How To Pull CSV File Into DataGridView

Jul 20, 2010

I have a form that needs to pull a CSV file into a datagridview, which I have working OK with the code below.
Private Sub FillDataGridviewWithCSV()
Dim strDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ofdCSV.FileName)
Dim conString As String = String.Format(ProviderString, strDirectory)
' I extracted the provider string to a separate
' sub to make this post a little easier to read
[Code] .....
I have tried many different variations on converting what is in the DataGrid (or what is feeding it) into somthing I can push into the BulkCopy but have not got it to work right.

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Pull Image Data Into Picturebox From Datagridview

Oct 19, 2009

i use these codes to pull data(string) into those textbox from datagridview.[code]n now i would like to add image oso,its can b saved and can be show in i added this code,but i got an error (Unable to cast object of type 'System.Byte[]' to type 'System.Drawing.Image'.)i noe this is the BYTE problem,but i just cant solve.[code]

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MS Access: Pull Data But Can't Pull Field Name?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to work with an access database. If this line pulls data from a dataset and puts it into a textbox: TextBox1.Text = Me.A_DataSet.a_Table.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString How would I pull the field name? For Example, in this database I have 3 fields:


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Exact Path To Pull Data From Bin File?

Apr 8, 2010

I am working on a VB.Net project and trying to get it to pull data from a database. I have the data base located in my bin folder with in the project but I do not know the exact path how to do it. The code that I am using is noted below

Private Sub btnTotalTravelCost_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTotalTravelCost.Click
'strsql is a sql statement that selects all the fields from the
'ApprovedTravelRequest table
Dim strSql As String = "SELECT * FROM ApprovedTravelRequests "
'strPath provides the database type and path of the Travel database.
[Code] .....

I want to pull the data from the Bin File. I know the current location shown is incorrect.

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Pull 7 Digit Certificate Numbers From A File?

Mar 4, 2009

I need a regular expression that will pull 7 digit certificate numbers from a file. The numbers follow the word CERTIFICATE. There could be spaces between CERTIFICATE and the number and there could not be. Here is what I have so far, but it doesn't match if there are no spaces or just one space.

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Pull Data Out Of Text File Into MultiDimensional Array?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been searching and searching and cannot find out how to do what I'm looking to do, that is the only reason I would post a new thread.[code]...

After reading the file, I want to load the NameId, the ColourId and the Text into a multidimensional array. Anything I have found about loading into an array shows text being separated by small delimiters like commas, but this I cannot do because I need to use this format. What I am wanting to do is load all of the NameId's into a listbox and when a certain NameId is selected, it will bring up the Text in a TextBox and the Colour value in a ComboBox.

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Pull Text File Into An Array And Read It Into If Then Statements?

Dec 13, 2010

if i have a text file that reads


how can i pull it into an array and if the textbox = any of the lines then execute event something like this

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.textbox1.text = (textfile contents) then
timer1.interval = 500


im just not sure on how to initiate the calling of the text file into an array.or if i could call lines from a richtextbox and if textbox1.text = a line in the rtb then execute. I guess what ever would be simpler.

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Pull The Information From A Text File In The Debug Folder?

Jul 3, 2010

I am having trouble with this list box assignment. I am supposed to pull the information from a text file in the debug folder. The problem is the code looks perfect to me, but when I debug, the first line that starts with : lstSummary.items.add returns as being in the wrong format. The code is below.

Private Sub btnSummary_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSummary.Click
Dim strAccount As String


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Pull A Random Word From A Text File And Check Against User Input?

Apr 19, 2011

I need to pull a random word from a text file in my resource folder (visual Studio 2010) and then have a user enter a letter to see if it is in the word. Yes, Hangman game. There is more, but right now I need to pull from that text file for a start. I know what I have is not even close to right under "Get Word Button", but I'm kind of confused about the process.

Public Class hangMan
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim word As New Random
End Sub


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Pull Random Word From File In Visual Studio And Match Against User

Apr 20, 2011

I have to use the word list supplied and cannot use "streamreader" so, I need to pull a random word from text file in my resource folder (Visual Studio 2010) so user can guess letters for hangman game). I don't know if the code under "get word" button is right or not as far as pulling from the file. I would like to get that far!


