How To Edit Line Values Within ListBox

Jan 16, 2012

I am loading a listbox with lines from a txt file. Now I would like to be able to edit values within that listbox by going there with the mouse cursor and type a new value..

E.g. the listbox displays:
7226218; Hemlock; 22.55; 4
0822722; Pine, Sugar; 11.55; 7

After editing it looks like:
7226218; Hemlock; 22.55; 2
0822722; Pine, Sugar; 11.55; 7

After pressing an "accept button" those values should then be written back to the txt file.

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Edit XML In Datagridview / Populate Listbox With XML Defined Values

May 15, 2011

I'm using a Datagridview to fetch information from an XML. Each row contains a separate entry. I can read from and append to the XML database, but I want to:

A) Be able to save any edits made in the database to an XML file.

B) Store and fetch a collection of possible variables to populate a list box.

A should be relatively easy, but I don't know if B is. The XML database will contain hex values that can be written to predefined offsets, and each could be any number of bytes long. So one entry in the XML/Datagridview database could read "00,0A,0B,0C", where commas separate available write values, with each possible value being another line in a listbox. When a value is picked from the listbox it will be written to the XML.

I don't want to have to make <ListBoxValue1>, <ListBoxValue1> in the XML for each possible entry, so I'm hoping there's a more efficient way.

If you're interested in what I'm making, it's a hex editor that loads descriptions of offsets from an XML, then loads the values for each offset from a file. Here's a screenshot.

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ListBox & StreamWriter & StreamReader - Reads All Line Of The File And It Add An Item In ListBox For Line?

Aug 25, 2006

I have a "Form" with:

1- List Box

1- TextBox

3- Button

1- OpenFileDialog

1- SaveFileDialog

I want that clicking the btn1 it shows the OpenFileDialog and read file that it has got this structure: SKI10 1 71 0 0 18 101 19 0 29 101 30 0 40 101 41 0 50 101 51 0 62 101 63 0 81 101 82 0 95 101 2 0 0 95 165 3 0 1072 01 4 2 1 93 15

I want that it reads all Line of the File and it add an Item in ListBox for line.For example the first Item of the ListBox in this case is


And the 2th Item is in this case.

0 1 7

I want using the StreamReader classes.And i want that when i click an Item of the ListBox it shows the Text in the TextBox and I can edit the Line and that clicking antoher button the Item will come updated with new Text of the TextBox.I have also another button for saving the Mod.I can use the AppendText and it create a new file writing ListBox1.Items line for line.

If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Dim file_esistenteD As StreamWriter[code].....

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VS 2010 : RichTextBox Edit Line By Line, Keeping The Formatting?

Jul 7, 2011

I want to loop the lines of my RTB and add a vbTab on each line.How do i do this?

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Reading A File Line By Line That Within The Line The Values Are Delimited By "?

Dec 1, 2011

How would i go about reading a file Line by Line that within that line The values are delimited by " Example of the data:

"bob" "cat" "1243"
"steve" dog" "6789"

I've started this with this code but not sure how to go about the next stage:

Using MyReader As New _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "Records28112011.jd")
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited


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Edit / Read TextBox Line By Line?

Oct 10, 2011

Im trying to create a program which can edit/read the textbox line by line.[code]...

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Read Text From A Listbox Line By Line And Put Current Line In A Label?

Jan 16, 2011

how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?

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VS 2010 Read Through A Textfile Line By Line Checking For And Removing Duplicate Values?

May 16, 2012

How do i read through a textfile line by line checking for and removing duplicate values?

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Reading A .txt File Line By Line Converting It Into A String Then Putting It Into A Listbox

Apr 1, 2011

I'm having trouble with reading a .txt file line by line, converting it into a string, then putting it into a listbox. When I execute I get an error saying "IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled" Here is my


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Have A Button That Pastes The Contents Of The Clipboard Line By Line Into A Listbox

Sep 3, 2009

I would like to have a button that pastes the contents of the clipboard line by line into a listbox.I think i have the logics that the clipboard would be made into an array and then i would loop through the array and add each one as a new listbox item.

