How To Display A Table For IEnumerable Property On A Microsoft Report

Jul 25, 2010

I've got a class with the following properties which I'd like to display on a Microsoft Report:[code]My objective is to create a report showing each transaction (Sales) that was made within a particular time span [say, within one week].I've so far been able to display the DateOfSale and TellerName on the report using TextBoxes.I'd like to display the Purchase for each sale as a Table and that is where I'm stumped.Does anyone know how I can display the Purchase property as a table on the report and sum the TotalCost of all the purchases made in a given Sales at the bottom of the table?

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Display Data From Table In Report Footer Of Crystal Report?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with my crystal report with regards to report footer. I want to display the data from the table, column name "Remarks" in report footer but when I try to call the data it doesn't show the remarks. I'm using VB 6 and mdb files as my back end. Is there any command or fundamental that I've missed?

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Create A Report In 2008 Using Microsoft Report Viewer?

Feb 18, 2010

how to create a report in VB .net 2008 using microsoft report viewer?

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C# - Convert Datatable To IEnumerable<T> To Pass To Result<T>(IEnumerable<T> Data);?

May 9, 2011

I have an object called Result<T> that has a constructor which accepts an argument of IEnumerable<T>. I'd like to be able to pass in a datatable if possible.

I tried datatable.AsEnumerable(), but where I bind to the data it was complaining that 'MyProperty' is not a field or property on type 'DataRow' - which makes sense since 'MyProperty' isn't a property on 'DataRow', but it was a column in my datatable.Is there a way to convert a datatable to something that I can pass into the Result object and still have it bind to, say, a gridview?

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Filling Array From Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table In Microsoft

Aug 7, 2009

I have a database with one table.I'd like to populate an array with the values in the table so that I can work with the data.How do I copy the data from the table to the array?I am able to view the data with a DataGridView but can't find any info on extracting the data to an array or variable.

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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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.net - Transpose 2D Array That Exists As IEnumerable Of IEnumerable?

Dec 16, 2010

I tried using the linq Zip method on IEnumerable but it does not work for more than 2 arrays.Here is an example in Python of what I am trying to do(I got p - nested IEnumerable - and need q - another nested IEnumerable):

>>> l=['a','b','c']
>>> m=[1,2,3]
>>> n=['x','y','z'][code].......

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DB/Reporting :: Difference Between Microsoft Report Viewer And Crystal Report Viewer

Dec 28, 2008

These things look about the same to me. Is there any reason I should use one over the other?

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How To Alter Table Column Name In Microsoft Access Table

Oct 23, 2009

I get a Syntax Error with the following code"ALTER TABLE receipts RENAME COLUMN payees TO payee"what I am doing wrong

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Microsoft Report In .net 2008?

Mar 19, 2011

i am planing to use Microsoft report for my project. i have used crystal reports but never used Microsoft report to create reports using Microsoft report in 2008. if i change the location of my database do i have to change the database location for each and every Microsoft report i created?

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DB/Reporting :: #Error With Microsoft Report?

Jan 1, 2009

I added a parameter to the rdlc called paramTitleThen I tried this as a demo

Dim params(0) As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter


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Microsoft Report In Dotnet 2010

Jul 7, 2010

can tell me description or demo in working with microsoft report in in dotnet 2010 ie.. framwork 4.0,iam good in 3.5 framwork microsoft reports, but when i am doing microsoft reports in dotnet 2010 iam getting many errors, can u tell me how to do , is anything new in this or same as 3.5

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Looking For Any Reporting Services, Ie, Microsoft Report Viewer?

Apr 1, 2010

Does Visual Basic 2010 have any reporting services, ie, Microsoft Report viewer?

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Microsoft Report Viewer Login Failed?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm building an web application using Microsoft report viewer. It connects to a SQL database using integrated security. However when I first load the report page after it has been published to the server (everything works fine locally), I get this error:

An error has occurred during report processing. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Login failed for user 'SERVER NAME REMOVED'.

The weird thing is that when I click the refresh button on the report (not IE's refresh button), it loads just fine. I know that login will not work for the database server, but why is the report viewer not using the integrated security I set in the web.config?

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Printing A Report Without Using Microsoft Office Onenote?

Nov 9, 2010

i'm using a microsoft access 2007. i've designed a report and i add a print button inside the report. when i click on the button, the report will queue in the microsoft office onenote. how can i make it to print out directly without queue in the onenote?

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Use Microsoft Word In Vb 2008 To Print The Report?

Jul 15, 2011

I want to use microsoft word in vb 2008 to print the report. I code it but i will do some other task but i do not know how? The code as follows

Dim objWordApp As Object
Dim objWordDoc As Object
objWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")


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VS 2008 Microsoft Report Viewer Header?

