory stress on the application.This class maps the file and provide the ability to read any particular line in the file at a random position, without the need to read or put in memory any other line but the desired line. The only memory overhead involve is the 1024 bytes buffer of the base stream.Even if the file mapping can be a process that consume a noticable amount of time if the file is very large ( ~ 5 seconds for each 100,000,000 caracteres) , once the mapping is done the access to a particular line becomes instantaneous regardless of the size of the file. (The file mapping can always be done at a convenient time (ex when the process load) and can be done on a worker thread The class is base on a StreamReader to support the differents Text Encodings Example uf usage ( As I say, if the file is very large, dont do it like that, but declare the class at a convenient time)

Imports Reader = System.IO.MyStreams
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Game Programming :: Display In A Label The Appropriate Number Of Dashes?

Oct 12, 2004

I trying to display in a label the appropriate number of dashes based on the number of letters in a word that the first player entered.

Basically, when you click play, the first person enters a word, then the second player guesses what it is. That person has 2x #ofletters of incorrect tries. I just need to figure out how to get the dashes to display based on # of letters and not a preset one of 5 dashes. The original program accepts only 5-letter word so that line of code is Me.lblWord.Text = "-----". I have modified it so the user can enter any # of chars. I tried making the above line with a lot of dashes so it but the leftover dashes will stay there and the game won't end. Here is what i have right now for my play button:

Private Sub btnPlay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlay.Click
'simulates the Hangman game


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Number Of Lines In Text File?

Sep 4, 2011

Is there a way to see how many lines are in a text file? This also includes blank lines. I have seen a lot of code in this forum before related to my question, but they stop if there is a blank line. I want it to be so that if there are like 10 blank lines

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How To Count Number Of Lines In Text File

Dec 9, 2011

Basically, every time an entry is made - all of the proper data gets put out to a central Listings.txt file and then a specific .txt file for that area. When the user enters the recall form, they can view the listings for all or whichever area they've selected. That works quite fine. However! We also need to include a summary of how many are in each section. Not thinking properly, I started to do this with a counter - until I realized that a counter will lose its value once the program shuts down. My current idea is to count the number of lines in the text file (it outputs 8 lines per listing, so everything would be in values of 8) and then divide that by 8 - but after some searching I haven't been able to find a piece of code that will allow me to get an integer that relates to the amount of individual lines in the file.

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Display Random Number - Game

Nov 24, 2010

I've been asked to write an age guessing game using vb. We have to have 4 buttons and a text box where the random number is displayed. The range is between 5 and 110. we have a 'too high' 'too low' , 'start' and 'correct' button


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Random Number Generator Game?

Mar 15, 2009

Stuck programming a random number generator game. one is to guess what the random number. I have coded most of it and am pleased, but there are some hitches. a) When running the program if you guess 10 it says," Guess Higher" which is impossible as the num gen stops at 10 (if you guess 9 and the number is lower than 9 it says guess lower . . . which it is supposed to do)

b) When asked to play again if one clicks no it calls you a loser and exits the problem is it does the same if you click yes. How can I get it to simply start over if yes is clicked

c) Does anyone know how to make an image move up or down based on the input? IE if guess needs to be higher the image moves higher? Lower and it moves lower?


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Game Programming :: Error - 'ReDim' Cannot Change The Number Of Dimensions Of An Array

May 4, 2008

The code below is the entire class that has the error in it... the errored code is highlighted in red. The error is,'ReDim' cannot change the number of dimensions of an array.

Public Class clsMap
Dim SR As System.IO.StreamReader
Public Width As Integer
Public Height As Integer


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Making A Random Number Guessing Game?

May 29, 2009

im making a random number guessing game type thing, i have the main thing done, but I was just wondering, how could I get it to show the integer rndnumber in the message box that comes up? I think its something like &= or something, but I havn't even been using VB for a week, so im can't figure it out. Here is my script:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then[code]......

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Start A New Game In A Random Number Generator?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create a Random Number Generator in Visual Basic 2008 using a menu system and I'm having difficulty with the following:If I type in a number above 100, I don't get a message appearing saying that the number that I typed is too high.I don't know what I need to code to start a new game.How do I get messages to show up when both pressing the "Check Me" button and using the "Give Me the Number" option to say whether the answer is correct or too high or too low.ful to hear them.

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Delete Few Lines From The Text File Either With Line Number Or With Content?

Mar 31, 2009

i want to delete few lines from a big text file , normally this lines are at the starting of the text file , so it is possible that i can enter the line no from input box and the can delete that particular line number from the text file ,


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VS 2010 - ReDim Array By Number Of Lines In Text File

Mar 15, 2012

As you will see from the code below I need to be able to tell before the array runs how many members of the array there are or else the program will crash. How can I redim the array depending on how many lines are in the text file (RECORDS.txt)

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Nation
Dim name As String
Dim continent As String
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 ReDim An Array By The Number Of Lines In A Text File?

Dec 23, 2011

As you will see from the code below I need to be able to tell before the arrayruns how many members of the array there are or else the program will crash. How can I redim the array depending on how many lines are in the text file (RECORDS.txt

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure Nation


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Start A New Game Within Menu In Random Number Generator Created In Program?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create a Random Number Generator in Visual Basic 2008 using a menu system and I'm having difficulty with the following:

If I type in a number above 100, I don't get a message appearing saying that the number that I typed is too high.I don't know what I need to code to start a new game.How do I get messages to show up when both pressing the "Check Me" button and using the "Give Me the Number" option to say whether the answer is correct or too high or too low.[code]...

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Selecting A Random Button And Modifying Its Text?

Nov 13, 2009

I am making a game of tic tac toe, and I have 9 buttons lined up in a grid pattern. I want to select a random button for the computer to start the game from.

I have an array set up with all the names of my buttons, and I was thinking of picking a random entry from that array to start working from. This I have done fine, but I cannot change the text of a button. My code:

''# Define the array
random(0) = "tl"
random(1) = "tc"
random(2) = "tr"


as you can see, I can't simply do StartPoint.Text = "O", even thought StartPoint holds the name for the button.

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Selecting Random Numbers In A Text String?

Jul 28, 2008

Basically what I'm trying to do is to get the program to select a text string that has 2 random numbers in it from a RichTextBox. The string it would find would be similar to this:"items_win.php?item_id=24&item_number=590576"But the bolded section changes every time the page is refreshed, so how can i find the string with the numbers every time no matter what they are?

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Game Programming :: Searching For A Name (text)?

Nov 27, 2010

I know this is my first post and Im very sorry its a question right away. I apologize for this, but I felt that I have to ask, I was searching all over and couldnt find answer, probably I just need help to define the keywords..searching for a name of a monster in some game and move the mouse onto it. Example: In middle of the screen, there is monster named: AAA I would need the program to search for the name "AAA" and move the mouse onto it.

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