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Designing A Program - Click On Something In The List It Will Automatically Open A .dat File Pull The Information

Jan 28, 2011

Im using visual basic 2010 and im building a program that will basically, you click on something in the list it will automatically open a .dat file pull the information that it needs, and then proceed to enter it into a box on the right. Well heres my issue i know how to do everything else but i cant seem to imitate this image, i need to know how i can make a list like this where the whole row is selectable, and the items/subitems are divided.

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Flash Card Program - Type All The Words On A Text File And Have The Program Randomly Pull One Of Them

Feb 15, 2009

Anyway, I'm a teacher and am writing a program that simply shows kids a word on a flashcard. There are 2 buttons, 1 to read the word and 1 to go to a new work. There are going to be 300 words. Really I'm just testing it right here. What I want to know is should I be inputting all the words right into the code like I did with "hi" and "not 1" (Don't ask. those are just the 2 random words I picked to test this out with). OR is there a better way (maybe somehow to type all the words on a text file and have the program randomly pull one of them (I don't know how to do this).

Here is the code so far:

Public Class Form1
Dim word
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Pull/fetch Data From SQL DB Using Data Reader And Loding To XML File

Sep 9, 2009

how to pull/fetch data from SQL DB using Data Reader and loding to XML file.

After that I will have write code to read XML file and download to CSV file and Test files.

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Pull Up Another Form?

Feb 22, 2011

I am trying to call up different forms based on a basic login screen (thats fine) the part that is not working is that when I put in any information it should pull up one of 2 screens but neither will come up. Any help below is my code so far. (using professional 2010)[code]....

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How To Dynamically Pull Data From Different DB's

Dec 17, 2009

I have two comboboxes and a listBox to display data from several databases. The whole process should be that after an option is selected in the first comboBox, the second comboBox and the listBox are populated. So for example, I could select a Company from the first comboBox, and the second conboBox will be populated with all it's locations while the listBox will first display the location of the headquarters(default location). But the user can then select a different location from the second comboBox if they want to and the listBox will then display the location of that newly selected office do I dynamically pull these data from various databases cause all the companies will have their information in separate DB's. My challenge is how to dynamically pull these data from the various DB's to populate these 3 controls.

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Pull Current Machine OU?

Jun 5, 2012

I need to be able to pull the current machine OU. I found some VB code that could do this,but I would like to just be able to do in the script with out having to call VB.[code]...

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Pull Data From A Sql Query?

Mar 23, 2009

My program pulls a weeks worth of records at a time and filters it into daily columns on a form, the problem is that there are ~80 fields to be filled in this manner and as far as i know each one has to be check for null before it can be filled. Could someone tell me if there is a faster way to do this? Below is my current code for one set of fields.

Private Sub cboDigit_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboDigit.SelectedIndexChanged, cboOffice.SelectedIndexChanged, dtEndDate.ValueChanged, dtStartDate.ValueChanged


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Pull Images From RSS Feed?

Dec 1, 2009

I am developing a background wallpaper changer for Windows. I am looking into pulling images from RSS feeds. As how they are displayed from feed to feed changes, I am currently pulling the page as text and searching for text such as "<img src="... and others. Obviously this is not a viable option, how else could I complete this?

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Pull Info From Sensor.dll?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to get my hands on my ThinkPad T500 tilt sensor data.So the (unfinished, but works (i'll get three values, state,x and y)) code is:

Public Class Form1
Private Structure AccelData
Dim stat As Integer
Dim x As Short


With debug.print I'll get the correct information, but as soon as I try to insert the outcomes to label.text I'll get error:

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

So, how can I pull the information from dll to label text?how to use the sensor.dll to extract information?

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Pull Information From An XML Webpage?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to pull information from an XML webpage but for some reason it just isn't working. The XML webpage looks a little like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<reqdat>Date and time</reqdate>

I want to get the node, but everything I've tried hasn't worked :( I think what I need to do might have something to do with SelectSingleNode but I'm not sure.