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Edit A Line In A .ini File

May 31, 2010

I want to edit a certain line in a .ini file like this, the line is MSAA=0..I want to change the value of that number but first I need to find out how to get there. I really need help with this. I dont know if I should use steam reader and writer. If I can use those how can I find the line persay 15th line..

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Forms :: Edit Line In RTB?

Mar 4, 2010

I have RTB witch I can edit with text by using .

RichTextBox1.text = RichTextBox1.text & "stuff" & VbcrLf

Great but I loose any editing to colour/font I may of done previously. Is there a way of just adding a new line. I am thinking along the lines of finding the last character then adding my new line.

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Reading Text File Into Listbox - Each Line Of The Textfile Is Placed On The Listbox?

Feb 12, 2012

I am starting to learn reading and writing to textfiles. One quick problem. My code here

'Read is the variable that will read the kp.txt file"
Dim read As IO.StreamReader
read = IO.File.OpenText("C:2/kp.txt"[code].....

however when it is read into the listbox those 3 words appear on one line in listbox
How can i make it so that each line of the textfile is placed in each line on the listbox?

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Delete Or Edit Line In TextFile?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a program that reads a text file tab delimted using OLEDb I need to be able to allow the user to insert a user created record into the file which I can do. The problem is I need to be able to let the user edit that record. From my understanding you can not edit or delete with OLEDB only insert So I thought I would read the file using stream reader, find the line I want to edit and just delete it, rewrite the file, then let the user insert a new record?

Dim strDelimiter As String = vbTab
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:\"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"


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Load A .txt To A Listbox Then How To Read Line By Line?

Sep 6, 2010

I need to load a .txt to a listbox then how to read line by line?

then import the line which is being readed to Textbox

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VS 2008 - Getting Contents Out Of Listbox, Line By Line?

Apr 7, 2011

I am wanting to extract data line by line into labels(each line of data to go into a new label)In the example (picture), only one label is showen.

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Changing Flags - Edit Line Within INI File

Dec 11, 2009

I am trying to speed up the process of changing flags within an INI file used for a program. Ideally i want a simple form with ON/OFF radio buttons which are specific to different options within the ini file. For example, if i wanted to turn Printing off in the ini file, i could select OFF for which this will edit the ini file and change the setting "Printer=0"

Dim file As System.IO.File
Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader
Dim line As String
Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
[Code] .....

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Deleting A Line From Text File Using Edit?

Jun 21, 2010

Ok so i have a uni assignment to delete lines of text out of a text file, so far i have figured out how to search the text file for specific bits of text, i,e name of user, ive also used a loop to find out what line in the text file the specific line exists

code so far is
Dim line As String
Dim Input As StreamReader


the selected policy is what im tryin to use to write over the line of texts that already exists however i think that maybe instead of deleteting what exists it will just move it down a line and make a blank line

View 3 Replies - Edit Values In A Web-browser .NET?

Feb 8, 2012

<a id="ctl00_ctl00_cphBanner_BannerAlertsLoginView_BannerAlerts_Authenticated_rbxBanner​Alert_rbxAlerts_RobuxAlertCaptionHyperLink" class="RobuxAlertCaption tooltip-bottom" href="AccountBalance.aspx" original-title="ROBUX">740</a>

How do I edit the 740. For example, If button1 is pressed then. 740 textbox1.text. How do I edit the webbrowser HTML with the text box value

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How To Edit ArrayList That Is Already Placed In ListBox

Aug 1, 2010

How to put an arraylist inside a listbox but that's already solved. [URL]. There is all my code, so I need to be able to edit the selected customer, clicking on customer>change from the Main GUI. Then the CustomerFrame GUI should open, and all the texboxes should show the information that is in the listbox. There I need to be able to edit the customer and save it again.

I know this is the Code to display the item selected from ListBox in a TextBox
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
TextBox1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedItem
End Sub

But that's not all I need to do, the index of the listbox is divided into all the items of the arraylist. There is the complicated part. How to divide each item of the arraylist into individual textboxes?

