How To Define Decimal Sqlparameter

Mar 16, 2011

I know to define integer type sqlparameter but I do not know the decimal type sqlparameter for the precession.

I am giving a sample example.

Dim sqlparameters(2) as sqlparameter
sqlparameters(0)=new sqlparameter ("@RMID", SqlDbtype.integer,7)
but in case of decimal I am giving like this
sqlparameters(1)=new sqlparameter ("@RMID", SqlDbtype.decimal,7,2)
which is wrong

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.net - String.Format Decimal With Sign Fixed Number Of Decimal Places, No Decimal Separator?

Jun 27, 2012

What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
a fixed number of fraction digits
no decimal separator
right aligned
pre-padded with "0"'s

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.net - Add A @ In Front Of A SqlParameter Name?

Apr 20, 2012

In one of our application the parameters passed to a stored procedure in this way

Dim parm As New SqlParameter("searchText", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
parm.Size = 50

and the procedure contains a parameter as @searchText

ie the parameter name passed from the code is searchText and that in the stored procedure is @searchText .

But it is working properly, i am always getting the required results.

So my question is like so there is no need to specify @ before the parameter? Whether it will append @

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Pass A SqlParameter From One Class To Another?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a class, LogRequest, which contains parameters (members) for an object.This object is turned to an sql query using another class, DataAccess.And lastly, I have the class Search which run the sql query.[code]...

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Sql - SqlParameter With ParameterName Is Not Contained

Sep 29, 2009

I have a problem with something I have done many times but this time it just doesn't work. This is what I am trying to do (in Visual Studio 2003 and VB.NET). Earlier in the [Code]

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The SqlParameter Is Already Contained By Another SqlParameterCollection

Mar 19, 2009

I have a web application running written on ASP .Net.We have a class accessing the back end written in VB .net which has shared functions for DB interactions.The above error comes up when ever two users are in the same page... tying to do the same thing.Couldn't find a reason why this would happen.The scope of the SQL command is limited and parameters are cleared at the end.

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Using SqlClient.SqlCommand, SqlParameter, Etc?

May 19, 2010

I am experiementing with table updates and the code below gives me the following error message: "The variable named "@Processed" has already been declared... at the following code line: clsWTAdapter.Update("clsWTDataTable"). I fear that all of my code is a general mess, and I am sure there is a much better way to go about it.

Dim clsCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim clsCMAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM CatalogMaster WHERE Processed <>-1", clsCnn)
Dim clsCMDataTable = New DataTable("CatalogMaster")


View 6 Replies

Passing Parameters In SQLParameter As List?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm a beginner in VB.NET programming.. Please help me on how to pass SQLParameters in the below function..

This my code:


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What Is The Syntax For Initializing A SQLParameter Array

Sep 4, 2011

It has been way to long since I have been involved in VB so I need some help here. I have the following in my C# code


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An SqlParameter With ParameterName '@intUserID' Is Not Contained By This SqlParameterCollection

May 28, 2009

I keep getting a strange error message when I try to call my stored procedure. Possibly I have a syntax error? Not my store procedure does not return a value. Also the error message is included at the end of this post.

--VB .NET Code
Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("EMRConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connString)
' Create a new sql command, and reference the stored procedure by name


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Sql Server - Conversion Failed SqlParameter And DateTime?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm changing old, vulnerable SqlCommands with SqlParameters but get a SqlException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException {"Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string."}

on sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar:
Dim sqlString As String = _
"SELECT TOP 1 " & _
"fiSL " & _
"FROM " & _


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Pass Date And Time Of Dateandtimepicker Without To Make Sqlparameter

Apr 14, 2009

I created stored procedure in sql server 2000 that's it


In 2005 how to pass date and time of dateandtimepicker without to make sqlparameter

I'd like to make it like vb6


I tried to make the same way in with different ways but i failed to do it.

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SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects

May 16, 2011

I am developing a VB.NET application with SQL Server 2008 and I get the above error when I try to run this ASPX file. What is the cause?


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Convert A Decimal ( Decimal Place Holder = Dot) To A Decimal (decimal Place Holder =comma)?

Dec 20, 2010

how do you convert a decimal ( decimal place holder = dot) to a decimal (decimal place holder =comma)?

View 6 Replies

.net - VARCHAR(MAX) SqlParameter Output Size For Visual Studio 2003

Feb 10, 2012

In newer editions of .Net I can pass -1 for the output size for VarChar(Max) columns, but in Visual Studio 2003 I get the following System.ArgumentException: Invalid parameter Size value '-1'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0. What should I specify as the size for a VarChar(Max) column in Visual Studio 2003?