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Pull Text From Webbrowser?

Jul 29, 2011

I need a method so that I can check for a certain selection of keywords(i.e. "The great cake") out of any website? Is there a method.

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Pull The Table In Without Headaches

May 28, 2012

Back again... getting into the next issue. My question is regarding a simple way to pull the table in without headaches. Right now I open the website, navigate to the page and am ready to pull in the needed info. It's Paypal, I'm trying to automate getting new sales customer addresses/orders downloaded into a spreadsheet.


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Sql To Pull Based On Date?

Jan 2, 2012

I have code which has been working awesomely but for some reason wil not take dates from this year. the date starts in a date picker datepick is a variable string log is the table, dater is the coloum

datepick = format(datetimepicker1.value, "dd/MM/yyyy")
dbprovider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
dbsource = "Data Source = C:datadatafile.mdb"


now the code has worked fine (and still does) for dates pre 2012. now and dates like 02/01/2012 it hates. the dates in the database are set to custom format of "dd/mm/yyyy" and i CAN NOT figure out why this is not pulling the data ..

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Using To Pull Data From JAVA?

Aug 2, 2010

I am a beginner at both and JAVA. I have self taught myself just about everything I know so far.I have a project where my boss wants me to create a macro using VB.Net to pull data from a webpage. The only problem that I have have is that this webpage is written in JAVA and is a owned by a third party. Does anyone have any advice, solutions, or references on how I can do this?

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.net - LightSwitch: On New Row, Pull In Parent Info?

Aug 12, 2011

I have a database with two tables in it: People and Logs.I have created a Details page that displays Person information and additionally includes the associated logs records. All of this has just been done by adding a standard details page - not custom coding, etc.When a user clicks on the green + to add a row to the Logs for that person I want to autopopulate a few of the columns. To do this I've opened the Log class and added the following:

Private Sub Log_Created()
Me.Create_Date = Date.Now
End Sub

This works great. But I also want to pull in the card number associated with the person. In the end my code should look something like (pseudo):

Private Sub Log_Created()
Me.Create_Date = Date.Now
Me.CardNumber = SelectedPerson.CardNumber
End Sub

However, I'm not sure exactly how to accomplish this in code?

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C# - Pull All Of The Users From Active Directory?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm trying to pull the username of every user available through active directory. Here is the code my colleague first tried to use, but this method is burning all of the memory out and throwing out of memory exceptions. Is there a quick alternative?

Dim userList As ArrayList = New ArrayList
Dim sPath As String = "LDAP://,OU=bar,OU=foobar,DC=test,DC=ca"
Dim myDirectory As New DirectoryEntry(sPath, Nothing, Nothing, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim mySearcher As New DirectorySearcher(myDirectory)
mySearcher.Filter = ("(objectClass=user)")


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Pull Computers Workgroup Name Using Program?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to figure how to pull the computers workgroup name using VB.NET.

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Pull Data From Database To Combobox?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm having a problem to pull data from MS Access to my combobox. I know how to search one data using another data (e.g: using IC num to search name) but this time I just want to pull the data (e.g: name) that has several rows to my combobox. I think the method is the same but don't know where to change it.

Then when I added new names to the combobox, want to save it to my database, can each name be saved in different rows? I added the names to the combobox 1st, after that then I saved it. [code]...

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Pull Info From An Existing Website?

Mar 25, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way of pulling text from a website and the displaying it in a label, text box, etc.My idea isn't malicious in nature, I just want to be able to pull text from a specific page and then compare it with another page.

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Pull String From Excel Document?

May 2, 2011

Basically, I have a quiz program for which It would be much simpler for me If i could pull the strings for the correct questions to display and answer to test if i could pull them from excel. For example,

vb If qststrng = (excel document cell A1) and answrstrng = (excel document cell B1) Then
'Correct End if

Or maybe there's something much simpler already integrated into Visual Studios 2010 in which i can copy and paste my excel data and then pull the data in a similar way all within Visual Studios?

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