How To Create Filter That Limit Results (Max Rows)

Mar 27, 2012

I have a data bound datagridview on my form. I need the datagridview to sort by oldest date, and then return only the 150 oldest. The goal is to export the 150 rows with the oldest date to a .csv file and then update the date column to the current date for only those 150.

Here is what I have so far:
Dim appPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)
Dim tdate As Date
tdate = Today.Date
'sort datelastemailed by oldest to be emailed first
[Code] ....

I can get it filter by the column "status" and then sort by "datelastemailed". I can also get it to export only those 150 to the .csv file. My issue is that I need only those 150 to have their date column updated to today's date and then saved to the database. The only way I can see to get that done is to set a max number of rows for my databound datagridview and then loop through each row in the date column. How I can create a filter that limits results?

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VS 2008 : Filter The Results Of A Datagridviw Using The Bindingsource.filter Method?

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to filter the results of a datagridviw using the bindingsource.filter method.

Dim filters(2) As String
If Me.txtPartIDFilter.Text = "" Then


The issue is in the last line. ID_Part is an Int64 data type filters(0) is a string so the system returns a "Can't perform 'Like' operation on System.Int64 and System.String" error message.As you can see I tried converting the data type, but that failed since it is encased in String.Format()- it's going to be a string no matter what, I suppose.It's almost 1:00 a.m. so I'm not firing on all cylinders.

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How To Limit Results Of ComboBox

May 28, 2011

I have a simple database comprised of one table (called "Plants") and one form (called "Plants To Use"). In the "Plant To Use" form there are two fields: Plant ID (a nine-digit ID) and Paired Plant ID (a combo box pulling all of the Plant IDs). I want to limit the Plant IDs in the combo box to only IDs that match the 3rd, 4th and 5th digits of the "Plant ID" on the form. For example, if I pull up the record of 99874234 on the "Plant To Use" form I want my combo box to list all other Plant IDs that have 874 in the 3rd, 4th and 5th digit (e.g., 778746320, etc.).

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Limit Active Directory Search Results

Feb 2, 2011

I have some code that builds a treeview and replicates our AD structure - this runs fine.

One issue i found is when searching through the DirectoryEntries it lists all items where i would like to limit them to Organisational Units only. I thought or using the DirectorySearcher but it seems that i would have two operations running at the same time probably doing the same thing but returning slightly different results just to limit to show what i need. Is there a way to tie DirectoryEntries/Entry with a DirectorySeracher to limit results to Organisation Units or is there a way to do this another way and still have it displayed under a treeview?

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VS 2005 Limit Rows In Datagridview?

Dec 8, 2009

I am loading data from a Textfile into a datagridview. I want to limit the amount of rows created at any stage to 9. How can i do this?

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Could Limit Rows And Columns To Be Scanned To D2:F500

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to calculate an equation every time I change something in the Worksheet. [code] Everytime I try this formula everything locks up. Maybe I could limit the rows and columns to be scanned to D2:F500.

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Limit Rows Displayed By Report Viewer?

Mar 31, 2012

I'm really desperate at this point. I really need to display a graphic in a ReportViewer that shows ONLY the last 5 records added to my table, in the exact order they are in the table. I'm using a MySql database. I tried adding this query in the tableAdapter:

select * from(select * from myTable order by id_auto_increment desc limit 5) as myResult order by id_auto_increment asc

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C# - Limit Number Of Rows That Can Be Entered In A Datagridview Based On Property Of DGV?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a UI that uses datagridviews / bindingsource / datatables of typed dataset for data entry. The dataset itself is serialized to a varbinary(max) in SQL. (i.e. no tableadapter, backend schema).I would like to limit the number of rows the user can enter into some of the grids (the data is used to fill PDF forms and I don't want them entering more rows than the forms can accomodate.).I have subclassed the datagridview, added a rowlimit property and tried to manipulate the AllUsertoAddRows property

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class dgv
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView[code]......

The behavior I see is that the messagebox comes up after leaving the max row even when the user is trying to leave the grid. I can lose the messagebox and deal with notification some other way but I thought someone else may have come up with something a little more sophisticated to handle simply causing attempting to add to many records to navigate out of the grid to the next UI control.

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Query Active Directory With OLEDB And Get Over The 1000 Rows Limit?

Mar 5, 2008

You can query active directory with an OLEDB provider called ADSDSOOBJECT. This works great except it only returns the first 1000 rows. The following article shows how to work around this limitation in a vb script by setting the "page size" property of the command object. [URL]..I have been able to reproduce that code in VB.NET, but I am having problems getting it translated to OLEDB syntax, because there doesn't seem to be a "Page Size" property, or indeed a "properties" collection of any kind, in OLEDB.