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VS 2008 Edit Specific Line Of Text In A File?

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to make the code edit the a line in a text file, but it ends up deleting all the text and add the line at the begging of the file.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "config.conf"
Dim i As String
Dim Text(90) As String


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Edit The Values In The Cells Of Column(1) Ie Qty?

Nov 11, 2010

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SQLSTR, conn)
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Dim myDataTable As New DataTable


i hve the follwoing code by which i bind the data to the grid the grid has 4 columns PRODUCTNAME, QTY,RATE, AMOUNT the user shld be able to edit the data in the column qty for as many rows it has but i m not able to edit this column how do i edit the values in the cells of column(1) ie qty?

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VS 2008 : Edit Values In Textfile?

Jan 31, 2011

I need to check the size of textboxes in a webpage. I have already written the function which retrieves the maximum size of textbox and which writes the html codes of the webpage in a textfile. suppose i have these lines in my textfile:

<input type=text name=firstname size=30/>
<input type=text name=surname size=50/>
<input type=text name=address size=40/>

How can i change the size of all textboxes to 50 (the maximum size) in the textfile itself?

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Edit Mode For An Item In ListBox?

Nov 2, 2011

I am using vb 2005. I have items in a Listbox. I want to rename a highlighted(selected) item just like same way the Window Explorer. (clicking the highlighted item, then the highlight is gone and the item string is put into rectangle box and ready for type-in by user.)

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Edit Selected Item In Listbox?

Nov 8, 2007

So, I need to be able to edit an item that has been selected in a listbox. I need to do so with a button click event. Theoretically, I know how to do this, because I know how to add an item, and how to remove one, and how to insert an item at a specific location.

'Dim strinput As String
'Dim Item As Object
'Dim index As Integer = lstList.Items.IndexOf(item)
'strinput = InputBox("Edit This Item")
'lstList.Items.Insert(index, strinput)

however, this does not work at all. what am I doing wrong??

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Edit/Modify Listbox Item?

May 28, 2009

I have items in a listbox. I want to be able to modify a selected item in the listbox once it is highlighted, and the the modify button is clicked. A dialog box pops up with the selected listbox item in the listbox and is able to be edited.

Here is the code i have started

Private Sub ChangeASelectedRecordToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangeASelectedRecordToolStripMenuItem.Click


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VS 2010 How To Make Edit Listbox

Nov 7, 2011

In my listbox I get a collection of strings in this format:02406L101G0,967S or 12010C2100,978U. I should get this list on a regulated manner.haracters in the seventh,eighth and ninth place (from left side) always make the numbers eg: 101 or 210. Is there a possibility to edit the list of strings (in listbox or a listview) in accordance with the number obtained as a substring (7, 8 and 9 character)?

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Edit And Paste Mutliple Line Text Into A Single Cell?

Nov 25, 2009

How can I paste a multiple line text into a single cell?I tried sendkey {F2} but Excel does not run macro in edit mode.

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Programmatically Edit My Datagridview Cell Values?

Mar 15, 2012

I programmatically edit my datagridview cell values. I use the vertical scrollbar to find the row I want to edit, select the row then click an edit button that takes me to another form where changes to the record are made. I then click a button which saves the changes and returns me to the datagridview form. No problems here.

When I return to the grid, the records are displayed with the first record at the top of the grid. That is, the vertical scroll bar has repositioned itself to the very top.

Is it possible for the datagridview to "remember" the position of the vertical scroll bar so that when I am returned to the grid, the rows displayed are the same as when I left?

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Text Boxes Reverting To Pre-edit Values?

May 15, 2010

I have written some code to get the data from a number of text boxes all named in the style txb_[column name]

I want to write this data to a datatable.

The text boxes were initially filled using a row 'aIndex' from the datatable, then the user can edit the data.

When this code runs, the text boxes all revert to their initial values, regardless of any changes made to their contents during runtime.[code]...

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