View 1 Replies

OdbcDataReader In Showing Decimal Fields Decimal Separator Disappear With DB2 Dsn?

Oct 19, 2010

OdbcDataReader in showing decimal fields Decimal separator disappear with DB2 dsn

View 3 Replies

After Converting All Degrees-->decimal, And Decimal-->hours - Use Tan, Cos And Sin Formula

Aug 27, 2009

After converting all degrees-->decimal, and decimal-->hours, how can i use Tan, Cos and Sin formula in I want the user must enter an input (which it is a coordinat-->i already convert the degrees-->decimal value as suggested by stanav and paul.

The questions like this (i only calculate on paper but dont know how to implement in code):

Input user need to enter:
-latitude local (e.g. 1.4875)
-longitude local (e.g. 103.3883333)


View 23 Replies

Change Decimal To A Comma When Hitting Decimal Key On Numpad Only

Jan 17, 2011

My user requests to change the . on the numpad to a when entering text in a multiline textbox.So I was thinking about the KeyDown event.To determine if the numpad . was pressed I can do something like this [code]But now how do I change the returned charachter as a , ? All e.Key... properties are ReadOnly. The KeyPress events let me change this by providing e.KeyChar, but in that event I can't check for the numpad .

View 2 Replies

Rounding Up Decimal Numbers To The Nearest 2 Decimal Places?

Apr 17, 2010

How would I go about rounding up decimal numbers to the nearest 2 decimal places? For example $7.0000032 would be $7.01 In theory, VB would make it $7.00 but if it is > $7.00, I want it to reflect that to the nearest penny... so $3.0000001 would be $3.01

View 5 Replies

.net - Dim X As Decimal = 100.0m Do A Cast From Double To Decimal Implicitly?

Mar 30, 2011

If I have the code:Dim x as Decimal = 100.0m

Is it casting from a double to a decimal implicitly. How would I do this explicitly in

View 2 Replies

Form Decimal To Textbox, From Text Box To Decimal

Dec 21, 2010

1) One Decimal Varibale stores a decimal value

2) The value must be converted in string ( some time the comma is used as decimalplaceholder some time the dot)

3) the user modifies the value

4) i need to riconvert the string back in decimal

how can i do this


Variable 123.34D ----> textBox 123,34 or 123.34 -----> variable 123.34D

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Decimal Variable With 40 Decimal Places?

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a way in VB .NET to have a decimal variable with 40 decimal places?

View 3 Replies

Two Decimal And Three Decimal Rounded Numeric Value

Dec 2, 2010

Maybe this is just a really basic question that everyone knows the answer to, and is why I couldn't find the answer. What I want to do is pretty simple. I want to declare a custom type that's just like a Single, except when you access the value, you get the value rounded to the second or third decimal place. Something like this:

Dim MyNumer as TwoDecimalNumber
MyNumer = 1.124
Msgbox(MyNumber) 'This would pop up a box showing "1.12"


View 8 Replies

Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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When Adding A Value To Another Value The Results Eventually Change From 2-decimal Places To Multiple Decimal Places?

Mar 13, 2009

Problem: Using the sub routing below, when adding a value to another value the results eventually change from 2-decimal places to multiple decimal places.Basically, the amount stored should always only be 2 decimal places, because the values passed in are always 2 decimal places. Output from calling the sub routine multiple times.

Running total = 329430.75
New Withheld Amount = 710.79
Running total = 330141.54


As a workaround, I have a new routine that uses a custom round function to properly store only 2 decimal places - as the VB round function does not perform the type of rounding desired.I understand that we are removing the value from the dictionary and adding it back..

View 2 Replies

Format Number To Hower Many Number On Left Of Decimal And 1 Decimal Without Rounding?

Jul 28, 2010

format number to hower many number on left of decimal and 1 decimal without rounding

View 2 Replies - How To Define The ActionLink

Jun 3, 2009

This Image shows type-safe method of defining the Actionlinks ,how to define it in VB.NET

View 1 Replies Mvc - Define The RouteTable In VB.NET?

Jun 3, 2009

This image shows how to define the RouteTable in C#, using the Route Class. How to define it in VB.NET?

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How To Define Pen Constants

Sep 2, 2011

I want to define several constants of pens like SystemPens. How do I do that?

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