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DataBindingSource Using Filter Results In A EvaluateException

Mar 15, 2010

Used the BindingSource. . :: . Filter Property description to verify how filters work.

The example uses the following filter source1.Filter = "artist LIKE 'Dave Matthews'" If I change the filter to source1.Filter = "artist LIKE 'Dave%M%'" by using 2 wildcards I run into a EvaluateException How do I use a filter with more then one wildcard?

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Filter Search Results By Keywords?

Jan 2, 2010

I have a search page, which iam using to search the database fields which holds the technical articles. The fields that iam searching are varchar(max).

Everything is fine..., I want to show the results with the first found instance of searched keywords in bold and some 70 to 100 chars before and after.

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Filter Datagrid With All Results Between 2 Dates In 2 Datatimepickers.

Apr 19, 2012

need a quick reply looking for code that will filter my datagrid with all the results between 2 dates in 2 datatimepickers. My table is not bound to the database. I'm looking for code that will work when the search button is pressed.

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Filter DataGridView Results From ComboBox And DateTime Picker Values

May 28, 2010

I'm trying to create a Windows form application which uses a few data grid views to pull data back from a SQL Server database. I've managed to get the data back okay from the tables but what I want to do is filter that data dynamically based on values input by the user from a combo box and a date time picker. Each of the data grids display production data for a machine but the combo box and date time picker will allow the data to be filtered by shift and date respectively - how to I pass the values of these to the SQL query returning the data?

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Filter The Other Datagridview Rows?

Jul 11, 2011

I found a code voor color the data in datagridview when the date is older then 90 days.

How do i filter the other datagridview rows?

I only want to see de red rows

For Each NRow In Me.DatumDataGridView.Rows
Dim date1, date2


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How To Filter Datagridview Rows

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to search a value in 3 access tables. The one of them is the parent and the other to childs.When I search for the value in th parent table everything runs good. When I search for the value in the childs table it seems that I can not find the value, which in reality exists.My code , AturbCustomer (parent), Contact, SAPCustomer (Childs):

SearchString = "'%" & TextBox1.Text & "%'"
If ComboBox1.Text = "Customer" Then


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Filter BindingSource Rows Between Strings?

Feb 1, 2012

I not sure if this can be done with strings, but I have to ask. I have a BindingSource that I want to filter. I want to filter a column that has a data type string. I want to filter for all strings between "Cat" and "Monkey". Also,I would like to do the opposite, filter all strings that are NOT between "Cat" and "Elephant".For example, look at my datasource:




If I filter for strings between Cat and Monkey my filter would return: Cat, Dog, Elephant, Monkey?If I filter for strings NOT between Cat and Monkey my filter would return: Ant, Zebra ?Is this possible?I don't want it to be case sensitive, so I assume you would have to use Option Compare Text.

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Filter Gridview Rows With Checkbox?

Mar 6, 2011

I would like to filter Gridview1 with, control checkbox, and code as "If GridView1 rows of column FirstName have value 'John' then show only this rows."I have somehow with network help write this code. But code is not working as it should, and also I do not know how to add controls also for other rows with values such as 'James', 'Paul'...

For Each x As GridViewRow In Me.GridView1.Rows
If Not x.Cells(0).Value = "John" Then
x.Visible = False


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Filter Rows And Columns Of A DataGridView?

Jun 4, 2012

I have the following data structure in a data base.

Table File
- File_ID (PK)
- File_Name

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VS 2010 : Filter Rows From Datagridview?

May 22, 2012

I have a datagridview and im using this code fill the table from a txt file.

Private Sub PopulateDataGridViewFromTXT(ByVal SFileName As String)
'Variables to store the count of rows and columns
Dim nRows As Long


All that long list(more than 2000items) is loaded into my datagridview which have two columns named "ITEM" and "ID" With the code above the item from the id is splitted to each seperate column.I want to press a button and filter the table to show only swords for example or only spears.And the other thing is to make a search button to search for a specific item,which i suppose if the first thing is doable the second will be peace of cake..

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Filter And Only Show The Rows With Null In That Column?

Sep 29, 2010

I've using binding source filter to filter the data i see in the datagrid based on the value of the cell (this is in relation to the checkstate of a checkbox column), so far so good

InvBindingSource.Filter = "Saved = '1'"

what if i wanted to filter and only show the rows with null in that column?