Feb 5, 2012

i am new in i am designing small application and i am adding reports to it.problem is that 1) in header i text at end of text i need to add zone number from database. like: This is header text " zone number"
zone number after header text from database or from a variable

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RDLC + Microsoft Report Viewver > Several CheckBox Lists

Mar 27, 2009

i would be glad if someone would give me sugerencies of what could be a good way to represent a Checkbox List on my report. Actually im using RDLC+Microsoft ReportViewer. the solution im evaluating at this moment its to just thread them as images just capturing the checkbox list Hdc and then exportingto the report but the bad thing its that users wont be able to select stuff there and also the .PDFs im planing to create gonna be kinda heavy.

i would emulate the checkbox list with labels, but its that this project has soooo many checkboxes that its not really a good idea to make it in that way.

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VB 2008 - Microsoft Report Viewer - Looking For Detailed Tutorials?

May 11, 2010

I tried out the tutorial on [URL].. that shows how to do a simple report with the Microsoft Report Viewer control. I really like this control.I wish to further my skills on this nice tool but can't find any step by step tutorials on creating many different types of reports even if I do a Google search. I'm hoping to find tutorials on reports such as group break reports, sub-total reports, charts in the reports, drill down reports etc.

Does anyone know where I can find these? If they don't exist yet, would you create them so the community will benefit?

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Crystal Report & Temporary Tables - Print The Table Data Through Crystal Report?

Jun 21, 2010

I m using .net , I create some temporary tables at run time, how to print these table data thru crystal report

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Difference Between Microsoft Report Viewer And Adobe Pdf Reader Tools?

Aug 24, 2009

i would like to display a pdf on my winform and am thinking of using of those tools in my application. does anyone know the difference between the two?

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Print A Single Record From A Microsoft Access Form Into A Report?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm very new to Access and VB, and im about to print a specific record.. but im getting an error with this [code]...

My reports name is AVR Ekstern, and the prime key is Rapport nr and the form im clicking the button and viewing the record in, is AVR

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Set The Cell's Font In A Tablix Expression Based On A Value In Microsoft Report?

Feb 28, 2012

I've a tablix with alot of rows. I use =Fields!LedningLaengde.Value to set the value in the cell, that's on a row in the Tablix..The new thing, is that the font need to be red if =Fields!LedningLaengde.Value is equal to -1 how can this be done?

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Microsoft - Creating A Drill Through Rdlc Report In .net In Visual Studio 2010?

May 5, 2011

I have a parent and child report that I created in visual studio 2010 using winforms in I have setup one text box in the parent report to go to the child report with the respective value as the paramter. However, when I click on the link I get the error:a data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'dataset1'I realize that the dataset1 has to be filled, however I cannot figure out how to fill dataset1. I have researched the topic cand came with the following links:[URL]...

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Tabsize In A TextBox Or RichTextBox : Why Microsoft Have Not Implemented It As A PROPERTY

Jun 3, 2010

Tabsize in a TextBox or RichTextBox. Anyone know why Microsoft have not implemented it as a PROPERTY?

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Microsoft Report Viewer To Show Parent/child Data Such As Invoices Headers Followed By Invoice Details?

Mar 25, 2012

After several hours of searching the internet I could not find any Report Viewer tutorials that show a project that contains a parent/child report. I'm using rdlc report files.I can create a single report but we want to create a report that shows shows invoice header information followed by the invoice details followed by the next invoice header and details and so on.

If a sample project is not available, do you know of an online tutorial that shows how to do it?I saw something that might help on about subreports, but it's in C# and not VB.Net so I could not figure out how it works.

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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Crystal Report Multiple Queries - Set Property (Setdatasource)

Dec 30, 2010

I Want to show result from multiple tables from database but how to set property (Setdatasource) for the same in Iam using visual studio 2008 back end sql compact 2005

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Microsoft WORD 2003 To Display?

Nov 2, 2011

I am using VBNET3.5 and Microsoft WORD 2003 to display .bmp file on Word Document and it's working When click on his btnCloseWordtry button to close the WORD Doc it is not working


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.net - When Run Code Analysis VS2010 Wants To Add Property Infront Of All Of Public Members (CA1051 : Microsoft.Design)

Jan 24, 2012

When running code analysis on my project, I receive the following message:

CA1051 : Microsoft.Design : Because field 'ClassName.VarName' is visible outside of its declaring type, change its accessibility to private and add a property, with the same accessibility as the field has currently, to provide access to it.

Public VarName As String to this:Public Property VarName As String

I don't understand why the Property keyword is so important in this particular case. Can anyone provide an explanation as to why changing this member to a Property makes a significant difference to code analysis?

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