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Suspend BindingSource Filter While User Changes Rows

Mar 15, 2012

I have a DataGridView that uses a BindingSource that has a DataTable as it's DataSource. If I filter the DataGridView by using the BindingSource filter on a particular column, then I change a cell value in that same column the row disappears. For example, if I filter my "Shipped" column which contains CheckBoxes to only show True and then I set one of the CheckBoxes to False the row disappears from the DataGridView.

I do not want the row to disappear until the BindingSource filter is changed or removed. How can I suspend the BindingSource filter and then resume the filter if the filter has changed? I want it to work like MS Excel's filter. If you filter a column in Excel to only show cells that equal "Apple", then change the cell to "Banana" the row still shows, but if you change the filter the "Banana" row is removed. This how I want my BindingSource filter to work.

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Datatable Rows - Populate A Combobox With All The Results Where A Condition Is Met

May 5, 2012

I've populated my DataTable will all the results from a SQL search. Upon a button click I want to populate a combobox with all the results where a condition is met. My DataTable as a column called UserID and I want to add all results where the UserID is equal to a set value (for example 12). I can do this to add all results and I guess I could add a if statement inside this to be If Entry.Tag = 12 Then but is there a better way?


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Search Rows From Database And Store Results In ListView

Nov 15, 2009

I have a little problem with interacting with sql server from I look here [URL]. I made an sql server table called Per: Until here all it's ok. What I want to do is to insert in the two textboxes the user types Mike (in textbox1) and Bottomley (in textbox2) ,press the button search and stored the results in listview if he finds the row (and in this case it finds).

Here is the printscreen of my windows forms application (I am using visual studio 2008. So I type in the two textboxes Mike(textbox1), Bottomley(textbox2) press the button and it searches in my sql server table (if it finds -in this case I have this rows it's row1) it displays me the result in the Listview.

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Filter The Rows In DataGridView Based On The Enter Text In Combobox?

Jul 10, 2011

I am Working VB.NET 08 Windows Appl.I Have Combobox and DataGridView in the Form.In the Combobx Having Names list Called "SurName".In The DataGridView on of the Column is "SurName".So when change the data on the Combobx list the dataGridView is Filtering and displaying the values correctly.For this i wrote a code in Select IndexChanged or SelectionCommitedChange Event.

But now my task is when i Type the text in the Combobox the related data should be filter in the DataGridView.If i type any letter in the Combbox the datagridview rows starts filter.

For Ex: Names are like 'Mali', 'Malu','Maal','Mouli'.

If i type 'M' letter in the Combobox then 4 rows Filter in the DataGridView.
If i Type 'Ma' then 3 rows ,
If i type 'Mal' then 2 rows,
If i type 'Mali' then 1 row.

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How To Create A Demo With Time Limit

Sep 19, 2010

I have developed a utility which I would like to make available for demo purposes. I would like to allow people use it for full 30 days and stop. Does Visual studio ships any tool to do this? if not can you please point me to a way or piece of code to do this.

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Create A Limit To Amount Of The Space My Application

Feb 1, 2010

I want to create a limit to the amount of the space my application can take from the hard drive its running from.

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VS 2010 - Create Processing Time Limit

Apr 12, 2012

I have a process that recieves a request and issues a response. Sometimes createing the response is taking too long. I would like to start the request, and after 8 seconds, if the response has been created, I would abort the process and send back a generic message.

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Perform Addition On Each Of The Rows And Columns And Diagonally Of The Array And Display The Results To The User?

May 23, 2012

The Random generator works fine. What I have a problem with is adding the rows and columns.

0,0 0,1 0,2 = row total
1,0 1,1 1,2 = row total


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Filter Database Results (Microsoft Access Database)

Jan 19, 2011

im just starting to work with some database stuff, and ive got data binding done but im a little stuck with filtering. Ive got a test project, which has

-- listbox (bound to column 2/firstname)
-- Combo box (Has items added, with the same names as the items in colunm 3. so it has 'RPG' and 'Puzzle')

Now what im trying to do is when the item in the combobox is changed say to 'RPG' only items in the db which have 'RPG' in the surname column are displayed in the listbox. Been Google'ing and reading but all i can find is examples relating to a dataview and i cant get them to work/adapt to my situation.

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Date Filter Query - Fetch Only The Date Within The Current And Return How Many Rows

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying the fetch only the date within the current and return how many rows Dim dc as new dataclassesdatacontext dim q=from p in dc.worktime where"name") and ).count what I should I put after "" ? And if I want to search for the record which there are record that are insert five days earlier, how to do that ? use ( - 5) ?

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